# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import os import tempfile import yaml from swiftclient import exceptions as swift_exc from tripleo_common.actions import plan from tripleo_common.utils import plan as plan_utils from tripleo_common.utils import swift as swiftutils from tripleo_common.utils import tarball from tripleoclient import constants from tripleoclient import exceptions from tripleoclient import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Plan management workflows should generally be quick. However, the creation # of the default plan in instack has demonstrated that sometimes it can take # several minutes. The previous timeout of 6 minutes from Instack does not # seem to be sufficient anymore. Bumping this to 20 minutes. It doesn't mean # that it will take 20 minutes, but just that the listen for completion will # timeout after 20 minutes. If it takes longer than that, something is really # wrong. _WORKFLOW_TIMEOUT = 20 * 60 # 20 minutes * 60 seconds def _upload_templates(swift_client, container_name, tht_root, roles_file=None, plan_env_file=None, networks_file=None): """tarball up a given directory and upload it to Swift to be extracted""" with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_tarball: tarball.create_tarball(tht_root, tmp_tarball.name) tarball.tarball_extract_to_swift_container( swift_client, tmp_tarball.name, container_name) # Optional override of the roles_data.yaml file if roles_file: _upload_file(swift_client, container_name, constants.OVERCLOUD_ROLES_FILE, utils.rel_or_abs_path(roles_file, tht_root)) # Optional override of the network_data.yaml file if networks_file: _upload_file(swift_client, container_name, constants.OVERCLOUD_NETWORKS_FILE, networks_file) # Optional override of the plan-environment.yaml file if plan_env_file: # TODO(jpalanis): Instead of overriding default file, # merging the user override plan-environment with default # plan-environment file will avoid explict merging issues. _upload_file(swift_client, container_name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, plan_env_file) def create_deployment_plan(container, generate_passwords, use_default_templates=False, source_url=None, validate_stack=True, verbosity_level=0, plan_env_file=None): extra_vars = { "container": container, "validate": validate_stack, "generate_passwords": generate_passwords } if plan_env_file: extra_vars['plan_environment'] = plan_env_file with utils.TempDirs() as tmp: utils.run_ansible_playbook( "cli-create-deployment-plan.yaml", 'undercloud,', workdir=tmp, playbook_dir=constants.ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS, extra_vars=extra_vars, verbosity=verbosity_level ) print("Success.") def delete_deployment_plan(clients, container): """Delete a deployment plan. :param clients: Application client object. :type clients: Object :param container: Container name to pull from. :type container: String """ context = clients.tripleoclient.create_mistral_context() result = plan.DeletePlanAction(container=container).run(context=context) # The action returns None if there are no errors. if result: raise RuntimeError(result) def update_deployment_plan(clients, verbosity_level=0, **workflow_input): with utils.TempDirs() as tmp: utils.run_ansible_playbook( "cli-update-deployment-plan.yaml", 'undercloud,', workdir=tmp, playbook_dir=constants.ANSIBLE_TRIPLEO_PLAYBOOKS, extra_vars={ "container": workflow_input['container'], "validate": workflow_input['validate_stack'], "generate_passwords": workflow_input["generate_passwords"], }, verbosity=verbosity_level ) print("Success.") def list_deployment_plans(clients): mistral_context = clients.tripleoclient.create_mistral_context() return plan.ListPlansAction().run(mistral_context) def create_plan_from_templates(clients, name, tht_root, roles_file=None, generate_passwords=True, plan_env_file=None, networks_file=None, validate_stack=True, verbosity_level=0): swift_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store print("Creating Swift container to store the plan") plan_utils.create_plan_container(swift_client, name) print("Creating plan from template files in: {}".format(tht_root)) _upload_templates(swift_client, name, tht_root, utils.rel_or_abs_path(roles_file, tht_root), plan_env_file, networks_file) try: create_deployment_plan(container=name, generate_passwords=generate_passwords, plan_env_file=plan_env_file, validate_stack=validate_stack, verbosity_level=verbosity_level) except exceptions.WorkflowServiceError: swiftutils.delete_container(swift_client, name) raise def update_plan_from_templates(clients, name, tht_root, roles_file=None, generate_passwords=True, plan_env_file=None, networks_file=None, keep_env=False, validate_stack=True, verbosity_level=1): swift_client = clients.tripleoclient.object_store passwords = None keep_file_contents = {} roles_file = utils.rel_or_abs_path(roles_file, tht_root) if keep_env: # Dict items are (remote_name, local_name). local_name may be # None in which case we only try to load from Swift (remote). keep_map = { constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT: plan_env_file, constants.USER_ENVIRONMENT: None, constants.OVERCLOUD_ROLES_FILE: roles_file, constants.OVERCLOUD_NETWORKS_FILE: networks_file, } # Also try to fetch any files under 'user-files/' # dir. local_name is always None for these keep_map.update(dict(map( lambda path: (path, None), _list_user_files(swift_client, name)))) keep_file_contents = _load_content_or_file( swift_client, name, keep_map) else: passwords = _load_passwords(swift_client, name) # TODO(dmatthews): Removing the existing plan files should probably be # a Mistral action. print("Removing the current plan files") swiftutils.empty_container(swift_client, name) # Until we have a well defined plan update workflow in # tripleo-common we need to manually reset the environments and # parameter_defaults here. This is to ensure that no environments # are in the plan environment but not actually in swift. # See bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1623431 # # Currently this is being done incidentally because we overwrite # the existing plan-environment.yaml with the skeleton one in THT # when updating the templates. Once LP#1623431 is resolved we may # need to special-case plan-environment.yaml to avoid this. print("Uploading new plan files") if keep_env: _upload_templates(swift_client, name, tht_root) for filename in keep_file_contents: _upload_file_content(swift_client, name, filename, keep_file_contents[filename]) else: _upload_templates(swift_client, name, tht_root, roles_file, plan_env_file, networks_file) _update_passwords(swift_client, name, passwords) update_deployment_plan(clients, container=name, generate_passwords=generate_passwords, source_url=None, validate_stack=validate_stack, verbosity_level=verbosity_level) def _load_content_or_file(swift_client, container, remote_and_local_map): # mapping (remote_name, content) file_contents = {} plan_files = _list_plan_files(swift_client, container) for remote_name in remote_and_local_map: LOG.debug("Attempting to load {0}".format(remote_name)) local_name = remote_and_local_map[remote_name] # it's possible that the file doesn't exist in Swift and isn't # passed on filesystem, in which case we won't do anything content = None # local override takes priority if local_name: LOG.debug("Using provided file {0}".format(local_name)) with open(os.path.abspath(local_name)) as local_content: content = local_content.read() elif remote_name in plan_files: LOG.debug("Preserving plan file {0}".format(remote_name)) content = swift_client.get_object(container, remote_name)[1] if content: file_contents[remote_name] = content return file_contents def _list_user_files(swift_client, container): return list(filter(lambda path: path.startswith('user-files/'), _list_plan_files(swift_client, container))) def _list_plan_files(swift_client, container): return list(map(lambda i: i['name'], swift_client.get_container( container, full_listing=True)[1])) def _upload_file(swift_client, container, filename, local_filename): with open(local_filename, 'rb') as file_content: swift_client.put_object(container, filename, file_content) # short function, just alias for interface parity with _upload_plan_file def _upload_file_content(swift_client, container, filename, content): LOG.debug("Uploading {0} to plan".format(filename)) swift_client.put_object(container, filename, content) def _load_passwords(swift_client, name): plan_env = yaml.safe_load(swift_client.get_object( name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT)[1]) if "passwords" in plan_env: return plan_env['passwords'] else: LOG.warn("No passwords found in existing plan {}. " "Updating plan with passwords.".format(name)) def _update_passwords(swift_client, name, passwords): # Update the plan environment with the generated passwords. This # will be solved more elegantly once passwords are saved in a # separate environment (https://review.opendev.org/#/c/467909/) if passwords: try: env = yaml.safe_load(swift_client.get_object( name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT)[1]) env['passwords'] = passwords swift_client.put_object(name, constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, yaml.safe_dump(env, default_flow_style=False)) except swift_exc.ClientException: # The plan likely has not been migrated to using Swift yet. LOG.debug("Could not find plan environment %s in %s", constants.PLAN_ENVIRONMENT, name) def export_deployment_plan(clients, plan_name): export_container = "plan-exports" delete_after = 3600 mistral_context = clients.tripleoclient.create_mistral_context() action = plan.ExportPlanAction(plan_name, delete_after=delete_after, exports_container=export_container) result = action.run(mistral_context) if result: raise exceptions.WorkflowServiceError( 'Exception exporting plan: {}'.format(result.error)) url = swiftutils.get_temp_url(clients.tripleoclient.object_store, container=export_container, object_name="{}.tar.gz".format(plan_name)) print(url) return url