
30 lines
832 B

# == Class: nova::cell_v2::map_cell0
# Class to execute nova cell_v2 map_cell0
# === Parameters
# [*extra_params*]
# (optional) String of extra command line parameters to pass
# to the nova-manage command. These will be inserted in
# the command line between 'nova-manage' and 'cell_v2'.
# Defaults to ''
class nova::cell_v2::map_cell0 (
$extra_params = '',
) {
include ::nova::deps
exec { 'nova-cell_v2-map_cell0':
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
command => "nova-manage ${extra_params} cell_v2 map_cell0",
refreshonly => true,
returns => [0,1], # TODO(owalsh): Remove when this lands https://review.openstack.org/#/c/420132/ in packaging
logoutput => on_failure,
subscribe => Anchor['nova::cell_v2::begin'],
notify => Anchor['nova::cell_v2::end'],