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# == Class designate::backend::pdns4
# Configure PowerDNS 4 as backend
# == Parameters
# [*api_token*]
# (Required) Token string to authenticate with the PowerDNS Authoritative
# Server.
# [*pdns4_hosts*]
# (Optional) Host running DNS service.
# Defaults to ['127.0.0,1'].
# [*pdns4_port*]
# (Optional) TCP port to connect to DNS service.
# Defaults to 53.
# [*mdns_hosts*]
# (Optional) Array of hosts where designate-mdns service is running.
# Defaults to [''].
# [*mdns_port*]
# (Optional) TCP Port to connect to designate-mdns service.
# Defaults to 5354.
# [*api_endpoint*]
# (Optional) URL to access the PowerDNS Authoritative Server.
# Defaults to ''.
# [*tsigkey_name*]
# (Optional) Name of TSIGKey.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*manage_pool*]
# (Optional) Manage pools.yaml and update pools by designate-manage command
# Defaults to true
class designate::backend::pdns4 (
$pdns4_hosts = [''],
$pdns4_port = 53,
$mdns_hosts = [''],
$mdns_port = 5354,
$api_endpoint = '',
$tsigkey_name = undef,
Boolean $manage_pool = true,
) {
include designate::deps
include designate::params
if $manage_pool {
file { '/etc/designate/pools.yaml':
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/designate/pools.yaml',
owner => $designate::params::user,
group => $designate::params::group,
mode => '0640',
content => template('designate/pdns4-pools.yaml.erb'),
show_diff => false,
require => Anchor['designate::config::begin'],
before => Anchor['designate::config::end'],
exec { 'designate-manage pool update':
command => 'designate-manage pool update',
path => '/usr/bin',
user => $designate::params::user,
refreshonly => true,
require => Anchor['designate::service::end'],
subscribe => File['/etc/designate/pools.yaml'],