#!/bin/bash set -e export IMAGE_SIZE=$DIB_IMAGE_SIZE # This will unset parameter DIB_IMAGE_SIZE for Ubuntu and Fedora vanilla images unset DIB_IMAGE_SIZE # DEBUG_MODE is set by the -d flag, debug is enabled if the value is "true" DEBUG_MODE="false" # The default tag to use for the DIB repo DEFAULT_DIB_REPO_BRANCH="0.1.17" while getopts "p:i:v:d:m" opt; do case $opt in p) PLUGIN=$OPTARG ;; i) IMAGE_TYPE=$OPTARG ;; v) HADOOP_VERSION=$OPTARG ;; d) DEBUG_MODE="true" ;; m) if [ -n "$DIB_REPO_BRANCH" ]; then echo "Error: DIB_REPO_BRANCH set and -m requested, please choose one." exit 3 else DIB_REPO_BRANCH="master" fi ;; *) echo echo "Usage: $(basename $0)" echo " [-p vanilla|spark|hdp]" echo " [-i ubuntu|fedora|centos]" echo " [-v 1|2|plain]" echo " [-d]" echo " [-m]" echo " '-p' is plugin version (default: vanilla)" echo " '-i' is image type (default: all supported by plugin)" echo " '-v' is hadoop version (default: all supported by plugin)" echo " '-d' enable debug mode, root account will have password 'hadoop'" echo " '-m' set the diskimage-builder repo to the master branch (default: $DEFAULT_DIB_REPO_BRANCH)" echo echo "You shouldn't specify hadoop version and image type for spark plugin" echo "You shouldn't specify image type for hdp plugin" echo "Version 'plain' could be specified for hdp plugin only" echo "Debug mode should only be enabled for local debugging purposes, not for production systems" echo "By default all images for all plugins will be created" echo exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z $DIB_REPO_BRANCH ]; then DIB_REPO_BRANCH=$DEFAULT_DIB_REPO_BRANCH fi if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then platform=$(head -1 /etc/os-release) else platform=$(head -1 /etc/system-release | grep -e CentOS -e 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux' || :) if [ -z "$platform" ]; then echo -e "Unknown Host OS. Impossible to build images.\nAborting" exit 2 fi fi # Checks of input if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" -a "$platform" != 'NAME="Ubuntu"' ]; then if [ "$(getenforce)" != "Disabled" ]; then echo "Debug mode cannot be used from this platform while SELinux is enabled, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1292614" exit 1 fi fi if [ -n "$PLUGIN" -a "$PLUGIN" != "vanilla" -a "$PLUGIN" != "spark" -a "$PLUGIN" != "hdp" ]; then echo -e "Unknown plugin selected.\nAborting" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$IMAGE_TYPE" -a "$IMAGE_TYPE" != "ubuntu" -a "$IMAGE_TYPE" != "fedora" -a "$IMAGE_TYPE" != "centos" ]; then echo -e "Unknown image type selected.\nAborting" exit 1 fi if [ -n "$HADOOP_VERSION" -a "$HADOOP_VERSION" != "1" -a "$HADOOP_VERSION" != "2" -a "$HADOOP_VERSION" != "plain" ]; then echo -e "Unknown hadoop version selected.\nAborting" exit 1 fi if [ "$PLUGIN" = "vanilla" -a "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "plain" ]; then echo "Impossible combination.\nAborting" exit 1 fi ################# if [ "$platform" = 'NAME="Ubuntu"' ]; then apt-get update -y apt-get install qemu kpartx git -y elif [ "$platform" = 'NAME=Fedora' ]; then yum update -y yum install qemu kpartx git -y else # centos or rhel yum update -y yum install qemu-kvm qemu-img kpartx git -y if [ ${platform:0:6} = "CentOS" ]; then # install EPEL repo, in order to install argparse sudo rpm -Uvh --force http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm # CentOS requires the python-argparse package be installed separately yum install python-argparse -y fi fi base_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -e $0))" TEMP=$(mktemp -d diskimage-create.XXXXXX) pushd $TEMP export DIB_IMAGE_CACHE=$TEMP/.cache-image-create # Working with repositories # disk-image-builder repo if [ -z $DIB_REPO_PATH ]; then git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/diskimage-builder DIB_REPO_PATH="$(pwd)/diskimage-builder" git --git-dir=$DIB_REPO_PATH/.git --work-tree=$DIB_REPO_PATH checkout $DIB_REPO_BRANCH fi export PATH=$PATH:$DIB_REPO_PATH/bin pushd $DIB_REPO_PATH export DIB_COMMIT_ID=`git rev-parse HEAD` popd export ELEMENTS_PATH="$DIB_REPO_PATH/elements" # sahara-image-elements repo if [ -z $SIM_REPO_PATH ]; then SIM_REPO_PATH="$(dirname $base_dir)" if [ $(basename $SIM_REPO_PATH) != "sahara-image-elements" ]; then echo "Can't find Sahara-image-elements repository. Cloning it." git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/sahara-image-elements SIM_REPO_PATH="$(pwd)/sahara-image-elements" fi fi ELEMENTS_PATH=$ELEMENTS_PATH:$SIM_REPO_PATH/elements pushd $SIM_REPO_PATH export SAHARA_ELEMENTS_COMMIT_ID=`git rev-parse HEAD` popd if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" ]; then echo "Using Image Debug Mode, using root-pwd in images, NOT FOR PRODUCTION USAGE." # Each image has