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# == Define: neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus_switch
# Defined type to configure the Cisco Nexus Switch parameters
# for use by the ML2 Mech Driver for Cisco Nexus Switches.
# More info available here:
# https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Neutron/ML2/MechCiscoNexus
# neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus_switch used by
# neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus
# === Parameters:
# [*username*]
# (required) The username for logging into the switch to manage it.
# [*password*]
# (required) The password for logging into the switch to manage it.
# [*ip_address*]
# (required) The IP address of the switch.
# [*ssh_port*]
# (required) The SSH port to use when connecting to the switch.
# [*servers*]
# (required) A hash of server names (key) mapped to the switch's
# interfaces (value). For each host connected to a port on the
# switch, specify the hostname and the Nexus physical port/s
# (interface/s) it is connected to. The values in the hash can
# be a comma separated list of interfaces mapped to the server.
# Hash Format:
# {
# <hostname1> => {"ports" => "<interfaceID1>,<interfaceID2>, ..."},
# <hostname2> => {"ports" => "<interfaceID1>,<interfaceID2>, ..."},
# }
# Interface ID format options:
# "<intf_type>:<position>"
# Valid intf_type's are 'ethernet' and 'port-channel'.
# The default setting for <intf_type:> is 'ethernet' and need not be
# added to this setting.
# Example:
# {
# 'control1' => {"ports" => 'ethernet:1/1'},
# 'control2' => {"ports" => 'ethernet:1/2'},
# 'compute1' => {"ports" => '1/3,1/4'}
# }
# [*switchname*]
# (required) An identifier for the switch--ie. hostname or IP
# address of the switch.
# [*nve_src_intf*]
# (optional) Only valid if VXLAN overlay is configured and
# vxlan_global_config is set to True.
# The NVE source interface is a loopback interface that is configured on
# the switch with valid /32 IP address. This /32 IP address must be known
# by the transient devices in the transport network and the remote VTEPs.
# This is accomplished by advertising it through a dynamic routing protocol
# in the transport network. (NB: If no nve_src_intf is defined then a
# default setting of 0 (creates "loopback0") will be used.)
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
# [*physnet*]
# (optional) Only valid if VXLAN overlay is configured.
# The physical network name defined in the network_vlan_ranges variable
# (defined under the ml2_type_vlan section) that this switch is controlling.
# The configured 'physnet' is the physical network domain that is connected
# to this switch. The vlan ranges defined in network_vlan_ranges for a
# a physical network are allocated dynamically and are unique per physical
# network. These dynamic vlans may be reused across physical networks.
# Defaults to $::os_service_default.
define neutron::plugins::ml2::cisco::nexus_switch(
$switchname = $title,
$nve_src_intf = $::os_service_default,
$physnet = $::os_service_default
) {
include ::neutron::deps
$section = "ML2_MECH_CISCO_NEXUS:${ip_address}"
neutron_plugin_ml2 {
"${section}/username": value => $username;
"${section}/password": value => $password, secret => true;
"${section}/ssh_port": value => $ssh_port;
"${section}/nve_src_intf": value => $nve_src_intf;
"${section}/physnet": value => $physnet;
$server_defaults = {
'switch_ip_address' => $ip_address
$servers, $server_defaults)