# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_utils.fixture import uuidsentinel as uuids from placement import exception from placement.objects import allocation as alloc_obj from placement.objects import consumer as consumer_obj from placement.objects import inventory as inv_obj from placement.objects import reshaper from placement.objects import resource_provider as rp_obj from placement.tests.functional.db import test_base as tb def alloc_for_rc(alloc_list, rc): for alloc in alloc_list: if alloc.resource_class == rc: return alloc class ReshapeTestCase(tb.PlacementDbBaseTestCase): """Test 'replace the world' reshape transaction.""" def test_reshape(self): """We set up the following scenario: BEFORE: single compute node setup A single compute node with: - VCPU, MEMORY_MB, DISK_GB inventory - Two instances consuming CPU, RAM and DISK from that compute node AFTER: hierarchical + shared storage setup A compute node parent provider with: - MEMORY_MB Two NUMA node child providers containing: - VCPU Shared storage provider with: - DISK_GB Both instances have their resources split among the providers and shared storage accordingly """ # First create our consumers i1_uuid = uuids.instance1 i1_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer( self.ctx, uuid=i1_uuid, user=self.user_obj, project=self.project_obj) i1_consumer.create() i2_uuid = uuids.instance2 i2_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer( self.ctx, uuid=i2_uuid, user=self.user_obj, project=self.project_obj) i2_consumer.create() cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1') tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'VCPU', 16) tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'MEMORY_MB', 32768) tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'DISK_GB', 1000) # Allocate both instances against the single compute node for consumer in (i1_consumer, i2_consumer): allocs = [ alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='VCPU', consumer=consumer, used=2), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', consumer=consumer, used=1024), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='DISK_GB', consumer=consumer, used=100), ] alloc_obj.replace_all(self.ctx, allocs) # Verify we have the allocations we expect for the BEFORE scenario before_allocs_i1 = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(self.ctx, i1_uuid) self.assertEqual(3, len(before_allocs_i1)) self.assertEqual(cn1.uuid, before_allocs_i1[0].resource_provider.uuid) before_allocs_i2 = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(self.ctx, i2_uuid) self.assertEqual(3, len(before_allocs_i2)) self.assertEqual(cn1.uuid, before_allocs_i2[2].resource_provider.uuid) # Before we issue the actual reshape() call, we need to first create # the child providers and sharing storage provider. These are actions # that the virt driver or external agent is responsible for performing # *before* attempting any reshape activity. cn1_numa0 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa0', parent=cn1.uuid) cn1_numa1 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa1', parent=cn1.uuid) ss = self._create_provider('ss') # OK, now emulate the call to POST /reshaper that will be triggered by # a virt driver wanting to replace the world and change its modeling # from a single provider to a nested provider tree along with a sharing # storage provider. after_inventories = { # cn1 keeps the RAM only cn1: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', total=32768, reserved=0, max_unit=32768, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), # each NUMA node gets half of the CPUs cn1_numa0: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1_numa0, resource_class='VCPU', total=8, reserved=0, max_unit=8, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), cn1_numa1: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1_numa1, resource_class='VCPU', total=8, reserved=0, max_unit=8, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), # The sharing provider gets a bunch of disk ss: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=ss, resource_class='DISK_GB', total=100000, reserved=0, max_unit=1000, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), } # We do a fetch from the DB for each instance to get its latest # generation. This would be done by the resource tracker or scheduler # report client before issuing the call to reshape() because the # consumers representing the two instances above will have had their # generations incremented in the original call to PUT # /allocations/{consumer_uuid} i1_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, i1_uuid) i2_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, i2_uuid) after_allocs = [ # instance1 gets VCPU from NUMA0, MEMORY_MB from cn1 and DISK_GB # from the sharing storage provider alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1_numa0, resource_class='VCPU', consumer=i1_consumer, used=2), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=1024), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=ss, resource_class='DISK_GB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=100), # instance2 gets VCPU from NUMA1, MEMORY_MB from cn1 and DISK_GB # from the sharing storage provider alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1_numa1, resource_class='VCPU', consumer=i2_consumer, used=2), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', consumer=i2_consumer, used=1024), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=ss, resource_class='DISK_GB', consumer=i2_consumer, used=100), ] reshaper.reshape(self.ctx, after_inventories, after_allocs) # Verify that the inventories have been moved to the appropriate # providers in the AFTER scenario # The root compute node should only have MEMORY_MB, nothing else cn1_inv = inv_obj.InventoryList.get_all_by_resource_provider( self.ctx, cn1) self.assertEqual(1, len(cn1_inv)) self.assertEqual('MEMORY_MB', cn1_inv[0].resource_class) self.assertEqual(32768, cn1_inv[0].total) # Each NUMA node should only have half the original VCPU, nothing else numa0_inv = inv_obj.InventoryList.get_all_by_resource_provider( self.ctx, cn1_numa0) self.assertEqual(1, len(numa0_inv)) self.assertEqual('VCPU', numa0_inv[0].resource_class) self.assertEqual(8, numa0_inv[0].total) numa1_inv = inv_obj.InventoryList.get_all_by_resource_provider( self.ctx, cn1_numa1) self.assertEqual(1, len(numa1_inv)) self.assertEqual('VCPU', numa1_inv[0].resource_class) self.assertEqual(8, numa1_inv[0].total) # The sharing storage provider should only have DISK_GB, nothing else ss_inv = inv_obj.InventoryList.get_all_by_resource_provider( self.ctx, ss) self.assertEqual(1, len(ss_inv)) self.assertEqual('DISK_GB', ss_inv[0].resource_class) self.assertEqual(100000, ss_inv[0].total) # Verify