Retire scientific-wg repo

As discussed in TC meeting[1], TC is retiring the
scientific-wg repo.


Change-Id: I23bfbb89fbf08286f231fa7d9cabfb04d3bf85fc
This commit is contained in:
Ghanshyam Mann 2021-06-23 15:30:11 -05:00
parent 75707c3f03
commit 43ed86f2bc
38 changed files with 9 additions and 3454 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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test_command=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 OS_TEST_TIMEOUT=60 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ . $LISTOPT $IDOPTION
test_id_option=--load-list $IDFILE

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- project:
- openstack-tox-py27
- openstack-tox-py27

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Scientific Working Group
This project is no longer maintained.
The contents of this repository are still available in the Git
source code management system. To see the contents of this
repository before it reached its end of life, please check out the
previous commit with "git checkout HEAD^1".
This repository is for storing `Scientific Working Group
<>`_ resources.
Principally, this includes the text for the WG's book,
`The Crossroads of Cloud and HPC: OpenStack for Scientific Research
All documents are in RST format.
Python Tox is used to automate the creation of virtual environments for
building the working group's documentation resources.
To get started, you need to install all necessary tools:
* `virtualenv`
* `pip` (use the latest from ``)
* `tox`
Run the build
To build the resources::
$ tox -e docs
This will generate build artifacts in ``doc/build``. To view the generated
HTML artifacts navigate to
For any further questions, please email or join #openstack-dev on

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@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
Scientific Working Group
The Scientific Working Group is dedicated to representing and
advancing the use-cases and needs of research and high-performance
computing atop OpenStack. It's also a great forum for cross-institutional
collaboration. If you are (or would like to) run OpenStack to support
researchers/scientists/academics and/or HPC/HTC, then please join!
* HPC/HTC Infrastructure
* Research Data Infrastructure
* Application Infrastructure
* Social Infrastructure
* Create opportunities for the scientific community to engage the wider OpenStack community, i.e. industry
The default communication of our members is via the following open
community mailing lists:
* for coordination of working
group activities. Please prefix email subject lines with the tag
* for operational discussion
of scientific OpenStack deployment issues. Please prefix email
subject lines with the tag "[scientific]".
Please use the hashtag "scientific-wg" for tagging any etherpad
URLs, code, blogs posts, scientific research and/or other social
publishing platforms.
The Working Group also maintains a `wiki page`_.
The Working Group has `weekly IRC meetings`_ in alternating time zones.
.. _wiki page:
.. _weekly IRC meetings:
No formal membership is required. Please introduce yourself and/or
fellow colleagues to this working group using one of the mailing
lists below, or by attending one of the IRC meetings.
This group is open to all members of the scientific OpenStack
community and supporting vendors.
The Scientific Working Group maintains a guide to meeting the requirements of
scientific computing workloads on OpenStack, titled
*The Crossroads of Cloud and HPC: OpenStack for Scientific Research*.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2

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@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and Federated Identity Management
Scientific research depends on the free flow of ideas, and the free
flow of ideas depends upon the free flow of people. Scientific
collaborations and research groups are often composed of users from
different institutions across different countries.
To support convenient and effective collaboration, compute resources
managed by one institution should be seamlessly accessible to
collaborators from other institutions, and vice versa. This is the
core principle of identity federation.
OpenStack is uniquely positioned. Universities and research
institutions use OpenStack to deliver research computing services.
Through improved support for identity federation, OpenStack can
support collaboration between institutions.
Federation Terminology
* **National Research and Education Networks (NREN)** is a collective term used
for research federations.
* **Home Organisation** is the institution to which a user is affiliated, and in
federated use cases is where a user will be authenticated.
* **Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)** ...
* **Open ID Connect (OIDC)** ...
* **Identity Provider (IdP)** ...
* ...
The Concepts of Identity Federation
NRENs use OpenStack to offer cloud compute services to authorized
users. The users may belong to universities, research institutions,
industrial partners or more generally to any organisation within
an identify federation.
We have three actors: the NREN running the public cloud, the user
and the user's home organisation, acting as an identity provider.
Federated public clouds built SAML-based Identity Federations,
leveraging Universities and Research Institutions as Identity
Providers. National Identity Federations are currently used to
authenticate and authorize milions of users, and enable single sign
on across thousands of services. OpenStack-based public cloud
computing is provided to users through federated identity login.
Openstack services and dashboards need to be configured as Service
Providers within identity federations and have to be accessed like
all other services.
The Challenges of Identity Federation
Federated research computing infrastructure needs to enable users
from other institutions within an identity federation to authenticate
and get authorized for access to use infrastructure resources. How is
this process controlled?
* *A user claims to be a user from another institution. How is it proven that
they are who they say they are?*
* *The user has successfully authenticated at their home organisation.
How are they authorized to use compute resources at this institution?
Is the affiliation to a project (and role within that project)
recorded at the home organisation or at the institution providing
the compute resources?*
* *A federated user wants to run periodic background jobs. How can
they do that without having to interactively submit their password?*
* *How does an institution monitor and account for the usage of a
user who has no presence in the institution's user database?*
* *How is a federated user contacted when required by an organisation,
and how would disciplinary actions be taken against a federated
user violating the terms of service?*
* *A federated user has already used a lot of compute resources as
a guest of this institution. How does the institutin decide and
enforce the user's limits?*
* *A federated user has just left her home organisation, or left
the project on which she was collaborating with this institution.
How are active resources assigned to this user and project dealt with?*
* *A user is part of an industrial research project in which their
organisation pays for access to the resources. How is billing applied to the
resources used across the identity federation?*
* *How does an institution enable its users to be authenticated and
authorized to use resources at other institutions within an
identity federation?*
Federated Identity Management in OpenStack
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Further Reading
* The INDIGO Identity and Access Management (IAM) service:
* INDIGO Keystone OpenID-Connect integration guide:
* ...
* **Person 1** from organisation 1
* **Person 2** from organisation 2
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

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@ -1,479 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and High Performance Data
What can data requirements mean an HPC context? The range of use cases
is almost boundless. With considerable generalisation we can consider
some broad criteria for requirements, which expose the inherent tensions
between HPC-centric and cloud-centric storage offerings:
* The **data access** model: data objects could be stored and retrieved
using file-based, block-based, object-based or stream-based access.
HPC storage tends to focus on a model of file-based shared data storage
(with an emerging trend for object-based storage proposed for achieving
new pinnacles of scalability). Conversely cloud infrastructure favours
block-based storage models, often backed with and extended by object-based
storage. Support for data storage through shared filesystems is still
maturing in OpenStack.
* The **data sharing** model: applications may request the same data
from many clients, or the clients may make data accesses that are
segregated from one another. This distinction can have significant
consequences for storage architecture. Cloud storage and HPC storage
are both highly distributed, but often differ in the way in which data
access is parallelised. Providing high-performance access for many
clients to a shared dataset can be a niche requirement specific to HPC.
