
104 lines
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# == Class: monasca::checks::ovs
# Sets up the monasca open vswitch check.
# === Parameters
# [*admin_user*]
# (Required) Name of the monasca admin.
# [*admin_password*]
# (Required) Password for the monasca admin.
# [*admin_tenant_name*]
# (Required) Name of the monasca admin tenant/project.
# [*identity_uri*]
# (Required) URI of the keystone instance.
# [*included_interface_re*]
# (Optional) Regular expression of interfaces to publish metrics for.
# Defaults to 'qg.*'.
# [*region_name*]
# (Required) Openstack keystone region for this install.
# [*cache_dir*]
# (Optional) Cache directory to persist data.
# Defaults to /dev/shm.
# [*metadata*]
# (Optional) A list of router metadata to be submitted as dimensions
# with service data. For example, 'tenant_name' in the list will
# add the tenant name dimension to router metrics posted to the
# infrastructure project.
# Defaults to an empty list in the config file.
# [*neutron_refresh*]
# (Optional) Interval to force data refresh from neutron.
# Defaults to 14400 seconds (4 hours)..
# [*check_router_ha*]
# (Optional) Flag to indicate if additional neutron calls should be
# made to determine if an HA router is active or standby.
# Defaults to true.
# [*network_use_bits*]
# (Optional) Flag to indicate bits should be reported instead of bytes.
# Defaults to true.
# [*ovs_cmd*]
# (Optional) Command to run to get ovs data.
# Defaults to 'sudo /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl'.
# [*publish_router_capacity*]
# (Optional) Flag indicating if router capacity metrics should be
# published.
# Defaults to true.
# [*use_absolute_metrics*]
# (Optional) Flag indicating if absolute metrics should be published
# for interfaces.
# Defaults to true.
# [*use_health_metrics*]
# (Optional) Flag indicating if health metrics should be published
# for interfaces.
# Defaults to true.
# [*use_rate_metrics*]
# (Optional) Flag indicating if rate metrics should be published
# for interfaces.
# Defaults to true.
class monasca::checks::ovs(
$admin_user = undef,
$admin_password = undef,
$admin_tenant_name = undef,
$cache_dir = '/dev/shm',
$check_router_ha = true,
$identity_uri = undef,
$included_interface_re = 'qg.*',
$metadata = [],
$network_use_bits = true,
$neutron_refresh = '14400',
$ovs_cmd = 'sudo /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl',
$publish_router_capacity = true,
$region_name = undef,
$use_absolute_metrics = true,
$use_health_metrics = true,
$use_rate_metrics = true,
$conf_dir = $::monasca::agent::conf_dir
File["${conf_dir}/ovs.yaml"] ~> Service['monasca-agent']
file { "${conf_dir}/ovs.yaml":
owner => 'root',
group => $::monasca::group,
mode => '0640',
content => template('monasca/checks/ovs.yaml.erb'),
require => File[$conf_dir],