
131 lines
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# == Class: monasca::notifications
# Class for configuring monasca notifications
# === Parameters:
# [*notification_user*]
# name of the monasca notification user
# [*from_email_address*]
# email address to send notifications from
# [*install_python_deps*]
# flag for whether or not to install python dependencies
# [*kafka_brokers*]
# list of kafka broker servers and ports
# [*pagerduty_url*]
# url of pager duty if used as a notification method
# [*periodic_kafka_topics*]
# list of periodic notification kafka topics, defaults
# to '60: 60-seconds-notifications'
# [*periodic_zookeeper_paths*]
# list of periodic notification zookeeper paths, defaults
# to '60: /notification/60_seconds'
# [*python_dep_ensure*]
# flag for whether or not to ensure/update python dependencies
# [*smtp_password*]
# password for the smtp server
# [*smtp_port*]
# port on the smtp server to send mail to
# [*smtp_server*]
# host of the smtp server
# [*smtp_user*]
# name to use when authenticating agains the smtp server
# [*virtual_env*]
# directory of python virtual environment
# [*webhook_url*]
# url for webhook notifications
# [*zookeeper_servers*]
# list of zookeeper servers and ports
class monasca::notification(
$notification_user = 'monasca-notification',
$from_email_address = '',
$install_python_deps = true,
$kafka_brokers = 'localhost:9092',
$pagerduty_url = 'https://events.pagerduty.com/generic/2010-04-15/create_event.json',
$periodic_kafka_topics = ['60: 60-seconds-notifications'],
$periodic_zookeeper_paths = ['60: /notification/60_seconds'],
$python_dep_ensure = 'present',
$smtp_password = '',
$smtp_port = 25,
$smtp_server = 'localhost',
$smtp_user = '',
$virtual_env = '/var/www/monasca-notification',
$webhook_url = '',
$zookeeper_servers = 'localhost:2181',
include ::monasca::params
# variables for the template
$sql_host = $::monasca::params::sql_host
$sql_user = $::monasca::params::sql_user
$sql_password = $::monasca::params::sql_password
$sql_port = $::monasca::params::sql_port
$cfg_file = '/etc/monasca/notification.yaml'
$startup_script = '/etc/init/monasca-notification.conf'
if $install_python_deps {
package { ['python-virtualenv', 'python-dev']:
ensure => $python_dep_ensure,
before => Python::Virtualenv[$virtual_env],
python::virtualenv { $virtual_env :
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
require => [Package['python-virtualenv'],Package['python-dev']],
python::pip { 'monasca-notification' :
virtualenv => $virtual_env,
owner => 'root',
require => Python::Virtualenv[$virtual_env],
user { $notification_user:
ensure => present,
groups => $::monasca::group,
require => Group[$::monasca::group],
file { $cfg_file:
ensure => file,
content => template('monasca/notification.yaml.erb'),
mode => '0644',
owner => $notification_user,
group => $::monasca::group,
require => [User[$notification_user], Group[$::monasca::group], File[$::monasca::log_dir]],
} ~> Service['monasca-notification']
service { 'monasca-notification':
ensure => running,
require => [File[$cfg_file], File[$startup_script]],
tag => 'monasca-service',
file { $startup_script:
ensure => file,
content => template('monasca/notification.conf.erb'),
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
} ~> Service['monasca-notification']