Cloud-centric storage architectures typically focus on delivering high
aggregate throughput on many discrete data accesses.
* The level of **data persistence**. An HPC-style tiered data storage
architecture does not need to incorporate data redundancy at every level
of the hierarchy. This can improve performance for tiers caching data
closer to the processor.
The cloud model offers capabilities that enable new possibilities for HPC:
* **Automated provisioning**. Software-defined infrastructure automates the
provisioning and configuration of compute resources, including storage.
Users and group administrators are able to create and configure storage
resources to their specific requirements at the exact time they are
* **Multi-tenancy**. HPC storage does not offer multi-tenancy with the level
of segregation that cloud can provide. A virtualised storage resource
can be reserved for the private use of a single user, or could be shared
between a controlled group of collaborating users, or could even be
accessible by all users.
* **Data isolation**. Sensitive data requires careful data management.
Medical informatics workloads may contain patient genomes. Engineering
simulations may contain data that is trade secret. OpenStacks
segregation model is stronger than ownership and permissions on a
POSIX-compliant shared filesystem, and also provides finer-grained
access control.
There is clear value in increased flexibility - but at what cost in
performance? In more demanding environments, HPC storage tends to focus
on and be tuned for delivering the requirements of a confined subset
of workloads. This is the opposite approach to the conventional cloud
model, in which assumptions may not be possible about the storage access
patterns of the supported workloads.
This study will describe some of these divergences in greater detail, and
demonstrate how OpenStack can integrate with HPC storage infrastructure.
Finally some methods of achieving high performance data management on
cloud-native storage infrastructure will be discussed.
File-based Data: HPC Parallel Filesystems in OpenStack
Conventionally in HPC, file-based data services are delivered
by parallel filesystems such as Lustre and Spectrum Scale (GPFS).
A parallel filesystem is a shared resource. Typically it is mounted on
all compute nodes in a system and available to all users of a system.
Parallel filesystems excel at providing low-latency, high-bandwidth
access to data.
Parallel filesystems can be integrated into an OpenStack environment in
a variety of configuration models.
Provisioned Client Model
Access to an external parallel filesystem is provided through an OpenStack
provider network. OpenStack compute instances - virtualised or bare
metal - mount the site filesystem as clients.
This use case is fairly well established. In the virtualised use case,
performance is achieved through use of SR-IOV (with only a moderate
level of overhead). In the case of Lustre, with a layer-2 VLAN provider
network the o2ib client drivers can use RoCE to perform Lustre data
transport using RDMA.
Cloud-hosted clients on a parallel filesystem raise issues with root in
a cloud compute context. On cloud infrastructure, privileged accesses
from a client do not have the same degree of trust as on conventional HPC
infrastructure. Lustre approaches this issue by introducing Kerberos
authentication for filesystem mounts and subsequent file accesses.
Kerberos credentials for Lustre filesystems can be supplied to OpenStack
instances upon creation as instance metadata.
Provisioned Filesystem Model
There are use cases where the dynamic provisioning of software-defined
parallel filesystems has considerable appeal. There have been
proof-of-concept demonstrations of provisioning Lustre filesystems from
scratch using OpenStack compute, storage and network resources.
The OpenStack Manila project aims to provision and manage shared
filesystems as an OpenStack service. IBMs Spectrum Scale integrates
with Manila to re-export GPFS parallel filesystems using the user-space
Ganesha NFS server.
Currently these projects demonstrate functionality over performance.
In future evolutions the overhead of dynamically provisioned parallel
filesystems on OpenStack infrastructure may improve.
A Parallel Data Substrate for OpenStack Services
IBM positions Spectrum Scale as a distributed data service for
underpinning OpenStack services such as Cinder, Glance, Swift and Manila.
More information about using Spectrum Scale in this manner can be found
in IBM Researchs red paper on the subject (listed in the Further
Reading section).
Applying HPC Technologies to Enhance Data IO
A recurring theme throughout this study has been the use of remote DMA
for efficient data transfer in HPC environments. The advantages of this
technology are especially pertinent in data intensive environments.
OpenStacks flexibility enables the introduction of RDMA protocols
for many cloud infrastructure operations to reduce latency, increase
bandwidth and enhance processor efficiency:
Cinder block data IO can be performed using iSER (iSCSI extensions
for RDMA). iSER is a drop-in replacement for iSCSI that is easy to
configure and set up. Through providing tightly-coupled IO resources
using RDMA technologies, the functional equivalent of HPC-style burst
buffers can be added to the storage tiers of cloud infrastructure.
Ceph data transfers can be performed using the Accelio RMDA transport.
This technology was demonstrated some years ago but does not appear
to have achieved production levels of stability or gained significant
mainstream adoption.
The NOWLAB group at Ohio State University have developed extensions to
data analytics platforms such as HBase, Hadoop, Spark and Memcached to
optimise data movements using RDMA.
Optimising Ceph Storage for Data-Intensive Workloads
The versatility of Ceph embodies the cloud-native approach to storage,
and consequently Ceph has become a popular choice of storage technology
for OpenStack infrastructure. A single Ceph deployment can support
various protocols and data access models.
Ceph is capable of delivering strong read bandwidth. For large reads
from OpenStack block devices, Ceph is able to parallelise the delivery
of the read data across multiple OSDs.
Cephs data consistency model commits writes to multiple OSDs before
a write transaction is completed. By default a write is replicated
three times. This can result in higher latency and lower performance
on write bandwidth.
Ceph can run on clusters of commodity hardware configurations. However,
in order to maximise the performance (or price performance) of a Ceph
cluster some design rules of thumb can be applied:
Use separate physical network interfaces for external storage network and
internal storage management. On the NICs and switches, enable Ethernet
flow control and raise the MTU to support jumbo frames.
Each drive used for Ceph storage is managed by an OSD process.
A Ceph storage node usually contains multiple drives (and multiple
OSD processes).
The best price/performance and highest density is achieved using fat
storage nodes, typically containing 72 HDDs. These work well for
large scale deployments, but can lead to very costly units of failure
in smaller deployments. Node configurations of 12-32 HDDs are usually
found in deployments of intermediate scale.
Ceph storage nodes usually contain a higher-speed write journal, which is
dedicated to service of a number of HDDs. An SSD journal can typically
feed 6 HDDs while an NVMe flash device can typically feed up to 20 HDDs.
About 10G of external storage network bandwidth balances the read
bandwidth of up to 15 HDDs. The internal storage management network
should be similarly scaled.
A rule of thumb for RAM is to provide 0.5GB-1GB of RAM per TB per
OSD daemon.
On multi-socket storage nodes, close attention should be paid to NUMA
considerations. The PCI storage devices attached to each socket should
be working together. Journal devices should be connected with HDDs
attached to HBAs on the same socket. IRQ affinity should be confined
to cores on the same socket. Associated OSD processes should be pinned
to the same cores.
