# # This class can be used to manage keystone's authtoken middleware # for swift proxy # # == Parameters # # [*delay_auth_decision*] # (Optional) Do not handle authorization requests within the middleware, but # delegate the authorization decision to downstream WSGI components. Boolean value # Defaults to 1 # # [*signing_dir*] # The cache directory for signing certificates. # Defaults to '/var/cache/swift' # # [*cache*] # The cache backend to use # Optional. Defaults to 'swift.cache' # # [*auth_uri*] # (Optional) Complete public Identity API endpoint. # Defaults to '' # # [*auth_url*] # (Optional) The URL to use for authentication. # Defaults to '' # # [*auth_plugin*] # (Optional) The plugin for authentication # Defaults to 'password' # # [*username*] # (Optional) The name of the service user # Defaults to 'swift' # # [*password*] # (Optional) The password for the user # Defaults to 'password' # # [*project_name*] # (Optional) Service project name # Defaults to 'services' # # [*project_domain_id*] # (Optional) id of domain for $project_name # Defaults to 'default' # # [*user_domain_id*] # (Optional) id of domain for $username # Defaults to 'default' # # [*include_service_catalog*] # (Optional) Indicate whether to set the X-Service-Catalog header. If False, # middleware will not ask for service catalog on token validation and will # not set the X-Service-Catalog header. Boolean value. # Defaults to false # # == DEPRECATED # # [*admin_token*] # (optional) Deprecated. # Defaults to undef # # [*identity_uri*] # (optional) Deprecated. Use auth_url instead. # Defaults to undef # # [*admin_user*] # (optional) Deprecated. Use username instead. # Defaults to undef # # [*admin_tenant_name*] # (optional) Deprecated. Use project_name instead. # Defaults to undef # # [*admin_password*] # (optional) Deprecated. Use password instead. # Defaults to undef # # == Authors # # Dan Bode dan@puppetlabs.com # # == Copyright # # Copyright 2012 Puppetlabs Inc, unless otherwise noted. # class swift::proxy::authtoken( $delay_auth_decision = 1, $signing_dir = '/var/cache/swift', $cache = 'swift.cache', $auth_uri = '', $auth_url = '', $auth_plugin = 'password', $project_domain_id = 'default', $user_domain_id = 'default', $project_name = 'services', $username = 'swift', $password = 'password', $include_service_catalog = false, # DEPRECATED PARAMETERS $admin_user = undef, $admin_tenant_name = undef, $admin_password = undef, $identity_uri = undef, $admin_token = undef, ) { include ::swift::deps if $admin_token { warning('admin_token is deprecated, has no usage and will be removed in the O release') } if $identity_uri { warning('identity_uri is deprecated and will be removed, please use auth_url instead') } if $admin_user { warning('admin_user is deprecated and will be removed, please use username instead') } if $admin_tenant_name { warning('admin_tenant_name is deprecated and will be removed, please use project_name instead') } if $admin_password { warning('admin_password is deprecated and will be removed, please use password instead') } $auth_url_real = pick($identity_uri, $auth_url) $username_real = pick($admin_user, $username) $project_name_real = pick($admin_tenant_name, $project_name) $password_real = pick($admin_password, $password) file { $signing_dir: ensure => directory, mode => '0700', owner => 'swift', group => 'swift', selinux_ignore_defaults => true, require => Anchor['swift::config::begin'], before => Anchor['swift::config::end'], } swift_proxy_config { 'filter:authtoken/log_name': value => 'swift'; 'filter:authtoken/signing_dir': value => $signing_dir; 'filter:authtoken/paste.filter_factory': value => 'keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory'; 'filter:authtoken/auth_uri': value => $auth_uri; 'filter:authtoken/auth_url': value => $auth_url_real; 'filter:authtoken/auth_plugin': value => $auth_plugin; 'filter:authtoken/project_domain_id': value => $project_domain_id; 'filter:authtoken/user_domain_id': value => $user_domain_id; 'filter:authtoken/project_name': value => $project_name_real; 'filter:authtoken/username': value => $username_real; 'filter:authtoken/password': value => $password_real; 'filter:authtoken/delay_auth_decision': value => $delay_auth_decision; 'filter:authtoken/cache': value => $cache; 'filter:authtoken/include_service_catalog': value => $include_service_catalog; } }