
233 lines
6.3 KiB

# == Class: manila::api
# Setup and configure the manila API endpoint
# === Parameters
# [*auth_strategy*]
# (optional) Type of authentication to be used.
# Defaults to 'keystone'
# [*os_region_name*]
# (optional) Some operations require manila to make API requests
# to Nova. This sets the keystone region to be used for these
# requests. For example, boot-from-share.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*package_ensure*]
# (optional) The state of the package
# Defaults to present
# [*bind_host*]
# (optional) The manila api bind address
# Defaults to
# [*enabled*]
# (optional) The state of the service
# Defaults to true
# [*sync_db*]
# (optional) Run db sync on the node
# Defaults to true
# [*manage_service*]
# (optional) Whether to start/stop the service
# Defaults to true
# [*ratelimits*]
# (optional) The state of the service
# Defaults to undef. If undefined the default ratelimiting values are used.
# [*ratelimits_factory*]
# (optional) Factory to use for ratelimiting
# Defaults to 'manila.api.v1.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory'
# [*enable_proxy_headers_parsing*]
# (Optional) Enable paste middleware to handle SSL requests through
# HTTPProxyToWSGI middleware.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*keystone_enabled*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. Use auth_strategy instead.
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_password*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The password to use for authentication (keystone)
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_tenant*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The tenant of the auth user
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_user*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The name of the auth user
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_auth_host*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The keystone host
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_auth_port*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The keystone auth port
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_auth_protocol*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The protocol used to access the auth host
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_auth_admin_prefix*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The admin_prefix used to admin endpoint of the auth host
# This allow admin auth URIs like http://auth_host:35357/keystone.
# (where '/keystone' is the admin prefix)
# Defaults to false for empty. If defined, should be a string with a
# leading '/' and no trailing '/'.
# Defaults to undef
# [*keystone_auth_uri*]
# (Optional) DEPRECATED. Public Identity API endpoint.
# Defaults to undef.
# [*service_port*]
# (optional) DEPRECATED. The manila api port
# Defaults to undef
class manila::api (
$auth_strategy = 'keystone',
$os_region_name = undef,
$package_ensure = 'present',
$bind_host = '',
$enabled = true,
$sync_db = true,
$manage_service = true,
$ratelimits = undef,
$ratelimits_factory = 'manila.api.v1.limits:RateLimitingMiddleware.factory',
$enable_proxy_headers_parsing = $::os_service_default,
# Deprecated
$keystone_enabled = undef,
$keystone_user = undef,
$keystone_tenant = undef,
$keystone_auth_uri = undef,
$keystone_password = undef,
$keystone_auth_admin_prefix = undef,
$keystone_auth_host = undef,
$keystone_auth_port = undef,
$keystone_auth_protocol = undef,
$service_port = undef,
) {
include ::manila::params
require ::keystone::python
if $keystone_enabled {
warning('keystone_enabled is deprecated, use auth_strategy instead.')
if $keystone_user {
warning('manila::api::keystone_user is deprecated, use manila::keystone::authtoken::username instead.')
if $keystone_tenant {
warning('manila::api::keystone_tenant is deprecated, use manila::keystone::authtoken::project_name instead.')
if $keystone_password {
warning('manila::api::keystone_password is deprecated, use manila::keystone::authtoken::password instead.')
if $keystone_auth_uri {
warning('manila::api::keystone_auth_uri is deprecated, use manila::keystone::authtoken::auth_uri instead.')
if $keystone_auth_admin_prefix {
warning('keystone_auth_admin_prefix is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
if $keystone_auth_host {
warning('keystone_auth_host is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
if $keystone_auth_port {
warning('keystone_auth_port is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
if $keystone_auth_protocol {
warning('keystone_auth_protocol is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
if $service_port {
warning('service port is deprecated and will be removed in a future release')
Manila_config<||> ~> Service['manila-api']
Manila_api_paste_ini<||> ~> Service['manila-api']
if $::manila::params::api_package {
Package['manila-api'] -> Service['manila-api']
package { 'manila-api':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $::manila::params::api_package,
tag => ['openstack', 'manila-package'],
if $sync_db {
include ::manila::db::sync
if $enabled {
if $manage_service {
$ensure = 'running'
} else {
if $manage_service {
$ensure = 'stopped'
service { 'manila-api':
ensure => $ensure,
name => $::manila::params::api_service,
enable => $enabled,
hasstatus => true,
require => Package['manila'],
tag => 'manila-service',
manila_config {
'DEFAULT/osapi_share_listen': value => $bind_host,
oslo::middleware { 'manila_config':
enable_proxy_headers_parsing => $enable_proxy_headers_parsing,
if $os_region_name {
manila_config {
'DEFAULT/os_region_name': value => $os_region_name;
if $keystone_enabled {
$auth_strategy_real = 'keystone'
} else {
$auth_strategy_real = $auth_strategy
if $auth_strategy_real == 'keystone' {
manila_config {
'DEFAULT/auth_strategy': value => $auth_strategy_real;
include ::manila::keystone::authtoken
if ($ratelimits != undef) {
manila_api_paste_ini {
'filter:ratelimit/paste.filter_factory': value => $ratelimits_factory;
'filter:ratelimit/limits': value => $ratelimits;