For tiered storage applications in which data can be regenerated from
other storage, the replication count can safely be reduced from 3 to
2 copies.
The Cancer Genome Collaboratory: Large-scale Genomics on OpenStack
Genome datasets can be hundreds of terabytes in size, sometimes requiring
weeks or months to download and significant resources to store and
.. image:: images/high_performance_data-oicr_logo.jpg
:width: 300
:align: right
:alt: OICR logo
The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research built the Cancer Genome
Collaboratory (or simply The Collaboratory) as a biomedical research
resource built upon OpenStack infrastructure. The Collaboratory aims
to facilitate research on the worlds largest and most comprehensive
cancer genome dataset, currently produced by the International Cancer
Genome Consortium (ICGC).
By making the ICGC data available in cloud compute form in the
Collaboratory, researchers can bring their analysis methods to the cloud,
yielding benefits from the high availability, scalability and economy
offered by OpenStack, and avoiding the large investment in compute
resources and the time needed to download the data.
An OpenStack Architecture for Genomics
The Collaboratorys requirements for the project were to build a cloud
computing environment providing 3000 compute cores and 10-15 PB of raw
data stored in a scalable and highly-available storage. The project
has also met constraints of budget, data security, confined data centre
space, power and connectivity. In selecting the storage architecture,
capacity was considered to be more important than latency and performance.
Each rack hosts 16 compute nodes using 2U high-density chassis, and
between 6 and 8 Ceph storage nodes. Hosting a mix of compute and storage
nodes in each rack keeps some of the Nova-Ceph traffic in the same rack,
while also lowering the power requirement for these high density racks
(2 x 60A circuits are provided to each rack).
As of September 2016, Collaboratory has 72 compute nodes (2600 CPU
cores, Hyper-Threaded) with a physical configuration optimized for large
data-intensive workflows: 32 or 40 CPU cores and a large amount of RAM
(256 GB per node). The workloads make extensive use of high performance
local disk, incorporating hardware RAID10 across 6 x 2TB SAS drives.
The networking is provided by Brocade ICX 7750-48C top-of-rack switches
that use 6x40Gb cables to interconnect the racks in a ring stack topology,
providing 240 Gbps non-blocking redundant inter-rack connectivity,
at a 2:1 oversubscription ratio.
The Collaboratory is deployed using entirely community-supported free
software. The OpenStack control plane is Ubuntu 14.04 and deployment
configuration is based on Ansible. The Collaboratory was initially
deployed using OpenStack Juno and a year later upgraded to Kilo and
then Liberty.
Collaboratory deploys a standard HA stack based on Haproxy/Keepalived and
Mariadb-Galera using three controller nodes. The controller nodes also
perform the role of Ceph-mon and Neutron L3-agents, using three separate
RAID1 sets of SSD drives for MySQL, Ceph-mon and Mongodb processes.
The compute nodes have 10G Ethernet with GRE and SDN capabilities
for virtualized networking. The Ceph nodes use 2x10G NICs bonded for
client traffic and 2x10G NICs bonded for storage replication traffic.
The Controller nodes have 4x10G NICs in an active-active bond (802.3ad)
using layer3+4 hashing for better link utilisation. The Openstack tenant
routers are highly-available with two routers distributed across the three
controllers. The configuration does not use Neutron DVR out of concern
for limiting the number of servers directly attached to the Internet.
The public VLAN is carried only on the trunk ports facing the controllers
and the monitoring server.
Optimising Ceph for Genomics Workloads
Upon workload start, the instances usually download data stored in Ceph's
object storage. OICR developed a download client that controls access
to sensitive ICGC protected data through managed tokens. Downloading a
100GB file stored in Ceph takes around 18 minutes, with another 10-12
minutes used to automatically check its integrity (md5sum), and is mostly
limited by the instances local disk.
The ICGC storage system adds a layer of control on top of Cephs
object storage. Currently this is a 2-node cluster behind an Haproxy
instance serving the ICGC storage client. The server component uses
OICRs authorization and metadata systems to provide secure access to
related objects stored in Ceph. By using OAuth-based access tokens,
researchers can be given access to the Ceph data without having to
configure Ceph permissions. Access to individual project groups can
also be implemented in this layer.
Each Ceph storage node consists of 36 OSD drives (4, 6 or 8 TB) in
a large Ceph cluster currently providing 4 PB of raw storage, using
three replica pools. The radosgw pool has 90% of the Ceph space being
reserved for storing protected ICGC datasets, including the very large
whole genome aligned reads for almost 2000 donors. The remaining 10% of
Ceph space is used as a scalable and highly-available backend for Glance
and Cinder. Ceph radosgw was tuned for the specific genomic workloads,
mostly by increasing read-ahead on the OSD nodes, 65 MB as rados object
stripe for Radosgw and 8 MB for RBD.
Further Considerations and Future Directions
In the course of the development of the OpenStack infrastructure at the
Collaboratory, several issues have been encountered and addressed:
The instances used in cancer research are usually short lived
(hours/days/weeks), but with high resource requirements in terms of CPU
cores, memory and disk allocation. As a consequence of this pattern of
usage the Collaboratory OpenStack infrastructure does not support live
migration as a standard operating procedure.
The Collaboratory have encountered a few problems caused by Radosgw bugs
involving overlapping multipart uploads. However, these were detected by
the Collaboratorys monitoring system, and did not result in data loss.
The Collaboratory created a monitoring system that uses automated Rally
tests to monitor end-to-end functionality, and also download a random
large S3 object (around 100 GB) to confirm data integrity and monitor
object storage performance.
Because of the mix of very large (BAM), medium (VCF) and very small
(XML, JSON) files, the Ceph OSD nodes have imbalanced load and we have
to regularly monitor and rebalance data.
Currently, the Collaboratory is hosting 500TB of data from 2,000 donors.
Over the next 2 years, OICR will increase the number of ICGC genomes
available in the Collaboratory, with the goal of having the entire ICGC
data set of 25,000 donors estimated to be 5PB when the project completes
in 2018.
Although in a closed beta phase with only a few research labs having
accounts, there were more than 19,000 instances started in the last 18
months, with almost 7,000 in the last three months. One project that
uses the Collaboratory heavily is the PanCancer Analysis of Whole Genomes
(PCAWG), which characterizes the somatic, and germline variants from
over 2,800 ICGC cancer whole genomes in 20 primary tumour sites.
In conclusion, the Collaboratory environment has been running well for
OICR and its partners. George Mihaiescu, senior cloud architect at OICR,
has many future plans for OpenStack and the Collaboratory:
“We hope to add new Openstack projects to the Collaboratorys offering
of services, with Ironic and Heat being the first candidates. We would
also like to provide new compute node configurations with RAID0 instead
of RAID10, or even SSD based local storage for improved IO performance.”
