
132 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import mock
from neutronclient.common import exceptions
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import network
from neutronclient.neutron.v2_0 import tag
from neutronclient import shell
from neutronclient.tests.unit import test_cli20
class CLITestV20Tag(test_cli20.CLITestV20Base):
def _test_tag_operation(self, cmd, path, method, args, prog_name,
with mock.patch.object(cmd, 'get_client',
return_value=self.client) as mock_get_client, \
mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request',
return_value=(test_cli20.MyResp(204), None)
) as mock_request:
if body:
body = test_cli20.MyComparator(body, self.client)
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser(prog_name)
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
test_cli20.MyUrlComparator(test_cli20.end_url(path), self.client),
method, body=body,
{'X-Auth-Token': test_cli20.TOKEN}))
def _test_tags_query(self, cmd, resources, args, query):
path = getattr(self.client, resources + "_path")
res = {resources: [{'id': 'myid'}]}
resstr = self.client.serialize(res)
with mock.patch.object(cmd, 'get_client',
return_value=self.client) as mock_get_client, \
mock.patch.object(self.client.httpclient, 'request',
return_value=(test_cli20.MyResp(200), resstr)
) as mock_request:
cmd_parser = cmd.get_parser("list_networks")
shell.run_command(cmd, cmd_parser, args)
test_cli20.MyUrlComparator(test_cli20.end_url(path, query),
'GET', body=None,
{'X-Auth-Token': test_cli20.TOKEN}))
_str = self.fake_stdout.make_string()
self.assertIn('myid', _str)
def _make_tag_path(self, resource, resource_id, tag):
path = getattr(self.client, "tag_path")
resource_plural = self.client.get_resource_plural(resource)
return path % (resource_plural, resource_id, tag)
def _make_tags_path(self, resource, resource_id):
path = getattr(self.client, "tags_path")
resource_plural = self.client.get_resource_plural(resource)
return path % (resource_plural, resource_id)
def test_add_tag(self):
cmd = tag.AddTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tag_path('network', 'myid', 'red')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid',
'--tag', 'red']
self._test_tag_operation(cmd, path, 'PUT', args, "tag-add")
def test_add_tag_empty_tag(self):
cmd = tag.AddTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tag_path('network', 'myid', '')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid',
'--tag', '']
self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError, self._test_tag_operation,
cmd, path, 'PUT', args, "tag-add")
def test_replace_tag(self):
cmd = tag.ReplaceTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tags_path('network', 'myid')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid',
'--tag', 'red', '--tag', 'blue']
body = {'tags': ['red', 'blue']}
self._test_tag_operation(cmd, path, 'PUT', args, "tag-replace",
def test_remove_tag(self):
cmd = tag.RemoveTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tag_path('network', 'myid', 'red')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid',
'--tag', 'red']
self._test_tag_operation(cmd, path, 'DELETE', args, "tag-remove")
def test_remove_tag_all(self):
cmd = tag.RemoveTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tags_path('network', 'myid')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid',
self._test_tag_operation(cmd, path, 'DELETE', args, "tag-remove")
def test_no_tag_nor_all(self):
cmd = tag.RemoveTag(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
path = self._make_tags_path('network', 'myid')
args = ['--resource-type', 'network', '--resource', 'myid']
self.assertRaises(exceptions.CommandError, self._test_tag_operation,
cmd, path, 'DELETE', args, "tag-remove")
def test_tags_query(self):
# This test examines that '-' in the tag related filters
# is not converted to '_'.
resources = 'networks'
cmd = network.ListNetwork(test_cli20.MyApp(sys.stdout), None)
with mock.patch.object(network.ListNetwork, 'extend_list'):
args = ['--not-tags', 'red,blue', '--tags-any', 'green',
'--not-tags-any', 'black']
query = "not-tags=red,blue&tags-any=green&not-tags-any=black"
self._test_tags_query(cmd, resources, args, query)