# This function builds a os_transport_url string from a hash of parameters. # # Valid hash parameteres: # * transport - (string) type of transport, 'rabbit' or 'amqp' # * host - (string) single host # * hosts - (array) array of hosts to use # * port - (string | integer) port to connect to # * username - (string) connection username # * password - (string) connection password # * virtual_host - (string) virtual host to connect to # * ssl - (string) is the connection ssl or not ('1' or '0'). overrides the ssl # key in the query parameter # * query - (hash) hash of key,value pairs used to create a query string for # the transport_url. # # Only 'transport' and either 'host' or 'hosts' are required keys for the # parameters hash. # # The url format that will be generated: # transport://user:pass@host:port[,userN:passN@hostN:portN]/virtual_host?query # # NOTE: ipv6 addresses will automatically be bracketed for the URI using the # normalize_ip_for_uri function. # # Single Host Example: # os_transport_url({ # 'transport' => 'rabbit', # 'host' => '', # 'port' => '5672', # 'username' => 'username', # 'password' => 'password', # 'virtual_host' => 'virtual_host', # 'ssl' => '1', # 'query' => { 'key' => 'value' }, # }) # # Generates: # rabbit://username:password@ # # Multiple Hosts Example: # os_transport_url({ # 'transport' => 'rabbit', # 'hosts' => [ '', '' ], # 'port' => '5672', # 'username' => 'username', # 'password' => 'password', # 'virtual_host' => 'virtual_host', # 'query' => { 'key' => 'value' }, # }) # # Generates: # rabbit://username:password@,username:password@ Puppet::Functions.create_function(:os_transport_url) do def os_transport_url(*args) require 'erb' unless args.size == 1 raise(ArgumentError, 'os_transport_url(): Wrong number of arguments') end v_raw = args[0] klass = v_raw.class unless klass == Hash raise(Puppet::ParseError, "os_transport_url(): Requires an hash, got #{klass}") end v = {} # type checking for the parameter hash v_raw.keys.each do |key| if key == 'port' v[key] = v_raw[key].to_s else v[key] = v_raw[key] end klass = (key == 'hosts') ? Array : String klass = (key == 'query') ? Hash : klass unless (v[key].class == klass) or (v[key] == :undef) raise(Puppet::ParseError, "os_transport_url(): #{key} should be a #{klass}") end end # defaults parts = { :transport => 'rabbit', :hostinfo => 'localhost', :path => '/', } unless v.include?('transport') raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_transport_url(): transport is required') end unless v.include?('host') or v.include?('hosts') raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_transport_url(): host or hosts is required') end if v.include?('host') and v.include?('hosts') raise(Puppet::ParseError, 'os_transport_url(): cannot use both host and hosts.') end parts[:transport] = v['transport'] if v.include?('username') and (v['username'] != :undef) and (v['username'].to_s != '') parts[:userinfo] = ERB::Util.url_encode(v['username']) if v.include?('password') and (v['password'] != :undef) and (v['password'].to_s != '') parts[:userinfo] += ":#{ERB::Util.url_encode(v['password'])}" end end if v.include?('host') host = call_function('normalize_ip_for_uri', v['host']) host += ":#{v['port'].to_s}" if v.include?('port') if parts.include?(:userinfo) parts[:hostinfo] = "#{parts[:userinfo]}@#{host}" else parts[:hostinfo] = "#{host}" end end if v.include?('hosts') hosts = call_function('normalize_ip_for_uri', v['hosts']) # normalize_ip_for_uri may return a string, so check that we still have an # array hosts = [hosts] if hosts.kind_of?(String) hosts = hosts.map{ |h| "#{h}:#{v['port'].to_s}" } if v.include?('port') if parts.include?(:userinfo) parts[:hostinfo] = hosts.map { |h| "#{parts[:userinfo]}@#{h}" }.join(',') else parts[:hostinfo] = hosts.join(',') end end parts[:path] = "/#{v['virtual_host']}" if v.include?('virtual_host') query = {} if v.include?('query') query.merge!(v['query']) end # support previous ssl option on the function. Setting ssl will # override ssl if passed in via the query parameters if v.include?('ssl') # ssl can be passed in as a query paramter but should be 0/1. See # http://docs.celeryproject.org/projects/kombu/en/latest/userguide/connections.html#urls # so we rely on _str2bool and _bool2num to ensure it's in the # format # TODO(tobias-urdin): Rework this to using proper data types and not the # legacy puppet functions. ssl_str = call_function('str2bool', v['ssl']) ssl_val = call_function('bool2num', v['ssl']) query.merge!({ 'ssl' => ssl_val }) end parts[:query] = query.map{ |k,val| "#{k}=#{val}" }.join('&') if ! query.empty? url_parts = [] url_parts << parts[:transport] url_parts << '://' url_parts << parts[:hostinfo] url_parts << parts[:path] url_parts << '?' << parts[:query] if parts.include?(:query) url_parts.join() end end