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# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import hashlib
import json
from oslo_utils import encodeutils
from requests import codes
import urllib.parse
import warlock
from glanceclient.common import utils
from glanceclient import exc
from glanceclient.v2 import schemas
SORT_DIR_VALUES = ('asc', 'desc')
SORT_KEY_VALUES = ('name', 'status', 'container_format', 'disk_format',
'size', 'id', 'created_at', 'updated_at')
class Controller(object):
def __init__(self, http_client, schema_client):
self.http_client = http_client
self.schema_client = schema_client
def model(self):
schema = self.schema_client.get('image')
warlock_model = warlock.model_factory(
schema.raw(), base_class=schemas.SchemaBasedModel)
return warlock_model
def unvalidated_model(self):
"""A model which does not validate the image against the v2 schema."""
schema = self.schema_client.get('image')
warlock_model = warlock.model_factory(
schema.raw(), base_class=schemas.SchemaBasedModel)
warlock_model.validate = lambda *args, **kwargs: None
return warlock_model
def _wrap(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return [value]
return value
def _validate_sort_param(sort):
"""Validates sorting argument for invalid keys and directions values.
:param sort: comma-separated list of sort keys with optional <:dir>
after each key
for sort_param in sort.strip().split(','):
key, _sep, dir = sort_param.partition(':')
if dir and dir not in SORT_DIR_VALUES:
msg = ('Invalid sort direction: %(sort_dir)s.'
' It must be one of the following: %(available)s.'
) % {'sort_dir': dir,
'available': ', '.join(SORT_DIR_VALUES)}
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
if key not in SORT_KEY_VALUES:
msg = ('Invalid sort key: %(sort_key)s.'
' It must be one of the following: %(available)s.'
) % {'sort_key': key,
'available': ', '.join(SORT_KEY_VALUES)}
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(msg)
return sort
def list(self, **kwargs):
"""Retrieve a listing of Image objects.
:param page_size: Number of images to request in each
paginated request.
:returns: generator over list of Images.
limit = kwargs.get('limit')
# NOTE(flaper87): Don't use `get('page_size', DEFAULT_SIZE)` otherwise,
# it could be possible to send invalid data to the server by passing
# page_size=None.
page_size = kwargs.get('page_size') or DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
def paginate(url, page_size, limit=None):
next_url = url
req_id_hdr = {}
while True:
if limit and page_size > limit:
# NOTE(flaper87): Avoid requesting 2000 images when limit
# is 1
next_url = next_url.replace("limit=%s" % page_size,
"limit=%s" % limit)
resp, body = self.http_client.get(next_url, headers=req_id_hdr)
# NOTE(rsjethani): Store curent request id so that it can be
# used in subsequent requests. Refer bug #1525259
req_id_hdr['x-openstack-request-id'] = \
for image in body['images']:
# NOTE(bcwaldon): remove 'self' for now until we have
# an elegant way to pass it into the model constructor
# without conflict.
image.pop('self', None)
# We do not validate the model when listing.
# This prevents side-effects of injecting invalid
# schema values via v1.
yield self.unvalidated_model(**image), resp
if limit:
limit -= 1
if limit <= 0:
next_url = body['next']
except KeyError:
filters = kwargs.get('filters', {})
# NOTE(flaper87): We paginate in the client, hence we use
# the page_size as Glance's limit.
filters['limit'] = page_size
tags = filters.pop('tag', [])
tags_url_params = []
for tag in tags:
if not isinstance(tag, str):
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest("Invalid tag value %s" % tag)
tags_url_params.append({'tag': encodeutils.safe_encode(tag)})
for param, value in filters.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
filters[param] = encodeutils.safe_encode(value)
url = '/v2/images?%s' % urllib.parse.urlencode(filters)
for param in tags_url_params:
url = '%s&%s' % (url, urllib.parse.urlencode(param))
if 'sort' in kwargs:
if 'sort_key' in kwargs or 'sort_dir' in kwargs:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest("The 'sort' argument is not supported"
" with 'sort_key' or 'sort_dir'.")
