===== extjs ===== This element downloads extjs from its website, caching it so it is not downloaded every time, and optionally unpacking it. Configuration ------------- The element can be configured by exporting variables using a `environment.d` script; variables with ``*`` are mandatory: * EXTJS\_DESTINATION\_DIR ``*`` The directory where to extract (or copy) extjs. Mandatory, must be an absolute directory within the image, e.g. ``/usr/share/someapp``. The directory is created if not existing already. * EXTJS\_DOWNLOAD\_URL The URL from where to download extjs. Defaults to ``http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/ext-2.2.zip``. * EXTJS\_NO\_UNPACK If set to 1, then the extjs tarball is simply copied to the location specified by EXTJS\_DESTINATION\_DIR.