
39 lines
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# Name of the HTTP server, used for display purposes only
name = "influx-http"
# TCP address to bind to, for HTTP server
bind-addr = "influx1_ip:9096"
# Array of InfluxDB instances to use as backends for Relay
# name: name of the backend, used for display purposes only.
# location: full URL of the /write endpoint of the backend
# timeout: Go-parseable time duration. Fail writes if incomplete in this time.
# skip-tls-verification: skip verification for HTTPS location. WARNING: it's insecure. Don't use in production.
output = [
{ name="local-influx1", location = "", timeout="10s" },
{ name="remote-influx2", location = "http://influx2_ip:8086/write", timeout="10s" },
# Name of the UDP server, used for display purposes only
name = "influx-udp"
# UDP address to bind to
bind-addr = ""
# Socket buffer size for incoming connections
read-buffer = 0 # default
# Precision to use for timestamps
precision = "n" # Can be n, u, ms, s, m, h
# Array of InfluxDB UDP instances to use as backends for Relay
# name: name of the backend, used for display purposes only.
# location: host and port of backend.
# mtu: maximum output payload size
output = [
{ name="local-influx1-udp", location="", mtu=512 },
{ name="remote-influx2-udp", location="influx2_ip:8089", mtu=512 },