# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo.serialization import jsonutils from novaclient.tests import fakes from novaclient.tests.fixture_data import base class Base(base.Fixture): base_url = 'servers' def setUp(self): super(Base, self).setUp() get_servers = { "servers": [ {'id': 1234, 'name': 'sample-server'}, {'id': 5678, 'name': 'sample-server2'} ] } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(), json=get_servers, headers=self.json_headers) self.server_1234 = { "id": 1234, "name": "sample-server", "image": { "id": 2, "name": "sample image", }, "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MB Server", }, "hostId": "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0", "status": "BUILD", "progress": 60, "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "Web Head 1", "Image Version": "2.1" }, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": "computenode1", "security_groups": [{ 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }], "OS-EXT-MOD:some_thing": "mod_some_thing_value", } self.server_5678 = { "id": 5678, "name": "sample-server2", "image": { "id": 2, "name": "sample image", }, "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MB Server", }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "DB 1" }, "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host": "computenode2", "security_groups": [ { 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }, { 'id': 2, 'name': 'securitygroup2', 'description': 'ANOTHER_FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7' }], } self.server_9012 = { "id": 9012, "name": "sample-server3", "image": "", "flavor": { "id": 1, "name": "256 MB Server", }, "hostId": "9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6", "status": "ACTIVE", "addresses": { "public": [ { "version": 4, "addr": "", }, { "version": 4, "addr": "", }], "private": [{ "version": 4, "addr": "", }], }, "metadata": { "Server Label": "DB 1" } } servers = [self.server_1234, self.server_5678, self.server_9012] get_servers_detail = {"servers": servers} self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('detail'), json=get_servers_detail, headers=self.json_headers) self.server_1235 = self.server_1234.copy() self.server_1235['id'] = 1235 self.server_1235['status'] = 'error' self.server_1235['fault'] = {'message': 'something went wrong!'} for s in servers + [self.server_1235]: self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(s['id']), json={'server': s}, headers=self.json_headers) for s in (1234, 5678): self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url(s), status_code=202) for k in ('test_key', 'key1', 'key2'): self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url(1234, 'metadata', k), status_code=204) metadata1 = {'metadata': {'test_key': 'test_value'}} self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url(1234, 'metadata'), json=metadata1, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url(1234, 'metadata', 'test_key'), json=metadata1, headers=self.json_headers) self.diagnostic = {'data': 'Fake diagnostics'} metadata2 = {'metadata': {'key1': 'val1'}} for u in ('uuid1', 'uuid2', 'uuid3', 'uuid4'): self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url(u, 'metadata'), json=metadata2, status_code=204) self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url(u, 'metadata', 'key1'), json=self.diagnostic, headers=self.json_headers) get_security_groups = { "security_groups": [{ 'id': 1, 'name': 'securitygroup1', 'description': 'FAKE_SECURITY_GROUP', 'tenant_id': '4ffc664c198e435e9853f2538fbcd7a7', 'rules': []}] } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('1234', 'os-security-groups'), json=get_security_groups) self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url(), json=self.post_servers, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url('1234', 'action'), json=self.post_servers_1234_action, headers=self.json_headers) get_os_interface = { "interfaceAttachments": [ { "port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], }, { "port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], } ] } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('1234', 'os-interface'), json=get_os_interface, headers=self.json_headers) interface_data = {'interfaceAttachment': {}} self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url('1234', 'os-interface'), json=interface_data, headers=self.json_headers) def put_servers_1234(request, context): body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) assert list(body) == ['server'] fakes.assert_has_keys(body['server'], optional=['name', 'adminPass']) return request.body self.requests.register_uri('PUT', self.url(1234), text=put_servers_1234, status_code=204, headers=self.json_headers) def post_os_volumes_boot(request, context): body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) assert (set(body.keys()) <= set(['server', 'os:scheduler_hints'])) fakes.assert_has_keys(body['server'], required=['name', 'flavorRef'], optional=['imageRef']) data = body['server'] # Require one, and only one, of the keys for bdm if 'block_device_mapping' not in data: if 'block_device_mapping_v2' not