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# Copyright 2013: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
""" Rally command: deployment """
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import sys
import jsonschema
import yaml
from rally import api
from rally.cmd import cliutils
from rally.cmd.commands import use
from rally.cmd import envutils
from rally.common.i18n import _
from rally.common import utils
from rally import db
from rally import exceptions
from rally import objects
from rally import osclients
class DeploymentCommands(object):
"""Set of commands that allow you to manage deployments."""
@cliutils.args("--name", type=str, required=True,
help="A name of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--fromenv", action="store_true",
help="Read environment variables instead of config file")
@cliutils.args("--filename", type=str, required=False,
help="A path to the configuration file of the "
@cliutils.args("--no-use", action="store_false", dest="do_use",
help="Don\'t set new deployment as default for"
" future operations")
def create(self, name, fromenv=False, filename=None, do_use=False):
"""Create new deployment.
This command will create new deployment record in rally database.
In case of ExistingCloud deployment engine it will use cloud,
represented in config.
In cases when cloud doesn't exists Rally will deploy new one
for you with Devstack or Fuel. For this purposes different deployment
engines are developed.
If you use ExistionCloud deployment engine you can pass deployment
config by environment variables:
All other deployment engines need more complex configuration data, so
it should be stored in configuration file.
You can use physical servers, lxc containers, KVM virtual machines
or virtual machines in OpenStack for deploying the cloud in.
Except physical servers, Rally can create cluster nodes for you.
Interaction with virtualisation software, OpenStack
cloud or physical servers is provided by server providers.
:param fromenv: boolean, read environment instead of config file
:param filename: a path to the configuration file
:param name: a name of the deployment
if fromenv:
required_env_vars = ["OS_USERNAME", "OS_PASSWORD", "OS_AUTH_URL",
unavailable_vars = [v for v in required_env_vars
if v not in os.environ]
if unavailable_vars:
print("The following environment variables are required but "
"not set: %s" % " ".join(unavailable_vars))
config = {
"type": "ExistingCloud",
"auth_url": os.environ["OS_AUTH_URL"],
"admin": {
"username": os.environ["OS_USERNAME"],
"password": os.environ["OS_PASSWORD"],
"tenant_name": os.environ["OS_TENANT_NAME"]
region_name = os.environ.get("OS_REGION_NAME")
if region_name and region_name != "None":
config["region_name"] = region_name
if not filename:
print("Either --filename or --fromenv is required")
filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
with open(filename, "rb") as deploy_file:
config = yaml.safe_load(deploy_file.read())
deployment = api.Deployment.create(config, name)
except jsonschema.ValidationError:
print(_("Config schema validation error: %s.") % sys.exc_info()[1])
except exceptions.DeploymentNameExists:
print(_("Error: %s") % sys.exc_info()[1])
if do_use:
"--uuid", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--deployment", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID or name of a deployment.")
def recreate(self, deployment=None):
"""Destroy and create an existing deployment.
Unlike 'deployment destroy' command deployment database record will
not be deleted, so deployment's UUID stay same.
:param deployment: a UUID or name of the deployment
"--uuid", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--deployment", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID or name of a deployment.")
def destroy(self, deployment=None):
"""Destroy existing deployment.
This will delete all containers, virtual machines, OpenStack instances
or Fuel clusters created during Rally deployment creation. Also it will
remove deployment record from Rally database.
:param deployment: a UUID or name of the deployment
def list(self, deployment_list=None):
"""List existing deployments."""
headers = ["uuid", "created_at", "name", "status", "active"]
current_deployment = envutils.get_global("RALLY_DEPLOYMENT")
deployment_list = deployment_list or db.deployment_list()
table_rows = []
if deployment_list:
for t in deployment_list:
r = [str(t[column]) for column in headers[:-1]]
r.append("" if t["uuid"] != current_deployment else "*")
table_rows.append(utils.Struct(**dict(zip(headers, r))))
cliutils.print_list(table_rows, headers,
print(_("There are no deployments. "
"To create a new deployment, use:"
"\nrally deployment create"))
"--uuid", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--deployment", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID or name of a deployment.")
def config(self, deployment=None):
"""Display configuration of the deployment.
Output is the configuration of the deployment in a
pretty-printed JSON format.
:param deployment: a UUID or name of the deployment
deploy = db.deployment_get(deployment)
result = deploy["config"]
print(json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
"--uuid", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--deployment", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID or name of a deployment.")
def show(self, deployment=None):
"""Show the endpoints of the deployment.
:param deployment: a UUID or name of the deployment
headers = ["auth_url", "username", "password", "tenant_name",
"region_name", "endpoint_type"]
table_rows = []
deployment = db.deployment_get(deployment)
users = deployment.get("users", [])
admin = deployment.get("admin")
endpoints = users + [admin] if admin else users
for ep in endpoints:
data = [ep.get(m, "") for m in headers]
table_rows.append(utils.Struct(**dict(zip(headers, data))))
cliutils.print_list(table_rows, headers)
"--uuid", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID of the deployment.")
@cliutils.args("--deployment", dest="deployment", type=str,
required=False, help="UUID or name of a deployment.")
def check(self, deployment=None):
"""Check keystone authentication and list all available services.
:param deployment: a UUID or name of the deployment
headers = ["services", "type", "status"]
table_rows = []
admin = db.deployment_get(deployment)["admin"]
# TODO(boris-42): make this work for users in future
for endpoint_dict in [admin]:
clients = osclients.Clients(objects.Endpoint(**endpoint_dict))
client = clients.verified_keystone()
print("keystone endpoints are valid and following "
"services are available:")
for service in client.services.list():
data = [service.name, service.type, "Available"]
table_rows.append(utils.Struct(**dict(zip(headers, data))))
except exceptions.InvalidArgumentsException:
data = ["keystone", "identity", "Error"]
table_rows.append(utils.Struct(**dict(zip(headers, data))))
print(_("Authentication Issues: %s.")
% sys.exc_info()[1])
cliutils.print_list(table_rows, headers)
@cliutils.args("--deployment", type=str, dest="deployment",
help="UUID or name of the deployment")
def use(self, deployment):
"""Set active deployment. Alias for "rally use deployment".
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment