
253 lines
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# Copyright 2013: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import six
from rally.common.i18n import _
class RallyException(Exception):
"""Base Rally Exception
To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define
a "msg_fmt" property. That msg_fmt will get printf'd
with the keyword arguments provided to the constructor.
msg_fmt = _("%(message)s")
def __init__(self, message=None, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs
if "%(message)s" in self.msg_fmt:
kwargs.update({"message": message})
super(RallyException, self).__init__(self.msg_fmt % kwargs)
def format_message(self):
return six.text_type(self)
class ImmutableException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("This object is immutable.")
class InvalidArgumentsException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Invalid arguments: '%(message)s'")
class InvalidConfigException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("This config has invalid schema: `%(message)s`")
class InvalidRunnerResult(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Type of result of `%(name)s` runner should be"
" `base.ScenarioRunnerResult`. Got: `%(results_type)s`")
class InvalidTaskException(InvalidConfigException):
msg_fmt = _("Task config is invalid: `%(message)s`")
class NotFoundScenarios(InvalidTaskException):
msg_fmt = _("There are no benchmark scenarios with names: `%(names)s`.")
class InvalidTaskConfig(InvalidTaskException):
msg_fmt = _("Input task is invalid!\n\n"
"Subtask %(name)s[%(pos)s] has wrong configuration"
"\Subtask configuration:\n%(config)s\n"
"\nReason:\n %(reason)s")
class NotFoundException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("The resource can not be found: %(message)s")
class ThreadTimeoutException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Iteration interrupted due to timeout.")
class PluginNotFound(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("There is no plugin with name: `%(name)s` in "
"%(namespace)s namespace.")
class PluginWithSuchNameExists(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Plugin with such name: %(name)s already exists in "
"%(namespace)s namespace. It's module allocates at "
"%(existing_path)s. You are trying to add plugin whose module "
"allocates at %(new_path)s.")
class NoSuchConfigField(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("There is no field in the task config with name `%(name)s`.")
class NoSuchRole(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("There is no role with name `%(role)s`.")
class TaskNotFound(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("Task with uuid=%(uuid)s not found.")
class DeploymentNotFound(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("Deployment %(deployment)s not found.")
class DeploymentNameExists(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Deployment name '%(deployment)s' already registered.")
class DeploymentIsBusy(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("There are allocated resources for the deployment with "
class RallyAssertionError(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Assertion error: %(message)s")
class ResourceNotFound(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("Resource with id=%(id)s not found.")
class TimeoutException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Rally tired waiting for %(resource_type)s %(resource_name)s:"
"%(resource_id)s to become %(desired_status)s current "
"status %(resource_status)s")
class GetResourceFailure(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Failed to get the resource %(resource)s: %(err)s")
class GetResourceNotFound(GetResourceFailure):
msg_fmt = _("Resource %(resource)s is not found.")
class GetResourceErrorStatus(GetResourceFailure):
msg_fmt = _("Resource %(resource)s has %(status)s status.\n"
"Fault: %(fault)s")
class ScriptError(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Script execution failed: %(message)s")
class TaskInvalidStatus(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Task `%(uuid)s` in `%(actual)s` status but `%(require)s` is "
class ChecksumMismatch(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Checksum mismatch for image: %(url)s")
class InvalidAdminException(InvalidArgumentsException):
msg_fmt = _("user %(username)s doesn't have 'admin' role")
class InvalidEndpointsException(InvalidArgumentsException):
msg_fmt = _("wrong keystone credentials specified in your endpoint"
" properties. (HTTP 401)")
class HostUnreachableException(InvalidArgumentsException):
msg_fmt = _("unable to establish connection to the remote host: %(url)s")
class InvalidScenarioArgument(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Invalid scenario argument: '%(message)s'")
class BenchmarkSetupFailure(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Unable to setup benchmark: '%(message)s'")
class ContextSetupFailure(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Unable to setup context '%(ctx_name)s': '%(msg)s'")
class ValidationError(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Validation error: %(message)s")
class NoNodesFound(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("There is no nodes matching filters: %(filters)r")
class UnknownRelease(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Unknown release '%(release)s'")
class CleanUpException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Cleanup failed.")
class ImageCleanUpException(CleanUpException):
msg_fmt = _("Image Deletion Failed")
class IncompatiblePythonVersion(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Incompatible python version found '%(version)s', "
"required '%(required_version)s'")
class WorkerNotFound(NotFoundException):
msg_fmt = _("Worker %(worker)s could not be found")
class WorkerAlreadyRegistered(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Worker %(worker)s already registered")
class SaharaClusterFailure(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Sahara cluster %(name)s has failed to %(action)s. "
"Reason: '%(reason)s'")
class LiveMigrateException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Live Migration failed: %(message)s")
class MigrateException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Migration failed: %(message)s")
class InvalidHostException(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Live Migration failed: %(message)s")
class MultipleMatchesFound(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Found multiple %(needle)s: %(haystack)s")
class TempestConfigCreationFailure(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("Unable to create Tempest config file: %(message)s")
class SSHTimeout(RallyException):
class SSHError(RallyException):
class InvalidConnectionString(RallyException):
msg_fmt = _("The connection string is not valid: %(message)s. Please "
"check your connection string.")