CLIMB: OpenStack, Parallel Filesystems and Microbial Bioinformatics
The Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics (CLIMB) is a
collaboration between four UK universities (Swansea, Warwick, Cardiff
and Birmingham) and funded by the UKs Medical Research Council.
CLIMB provides compute and storage as a free service to academic
microbiologists in the UK. After an extended period of testing, the
CLIMB service was formally launched in July 2016.
.. image:: images/high_performance_data-climb.jpg
:width: 400
:align: right
:alt: CLIMB hardware
CLIMB is a federation of 4 sites, configured as OpenStack regions.
Each site has an approximately equivalent configuration of compute nodes,
network and storage.
The compute node hardware configuration is tailored to support the
memory-intensive demands of bioinformatics workloads. The system as
a whole comprises 7680 CPU cores, in fat 4-socket compute nodes with
512GB RAM. Each site also has three large memory nodes with 3TB of RAM
and 192 hyper-threaded cores.
The infrastructure is managed and deployed using xCAT cluster management
software. The system runs the Kilo release of OpenStack, with packages
from the RDO distribution. Configuration management is automated
using Salt.
Each site has 500 TB of GPFS storage. Every hypervisor is a GPFS client,
and uses an infiniband fabric to access the GPFS filesystem. GPFS is
used for scratch storage space in the hypervisors.
For longer term data storage, to share datasets and VMs, and to provide
block storage for running VMs, CLIMB deploys a storage solution based
on Ceph. The Ceph storage is replicated between sites. Each site has 27
Dell R730XD nodes for Ceph storage servers. Each storage server contains
16x 4TB HDDs for Ceph OSDs, giving a total raw storage capacity of 6912TB.
After 3-way replication this yields a usable capacity of 2304TB.
On two sites Ceph is used as the storage back end for Swift, Cinder
and Glance. At Birmingham GPFS is used for Cinder and Glance, with
plans to migrate to Ceph.
In addition to the infiniband network, a Brocade 10G Ethernet fabric is
used, in conjunction with dual-redundant Brocade Vyatta virtual routers
to manage cross-site connectivity.
In the course of deploying and trialling the CLIMB system, a number of
issues have been encountered and overcome.
* The Vyatta software routers were initially underperforming with
consequential impact on inter-site bandwidth.
* Some performance issues have been encountered due to NUMA topology
awareness not being passed through to VMs.
* Stability problems with Broadcom 10GBaseT drivers in the controllers
led to reliability issues. (Thankfully the HA failover mechanisms were
found to work as required).
* Problems with interactions between Ceph and Dell hardware RAID cards.
* Issues with Infiniband and GPFS configuration.
CLIMB has future plans for developing their OpenStack infrastructure,
* Migrating from regions to Nova cells as the federation model between
* Integrating OpenStack Manila for exporting shared filesystems from
GPFS to guest VMs.
Further Reading
An IBM research study on integrating GPFS
(Spectrum Scale) within OpenStack environments:
A 2015 presentation from ATOS on using Kerberos authentication in Lustre:
Glyn Bowden of HPE and Alex Macdonald from SNIA discuss OpenStack
storage (including the Provisioned Filesystem Model using Lustre):
The High-Performance Big Data team at Ohio State University:
A useful talk from the 2016 Austin OpenStack Summit on Ceph design:
The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Collaboratory:
Further details on the International Cancer Genome Consortium:
Dr Tom Connor presented CLIMB at the 2016 Austin OpenStack summit:
This document was written by Stig Telfer of `StackHPC Ltd <>`_ with the support
of Cambridge University, with contributions, guidance and feedback from
subject matter experts:
* **George Mihaiescu**, **Bob Tiernay**, **Andy Yang**, **Junjun Zhang**,
**Francois Gerthoffert**, **Christina Yung**, **Vincent Ferretti**
from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. The authors wish
to acknowledge the funding support from the Discovery Frontiers:
Advancing Big Data Science in Genomics Research program (grant
no. RGPGR/448167-2013, The Cancer Genome Collaboratory), which
is jointly funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council (NSERC) of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research
(CIHR), Genome Canada, and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI),
and with in-kind support from the Ontario Research Fund of the Ministry
of Research, Innovation and Science.
* **Dr Tom Connor** from Cardiff University and the CLIMB collaboration.
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

View File

@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and HPC Infrastructure Management
In this section we discuss the emerging OpenStack use case for management
of HPC infrastructure. We introduce Ironic, the OpenStack bare metal
service and describe some of the differences, advantages and limitations
of managing HPC infrastructure as a bare metal OpenStack cloud.
Compared with OpenStack, established approaches to HPC infrastructure
management are very different. Conventional solutions offer much higher
scale, and much lower management plane overhead. However, they are also
inflexible, difficult to use and slow to evolve.
Through differences in the approach taken by cloud infrastructure
management, OpenStack brings new flexibility to HPC infrastructure
* OpenStacks integrated support for multi-tenancy infrastructure
introduces segregation between users and projects that require isolation.
* The cloud model enables the infrastructure deployed for different projects
to use entirely different software stacks.
* The software-defined orchestration of deployments is assumed.
This approach, sometimes referred to as “infrastructure as code”,
ensures that infrastructure is deployed and configured according to a
prescriptive formula, often maintained under source control in the same
manner as source code.
* The range of platforms supported by Ironic is highly diverse. Just about
any hardware can and has been used in this context.
* The collaborative open development model of OpenStack ensures that
community support is quick and easy to obtain.
The “infrastructure as code” concept is also gaining traction among
some HPC infrastructure management platforms that are adopting proven
tools and techniques from the cloud infrastructure ecosystem.
Deploying HPC Infrastructure at Scale
HPC infrastructure deployment is not the same as cloud deployment.
A cloud assumes large numbers of users, each administering a small
number of instances compared to the overall size of the system. In a
multi-tenant environment, each user may use different software images.
Without coordination between the tenants, it would be very unlikely for
more than a few instances to be deployed at any one time. The software
architecture of the cloud deployment process is designed around this
Conversely, HPC infrastructure deployment has markedly different
* A single user (the cluster administrator). HPC infrastructure is a
managed service, not user-administered.
* A single software image. All user applications will run in a single
common environment.
* Large proportions of the HPC cluster will be deployed simultaneously.
* Many HPC infrastructures use diskless compute nodes that network-boot
a common software image.
In the terminology of the cloud world, a typical HPC infrastructure
deployment might even be considered a “black swan event”. Cloud
deployment strategies do not exploit the simplifying assumptions that
deployments are usually across many nodes using the same image and for
the same user. Consequently, OpenStack Ironic deployments tend to scale
to the low thousands of compute nodes with current software releases
and best-practice configurations. Network booting a common image is a
capability that only recently has become possible in OpenStack and has
yet to become an established practice.
