
92 lines
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# Class to install monasca thresholding engine
# [*blobmirror*]
# location of the server to pull debians from
# [*kafka_brokers*]
# list of kafka brokers
# [*mon_thresh_build_ver*]
# version of the thresh debian package
# [*mon_thresh_deb*]
# name of the thresh debian package
# [*zookeeper_servers*]
# list of zookeeper servers
class monasca::thresh (
$blobmirror = undef,
$kafka_brokers = undef,
$mon_thresh_build_ver = undef,
$mon_thresh_deb = undef,
$zookeeper_servers = undef,
) {
include ::monasca
include ::monasca::params
# variables for the template
$sql_host = $::monasca::params::sql_host
$sql_user = $::monasca::params::sql_user
$sql_password = $::monasca::params::sql_password
$sql_port = $::monasca::params::sql_port
$thresh_fetch_url = "http://${blobmirror}/repos/monasca/monasca_thresh"
$latest_thresh_deb = "/tmp/${mon_thresh_deb}"
$thresh_cfg_file = '/etc/monasca/thresh-config.yml'
$startup_script = '/etc/init.d/monasca-thresh'
$startup_script_src = 'puppet:///modules/monasca/monasca-thresh'
wget::fetch { "${thresh_fetch_url}/${mon_thresh_build_ver}/${mon_thresh_deb}":
destination => $latest_thresh_deb,
timeout => 300,
before => [Package['install-thresh'], File[$latest_thresh_deb]],
} ~> Service['monasca-thresh']
file { $latest_thresh_deb:
ensure => present,
file { $thresh_cfg_file:
ensure => file,
content => template('monasca/thresh-config.yml.erb'),
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => $::monasca::group,
require => [Group[$::monasca::group], File[$::monasca::log_dir]],
package { 'monasca-thresh':
ensure => latest,
provider => dpkg,
source => $latest_thresh_deb,
alias => 'install-thresh',
tag => ['openstack', 'monasca-package'],
service { 'monasca-thresh':
ensure => running,
require => [File[$thresh_cfg_file],
tag => 'monasca-service',
user { 'thresh':
ensure => present,
groups => $::monasca::group,
require => Group[$::monasca::group],
file { $startup_script:
ensure => file,
source => $startup_script_src,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
require => Package['install-thresh'],