# == Class designate::backend::bind9 # # Configure bind9 as backend # # == Parameters # # [*rndc_config_file*] # (Optional) Location of the rndc configuration file. # Defaults to '/etc/rndc.conf' # # [*rndc_key_file*] # (Optional) Location of the rndc key file. # Defaults to '/etc/rndc.key' # # [*rndc_port*] # (Optional) RNDC Port. # Defaults to 953. # # [*rndc_controls*] # (Optional) Hash defining controls configuration for rndc. # Defaults to undef, which uses the puppet-dns default # # [*ns_records*] # (Optional) List of the NS records for zones hosted within this pool. This # parameter takes hash value of : mapping. # Defaults to {1 => 'ns1.example.org.'} # # [*nameservers*] # (Optional) List out the nameservers for this pool. # Defaults to ['127.0.0,1']. # # [*bind9_hosts*] # (Optional) Host running DNS service. # Defaults to ['127.0.0,1']. # # [*dns_port*] # (Optional) TCP port to connect to DNS service. # Defaults to 53. # # [*mdns_hosts*] # (Optional) Array of hosts where designate-mdns service is running. # Defaults to ['']. # # [*mdns_port*] # (Optional) TCP Port to connect to designate-mdns service. # Defaults to 5354. # # [*also_notifies*] # (Optional) Array of hosts for which designate-mdns will send DNS notify # packets to. # Defaults to []. # # [*configure_bind*] # (Optional) Enables running bind9/named configuration for hosts where # designate and designate bind services are collocated. # Defaults to true # # [*manage_pool*] # (Optional) Manage pools.yaml and update pools by designate-manage command # Defaults to true # class designate::backend::bind9 ( $rndc_config_file = '/etc/rndc.conf', $rndc_key_file = '/etc/rndc.key', $rndc_controls = undef, $rndc_port = 953, Hash[Integer, String] $ns_records = {1 => 'ns1.example.org.'}, Array[String[1], 1] $nameservers = [''], Array[String[1], 1] $bind9_hosts = [''], $dns_port = 53, Array[String[1], 1] $mdns_hosts = [''], $mdns_port = 5354, Array[String[1]] $also_notifies = [], Boolean $configure_bind = true, Boolean $manage_pool = true, ) { include designate::deps include designate::params if $configure_bind { $dns_additional_options = { 'allow-new-zones' => 'yes', # Recommended by Designate docs as a mitigation for potential cache # poisoning attacks: # https://docs.openstack.org/designate/latest/admin/production-guidelines.html#bind9-mitigation 'minimal-responses' => 'yes', } if $rndc_controls { class { 'dns': controls => $rndc_controls, additional_options => $dns_additional_options, } } else { class { 'dns': additional_options => $dns_additional_options, } } } if $manage_pool { file { '/etc/designate/pools.yaml': ensure => present, path => '/etc/designate/pools.yaml', owner => $designate::params::user, group => $designate::params::group, mode => '0640', content => template('designate/bind9-pools.yaml.erb'), require => Anchor['designate::config::begin'], before => Anchor['designate::config::end'], } exec { 'designate-manage pool update': command => 'designate-manage pool update', path => '/usr/bin', user => $designate::params::user, refreshonly => true, require => Anchor['designate::service::end'], subscribe => File['/etc/designate/pools.yaml'], } } }