Bare Metal Management Using OpenStack Ironic
Using Ironic, bare metal compute nodes are automatically provisioned at
a users request. Once the compute allocation is released, the bare
metal hardware is automatically decommissioned ready for its next use.
Ironic requires no presence on the compute node instances that it manages.
The software-defined infrastructure configuration that would typically
be applied in the hypervisor environment must instead be applied in
the hardware objects that interface with the bare metal compute node:
local disks, network ports, etc.
Support for a Wide Range of Hardware
A wide range of hardware is supported, from full-featured BMCs on
enterprise server equipment down to devices whose power can only be
controlled through an SNMP-enabled data centre power strip.
An inventory of compute nodes is registered with Ironic and stored in
Ironics node database. Ironic records configuration details and
current hardware state, including:
* Physical properties of the compute node, including CPU count, RAM size
and disk capacity.
* The MAC address of the network interface used for provisioning instance
software images.
* The hardware drivers used to control and interact with the compute node.
* Details needed by those drivers to address this specific compute node
(for example, BMC IP address and login credentials).
* The current power state and provisioning state of the compute node,
including whether it is in active service.
Inventory Grooming through Hardware Inspection
A node is initially registered with a minimal set of identifying
credentials - sufficient to power it on and boot a ramdisk. Ironic
generates a detailed hardware profile of every compute node through a
process called Hardware Inspection.
Hardware inspection uses this minimal bootstrap configuration provided
during node registration. During the inspection phase a custom ramdisk
is booted which probes the hardware configuration and gathers data.
The data is posted back to Ironic to update the node inventory. Large
amounts of additional hardware profile data are also made available for
later analysis.
The inspection process can optionally run benchmarks to identify
performance anomalies across a group of nodes. Anomalies in the hardware
inspection dataset of a group of nodes can be analysed using a tool
called Cardiff. Performance anomalies, once identified, can often be
traced to configuration anomalies. This process helps to isolate and
eliminate potential issues before a new system enters production.
Bare Metal and Network Isolation
The ability for Ironic to support multi-tenant network isolation is a
new capability, first released in OpenStacks Newton release cycle.
This capability requires some mapping of the network switch ports
connected to each compute node. The mapping of an Ironic network port to
its link partner switch port is maintained with identifiers for switch
and switch port. These are stored as attributes in the Ironic network
port object. Currently the generation of the network mapping is not
automated by Ironic.
Multi-tenant networking is implemented through configuring state in the
attached switch port. The state could be the access port VLAN ID for
a VLAN network, or VTEP state for a VXLAN network. Currently only a
subset of Neutron drivers are able to perform the physical switch port
state manipulations needed by Ironic. Switches with VXLAN VTEP support
and controllable through the OVSDB protocol are likely to be supported.
Ironic maintains two private networks of its own: Networks dedicated to
node provisioning and cleaning networks are defined in Neutron as provider
networks. When a node is deployed, its network port is placed into the
provisioning network. Upon successful deployment the node is connected
to the virtual tenant network for active service. Finally, when the node
is destroyed it is placed on the cleaning network. Maintaining distinct
networks for each role enhances security, and the logical separation of
traffic enables different QoS attributes to be assigned for each network.
Current Limitations of Ironic Multi-tenant Networking
In HPC hardware configurations, compute nodes are attached to multiple
networks. Separate networks dedicated to management and high-speed data
communication are typical.
Current versions of Ironic do not have adequate support for attaching
nodes to multiple physical networks. Multiple physical interfaces can
be defined for a node, and a node can be attached to multiple Neutron
networks. However, it is not possible to attach specific physical
interfaces to specific networks.
Consequently, with current capabilities only a single network interface
should be managed by Ironic. Other physical networks would be managed
outside of OpenStacks purview, but will not benefit from OpenStack's
multi-tenant network capabilities as a result. Furthermore, Ironic only
supports a single network per physical port: all network switch ports
for Ironic nodes are access ports. Trunk ports are not yet supported
although this feature is in the development backlog.
Remote Console Management
Many server management products include support for remote consoles,
both serial and video. Ironic includes drivers for serial consoles,
built upon support in the underlying hardware.
Recently-developed capabilities within Ironic have seen bare metal
consoles integrated with OpenStack Novas framework for managing
virtual consoles. Ironics node kernel boot parameters are extended
with a serial console port, which is then redirected by the BMC to
serial-over-LAN. Server consoles can be presented in the Horizon web
interface in the same manner as virtualised server consoles.
Currently this capability is only supported for IPMI-based server
Security and Integrity
When bare metal compute is sold as an openly-accessible service,
privileged access is granted to a bare metal system. There is substantial
scope for a malicious user to embed malware payloads in the BIOS and
device firmware of the system.
Ironic counters this threat in several ways:
* **Node Cleaning**: Ironics node state machine includes states where
hardware state is reset and consistency checks can be run to detect
attempted malware injection. Ironics default hardware manager does
not support these hardware-specific checks. However, custom hardware
drivers can be developed to include BIOS configuration settings and
firmware integrity tests.
* **Network Isolation**: Through using separate networks for node provisioning,
active tenant service and node cleaning, the opportunities for a
compromised system to probe and infect other systems across the network
are greatly reduced.
* **Trusted Boot**: use of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and chain of trust
built upon it is necessary. These processes are used to secure public
cloud deployments of Ironic-administered bare metal compute today.
None of these capabilities is enabled by default. Hardening Ironics
security model requires expertise and some amount of effort.
Provisioning at Scale
The cloud model use case makes different assumptions to HPC. A cloud
is expected to support a large number of individual users. At any
time, each user is assumed to make comparatively small changes to their
compute resource usage. The HPC infrastructure use case is dramatically
different. HPC infrastructure typically runs a single software image
across the entire compute partition, and is likely to be deployed jointly
in one operation.
Ironics current deployment models do not scale as well as the models
used by conventional HPC infrastructure management platforms. xCAT uses
a hierarchy of subordinate service nodes to fan out an iSCSI-based
image deployment. Rocks cluster toolkit uses BitTorrent to distribute
RPM packages to all nodes. In the Rocks model, each deployment target
is a torrent peer. The capacity of the deployment infrastructure grows
alongside the number of targets being deployed.
However, the technologies for content distribution and caching that are
widely adopted by the cloud can be incorporated to address this issue.
Caching proxy servers can be used to speed up deployment at scale.
With appropriate configuration choices, Ironic can scale to handle
deployment to multiple thousands of servers.
.. figure:: images/hpc_infrastructure-ironic.png
:width: 600
:alt: Ironic node deployment flow diagram
*An overview of Ironics node deployment process when using the Ironic
Python Agent ramdisk and Swift URLs for image retrieval. This strategy
demonstrates good scalability, but the deploy disk image cannot be bigger
than the RAM available on the node.*
Building Upon Ironic to Convert Infrastructure into HPC Platforms
The strengths of cloud infrastructure tooling become apparent once Ironic
has completed deployment. From this point a set of unconfigured compute
nodes must converge into the HPC compute platform required to meet the
users needs. A rich ecosystem of flexible tools is available to
perform this purpose.
