
156 lines
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# == Class: horizon
# Installs Horizon dashboard with Apache
# === Parameters
# [*secret_key*]
# (required) Secret key. This is used by Django to provide cryptographic
# signing, and should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) Package ensure state. Defaults to 'present'.
# [*cache_server_ip*]
# (optional) Memcached IP address. Defaults to ''.
# [*cache_server_port*]
# (optional) Memcached port. Defaults to '11211'.
# [*swift*]
# (optional) Enable Swift interface extension. Defaults to false.
# [*horizon_app_links*]
# (optional) Array of arrays that can be used to add call-out links
# to the dashboard for other apps. There is no specific requirement
# for these apps to be for monitoring, that's just the defacto purpose.
# Each app is defined in two parts, the display name, and
# the URIDefaults to false. Defaults to false. (no app links)
# [*keystone_host*]
# (optional) IP address of the Keystone service. Defaults to ''.
# [*keystone_port*]
# (optional) Port of the Keystone service. Defaults to 5000.
# [*keystone_scheme*]
# (optional) Scheme of the Keystone service. Defaults to 'http'.
# [*keystone_default_role*]
# (optional) Default Keystone role for new users. Defaults to 'Member'.
# [*django_debug*]
# (optional) Enable or disable Django debugging. Defaults to 'False'.
# [*api_result_limit*]
# (optional) Maximum number of Swift containers/objects to display
# on a single page. Defaults to 1000.
# [*log_level*]
# (optional) Log level. Defaults to 'DEBUG'.
# [*can_set_mount_point*]
# (optional) Add the option to set the mount point from the UI.
# Defaults to 'True'.
# [*listen_ssl*]
# (optional) Defaults to false.
# [*local_settings_template*]
# (optional) Location of template to use for local_settings.py generation.
# Defaults to 'horizon/local_settings.py.erb'.
class horizon(
$package_ensure = 'present',
$bind_address = '',
$cache_server_ip = '',
$cache_server_port = '11211',
$swift = false,
$horizon_app_links = false,
$keystone_host = '',
$keystone_port = 5000,
$keystone_scheme = 'http',
$keystone_default_role = 'Member',
$django_debug = 'False',
$api_result_limit = 1000,
$log_level = 'DEBUG',
$can_set_mount_point = 'True',
$listen_ssl = false,
$local_settings_template = 'horizon/local_settings.py.erb'
) {
include horizon::params
include apache::mod::wsgi
include apache
if $swift {
warning('swift parameter is deprecated and has no effect.')
# I am totally confused by this, I do not think it should be installed...
if ($::osfamily == 'Debian') {
package { 'node-less': }
file { $::horizon::params::httpd_config_file: }
Service <| title == 'memcached' |> -> Class['horizon']
package { 'horizon':
name => $::horizon::params::package_name,
ensure => $package_ensure,
require => Package[$::horizon::params::http_service],
file { $::horizon::params::config_file:
content => template($local_settings_template),
mode => '0644',
notify => Service[$::horizon::params::http_service],
require => Package['horizon'],
file { $::horizon::params::logdir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0751',
owner => $::horizon::params::apache_user,
group => $::horizon::params::apache_group,
before => Service[$::horizon::params::http_service],
require => Package['horizon']
file_line { 'horizon_redirect_rule':
path => $::horizon::params::httpd_config_file,
line => "RedirectMatch permanent ^/$ ${::horizon::params::root_url}/",
require => Package['horizon'],
notify => Service[$::horizon::params::http_service]
file_line { 'httpd_listen_on_bind_address_80':
path => $::horizon::params::httpd_listen_config_file,
match => '^Listen (.*):?80$',
line => "Listen ${bind_address}:80",
require => Package['horizon'],
notify => Service[$::horizon::params::http_service],
if $listen_ssl {
file_line { 'httpd_listen_on_bind_address_443':
path => $::horizon::params::httpd_listen_config_file,
match => '^Listen (.*):?443$',
line => "Listen ${bind_address}:443",
require => Package['horizon'],
notify => Service[$::horizon::params::http_service],
$django_wsgi = '/usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi'
file_line { 'horizon root':
path => $::horizon::params::httpd_config_file,
line => "WSGIScriptAlias ${::horizon::params::root_url} ${django_wsgi}",
match => 'WSGIScriptAlias ',
require => Package['horizon'],