a root login, password is "hadoop" export DIB_PASSWORD="hadoop" fi ############################# # Images for Vanilla plugin # ############################# if [ -z "$PLUGIN" -o "$PLUGIN" = "vanilla" ]; then export JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL=${JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u51-b13/jdk-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz"} export OOZIE_HADOOP_V1_DOWNLOAD_URL=${OOZIE_HADOOP_V1_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/oozie-4.0.0.tar.gz"} export OOZIE_HADOOP_V2_DOWNLOAD_URL=${OOZIE_HADOOP_V2_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/oozie-4.0.0-hadoop-2.3.0.tar.gz"} export HADOOP_V2_NATIVE_LIBS_DOWNLOAD_URL=${HADOOP_V2_NATIVE_LIBS_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/hadoop-2.3.0-native-libs.tar.gz"} export EXTJS_DOWNLOAD_URL=${EXTJS_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://extjs.com/deploy/ext-2.2.zip"} export HIVE_VERSION=${HIVE_VERSION:-"0.11.0"} ubuntu_elements_sequence="base vm ubuntu hadoop oozie mysql hive" fedora_elements_sequence="base vm fedora hadoop oozie mysql hive disable-firewall" centos_elements_sequence="vm rhel hadoop oozie mysql hive redhat-lsb disable-firewall" if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" ]; then ubuntu_elements_sequence="$ubuntu_elements_sequence root-passwd" fedora_elements_sequence="$fedora_elements_sequence root-passwd" centos_elements_sequence="$centos_elements_sequence root-passwd" fi # Workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/diskimage-builder/+bug/1204824 # https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1252684 if [ "$platform" = 'NAME="Ubuntu"' ]; then echo "**************************************************************" echo "WARNING: As a workaround for DIB bug 1204824, you are about to" echo " create a Fedora and CentOS images that has SELinux " echo " disabled. Do not use these images in production. " echo "**************************************************************" fedora_elements_sequence="$fedora_elements_sequence selinux-permissive" centos_elements_sequence="$centos_elements_sequence selinux-permissive" suffix=".selinux-permissive" fi if [ -n "$USE_MIRRORS" ]; then mirror_element=" apt-mirror" ubuntu_elements_sequence=$ubuntu_elements_sequence$mirror_element mirror_element=" yum-mirror" fedora_elements_sequence=$fedora_elements_sequence$mirror_element fi # Ubuntu cloud image if [ -z "$IMAGE_TYPE" -o "$IMAGE_TYPE" = "ubuntu" ]; then if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "1" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_1:-"1.2.1"} export ubuntu_image_name=${ubuntu_vanilla_hadoop_1_image_name:-"ubuntu_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_1_latest"} elements_sequence="$ubuntu_elements_sequence swift_hadoop" disk-image-create $elements_sequence -o $ubuntu_image_name mv $ubuntu_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "2" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_2:-"2.3.0"} export ubuntu_image_name=${ubuntu_vanilla_hadoop_2_image_name:-"ubuntu_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_2_latest"} disk-image-create $ubuntu_elements_sequence -o $ubuntu_image_name mv $ubuntu_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi fi # Fedora cloud image if [ -z "$IMAGE_TYPE" -o "$IMAGE_TYPE" = "fedora" ]; then if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "1" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_1:-"1.2.1"} export fedora_image_name=${fedora_vanilla_hadoop_1_image_name:-"fedora_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_1_latest$suffix"} elements_sequence="$fedora_elements_sequence swift_hadoop" disk-image-create $elements_sequence -o $fedora_image_name mv $fedora_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "2" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_2:-"2.3.0"} export fedora_image_name=${fedora_vanilla_hadoop_2_image_name:-"fedora_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_2_latest$suffix"} disk-image-create $fedora_elements_sequence -o $fedora_image_name mv $fedora_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi fi # CentOS cloud image: # - Disable including 'base' element for CentOS # - Export link and filename for CentOS cloud image to download # - Patameter 'DIB_IMAGE_SIZE' should be specified for CentOS only if [ -z "$IMAGE_TYPE" -o "$IMAGE_TYPE" = "centos" ]; then export DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=${IMAGE_SIZE:-"10"} # Read Create_CentOS_cloud_image.rst to know how to create CentOS image in qcow2 format export BASE_IMAGE_FILE="CentOS-6.5-cloud-init.qcow2" export DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES="http://sahara-files.mirantis.com" if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "1" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_1:-"1.2.1"} export