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# Copyright (c) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import collections
import os
import sys
import time
import uuid
from ovs.db import idl
from ovs import jsonrpc
from ovs import poller
from ovs import stream
import six
from ovsdbapp import api
from ovsdbapp import exceptions
RowLookup = collections.namedtuple('RowLookup',
['table', 'column', 'uuid_column'])
# Tables with no index in OVSDB and special record lookup rules
'Controller': RowLookup('Bridge', 'name', 'controller'),
'Flow_Table': RowLookup('Flow_Table', 'name', None),
'IPFIX': RowLookup('Bridge', 'name', 'ipfix'),
'Mirror': RowLookup('Mirror', 'name', None),
'NetFlow': RowLookup('Bridge', 'name', 'netflow'),
'Open_vSwitch': RowLookup('Open_vSwitch', None, None),
'QoS': RowLookup('Port', 'name', 'qos'),
'Queue': RowLookup(None, None, None),
'sFlow': RowLookup('Bridge', 'name', 'sflow'),
'SSL': RowLookup('Open_vSwitch', None, 'ssl'),
_NO_DEFAULT = object()
class RowNotFound(exceptions.OvsdbAppException):
message = "Cannot find %(table)s with %(col)s=%(match)s"
def row_by_value(idl_, table, column, match, default=_NO_DEFAULT):
"""Lookup an IDL row in a table by column/value"""
tab = idl_.tables[table]
for r in tab.rows.values():
if getattr(r, column) == match:
return r
if default is not _NO_DEFAULT:
return default
raise RowNotFound(table=table, col=column, match=match)
def row_by_record(idl_, table, record):
t = idl_.tables[table]
if isinstance(record, uuid.UUID):
return t.rows[record]
uuid_ = uuid.UUID(record)
return t.rows[uuid_]
except ValueError:
# Not a UUID string, continue lookup by other means
except KeyError:
if sys.platform != 'win32':
# On Windows the name of the ports is described by the OVS schema:
# https://tinyurl.com/zk8skhx
# Is a UUID. (This is due to the fact on Windows port names don't
# have the 16 chars length limitation as for Linux). Because of
# this uuid.UUID(record) will not raise a ValueError exception
# as it happens on Linux and will try to fetch the directly
# the column instead of using the lookup table. This will raise
# a KeyError exception on Windows.
raise RowNotFound(table=table, col='uuid', match=record)
rl = _LOOKUP_TABLE.get(table, RowLookup(table, get_index_column(t), None))
# no table means uuid only, no column means lookup table only has one row
if rl.table is None:
raise ValueError("Table %s can only be queried by UUID") % table
if rl.column is None:
return next(iter(t.rows.values()))
row = row_by_value(idl_, rl.table, rl.column, record)
if rl.uuid_column:
rows = getattr(row, rl.uuid_column)
if len(rows) != 1:
raise RowNotFound(table=table, col='record', match=record)
row = rows[0]
return row
class ExceptionResult(object):
def __init__(self, ex, tb):
self.ex = ex
self.tb = tb
def get_schema_helper(connection, schema_name):
"""Create a schema helper object by querying an ovsdb-server
:param connection: The ovsdb-server connection string
:type connection: string
:param schema_name: The schema on the server to pull
:type schema_name: string
err, strm = stream.Stream.open_block(
if err:
raise Exception("Could not connect to %s" % connection)
rpc = jsonrpc.Connection(strm)
req = jsonrpc.Message.create_request('get_schema', [schema_name])
err, resp = rpc.transact_block(req)
if err:
raise Exception("Could not retrieve schema from %(conn)s: "
"%(err)s" % {'conn': connection,
'err': os.strerror(err)})
elif resp.error:
raise Exception(resp.error)
return idl.SchemaHelper(None, resp.result)
def wait_for_change(_idl, timeout, seqno=None):
if seqno is None:
seqno = _idl.change_seqno
stop = time.time() + timeout
while _idl.change_seqno == seqno and not _idl.run():
ovs_poller = poller.Poller()
ovs_poller.timer_wait(timeout * 1000)
if time.time() > stop:
raise Exception("Timeout") # TODO(twilson) use TimeoutException?
def get_column_value(row, col):
"""Retrieve column value from the given row.
If column's type is optional, the value will be returned as a single
element instead of a list of length 1.
if col == '_uuid':
val = row.uuid
val = getattr(row, col)
# Idl returns lists of Rows where ovs-vsctl returns lists of UUIDs
if isinstance(val, list) and val:
if isinstance(val[0], idl.Row):
val = [v.uuid for v in val]
col_type = row._table.columns[col].type
# ovs-vsctl treats lists of 1 as single results
if col_type.is_optional():
val = val[0]
return val
def condition_match(row, condition):
"""Return whether a condition matches a row
:param row: An OVSDB Row
:param condition: A 3-tuple containing (column, operation, match)
col, op, match = condition
val = get_column_value(row, col)
# both match and val are primitive types, so type can be used for type
# equality here.
# NOTE (twilson) the above is a lie--not all string types are the same
# I haven't investigated the reason for the patch that
# added this code, but for now I check string_types
if type(match) is not type(val) and not all(
isinstance(x, six.string_types) for x in (match, val)):
# Types of 'val' and 'match' arguments MUST match in all cases with 2
# exceptions:
# - 'match' is an empty list and column's type is optional;
# - 'value' is an empty and column's type is optional
if (not all([match, val]) and
# utilize the single elements comparison logic
if match == []:
match = None
elif val == []:
val = None
# no need to process any further
raise ValueError(
"Column type and condition operand do not match")
matched = True
# TODO(twilson) Implement other operators and type comparisons
# ovs_lib only uses dict '=' and '!=' searches for now
if isinstance(match, dict):
for key in match:
if op == '=':
if key not in val or match[key] != val[key]:
matched = False
elif op == '!=':
if key not in val or match[key] == val[key]:
matched = False
raise NotImplementedError()
elif isinstance(match, list):
# According to rfc7047, lists support '=' and '!='
# (both strict and relaxed). Will follow twilson's dict comparison
# and implement relaxed version (excludes/includes as per standard)
if op == "=":
if not all([val, match]):
return val == match
for elem in set(match):
if elem not in val:
matched = False
elif op == '!=':
if not all([val, match]):
return val != match
for elem in set(match):
if elem in val:
matched = False
raise NotImplementedError()
if op == '=':
if val != match:
matched = False
elif op == '!=':
if val == match:
matched = False
raise NotImplementedError()
return matched
def row_match(row, conditions):
"""Return whether the row matches the list of conditions"""
return all(condition_match(row, cond) for cond in conditions)
def get_index_column(table):
if len(table.indexes) == 1:
idx = table.indexes[0]
if len(idx) == 1:
return idx[0].name
def db_replace_record(obj):
"""Replace any api.Command objects with their results
This method should leave obj untouched unless the object contains an
api.Command object.
if isinstance(obj, collections.Mapping):
for k, v in six.iteritems(obj):
if isinstance(v, api.Command):
obj[k] = v.result
elif (isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence)
and not isinstance(obj, six.string_types)):
for i, v in enumerate(obj):
if isinstance(v, api.Command):
obj[i] = v.result
except TypeError:
# NOTE(twilson) If someone passes a tuple, then just return
# a tuple with the Commands replaced with their results
return type(obj)(getattr(v, "result", v) for v in obj)
elif isinstance(obj, api.Command):
obj = obj.result
return obj