url = '%s&sort=%s' % (url,
sort_dir = self._wrap(kwargs.get('sort_dir', []))
sort_key = self._wrap(kwargs.get('sort_key', []))
if len(sort_key) != len(sort_dir) and len(sort_dir) > 1:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(
"Unexpected number of sort directions: "
"either provide a single sort direction or an equal "
"number of sort keys and sort directions.")
for key in sort_key:
url = '%s&sort_key=%s' % (url, key)
for dir in sort_dir:
url = '%s&sort_dir=%s' % (url, dir)
if isinstance(kwargs.get('marker'), str):
url = '%s&marker=%s' % (url, kwargs['marker'])
for image, resp in paginate(url, page_size, limit):
yield image, resp
def _get(self, image_id, header=None):
url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
header = header or {}
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url, headers=header)
# NOTE(bcwaldon): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant
# way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict
body.pop('self', None)
return self.unvalidated_model(**body), resp
def get(self, image_id):
return self._get(image_id)
def get_associated_image_tasks(self, image_id):
"""Get the tasks associated with an image.
:param image_id: ID of the image
:raises: exc.HTTPNotImplemented if Glance is not new enough to support
this API (v2.12).
# NOTE (abhishekk): Verify that /v2i/images/%s/tasks is supported by
# glance
if utils.has_version(self.http_client, 'v2.12'):
url = '/v2/images/%s/tasks' % image_id
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
body.pop('self', None)
return body, resp
raise exc.HTTPNotImplemented(
'This operation is not supported by Glance.')
def data(self, image_id, do_checksum=True, allow_md5_fallback=False):
"""Retrieve data of an image.
When do_checksum is enabled, validation proceeds as follows:
1. if the image has a 'os_hash_value' property, the algorithm
specified in the image's 'os_hash_algo' property will be used
to validate against the 'os_hash_value' value. If the
specified hash algorithm is not available AND allow_md5_fallback
is True, then continue to step #2
2. else if the image has a checksum property, MD5 is used to
validate against the 'checksum' value. (If MD5 is not available
to the client, the download fails.)
3. else if the download response has a 'content-md5' header, MD5
is used to validate against the header value. (If MD5 is not
available to the client, the download fails.)
4. if none of 1-3 obtain, the data is **not validated** (this is
compatible with legacy behavior)
:param image_id: ID of the image to download
:param do_checksum: Enable/disable checksum validation
:param allow_md5_fallback:
Use the MD5 checksum for validation if the algorithm specified by
the image's 'os_hash_algo' property is not available
:returns: An iterable body or ``None``
if do_checksum:
# doing this first to prevent race condition if image record
# is deleted during the image download
url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
resp, image_meta = self.http_client.get(url)
meta_checksum = image_meta.get('checksum', None)
meta_hash_value = image_meta.get('os_hash_value', None)
meta_hash_algo = image_meta.get('os_hash_algo', None)
url = '/v2/images/%s/file' % image_id
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
if resp.status_code == codes.no_content:
return None, resp
checksum = resp.headers.get('content-md5', None)
content_length = int(resp.headers.get('content-length', 0))
check_md5sum = do_checksum
if do_checksum and meta_hash_value is not None:
hasher =
body = utils.serious_integrity_iter(body,
check_md5sum = False
except ValueError as ve:
if (str(ve).startswith('unsupported hash type') and
check_md5sum = True
if do_checksum and check_md5sum:
if meta_checksum is not None:
body = utils.integrity_iter(body, meta_checksum)
elif checksum is not None:
body = utils.integrity_iter(body, checksum)
# NOTE(rosmaita): this preserves legacy behavior to return the
# image data when checksumming is requested but there's no
# 'content-md5' header in the response. Just want to make it
# clear that we're doing this on purpose.
return utils.IterableWithLength(body, content_length), resp
def upload(self, image_id, image_data, image_size=None, u_url=None,
"""Upload the data for an image.
