# # Copyright 2012 New Dream Network, LLC (DreamHost) # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Base class for plugins. """ import abc import collections from oslo_log import log import oslo_messaging import six from stevedore import extension from ceilometer.i18n import _LE from ceilometer import messaging LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) ExchangeTopics = collections.namedtuple('ExchangeTopics', ['exchange', 'topics']) class PluginBase(object): """Base class for all plugins.""" @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class NotificationBase(PluginBase): """Base class for plugins that support the notification API.""" def __init__(self, manager): super(NotificationBase, self).__init__() # NOTE(gordc): this is filter rule used by oslo.messaging to dispatch # messages to an endpoint. if self.event_types: self.filter_rule = oslo_messaging.NotificationFilter( event_type='|'.join(self.event_types)) self.manager = manager @staticmethod def get_notification_topics(conf): if 'notification_topics' in conf: return conf.notification_topics return conf.oslo_messaging_notifications.topics @abc.abstractproperty def event_types(self): """Return a sequence of strings. Strings are defining the event types to be given to this plugin. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_targets(self, conf): """Return a sequence of oslo.messaging.Target. Sequence is defining the exchange and topics to be connected for this plugin. :param conf: Configuration. """ @abc.abstractmethod def process_notification(self, message): """Return a sequence of Counter instances for the given message. :param message: Message to process. """ def info(self, notifications): """RPC endpoint for notification messages at info level When another service sends a notification over the message bus, this method receives it. :param notifications: list of notifications """ self._process_notifications('info', notifications) def sample(self, notifications): """RPC endpoint for notification messages at sample level When another service sends a notification over the message bus at sample priority, this method receives it. :param notifications: list of notifications """ self._process_notifications('sample', notifications) def _process_notifications(self, priority, notifications): for notification in notifications: try: notification = messaging.convert_to_old_notification_format( priority, notification) self.to_samples_and_publish(notification) except Exception: LOG.error(_LE('Fail to process notification'), exc_info=True) def to_samples_and_publish(self, notification): """Return samples produced by *process_notification*. Samples produced for the given notification. :param context: Execution context from the service or RPC call :param notification: The notification to process. """ with self.manager.publisher() as p: p(list(self.process_notification(notification))) class NonMetricNotificationBase(object): """Use to mark non-measurement meters There are a number of historical non-measurement meters that should really be captured as events. This common base allows us to disable these invalid meters. """ pass class ExtensionLoadError(Exception): """Error of loading pollster plugin. PollsterBase provides a hook, setup_environment, called in pollster loading to setup required HW/SW dependency. Any exception from it would be propagated as ExtensionLoadError, then skip loading this pollster. """ pass class PollsterPermanentError(Exception): """Permanent error when polling. When unrecoverable error happened in polling, pollster can raise this exception with failed resource to prevent itself from polling any more. Resource is one of parameter resources from get_samples that cause polling error. """ def __init__(self, resources): self.fail_res_list = resources @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class PollsterBase(PluginBase): """Base class for plugins that support the polling API.""" def setup_environment(self): """Setup required environment for pollster. Each subclass could overwrite it for specific usage. Any exception raised in this function would prevent pollster being loaded. """ pass def __init__(self): super(PollsterBase, self).__init__() try: self.setup_environment() except Exception as err: raise ExtensionLoadError(err) @abc.abstractproperty def default_discovery(self): """Default discovery to use for this pollster. There are three ways a pollster can get a list of resources to poll, listed here in ascending order of precedence: 1. from the per-agent discovery, 2. from the per-pollster discovery (defined here) 3. from the per-pipeline configured discovery and/or per-pipeline configured static resources. If a pollster should only get resources from #1 or #3, this property should be set to None. """ @abc.abstractmethod def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): """Return a sequence of Counter instances from polling the resources. :param manager: The service manager class invoking the plugin. :param cache: A dictionary to allow pollsters to pass data between themselves when recomputing it would be expensive (e.g., asking another service for a list of objects). :param resources: A list of resources the pollster will get data from. It's up to the specific pollster to decide how to use it. It is usually supplied by a discovery, see ``default_discovery`` for more information. """ @classmethod def build_pollsters(cls): """Return a list of tuple (name, pollster). The name is the meter name which the pollster would return, the pollster is a pollster object instance. The pollster which implements this method should be registered in the namespace of ceilometer.builder.xxx instead of ceilometer.poll.xxx. """ return [] @classmethod def get_pollsters_extensions(cls): """Return a list of stevedore extensions. The returned stevedore extensions wrap the pollster object instances returned by build_pollsters. """ extensions = [] try: for name, pollster in cls.build_pollsters(): ext = extension.Extension(name, None, cls, pollster) extensions.append(ext) except Exception as err: raise ExtensionLoadError(err) return extensions @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class DiscoveryBase(object): KEYSTONE_REQUIRED_FOR_SERVICE = None """Service type required in keystone catalog to works""" @abc.abstractmethod def discover(self, manager, param=None): """Discover resources to monitor. The most fine-grained discovery should be preferred, so the work is the most evenly distributed among multiple agents (if they exist). For example: if the pollster can separately poll individual resources, it should have its own discovery implementation to discover those resources. If it can only poll per-tenant, then the `TenantDiscovery` should be used. If even that is not possible, use `EndpointDiscovery` (see their respective docstrings). :param manager: The service manager class invoking the plugin. :param param: an optional parameter to guide the discovery """ @property def group_id(self): """Return group id of this discovery. All running recoveries with the same group_id should return the same set of resources at a given point in time. By default, a discovery is put into a global group, meaning that all discoveries of its type running anywhere in the cloud, return the same set of resources. This property can be overridden to provide correct grouping of localized discoveries. For example, compute discovery is localized to a host, which is reflected in its group_id. A None value signifies that this discovery does not want to be part of workload partitioning at all. """ return 'global'