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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Symbols intended to be imported by both placement code and placement API
consumers. When placement is separated out, this module should be part of a
common library that both placement and its consumers can require."""
import re
import webob
from placement.i18n import _
from placement import microversion
from placement import util
# Querystring-related constants
_QS_RESOURCES = 'resources'
_QS_REQUIRED = 'required'
_QS_MEMBER_OF = 'member_of'
_QS_IN_TREE = 'in_tree'
_QS_KEY_PATTERN = re.compile(
r"^(%s)([1-9][0-9]*)?$" % '|'.join(
class RequestGroup(object):
def __init__(self, use_same_provider=True, resources=None,
required_traits=None, forbidden_traits=None, member_of=None,
"""Create a grouping of resource and trait requests.
:param use_same_provider:
If True, (the default) this RequestGroup represents requests for
resources and traits which must be satisfied by a single resource
provider. If False, represents a request for resources and traits
in any resource provider in the same tree, or a sharing provider.
:param resources: A dict of { resource_class: amount, ... }
:param required_traits: A set of { trait_name, ... }
:param forbidden_traits: A set of { trait_name, ... }
:param member_of: A list of [ [aggregate_UUID],
[aggregate_UUID, aggregate_UUID] ... ]
:param in_tree: A UUID of a root or a non-root provider from whose
tree this RequestGroup must be satisfied.
self.use_same_provider = use_same_provider
self.resources = resources or {}
self.required_traits = required_traits or set()
self.forbidden_traits = forbidden_traits or set()
self.member_of = member_of or []
self.in_tree = in_tree
def __str__(self):
ret = 'RequestGroup(use_same_provider=%s' % str(self.use_same_provider)
ret += ', resources={%s}' % ', '.join(
'%s:%d' % (rc, amount)
for rc, amount in sorted(list(self.resources.items())))
ret += ', traits=[%s]' % ', '.join(
sorted(self.required_traits) +
['!%s' % ft for ft in self.forbidden_traits])
ret += ', aggregates=[%s]' % ', '.join(
sorted('[%s]' % ', '.join(agglist)
for agglist in sorted(self.member_of)))
ret += ')'
return ret
def _parse_request_items(req, allow_forbidden):
ret = {}
for key, val in req.GET.items():
match = _QS_KEY_PATTERN.match(key)
if not match:
# `prefix` is 'resources', 'required', 'member_of', or 'in_tree'
# `suffix` is an integer string, or None
prefix, suffix = match.groups()
suffix = suffix or ''
if suffix not in ret:
ret[suffix] = RequestGroup(use_same_provider=bool(suffix))
request_group = ret[suffix]
if prefix == _QS_RESOURCES:
request_group.resources = util.normalize_resources_qs_param(
elif prefix == _QS_REQUIRED:
request_group.required_traits = util.normalize_traits_qs_param(
val, allow_forbidden=allow_forbidden)
elif prefix == _QS_MEMBER_OF:
# special handling of member_of qparam since we allow multiple
# member_of params at microversion 1.24.
# NOTE(jaypipes): Yes, this is inefficient to do this when
# there are multiple member_of query parameters, but we do this
# so we can error out if someone passes an "orphaned" member_of
# request group.
# TODO(jaypipes): Do validation of query parameters using
# JSONSchema
request_group.member_of = util.normalize_member_of_qs_params(
req, suffix)
elif prefix == _QS_IN_TREE:
request_group.in_tree = util.normalize_in_tree_qs_params(
return ret
def _check_for_orphans(by_suffix):
# Ensure any group with 'required' or 'member_of' also has 'resources'.
orphans = [('required%s' % suff) for suff, group in by_suffix.items()
if group.required_traits and not group.resources]
if orphans:
msg = _(
'All traits parameters must be associated with resources. '
'Found the following orphaned traits keys: %s')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg % ', '.join(orphans))
orphans = [('member_of%s' % suff) for suff, group in by_suffix.items()
if group.member_of and not group.resources]
if orphans:
msg = _('All member_of parameters must be associated with '
'resources. Found the following orphaned member_of '
'keys: %s')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg % ', '.join(orphans))
# All request groups must have resources (which is almost, but not
# quite, verified by the orphan checks above).
if not all(grp.resources for grp in by_suffix.values()):
msg = _("All request groups must specify resources.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
# The above would still pass if there were no request groups
if not by_suffix:
msg = _(
"At least one request group (`resources` or `resources{N}`) "
"is required.")
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
def _fix_forbidden(by_suffix):
conflicting_traits = []
for suff, group in by_suffix.items():
forbidden = [trait for trait in group.required_traits
if trait.startswith('!')]
group.required_traits = (
group.required_traits - set(forbidden))
group.forbidden_traits = set([trait.lstrip('!') for trait in
conflicts = group.forbidden_traits & group.required_traits
if conflicts:
conflicting_traits.append('required%s: (%s)'
% (suff, ', '.join(conflicts)))
if conflicting_traits:
msg = _(
'Conflicting required and forbidden traits found in the '
'following traits keys: %s')
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(
msg % ', '.join(conflicting_traits))
def dict_from_request(cls, req):
"""Parse numbered resources, traits, and member_of groupings out of a
querystring dict found in a webob Request.
The input req contains a query string of the form:
These are parsed in groups according to the numeric suffix of the key.
For each group, a RequestGroup instance is created containing that
group's resources, required traits, and member_of. For the (single)
group with no suffix, the RequestGroup.use_same_provider attribute is
False; for the numbered groups it is True.
If a trait in the required parameter is prefixed with ``!`` this
indicates that that trait must not be present on the resource
providers in the group. That is, the trait is forbidden. Forbidden
traits are only processed if ``allow_forbidden`` is True. This allows
the caller to control processing based on microversion handling.
The return is a dict, keyed by the numeric suffix of these RequestGroup
instances (or the empty string for the unnumbered group).
As an example, if qsdict represents the query string:
&member_of=in:8592a199-7d73-4465-8df6-ab00a6243c82,ddbd9226-d6a6-475e-a85f-0609914dd058 # noqa
...the return value will be:
{ '': RequestGroup(
"VCPU": 2,
"MEMORY_MB": 1024,
"DISK_GB" 50,
'1': RequestGroup(
'2': RequestGroup(
:param req: webob.Request object
:return: A dict, keyed by suffix, of RequestGroup instances.
:raises `webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest` if any value is malformed, or if a
trait list is given without corresponding resources.
want_version = req.environ[microversion.MICROVERSION_ENVIRON]
# Control whether we handle forbidden traits.
allow_forbidden = want_version.matches((1, 22))
# dict of the form: { suffix: RequestGroup } to be returned
by_suffix = cls._parse_request_items(req, allow_forbidden)
# Make adjustments for forbidden traits by stripping forbidden out
# of required.
if allow_forbidden:
return by_suffix