Start of documenting the configuration format

This change documents the compose v1 bits.
This commit is contained in:
Steve Baker 2017-04-27 16:32:41 +12:00
parent f2331a894c
commit 2ed8091cc2
1 changed files with 64 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -25,15 +25,6 @@ Features
* Accessable via the ``paunch`` command line utility, or by importing python
package ``paunch``.
Configuration Format
The current format is loosely based on a subset of the `docker-compose v1
format <>`_ with
modifications. The intention is for the format to evolve to faithfully
implement existing formats such as the
`Kubernetes Pod format <>`_.
Running Paunch Commands
@ -123,3 +114,67 @@ then you can run:
This will result in a ``hello`` container being run, which will be deleted the
next time the ``docker-cmd`` hook does its own ``cleanup`` run since it won't
be aware of a ``config_id`` called ``hi``.
Configuration Format
The current format is loosely based on a subset of the `docker-compose v1
format <>`_ with
modifications. The intention is for the format to evolve to faithfully
implement existing formats such as the
`Kubernetes Pod format <>`_.
The top-level of the YAML format is a dict where the keys (generally)
correspond to the name of the container to be created. The following config
creates 2 containers called ``hello1`` and ``hello2``:
image: hello-world
image: hello-world
The values are a dict which specifies the arguments that are used when the
container is launched. Supported keys which comply with the docker-compose v1
format are as follows:
String or list. Overrides the default command.
Boolean, defaults to true. If true the container is run in the background. If
false then paunch will block until the container has exited.
List of the format ['KEY1=value1', 'KEY2=value2']. Sets environment variables
that are available to the process launched in the container.
List of file paths containing line delimited environment variables.
String, mandatory. Specify the image to start the container from. Can either
be a repository/tag or a partial image ID.
String. Set the network mode for the container.
String. Set the PID mode for the container.
Boolean, defaults to false. If true, give extended privileges to this container.
String. Restart policy to apply when a container exits.
String. Sets the username or UID used and optionally the groupname or GID for
the specified command.
List of strings. Specify the bind mount for this container.
List of strings. Mount volumes from the specified container(s).