
570 lines
22 KiB

# Copyright 2013: Mirantis Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import jinja2
import jinja2.meta
import jsonschema
from rally.common.i18n import _, _LI
from rally.common import logging
from rally.common import objects
from rally import consts
from rally.deployment import engine as deploy_engine
from rally import exceptions
from rally import osclients
from rally.task import engine
from rally.verification.tempest import tempest
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Deployment(object):
def create(cls, config, name):
"""Create a deployment.
:param config: a dict with deployment configuration
:param name: a str represents a name of the deployment
:returns: Deployment object
deployment = objects.Deployment(name=name, config=config)
except exceptions.DeploymentNameExists as e:
if logging.is_debug():
deployer = deploy_engine.Engine.get_engine(
deployment["config"]["type"], deployment)
except jsonschema.ValidationError:
LOG.error(_("Deployment %s: Schema validation error.") %
with deployer:
credentials = deployer.make_deploy()
return deployment
def destroy(cls, deployment):
"""Destroy the deployment.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
# TODO(akscram): We have to be sure that there are no running
# tasks for this deployment.
# TODO(akscram): Check that the deployment have got a status that
# is equal to "*->finished" or "deploy->inconsistent".
deployment = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)
deployer = deploy_engine.Engine.get_engine(
deployment["config"]["type"], deployment)
with deployer:
except exceptions.PluginNotFound:
LOG.info(_("Deployment %s will be deleted despite"
" exception") % deployment["uuid"])
def recreate(cls, deployment):
"""Performs a cleanup and then makes a deployment again.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
deployment = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)
deployer = deploy_engine.Engine.get_engine(
deployment["config"]["type"], deployment)
with deployer:
credentials = deployer.make_deploy()
def get(cls, deployment):
"""Get the deployment.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
:returns: Deployment instance
return objects.Deployment.get(deployment)
def service_list(cls, deployment):
"""Get the services list.
:param deployment: Deployment object
:returns: Service list
# TODO(kun): put this work into objects.Deployment
clients = osclients.Clients(objects.Credential(**deployment["admin"]))
return clients.services()
def list(status=None, parent_uuid=None, name=None):
"""Get the deployments list.
:returns: Deployment list
return objects.Deployment.list(status, parent_uuid, name)
def check(cls, deployment):
"""Check keystone authentication and list all available services.
:returns: Service list
services = cls.service_list(deployment)
users = deployment["users"]
for endpoint_dict in users:
return services
class Task(object):
def list(**filters):
return objects.Task.list(**filters)
def get(task_id):
return objects.Task.get(task_id)
def get_detailed(task_id, extended_results=False):
"""Get detailed task data.
:param task_id: str task UUID
:param extended_results: whether to return task data as dict
with extended results
:returns: rally.common.db.sqlalchemy.models.Task
:returns: dict
task = objects.Task.get_detailed(task_id)
if task and extended_results:
task = dict(task)
task["results"] = objects.Task.extend_results(task["results"])
return task
def render_template(cls, task_template, template_dir="./", **kwargs):
"""Render jinja2 task template to Rally input task.
:param task_template: String that contains template
:param template_dir: The path of directory contain template files
:param kwargs: Dict with template arguments
:returns: rendered template str
def is_really_missing(mis, task_template):
# NOTE(boris-42): Removing variables that have default values from
# missing. Construction that won't be properly
# checked is {% set x = x or 1}
if re.search(mis.join(["{%\s*set\s+", "\s*=\s*", "[^\w]+"]),
return False
# NOTE(jlk): Also check for a default filter which can show up as
# a missing variable
if re.search(mis + "\s*\|\s*default\(", task_template):
return False
return True
# NOTE(boris-42): We have to import builtins to get the full list of
# builtin functions (e.g. range()). Unfortunately,
# __builtins__ doesn't return them (when it is not
# main module)
from six.moves import builtins
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir, encoding="utf8"))
ast = env.parse(task_template)
