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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import six
from keystoneclient import exceptions
from keystoneclient import session as client_session
from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as v2_client
from keystoneclient.v3 import client as v3_client
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _KeystoneVersion(object):
"""A factory object that holds all the information to create a client.
Instances of this class are callable objects that hold all the kwargs that
were passed to discovery so that a user may simply call it to create a new
client object. Additional arguments passed to the call will override or
add to those provided to the object.
_CLIENT_VERSIONS = {2: v2_client.Client,
3: v3_client.Client}
def __init__(self, version, status, client_class=None, **kwargs):
"""Create a new discovered version object.
:param tuple version: the version of the available API.
:param string status: the stability of the API.
:param Class client_class: the client class that should be used to
instantiate against this version of the API.
(optional, will be matched against known)
:param dict **kwargs: Additional arguments that should be passed on to
the client when it is constructed.
self.version = version
self.status = status
self.client_class = client_class
self.client_kwargs = kwargs
if not self.client_class:
self.client_class = self._CLIENT_VERSIONS[self.version[0]]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure("No client available "
"for version: %s" %
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Version Ordering.
Versions are ordered by major, then minor version number, then
'stable' is deemed the highest possible status, then they are just
treated alphabetically (alpha < beta etc)
if self.version == other.version:
if self.status == 'stable':
return False
elif other.status == 'stable':
return True
return self.status < other.status
return self.version < other.version
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.version == other.version and self.status == other.status
def create_client(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
client_kwargs = self.client_kwargs.copy()
client_kwargs = self.client_kwargs
return self.client_class(**client_kwargs)
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
return self.create_client(**kwargs)
def _str_ver(self):
ver = ".".join([str(v) for v in self.version])
if self.status != 'stable':
ver = "%s-%s" % (ver, self.status)
return ver
def _normalize_version_number(version):
"""Turn a version representation into a tuple."""
# trim the v from a 'v2.0' or similar
version = version.lstrip('v')
except AttributeError:
# if it's an integer or a numeric as a string then normalize it
# to a string, this ensures 1 decimal point
num = float(version)
except Exception:
version = str(num)
# if it's a string (or an integer) from above break it on .
return tuple(map(int, version.split(".")))
except Exception:
# last attempt, maybe it's a list or iterable.
return tuple(map(int, version))
except Exception:
raise TypeError("Invalid version specified: %s" % version)
def available_versions(url, session=None, **kwargs):
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json'}
if not session:
session = client_session.Session.construct(kwargs)
resp = session.get(url, headers=headers)
body_resp = resp.json()
except ValueError:
# In the event of querying a root URL we will get back a list of
# available versions.
return body_resp['versions']['values']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
# Otherwise if we query an endpoint like /v2.0 then we will get back
# just the one available version.
return [body_resp['version']]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure("Invalid Response - Bad version"
" data returned: %s" % resp.text)
class Discover(object):
"""A means to discover and create clients depending on the supported API
versions on the server.
Querying the server is done on object creation and every subsequent method
operates upon the data that was retrieved.
def __init__(self, session=None, **kwargs):
"""Construct a new discovery object.
The connection parameters associated with this method are the same
format and name as those used by a client (see
keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client and keystoneclient.v3.client.Client).
If not overridden in subsequent methods they will also be what is
passed to the constructed client.
In the event that auth_url and endpoint is provided then auth_url will
be used in accordance with how the client operates.
The initialization process also queries the server.
:param Session session: A session object that will be used for
communication. Clients will also be constructed
with this session.
:param string auth_url: Identity service endpoint for authorization.
:param string endpoint: A user-supplied endpoint URL for the identity
service. (optional)
:param string original_ip: The original IP of the requesting user
which will be sent to identity service in a
'Forwarded' header. (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
:param boolean debug: Enables debug logging of all request and
responses to the identity service.
default False (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
:param string cacert: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file
which contains the trusted authority X.509
certificates needed to established SSL connection
with the identity service. (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
:param string key: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file which
contains the unencrypted client private key needed
to established two-way SSL connection with the
identity service. (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
:param string cert: Path to the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) file which
contains the corresponding X.509 client certificate
needed to established two-way SSL connection with
the identity service. (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
:param boolean insecure: Does not perform X.509 certificate validation
when establishing SSL connection with identity
service. default: False (optional)
DEPRECATED: use the session object. This is
ignored if a session is provided.
if not session:
session = client_session.Session.construct(kwargs)
kwargs['session'] = session
url = kwargs.get('endpoint') or kwargs.get('auth_url')
if not url:
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure('Not enough information to '
'determine URL. Provide either '
'auth_url or endpoint')
self._client_kwargs = kwargs
self._available_versions = available_versions(url, session=session)
def _get_client_constructor_kwargs(self, kwargs_dict={}, **kwargs):
client_kwargs = self._client_kwargs.copy()
return client_kwargs
def available_versions(self, unstable=False):
"""Return a list of identity APIs available on the server and the data
associated with them.