in data: msg = "missing required keys: 'block_device_mapping'" raise AssertionError(msg) elif 'block_device_mapping_v2' in data: msg = "found extra keys: 'block_device_mapping'" raise AssertionError(msg) return {'server': self.server_9012} # NOTE(jamielennox): hack to make os_volumes mock go to the right place base_url = self.base_url self.base_url = None self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url('os-volumes_boot'), json=post_os_volumes_boot, status_code=202, headers=self.json_headers) self.base_url = base_url # # Server password # self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url(1234, 'os-server-password'), status_code=202) class V1(Base): def setUp(self): super(V1, self).setUp() # # Server Addresses # add = self.server_1234['addresses'] self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(1234, 'ips'), json={'addresses': add}, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(1234, 'ips', 'public'), json={'public': add['public']}, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(1234, 'ips', 'private'), json={'private': add['private']}, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url(1234, 'ips', 'public', ''), status_code=202) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('1234', 'diagnostics'), json=self.diagnostic) self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', self.url('1234', 'os-interface', 'port-id')) # Testing with the following password and key # # Clear password: FooBar123 # # RSA Private Key: novaclient/tests/idfake.pem # # Encrypted password # OIuEuQttO8Rk93BcKlwHQsziDAnkAm/V6V8VPToA8ZeUaUBWwS0gwo2K6Y61Z96r # qG447iRz0uTEEYq3RAYJk1mh3mMIRVl27t8MtIecR5ggVVbz1S9AwXJQypDKl0ho # QFvhCBcMWPohyGewDJOhDbtuN1IoFI9G55ZvFwCm5y7m7B2aVcoLeIsJZE4PLsIw # /y5a6Z3/AoJZYGG7IH5WN88UROU3B9JZGFB2qtPLQTOvDMZLUhoPRIJeHiVSlo1N # tI2/++UsXVg3ow6ItqCJGgdNuGG5JB+bslDHWPxROpesEIHdczk46HCpHQN8f1sk # Hi/fmZZNQQqj1Ijq0caOIw== get_server_password = {'password': 'OIuEuQttO8Rk93BcKlwHQsziDAnkAm/V6V8VPToA8ZeUaUBWwS0gwo2K6Y61Z96r' 'qG447iRz0uTEEYq3RAYJk1mh3mMIRVl27t8MtIecR5ggVVbz1S9AwXJQypDKl0ho' 'QFvhCBcMWPohyGewDJOhDbtuN1IoFI9G55ZvFwCm5y7m7B2aVcoLeIsJZE4PLsIw' '/y5a6Z3/AoJZYGG7IH5WN88UROU3B9JZGFB2qtPLQTOvDMZLUhoPRIJeHiVSlo1N' 'tI2/++UsXVg3ow6ItqCJGgdNuGG5JB+bslDHWPxROpesEIHdczk46HCpHQN8f1sk' 'Hi/fmZZNQQqj1Ijq0caOIw=='} self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(1234, 'os-server-password'), json=get_server_password) def post_servers(self, request, context): body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) context.status_code = 202 assert (set(body.keys()) <= set(['server', 'os:scheduler_hints'])) fakes.assert_has_keys(body['server'], required=['name', 'imageRef', 'flavorRef'], optional=['metadata', 'personality']) if 'personality' in body['server']: for pfile in body['server']['personality']: fakes.assert_has_keys(pfile, required=['path', 'contents']) if body['server']['name'] == 'some-bad-server': body = self.server_1235 else: body = self.server_1234 return {'server': body} def post_servers_1234_action(self, request, context): _body = '' body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) context.status_code = 202 assert len(body.keys()) == 1 action = list(body)[0] if action == 'reboot': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] assert body[action]['type'] in ['HARD', 'SOFT'] elif action == 'rebuild': body = body[action] adminPass = body.get('adminPass', 'randompassword') assert 'imageRef' in body _body = self.server_1234.copy() _body['adminPass'] = adminPass elif action == 'resize': keys = body[action].keys() assert 'flavorRef' in keys elif action == 'confirmResize': assert body[action] is None # This one method returns a different response code context.status_code = 204 return None elif action == 'revertResize': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'migrate': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'os-stop': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'os-start': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'forceDelete': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'restore': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'pause': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'unpause': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'lock': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'unlock': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'rescue': assert body[action] is None _body = {'Password': 'RescuePassword'} elif action == 'unrescue': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'resume': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'suspend': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'lock': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'unlock': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'shelve': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'shelveOffload': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'unshelve': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'addFixedIp': assert list(body[action]) == ['networkId'] elif action == 'removeFixedIp': assert list(body[action]) == ['address'] elif action == 