# NOTE(Julia Varigina):
# Bug in jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables
# The method shows inconsistent behavior:
# it does not return undeclared variables that appear
# in included templates only (via {%- include "some_template.yaml"-%})
# and in the same time is declared in jinja2.Environment.globals.
# This is different for undeclared variables that appear directly
# in task_template. The method jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables
# returns an undeclared variable that is used in task_template
# and is set in jinja2.Environment.globals.
# Despite this bug, jinja resolves values
# declared in jinja2.Environment.globals for both types of undeclared
# variables and successfully renders templates in both cases.
required_kwargs = jinja2.meta.find_undeclared_variables(ast)
missing = (set(required_kwargs) - set(kwargs) - set(dir(builtins)) -
real_missing = [mis for mis in missing
if is_really_missing(mis, task_template)]
if real_missing:
multi_msg = _("Please specify next template task arguments: %s")
single_msg = _("Please specify template task argument: %s")
raise TypeError((len(real_missing) > 1 and multi_msg or single_msg)
% ", ".join(real_missing))
return env.from_string(task_template).render(**kwargs)
def create_template_functions(cls):
def template_min(int1, int2):
return min(int1, int2)
def template_max(int1, int2):
return max(int1, int2)
def template_round(float1):
return int(round(float1))
def template_ceil(float1):
import math
return int(math.ceil(float1))
return {"min": template_min, "max": template_max,
"ceil": template_ceil, "round": template_round}
def create(cls, deployment, tag):
"""Create a task without starting it.
Task is a list of benchmarks that will be called one by one, results of
execution will be stored in DB.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
:param tag: tag for this task
:returns: Task object
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
return objects.Task(deployment_uuid=deployment_uuid, tag=tag)
def validate(cls, deployment, config, task_instance=None):
"""Validate a task config against specified deployment.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
:param config: a dict with a task configuration
deployment = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)
task = task_instance or objects.Task(
deployment_uuid=deployment["uuid"], temporary=True)
benchmark_engine = engine.TaskEngine(
config, task, admin=deployment["admin"], users=deployment["users"])
def start(cls, deployment, config, task=None, abort_on_sla_failure=False):
"""Start a task.
Task is a list of benchmarks that will be called one by one, results of
execution will be stored in DB.
:param deployment: UUID or name of the deployment
:param config: a dict with a task configuration
:param task: Task object. If None, it will be created
:param abort_on_sla_failure: If set to True, the task execution will
stop when any SLA check for it fails
deployment = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)
task = task or objects.Task(deployment_uuid=deployment["uuid"])
if task.is_temporary:
raise ValueError(_(
"Unable to run a temporary task. Please check your code."))
LOG.info("Benchmark Task %s on Deployment %s" % (task["uuid"],
benchmark_engine = engine.TaskEngine(
config, task, admin=deployment["admin"], users=deployment["users"],
except Exception:
def abort(cls, task_uuid, soft=False, async=True):
"""Abort running task.
:param task_uuid: The UUID of the task
:type task_uuid: str
:param soft: If set to True, task should be aborted after execution of
current scenario, otherwise as soon as possible before
all the scenario iterations finish [Default: False]
:type soft: bool
:param async: don't wait until task became in 'running' state
[Default: False]
:type async: bool
if not async:
current_status = objects.Task.get_status(task_uuid)
if current_status in objects.Task.NOT_IMPLEMENTED_STAGES_FOR_ABORT:
LOG.info(_LI("Task status is '%s'. Should wait until it became"
" 'running'") % current_status)
while (current_status in
current_status = objects.Task.get_status(task_uuid)
if not async:
LOG.info(_LI("Waiting until the task stops."))
finished_stages = [consts.TaskStatus.ABORTED,
while objects.Task.get_status(task_uuid) not in finished_stages:
def delete(cls, task_uuid, force=False):
"""Delete the task.
:param task_uuid: The UUID of the task
:param force: If set to True, then delete the task despite to the
:raises TaskInvalidStatus: when the status of the task is not
FINISHED and the force argument
is not True
status = None if force else consts.TaskStatus.FINISHED
objects.Task.delete_by_uuid(task_uuid, status=status)
class Verification(object):
def verify(cls, deployment, set_name="", regex=None, tests_file=None,
tempest_config=None, expected_failures=None, system_wide=False,
concur=0, failing=False):
"""Start verification.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param set_name: Name of a Tempest test set
:param regex: Regular expression of test
:param tests_file: Path to a file with a list of Tempest tests
:param tempest_config: User specified Tempest config file location
:param expected_failures: Dictionary with Tempest tests that are
expected to fail. Keys are test names;
values are reasons of test failures
:param system_wide: Whether or not to create a virtual env when
installing Tempest; whether or not to use
the local env instead of the Tempest virtual
env when running the tests
:param concur: How many processes to use to run Tempest tests.
The default value (0) auto-detects CPU count
:param failing: Re-run tests that failed during the last
:returns: Verification object
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verification = objects.Verification(deployment_uuid=deployment_uuid)
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid,
if not verifier.is_installed():
LOG.warning("Installation of Tempest will be deprecated and "
"removed in the future when executing the `rally "
"verify start` command. To install Tempest please "
"start to use the `rally verify install` command "
"before `rally verify start`.")
LOG.info(_("Tempest is not installed "
"for the specified deployment."))
LOG.info(_("Installing Tempest "
"for deployment: %s") % deployment_uuid)
LOG.info("Starting verification of deployment: %s" % deployment_uuid)
verifier.verify(set_name=set_name, regex=regex, tests_file=tests_file,
expected_failures=expected_failures, concur=concur,
return verification
def import_results(cls, deployment, set_name="", log_file=None):
"""Import Tempest tests results into the Rally database.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param log_file: User specified Tempest log file in subunit format
:returns: Deployment and verification objects
# TODO(aplanas): Create an external deployment if this is
# missing, as required in the blueprint [1].
# [1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rally/+spec/verification-import
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verification = objects.Verification(deployment_uuid=deployment_uuid)
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid, verification=verification)
LOG.info("Importing verification of deployment: %s" % deployment_uuid)
verifier.import_results(set_name=set_name, log_file=log_file)
return deployment, verification
def install_tempest(cls, deployment, source=None, system_wide=False):
"""Install Tempest.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param source: Path/URL to repo to clone Tempest from
:param system_wide: Whether or not to create a Tempest virtual env
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid, source=source,
def uninstall_tempest(cls, deployment):
"""Remove deployment's local Tempest installation.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid)
def reinstall_tempest(cls, deployment, tempest_config=None,
source=None, system_wide=False):
"""Uninstall Tempest and install again.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param tempest_config: User specified Tempest config file location
:param source: Path/URL to repo to clone Tempest from
:param system_wide: Whether or not to create a Tempest virtual env
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid)
if not tempest_config:
config_path = verifier.config_file
filename = os.path.basename(config_path)
temp_location = tempfile.gettempdir()
tmp_conf_path = os.path.join(temp_location, filename)
shutil.copy2(config_path, tmp_conf_path)
source = source or verifier.tempest_source
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid, source=source,
if not tempest_config:
shutil.move(tmp_conf_path, verifier.config_file)
def discover_tests(cls, deployment, pattern=""):
"""Get a list of discovered tests.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param pattern: Test name pattern which can be used to match
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid)
return verifier.discover_tests(pattern)
def _check_tempest_tree_existence(verifier):
if not os.path.exists(verifier.path()):
msg = _("Tempest tree for "
"deployment '%s' not found! ") % verifier.deployment
msg + _("Use `rally verify install` for Tempest installation"))
raise exceptions.NotFoundException(message=msg)
def configure_tempest(cls, deployment, tempest_config=None,
"""Generate configuration file of Tempest.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
:param tempest_config: User specified Tempest config file location
:param override: Whether or not to override existing Tempest
config file
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid,
def show_config_info(cls, deployment):
"""Get information about configuration file of Tempest.
:param deployment: UUID or name of a deployment
deployment_uuid = objects.Deployment.get(deployment)["uuid"]
verifier = tempest.Tempest(deployment_uuid)
if not verifier.is_configured():
with open(verifier.config_file, "rb") as conf:
return {"conf_data": conf.read(),
"conf_path": verifier.config_file}
def list(status=None):
"""List all verifications.
:param status: Filter verifications by the specified status
return objects.Verification.list(status)
def get(verification_uuid):
"""Get verification.
:param verification_uuid: UUID of a verification
return objects.Verification.get(verification_uuid)