:param bool unstable: Accept endpoints not marked 'stable'. (optional)
:returns: A List of dictionaries as presented by the server. Each dict
will contain the version and the URL to use for the version.
It is a direct representation of the layout presented by the
identity API.
>>> from keystoneclient import discover
>>> disc = discover.Discovery(auth_url='http://localhost:5000')
>>> disc.available_versions()
[{'id': 'v3.0',
'links': [{'href': u'',
'rel': u'self'}],
'media-types': [
{'base': 'application/json',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json'},
{'base': 'application/xml',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+xml'}],
'status': 'stable',
'updated': '2013-03-06T00:00:00Z'},
{'id': 'v2.0',
'links': [{'href': u'',
'rel': u'self'},
{'href': u'...',
'rel': u'describedby',
'type': u'application/pdf'}],
'media-types': [
{'base': 'application/json',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+json'},
{'base': 'application/xml',
'type': 'application/vnd.openstack.identity-v2.0+xml'}],
'status': 'stable',
'updated': '2013-03-06T00:00:00Z'}]
if unstable:
# no need to determine the stable endpoints, just return everything
return self._available_versions
versions = []
for v in self._available_versions:
status = v['status']
except KeyError:
_logger.warning("Skipping over invalid version data. "
"No stability status in version.")
if status == 'stable':
return versions
def _get_factory_from_response_entry(self, version_data, **kwargs):
"""Create a _KeystoneVersion factory object from a version response
entry returned from a server.
version_str = version_data['id']
status = version_data['status']
if not version_str.startswith('v'):
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure('Skipping over invalid '
'version string: %s. It '
'should start with a v.' %
for link in version_data['links']:
# NOTE(jamielennox): there are plenty of links like with
# documentation and such, we only care about the self
# which is a link to the URL we should use.
if link['rel'].lower() == 'self':
version_number = _normalize_version_number(version_str)
version_url = link['href']
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure("Didn't find any links "
"in version data.")
except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
raise exceptions.DiscoveryFailure('Skipping over invalid '
'version data.')
# NOTE(jamielennox): the url might be the auth_url or the endpoint
# depending on what was passed initially. Order is important, endpoint
# needs to override auth_url.
for url_type in ('auth_url', 'endpoint'):
if self._client_kwargs.get(url_type, False):
kwargs[url_type] = version_url
kwargs[url_type] = None
return _KeystoneVersion(status=status,
def _available_clients(self, unstable=False, **kwargs):
"""Return a dictionary of factory functions for available API versions.
:returns: A dictionary of available API endpoints with the version
number as a tuple as the key, and a factory object that can
be used to create an appropriate client as the value.
To use the returned factory you simply call it with the parameters to
pass to keystoneclient. These parameters will override those saved in
the factory.
>>> from keystoneclient import client
>>> available_clients = client._available_clients(auth_url=url,
... **kwargs)
>>> try:
... v2_factory = available_clients[(2, 0)]
... except KeyError:
... print "Version 2.0 unavailable"
... else:
... v2_client = v2_factory(token='abcdef')
... v2_client.tenants.list()
:raises: DiscoveryFailure if the response is invalid
:raises: VersionNotAvailable if a suitable client cannot be found.
versions = dict()
response_values = self.available_versions(unstable=unstable)
client_kwargs = self._get_client_constructor_kwargs(kwargs_dict=kwargs)
for version_data in response_values:
v = self._get_factory_from_response_entry(version_data,
except exceptions.DiscoveryFailure as e:
_logger.warning("Invalid entry: %s", e, exc_info=True)
versions[v.version] = v
return versions
def create_client(self, version=None, **kwargs):
"""Factory function to create a new identity service client.
:param tuple version: The required version of the identity API. If
specified the client will be selected such that
the major version is equivalent and an endpoint
provides at least the specified minor version.
For example to specify the 3.1 API use (3, 1).
:param bool unstable: Accept endpoints not marked 'stable'. (optional)
:param kwargs: Additional arguments will override those provided to
this object's constructor.
:returns: An instantiated identity client object.
:raises: DiscoveryFailure if the server response is invalid
:raises: VersionNotAvailable if a suitable client cannot be found.
versions = self._available_clients(**kwargs)
chosen = None
if version:
version = _normalize_version_number(version)
for keystone_version in six.itervalues(versions):
# major versions must be the same (eg even though v2 is a lower
# version than v3 we can't use it if v2 was requested)
if version[0] != keystone_version.version[0]:
# prevent selecting a minor version less than what is required
if version <= keystone_version.version:
chosen = keystone_version
elif versions:
# if no version specified pick the latest one
chosen = max(six.iteritems(versions))[1]
if not chosen:
msg = "Could not find a suitable endpoint"
if version:
msg = "%s for client version: %s" % (msg, version)
if versions:
available = ", ".join([v._str_ver
for v in six.itervalues(versions)])
msg = "%s. Available_versions are: %s" % (msg, available)
msg = "%s. No versions reported available" % msg
raise exceptions.VersionNotAvailable(msg)
return chosen.create_client()