:param image_id: ID of the image to upload data for.
:param image_data: File-like object supplying the data to upload.
:param image_size: Unused - present for backwards compatibility
:param u_url: Upload url to upload the data to.
:param backend: Backend store to upload image to.
url = u_url or '/v2/images/%s/file' % image_id
hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
if backend is not None:
hdrs['x-image-meta-store'] = backend
body = image_data
resp, body = self.http_client.put(url, headers=hdrs, data=body)
return (resp, body), resp
def get_import_info(self):
"""Get Import info from discovery endpoint."""
url = '/v2/info/import'
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
return body, resp
def get_stores_info(self):
"""Get available stores info from discovery endpoint."""
url = '/v2/info/stores'
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
return body, resp
def get_stores_info_detail(self):
"""Get available stores info from discovery endpoint."""
url = '/v2/info/stores/detail'
resp, body = self.http_client.get(url)
return body, resp
def delete_from_store(self, store_id, image_id):
"""Delete image data from specific store."""
url = ('/v2/stores/%(store)s/%(image)s' % {'store': store_id,
'image': image_id})
resp, body = self.http_client.delete(url)
return body, resp
def stage(self, image_id, image_data, image_size=None):
"""Upload the data to image staging.
:param image_id: ID of the image to upload data for.
:param image_data: File-like object supplying the data to upload.
:param image_size: Unused - present for backwards compatibility
url = '/v2/images/%s/stage' % image_id
resp, body = self.upload(image_id,
return body, resp
def image_import(self, image_id, method='glance-direct', uri=None,
remote_region=None, remote_image_id=None,
remote_service_interface=None, backend=None,
stores=None, allow_failure=True, all_stores=None):
"""Import Image via method."""
headers = {}
url = '/v2/images/%s/import' % image_id
data = {'method': {'name': method}}
if stores:
data['stores'] = stores
if allow_failure:
data['all_stores_must_succeed'] = False
if backend is not None:
headers['x-image-meta-store'] = backend
if all_stores:
data['all_stores'] = True
if allow_failure:
data['all_stores_must_succeed'] = False
if remote_region and remote_image_id:
if remote_service_interface:
data['method']['glance_service_interface'] = \
data['method']['glance_region'] = remote_region
data['method']['glance_image_id'] = remote_image_id
if uri:
if method == 'web-download':
data['method']['uri'] = uri
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest('URI is only supported with method: '
resp, body =, data=data, headers=headers)
return body, resp
def delete(self, image_id):
"""Delete an image."""
url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
resp, body = self.http_client.delete(url)
return (resp, body), resp
def create(self, **kwargs):
"""Create an image."""
headers = {}
url = '/v2/images'
backend = kwargs.pop('backend', None)
if backend is not None:
headers['x-image-meta-store'] = backend
image = self.model()
for (key, value) in kwargs.items():
setattr(image, key, value)
except warlock.InvalidOperation as e:
raise TypeError(encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e))
resp, body =, headers=headers, data=image)
# NOTE(esheffield): remove 'self' for now until we have an elegant
# way to pass it into the model constructor without conflict
body.pop('self', None)
return self.model(**body), resp
def deactivate(self, image_id):
"""Deactivate an image."""
url = '/v2/images/%s/actions/deactivate' % image_id
resp, body =
return (resp, body), resp
def reactivate(self, image_id):
"""Reactivate an image."""
url = '/v2/images/%s/actions/reactivate' % image_id
resp, body =
return (resp, body), resp
def update(self, image_id, remove_props=None, **kwargs):
"""Update attributes of an image.
:param image_id: ID of the image to modify.