we have the allocations we expect for the AFTER scenario after_allocs_i1 = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(self.ctx, i1_uuid) self.assertEqual(3, len(after_allocs_i1)) # Our VCPU allocation should be in the NUMA0 node vcpu_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i1, 'VCPU') self.assertIsNotNone(vcpu_alloc) self.assertEqual(cn1_numa0.uuid, vcpu_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) # Our DISK_GB allocation should be in the sharing provider disk_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i1, 'DISK_GB') self.assertIsNotNone(disk_alloc) self.assertEqual(ss.uuid, disk_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) # And our MEMORY_MB should remain on the root compute node ram_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i1, 'MEMORY_MB') self.assertIsNotNone(ram_alloc) self.assertEqual(cn1.uuid, ram_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) after_allocs_i2 = alloc_obj.get_all_by_consumer_id(self.ctx, i2_uuid) self.assertEqual(3, len(after_allocs_i2)) # Our VCPU allocation should be in the NUMA1 node vcpu_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i2, 'VCPU') self.assertIsNotNone(vcpu_alloc) self.assertEqual(cn1_numa1.uuid, vcpu_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) # Our DISK_GB allocation should be in the sharing provider disk_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i2, 'DISK_GB') self.assertIsNotNone(disk_alloc) self.assertEqual(ss.uuid, disk_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) # And our MEMORY_MB should remain on the root compute node ram_alloc = alloc_for_rc(after_allocs_i2, 'MEMORY_MB') self.assertIsNotNone(ram_alloc) self.assertEqual(cn1.uuid, ram_alloc.resource_provider.uuid) def test_reshape_concurrent_inventory_update(self): """Valid failure scenario for reshape(). We test a situation where the virt driver has constructed it's "after inventories and allocations" and sent those to the POST /reshape endpoint. The reshape POST handler does a quick check of the resource provider generations sent in the payload and they all check out. However, right before the call to resource_provider.reshape(), another thread legitimately changes the inventory of one of the providers involved in the reshape transaction. We should get a ConcurrentUpdateDetected in this case. """ # First create our consumers i1_uuid = uuids.instance1 i1_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer( self.ctx, uuid=i1_uuid, user=self.user_obj, project=self.project_obj) i1_consumer.create() # then all our original providers cn1 = self._create_provider('cn1') tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'VCPU', 16) tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'MEMORY_MB', 32768) tb.add_inventory(cn1, 'DISK_GB', 1000) # Allocate an instance on our compute node allocs = [ alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='VCPU', consumer=i1_consumer, used=2), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=1024), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='DISK_GB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=100), ] alloc_obj.replace_all(self.ctx, allocs) # Before we issue the actual reshape() call, we need to first create # the child providers and sharing storage provider. These are actions # that the virt driver or external agent is responsible for performing # *before* attempting any reshape activity. cn1_numa0 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa0', parent=cn1.uuid) cn1_numa1 = self._create_provider('cn1_numa1', parent=cn1.uuid) ss = self._create_provider('ss') # OK, now emulate the call to POST /reshaper that will be triggered by # a virt driver wanting to replace the world and change its modeling # from a single provider to a nested provider tree along with a sharing # storage provider. after_inventories = { # cn1 keeps the RAM only cn1: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', total=32768, reserved=0, max_unit=32768, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), # each NUMA node gets half of the CPUs cn1_numa0: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1_numa0, resource_class='VCPU', total=8, reserved=0, max_unit=8, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), cn1_numa1: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=cn1_numa1, resource_class='VCPU', total=8, reserved=0, max_unit=8, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), # The sharing provider gets a bunch of disk ss: inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=ss, resource_class='DISK_GB', total=100000, reserved=0, max_unit=1000, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0), ]), } # We do a fetch from the DB for each instance to get its latest # generation. This would be done by the resource tracker or scheduler # report client before issuing the call to reshape() because the # consumers representing the two instances above will have had their # generations incremented in the original call to PUT # /allocations/{consumer_uuid} i1_consumer = consumer_obj.Consumer.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, i1_uuid) after_allocs = [ # instance1 gets VCPU from NUMA0, MEMORY_MB from cn1 and DISK_GB # from the sharing storage provider alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1_numa0, resource_class='VCPU', consumer=i1_consumer, used=2), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=cn1, resource_class='MEMORY_MB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=1024), alloc_obj.Allocation( resource_provider=ss, resource_class='DISK_GB', consumer=i1_consumer, used=100), ] # OK, now before we call reshape(), here we emulate another thread # changing the inventory for the sharing storage provider in between # the time in the REST handler when the sharing storage provider's # generation was validated and the actual call to reshape() ss_threadB = rp_obj.ResourceProvider.get_by_uuid(self.ctx, ss.uuid) # Reduce the amount of storage to 2000, from 100000. new_ss_inv = inv_obj.InventoryList(objects=[ inv_obj.Inventory( resource_provider=ss_threadB, resource_class='DISK_GB', total=2000, reserved=0, max_unit=1000, min_unit=1, step_size=1, allocation_ratio=1.0)]) ss_threadB.set_inventory(new_ss_inv) # Double check our storage provider's generation is now greater than # the original storage provider record being sent to reshape() self.assertGreater(ss_threadB.generation, ss.generation) # And we should legitimately get a failure now to reshape() due to # another thread updating one of the involved provider's generations self.assertRaises( exception.ConcurrentUpdateDetected, reshaper.reshape, self.ctx, after_inventories, after_allocs)