
54 lines
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# Class to execute nova api_db sync
# ==Parameters
# [*extra_params*]
# (optional) String of extra command line parameters to append
# to the nova-manage db sync command. These will be inserted in
# the command line between 'nova-manage' and 'db sync'.
# Defaults to undef
# [*cellv2_setup*]
# (optional) This flag toggles if we preform a minimal cell_v2 setup of a
# a single cell.
# NOTE: 'nova-manage cell_v2 discover_hosts' must be
# run after any nova-compute hosts have been deployed.
# This flag will be set to true in Ocata when the cell v2 setup is mandatory.
# Defaults to false.
# [*db_sync_timeout*]
# (optional) Timeout for the execution of the db_sync
# Defaults to 300.
class nova::db::sync_api(
$extra_params = undef,
$cellv2_setup = false,
$db_sync_timeout = 300,
) {
include ::nova::deps
include ::nova::params
exec { 'nova-db-sync-api':
command => "/usr/bin/nova-manage ${extra_params} api_db sync",
user => $::nova::params::nova_user,
refreshonly => true,
try_sleep => 5,
tries => 10,
timeout => $db_sync_timeout,
logoutput => on_failure,
subscribe => [
notify => Anchor['nova::dbsync_api::end'],
if $cellv2_setup {
include ::nova::cell_v2::simple_setup