'addFloatingIp': assert (list(body[action]) == ['address'] or sorted(list(body[action])) == ['address', 'fixed_address']) elif action == 'removeFloatingIp': assert list(body[action]) == ['address'] elif action == 'createImage': assert set(body[action].keys()) == set(['name', 'metadata']) context.headers['location'] = "http://blah/images/456" elif action == 'changePassword': assert list(body[action]) == ['adminPass'] elif action == 'os-getConsoleOutput': assert list(body[action]) == ['length'] context.status_code = 202 return {'output': 'foo'} elif action == 'os-getVNCConsole': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] elif action == 'os-getSPICEConsole': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] elif action == 'os-getRDPConsole': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] elif action == 'os-getSerialConsole': assert list(body[action]) == ['type'] elif action == 'os-migrateLive': assert set(body[action].keys()) == set(['host', 'block_migration', 'disk_over_commit']) elif action == 'os-resetState': assert list(body[action]) == ['state'] elif action == 'resetNetwork': assert body[action] is None elif action == 'addSecurityGroup': assert list(body[action]) == ['name'] elif action == 'removeSecurityGroup': assert list(body[action]) == ['name'] elif action == 'createBackup': assert set(body[action]) == set(['name', 'backup_type', 'rotation']) elif action == 'evacuate': keys = list(body[action]) if 'adminPass' in keys: keys.remove('adminPass') assert set(keys) == set(['host', 'onSharedStorage']) else: raise AssertionError("Unexpected server action: %s" % action) return {'server': _body} class V3(Base): def setUp(self): super(V3, self).setUp() get_interfaces = { "interface_attachments": [ { "port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], }, { "port_state": "ACTIVE", "net_id": "net-id-1", "port_id": "port-id-1", "mac_address": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": ""}], } ] } self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('1234', 'os-attach-interfaces'), json=get_interfaces, headers=self.json_headers) attach_body = {'interface_attachment': {}} self.requests.register_uri('POST', self.url('1234', 'os-attach-interfaces'), json=attach_body, headers=self.json_headers) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url('1234', 'os-server-diagnostics'), json=self.diagnostic) url = self.url('1234', 'os-attach-interfaces', 'port-id') self.requests.register_uri('DELETE', url) self.requests.register_uri('GET', self.url(1234, 'os-server-password'), json={'password': ''}) def post_servers(self, request, context): body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) assert set(body.keys()) <= set(['server']) fakes.assert_has_keys(body['server'], required=['name', 'image_ref', 'flavor_ref'], optional=['metadata', 'personality', 'os-scheduler-hints:scheduler_hints']) if body['server']['name'] == 'some-bad-server': body = self.server_1235 else: body = self.server_1234 context.status_code = 202 return {'server': body} def post_servers_1234_action(self, request, context): context.status_code = 202 body_is_none_list = [ 'revert_resize', 'migrate', 'stop', 'start', 'force_delete', 'restore', 'pause', 'unpause', 'lock', 'unlock', 'unrescue', 'resume', 'suspend', 'lock', 'unlock', 'shelve', 'shelve_offload', 'unshelve', 'reset_network', 'rescue', 'confirm_resize'] body_return_map = { 'rescue': {'admin_password': 'RescuePassword'}, 'get_console_output': {'output': 'foo'}, 'rebuild': {'server': self.server_1234}, } body_param_check_exists = { 'rebuild': 'image_ref', 'resize': 'flavor_ref'} body_params_check_exact = { 'reboot': ['type'], 'add_fixed_ip': ['network_id'], 'evacuate': ['host', 'on_shared_storage'], 'remove_fixed_ip': ['address'], 'change_password': ['admin_password'], 'get_console_output': ['length'], 'get_vnc_console': ['type'], 'get_spice_console': ['type'], 'get_serial_console': ['type'], 'reset_state': ['state'], 'create_image': ['name', 'metadata'], 'migrate_live': ['host', 'block_migration', 'disk_over_commit'], 'create_backup': ['name', 'backup_type', 'rotation'], 'attach': ['volume_id', 'device'], 'detach': ['volume_id'], 'swap_volume_attachment': ['old_volume_id', 'new_volume_id']} body = jsonutils.loads(request.body) assert len(body.keys()) == 1 action = list(body)[0] _body = body_return_map.get(action, '') if action in body_is_none_list: assert body[action] is None if action in body_param_check_exists: assert body_param_check_exists[action] in body[action] if action == 'evacuate': body[action].pop('admin_password', None) if action in body_params_check_exact: assert set(body[action]) == set(body_params_check_exact[action]) if action == 'reboot': assert body[action]['type'] in ['HARD', 'SOFT'] elif action == 'confirm_resize': # This one method returns a different response code context.status_code = 204 elif action == 'create_image': context.headers['location'] = "http://blah/images/456" if action not in set.union(set(body_is_none_list), set(body_params_check_exact.keys()), set(body_param_check_exists.keys())): raise AssertionError("Unexpected server action: %s" % action) return _body