centos_image_name=${centos_vanilla_hadoop_1_image_name:-"centos_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_1_latest$suffix"} elements_sequence="$centos_elements_sequence swift_hadoop" disk-image-create $elements_sequence -n -o $centos_image_name mv $centos_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "2" ]; then export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION=${DIB_HADOOP_VERSION_2:-"2.3.0"} export centos_image_name=${centos_vanilla_hadoop_2_image_name:-"centos_sahara_vanilla_hadoop_2_latest$suffix"} disk-image-create $centos_elements_sequence -n -o $centos_image_name mv $centos_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi unset BASE_IMAGE_FILE DIB_IMAGE_SIZE DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES fi fi ########################## # Image for Spark plugin # ########################## if [ -z "$PLUGIN" -o "$PLUGIN" = "spark" ]; then # Ignoring image type and hadoop version options echo "For spark plugin options -i and -v are ignored" export JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL=${JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL:-"http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/7u51-b13/jdk-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz"} export DIB_HADOOP_VERSION="CDH4" export ubuntu_image_name=${ubuntu_spark_image_name:-"ubuntu_sahara_spark_latest"} ubuntu_elements_sequence="base vm ubuntu java hadoop-cdh spark" if [ -n "$USE_MIRRORS" ]; then mirror_element=" apt-mirror" ubuntu_elements_sequence=$ubuntu_elements_sequence$mirror_element fi # Creating Ubuntu cloud image disk-image-create $ubuntu_elements_sequence -o $ubuntu_image_name mv $ubuntu_image_name.qcow2 ../ fi ######################### # Images for HDP plugin # ######################### if [ -z "$PLUGIN" -o "$PLUGIN" = "hdp" ]; then echo "For hdp plugin option -i is ignored" # Generate HDP images # Parameter 'DIB_IMAGE_SIZE' should be specified for CentOS only export DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=${IMAGE_SIZE:-"10"} # CentOS cloud image: # - Disable including 'base' element for CentOS # - Export link and filename for CentOS cloud image to download export BASE_IMAGE_FILE="CentOS-6.4-cloud-init.qcow2" export DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES="http://sahara-files.mirantis.com" # Setup Java Install configuration for the HDP images export JAVA_TARGET_LOCATION=/opt export JAVA_DOWNLOAD_URL=https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-repo-1.hortonworks.com/ARTIFACTS/jdk-6u31-linux-x64.bin # Ignoring image type option if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "1" ]; then export centos_image_name_hdp_1_3=${centos_hdp_hadoop_1_image_name:-"centos-6_4-64-hdp-1-3"} # Elements to include in an HDP-based image centos_elements_sequence="vm rhel hadoop-hdp redhat-lsb yum" if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" ]; then # enable the root-pwd element, for simpler local debugging of images centos_elements_sequence=$centos_elements_sequence" root-passwd" fi # generate image with HDP 1.3 export DIB_HDP_VERSION="1.3" disk-image-create $centos_elements_sequence -n -o $centos_image_name_hdp_1_3 mv $centos_image_name_hdp_1_3.qcow2 ../ fi if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "2" ]; then export centos_image_name_hdp_2_0=${centos_hdp_hadoop_2_image_name:-"centos-6_4-64-hdp-2-0"} # Elements to include in an HDP-based image centos_elements_sequence="vm rhel hadoop-hdp redhat-lsb yum" if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" ]; then # enable the root-pwd element, for simpler local debugging of images centos_elements_sequence=$centos_elements_sequence" root-passwd" fi # generate image with HDP 2.0 export DIB_HDP_VERSION="2.0" disk-image-create $centos_elements_sequence -n -o $centos_image_name_hdp_2_0 mv $centos_image_name_hdp_2_0.qcow2 ../ fi if [ -z "$HADOOP_VERSION" -o "$HADOOP_VERSION" = "plain" ]; then export centos_image_name_plain=${centos_hdp_plain_image_name:-"centos-6_4-64-plain"} # Elements for a plain CentOS image that does not contain HDP or Apache Hadoop centos_plain_elements_sequence="vm rhel redhat-lsb disable-firewall disable-selinux ssh sahara-version yum" if [ "$DEBUG_MODE" = "true" ]; then # enable the root-pwd element, for simpler local debugging of images centos_plain_elements_sequence=$centos_plain_elements_sequence" root-passwd" fi # generate plain (no Hadoop components) image for testing disk-image-create $centos_plain_elements_sequence -n -o $centos_image_name_plain mv $centos_image_name_plain.qcow2 ../ fi unset BASE_IMAGE_FILE DIB_IMAGE_SIZE DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES fi popd # out of $TEMP rm -rf $TEMP