See the section
`OpenStack and HPC Workload Management <openstack-and-hpc-workloads.html>`_
for further details of some of the available approaches.
Chameleon: An Experimental Testbed for Computer Science
.. figure:: images/hpc_infrastructure-chameleon_logo.jpg
:width: 400
:alt: Chameleon logo
Chameleon is an infrastructure project implementing an experimental
testbed for Computer Science led by University of Chicago, with Texas
Advance Computing Center (TACC), University of Texas at San Antonio
(UTSA), Northwestern University and Ohio State University as partners.
The Chameleon project is funded by the National Science Foundation.
The current system comprises ~600 nodes split between sites at TACC in
Austin and University of Chicago. The sites are interconnected with a
100G network. The compute nodes are divided into twelve racks, referred
to as “standard cloud units”, comprising 42 compute nodes, 4 storage
nodes with 16 2 TB hard drives each, and 10G Ethernet connecting all nodes
with an SDN-enabled top-of-rack switch. Each SCU has 40G Ethernet uplinks
into the Chameleon core network fabric. On this, largely homogenous
framework were grafted heterogenous elements allowing for different
types of experimentation. One SCU has Mellanox ConnectX-3 Infiniband.
Two computer nodes were set up as storage hierarchy nodes with 512 GB
of memory, two Intel P3700 NVMe of 2.0 TB each, four Intel S3610 SSDs of
1.6 TB each, and four 15K SAS HDDs of 600 GB each. Two additional nodes
are equipped with NVIDIA Tesla K80 accelerators and two with NVIDIA
Tesla M40 accelerators.
In the near term additional, heterogeneous cloud units for experimentation
with alternate processors and networks will be incorporated, including
FPGAs, Intel Atom microservers and ARM microservers. Compute nodes with
GPU accelerators have already been added to Chameleon.
Chameleons public launch was at the end of July 2015; since then
it has supported over 200 research projects into computer science and
cloud computing.
The system is designed to be deeply reconfigurable and adaptive, to
produce a wide range of flexible configurations for computer science
research. Chameleon uses the OpenStack Blazar project to manage advance
reservation of compute resources for research projects.
Chameleon deploys OpenStack packages from RDO, orchestrated using
OpenStack Puppet modules. Chameleons management services currently
run CentOS 7 and OpenStack Liberty. Through Ironic a large proportion
of the compute nodes are provided to researchers as bare metal (a
few SCUs are dedicated to virtualised compute instances using KVM).
Chameleons Ironic configuration uses the popular driver pairing of
PXE-driven iSCSI deployment and IPMItool power management.
Ironics capabilities have expanded dramatically in the year since
Chameleon first went into production, and many of the new capabilities
will be integrated into this project.
The Chameleon projects wish list for Ironic capabilities includes:
* Ironic-Cinder integration, orchestrating the attachment of network block
devices to bare metal instances. This capability has been under active
development in Ironic and at the time of writing it is nearing completion.
* Network isolation, placing different research projects onto different
VLANs to minimise their interference with one another. Chameleon hosts
projects researching radically different forms of networking, which must
be segregated.
* Bare metal consoles, enabling researchers to interact with their allocated
compute nodes at the bare metal level.
* BIOS parameter management, enabling researchers to (safely) change
BIOS parameters, and then to restore default parameters at the end of
an experiment.
Pierre Riteau, DevOps lead for the Chameleon project, sees Chameleon as
an exciting use case for Ironic, which is currently developing many of
these features:
“With the Ironic project, OpenStack provides a modern bare-metal
provisioning system benefiting from an active upstream community, with
each new release bringing additional capabilities. Leveraging Ironic
and the rest of the OpenStack ecosystem, we were able to launch Chameleon
in a very short time.”
“However, the Ironic software is still maturing, and can lack in
features or scalability compared to some other bare-metal provisioning
software, especially in an architecture without a scalable Swift
“Based on our experience, we recommend getting familiar with the
other core OpenStack projects when deploying Ironic. Although Ironic
can be run as standalone using Bifrost, when deployed as part of an
OpenStack it interacts closely with Nova, Neutron, Glance, and Swift.
And as with all bare-metal provisioning systems, it is crucial to
have serial console access to compute nodes in order to troubleshoot
deployment failures, which can be caused by all sorts of hardware issues
and software misconfigurations.”
“We see the future of OpenStack in this area as providing a fully
featured system capable of efficiently managing data centre resources,
from provisioning operating systems to rolling out firmware upgrades
and identifying performance anomalies.”
BRIDGES: A Next-Generation HPC Resource for Data Analytics
Bridges is a supercomputer at the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center funded
by the National Science Foundation. It is designed as a uniquely flexible
HPC resource, intended to support both traditional and non-traditional
workflows. The name implies the systems aim to “bridge the research
community with HPC and Big Data.”
Bridges supports a diverse range of use cases, including graph analytics,
machine learning and genomics. As a flexible resource, Bridges supports
traditional SLURM-based batch workloads, Docker containers and interactive
web-based workflows.
Bridges has 800 compute nodes, 48 of which have dual-GPU accelerators
from Nvidia. There are also 46 high-memory nodes, including 4 with
12TB of RAM each. The entire system is interconnected with an Omnipath
high-performance 100G network fabric.
Bridges is deployed using community-supported free software. The
OpenStack control plane is CentOS 7 and Red Hat RDO (a freely available
packaging of OpenStack for Red Hat systems). OpenStack deployment
configuration is based on the PackStack project. Bridges was deployed
using OpenStack Liberty and is scheduled to be upgraded to OpenStack
Mitaka in the near future.
Most of the nodes are deployed in a bare metal configuration using Ironic.
Puppet is used to select the software role of a compute node at boot
time, avoiding the need to re-image. For example, a configuration for
MPI, Hadoop or virtualisation could be selected according to workload
OmniPath networking is delivered using the OFED driver stack. Compute
nodes use IP over OPA for general connectivity. HPC apps use RDMA verbs
to take full advantage of OmniPaths capabilities.
.. figure:: images/hpc_infrastructure-bridges.png
:width: 600
:alt: PSC BRIDGES network architecture
*Visualisation of the Bridges OmniPath network topology. 800 General
purpose compute nodes and GPU nodes are arrayed along the bottom of the
topology. Special purpose compute nodes, storage and control plane nodes
are arrayed across the top of the topology. 42 compute nodes connect to
each OmniPath ToR switch (in yellow), creating a “compute island”,
with 7:1 oversubscription into the upper stages of the network.*
Bridges Exposes Issues at Scale
The Bridges system is a very large deployment for Ironic. While there are
no exact numbers, Ironic has been quoted to scale to thousands of nodes.