:param remove_props: List of property names to remove
:param kwargs: Image attribute names and their new values.
unvalidated_image = self.get(image_id)
image = self.model(**unvalidated_image)
for (key, value) in kwargs.items():
setattr(image, key, value)
except warlock.InvalidOperation as e:
raise TypeError(encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(e))
if remove_props:
cur_props = image.keys()
new_props = kwargs.keys()
# NOTE(esheffield): Only remove props that currently exist on the
# image and are NOT in the properties being updated / added
props_to_remove = set(cur_props).intersection(
for key in props_to_remove:
delattr(image, key)
url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}
resp, _ = self.http_client.patch(url, headers=hdrs, data=image.patch)
# Get request id from `patch` request so it can be passed to the
# following `get` call
req_id_hdr = {
'x-openstack-request-id': utils._extract_request_id(resp)}
# NOTE(bcwaldon): calling image.patch doesn't clear the changes, so
# we need to fetch the image again to get a clean history. This is
# an obvious optimization for warlock
return self._get(image_id, req_id_hdr)
def _get_image_with_locations_or_fail(self, image_id):
image = self.get(image_id)
if getattr(image, 'locations', None) is None:
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest('The administrator has disabled '
'API access to image locations')
return image
def _send_image_update_request(self, image_id, patch_body):
url = '/v2/images/%s' % image_id
hdrs = {'Content-Type': 'application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch'}
resp, body = self.http_client.patch(url, headers=hdrs,
return (resp, body), resp
def add_location(self, image_id, url, metadata, validation_data=None):
"""Add a new location entry to an image's list of locations.
It is an error to add a URL that is already present in the list of
:param image_id: ID of image to which the location is to be added.
:param url: URL of the location to add.
:param metadata: Metadata associated with the location.
:param validation_data: Validation data for the image.
:returns: The updated image
add_patch = [{'op': 'add', 'path': '/locations/-',
'value': {'url': url, 'metadata': metadata}}]
if validation_data:
add_patch[0]['value']['validation_data'] = validation_data
response = self._send_image_update_request(image_id, add_patch)
# Get request id from the above update request and pass the same to
# following get request
req_id_hdr = {'x-openstack-request-id': response.request_ids[0]}
return self._get(image_id, req_id_hdr)
def delete_locations(self, image_id, url_set):
"""Remove one or more location entries of an image.
:param image_id: ID of image from which locations are to be removed.
:param url_set: set of URLs of location entries to remove.
:returns: None
image = self._get_image_with_locations_or_fail(image_id)
current_urls = [l['url'] for l in image.locations]
missing_locs = url_set.difference(set(current_urls))
if missing_locs:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound('Unknown URL(s): %s' % list(missing_locs))
# NOTE: warlock doesn't generate the most efficient patch for remove
# operations (it shifts everything up and deletes the tail elements) so
# we do it ourselves.
url_indices = [current_urls.index(url) for url in url_set]
patches = [{'op': 'remove', 'path': '/locations/%s' % url_idx}
for url_idx in url_indices]
return self._send_image_update_request(image_id, patches)
def update_location(self, image_id, url, metadata):
"""Update an existing location entry in an image's list of locations.
The URL specified must be already present in the image's list of
:param image_id: ID of image whose location is to be updated.
:param url: URL of the location to update.
:param metadata: Metadata associated with the location.
:returns: The updated image
image = self._get_image_with_locations_or_fail(image_id)
url_map = dict([(l['url'], l) for l in image.locations])
if url not in url_map:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound('Unknown URL: %s, the URL must be one of'
' existing locations of current image' %
if url_map[url]['metadata'] == metadata:
return image
url_map[url]['metadata'] = metadata
patches = [{'op': 'replace',
'path': '/locations',
'value': list(url_map.values())}]
response = self._send_image_update_request(image_id, patches)
# Get request id from the above update request and pass the same to
# following get request
req_id_hdr = {'x-openstack-request-id': response.request_ids[0]}
return self._get(image_id, req_id_hdr)