Coherency issues between Nova Scheduler and Ironic could arise if
too many nodes were deployed simultaneously. Introducing delays
during the scripting of the "nova boot" commands kept things in check.
Node deployments would be held to five building instances with
subsequent instances staggered by 25 seconds, resulting in automated
deployment of the entire machine taking 1-2 days.
Within Ironic the periodic polling of driver power states is serialised.
BMCs can be very slow to respond, and this can lead to the time taken
to poll all power states in series to grow quite large. On Bridges,
the polling takes approximately 8 minutes to complete. This can also
lead to apparent inconsistencies of state between Nova and Ironic, and
the admin team work around this issue by enforcing “settling time”
between deleting a node and reprovisioning it.
Benefiting from OpenStack and Contributing Back
The team at PSC have found benefits from using OpenStack for HPC system
* The ability to manage system image creation using OpenStack tools such
as diskimage-builder.
* Ironics automation of the management of PXE node booting.
* The prescriptive repeatable deployment process developed by the team
using Ironic and Puppet.
Robert Budden, senior cluster systems developer at PSC, has many future
plans for OpenStack and Bridges:
* Using other OpenStack services such as Magnum (Containerised workloads),
Sahara (Hadoop on the fly) and Trove (database as a service).
Developing Ironic support for network boot over OmniPath.
* Diskless boot of extremely large memory nodes using Ironics Cinder
* Deployment of a containerised OpenStack control plane using Kolla.
* Increased convergence between bare metal and virtualised OpenStack
Robert adds:
“One of the great things is that as OpenStack improves, Bridges can
improve. As these new projects come online, we can incorporate those
features and the Bridges architecture can grow with the community."
“A big thing for me is to contribute back. Im a developer by nature,
I want to fix some of the bugs and scaling issues that Ive seen and
push these back to the OpenStack community.”
A $200 Million OpenStack-Powered Supercomputer
In 2014 and 2015 the US Department of Energy announced three new
giant supercomputers, totalling $525 million, to be procured under the
CORAL (Collaboration of Oak Ridge, Argonne and Livermore) initiative.
Argonne National Laboratorys $200 million system, Aurora, features a
peak performance of 180 PFLOPs delivered by over 50,000 compute nodes.
Aurora is expected to be 18 times more powerful than Argonnes current
flagship supercomputer (Mira).
Aurora is to be deployed in 2018 by Intel, in partnership with Cray.
Aurora exemplifies the full capabilities of Intels Scalable Systems
Framework initiative. Whilst Intel are providing the processors,
memory technology and fabric interconnect, Crays long experience
and technical expertise in system integration are also fundamental to
Auroras successful delivery.
.. figure:: images/hpc_infrastructure-aurora.jpg
:width: 600
:alt: Aurora floorplan render
Crays Vision of the OpenStack-Powered Supercomputer
Cray today sells a wide range of products for supercomputing, storage
and high-performance data analytics. Aside from the companys core
offering of supercomputer systems, much of Crays product line has come
through acquisition. As a result of this historical path the system
management of each product is different, has different capabilities,
and different limitations.
The system management software that powers Crays supercomputers has
developed through long experience to become highly scalable and efficient.
The software stack is bespoke and specialised to delivering this single
capability. In some ways, its inflexible excellence represents the
antithesis of OpenStack and software-defined cloud infrastructure.
Faced with these challenges, and with customer demands for open management
interfaces, in 2013 Cray initiated a development programme for a unified
and open solution for system management across the product range.
Crays architects quickly settled on OpenStack. OpenStack relieves
the Cray engineering team of the generic aspects of system management
and frees them up to focus on problems specific to the demanding nature
of the products.
Successful OpenStack development strategies strongly favour an open
approach. Cray teams have worked with OpenStack developer communities to
bring forward the capabilities required for effective HPC infrastructure
management, for example:
* **Enhanced Ironic deployment**, using the Bareon ramdisk derived from the Fuel
deployment project. Cray management servers require complex deployment
configurations featuring multiple partitions and system images.
* **Diskless Ironic deployment**, through active participation in the
development of Cinder and Ironic integration.
* **Ironic multi-tenant networking**, through submission of bug fixes and
demonstration use cases.
* **Containerised OpenStack deployment**, through participation in the OpenStack
Kolla project.
* **Scalable monitoring infrastructure**, through participation in the Monasca
Fundamental challenges still remain for Cray to deliver
OpenStack-orchestrated system management for supercomputer systems on
the scale of Aurora. Kitrick Sheets, senior principal engineer at Cray
and architect of Crays OpenStack strategy, comments:
“Cray has spent many years developing infrastructure management
capabilities for high performance computing environments. The emergence
of cloud computing and OpenStack has provided a foundation for common
infrastructure management APIs. The abstractions provided within the
framework of OpenStack provide the ability to support familiar outward
interfaces for users who are accustomed to emerging elastic computing
environments while supporting the ability to provide features and
functions required for the support of HPC-class workloads. Normalizing
the user and administrator interfaces also has the advantage of increasing
software portability, thereby increasing the pace of innovation.”
“While OpenStack presents many advantages for the management of HPC
environments, there are many opportunities for improvement to support the
high performance, large scale use cases. Areas such as bulk deployment
of large collections of nodes, low-overhead state management, scalable
telemetry, etc. are a few of these. Cray will continue to work with
the community on these and other areas directly related to support of
current and emerging HPC hardware and software ecosystems.”
“We believe that additional focus on performance and scale which
drive toward the support of the highest-end systems will pay dividends
on systems of all sizes. In addition, as system sizes increase,
the incidents of hardware and software component failures become more
frequent, requiring increased resilience of services to support continual
operation. The community's efforts toward live service updates is one
area that will move us much further down that path.”
“OpenStack provides significant opportunities for providing core
management capabilities for diverse hardware and software ecosystems.
We look forward to continuing our work with the community to enhance
and extend OpenStack to address the unique challenges presented by high
performance computing environments.”
Most of the Benefits of Software-Defined Infrastructure...
In the space of HPC infrastructure management, OpenStacks attraction
is centred on the prospect of having all the benefits of software-defined
infrastructure while paying none of the performance overhead.
To date there is no single solution that can provide this. However,
a compromising trade-off can be struck in various ways:
* Fully-virtualised infrastructure provides all capabilities of cloud with
much of the performance overhead of cloud.
* Virtualised infrastructure using techniques such as SR-IOV and PCI
pass-through dramatically improves performance for network and IO
intensive workloads, but imposes some constraints on the flexibility of
software-defined infrastructure.
* Bare metal infrastructure management using Ironic incurs no performance
overhead, but has further restrictions on flexibility.
Each of these strategies is continually improving. Fully-virtualised
infrastructure using OpenStack private cloud provides control over
performance-sensitive parameters like resource over-commitment and
hypervisor tuning. It is anticipated that infrastructure using hardware
device pass-through optimisations will soon be capable of supporting cloud
capabilities like live migration. Ironics bare metal infrastructure
management is continually developing new ways of presenting physical
compute resources as though they were virtual.
OpenStack has already arrived in the HPC infrastructure management
ecosystem. Projects using Ironic for HPC infrastructure management
have already demonstrated success. As it matures, its proposition
of software-defined infrastructure without the overhead will become
increasingly compelling.
A Rapidly Developing Project
While it is rapidly becoming popular, Ironic is a relatively young
project within OpenStack. Some areas are still being actively developed.
For sites seeking to deploy Ironic-administered compute hardware, some
limitations remain. However, Ironic has a rapid pace of progress,
and new capabilities are released with every OpenStack release cycle.
HPC infrastructure management using OpenStack Ironic has been demonstrated
at over 800 nodes, while Ironic is claimed to scale to managing thousands
of nodes. However, new problems become apparent at scale. Currently,
large deployments using Ironic should plan for an investment in the
skill set of the administration team and active participation within
the Ironic developer community.
Further Reading
A clear and helpful introduction into the workings of Ironic in greater
Deployment of Ironic as a standalone tool:
Kate Keahey from University of Chicago presented an architecture
show-and-tell on Chameleon at the OpenStack Austin summit in April 2016:
Chameleon Clouds home page is at:
Robert Budden presented an architecture show-and-tell
on Bridges at the OpenStack Austin summit in April 2016:
Further information on Bridges is available at its home page at PSC:
Argonne National Labs home page for Aurora:
A presentation from Intel giving an overview of Aurora:
Intels Scalable System Framework:
This document was originally written by Stig Telfer of `StackHPC Ltd <>`_ with the support
of Cambridge University, with contributions, guidance and feedback from
subject matter experts:
* **Pierre Riteau**, University of Chicago and Chameleon DevOps lead.
* **Kate Keahey**, University of Chicago and Chameleon Science Director.
* **Robert Budden**, Senior Cluster Systems Developer, Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center.
* **Kitrick Sheets**, Senior Principal Engineer, Cray Inc.
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

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@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and HPC Network Fabrics
HPC and cloud infrastructure are not built to the same requirements.
As much as anything else, networking exemplifies the divergent criteria
between HPC applications and the typical workloads served by cloud
With sweeping generalisations, one typically assumes an HPC
parallel workload is tightly-coupled, and a cloud-native workload is
loosely-coupled. A typical HPC parallel workload might be computational
fluid dynamics using a partitioned geometric grid. The application
code is likely to be structured in a bulk synchronous parallel model,
comprising phases of compute and data exchange between neighbouring
workers. Progress is made in lock-step, and is blocked until all workers
complete each phase.
Compare this with typical cloud-native application, which might be
a microservice architecture consisting of a number of communicating
sequential processes. The overall application structure is completely
different, and workers do not have the same degree of dependency upon
other workers in order to make progress.
The different requirements of HPC and cloud-native applications have led
to different architectural choices being made at every level in order to
deliver optimal and cost-effective solutions for each target application.
A cloud environment experiences workload diversity to a far greater extent
than seen in HPC. This has become the quintessential driving force of
software-defined infrastructure. Cloud environments are designed to
be flexible and adaptable. As a result, cloud infrastructure has the
flexibility to accommodate HPC requirements.
The flexibility of cloud infrastructure is delivered through layers
of abstraction. OpenStacks focus is on defining the intent of
the multi-tenant cloud infrastructure. Dedicated network management
applications decide on the implementation. As an orchestrator, OpenStack
delegates knowledge of physical network connectivity to the network
management platforms to which it connects.
OpenStacks surging momentum has ensured that support already exists
for all but the most exotic of HPC network architectures. This article
will describe several solutions for delivering HPC networking in an
OpenStack cloud.
Using SR-IOV for Virtualised HPC Networking
SR-IOV is a technology that demonstrates how software-defined
infrastructure can introduce new flexibility in the management of HPC
resources, whilst retaining the high-performance benefits. With current
generation devices, there is a slight increase in I/O latency when using
SR-IOV virtual functions. However, this overhead is negligible for all
but the most latency-sensitive of applications.
The Process Flow for Using SR-IOV
The Nova compute hypervisor is configured at boot time with kernel flags
to support extensions for SR-IOV hardware management.
The network kernel device driver is configured to create virtual
functions. These are present alongside the physical function. When they
are not assigned to a guest workload instance, the virtual functions
are visible in the device tree of the hypervisor.
The OpenStack services are configured with identifiers or addresses
of devices configured to support SR-IOV. This is most easily done by
identifying the physical function (for example using its network device
name, PCI bus address, or PCI vendor/device IDs). All virtual functions
associated with this device will be made available for virtualised
compute instances. The configuration that identifies SR-IOV devices is
known as the whitelist.
To use an SR-IOV virtual function for networking in an instance,
a special direct-bound network port is created and connected with
the VM. This causes one of the virtual functions to be configured and
passed-through from the hypervisor into the VM.
Support for launching an instance using SR-IOV network interfaces from
OpenStacks Horizon web interface was introduced in the OpenStack
Mitaka release (April 2016). Prior to this, it was only possible to
launch instances using SR-IOV ports through a sequence of command-line
invocations (or through direct interaction with the OpenStack APIs).
The Limitations of Using SR-IOV in Cloud Infrastructure
SR-IOV places some limitations on the cloud computing model that can be
detrimental to the overall flexibility of the infrastructure:
* Current SR-IOV hardware implementations support flat (unsegregated)
and VLAN network separation but not VXLAN for tenant networks. This
limitation can constrain the configuration options for the network fabric.
Layer-3 IP-based fabrics using technologies such as ECMP are unlikely
to interoperate with VLAN-based network separation.
* Live migration of VMs connected using SR-IOV is not possible with current
hardware and software. The capability is being actively developed for
Mellanox SR-IOV NICs. It is not confirmed whether live migration of
RDMA applications will be possible.
* SR-IOV devices bypass OpenStacks security groups, and consequently
should only be used for networks that are not externally connected.
Virtualisation-aware MPI for Tightly-Coupled Cloud Workloads
The MVAPICH2 library implements MPI-3 (based on MPI 3.1 standard)
using the IB verbs low-level message passing primitives. MVAPICH2 was
created and developed by the `Network-Based Computing Laboratory
<>`_ (NOWLAB) at The Ohio State
University, and has been freely available for download for 15 years.
Over that time MVAPICH2 has been continuously developed and now runs on
systems as big as 500,000 cores.
An Infiniband NIC with SR-IOV capability was first developed by Mellanox
in the ConnectX-3 generation of its product, unlocking the possibility
of achieving near-native Infiniband performance in a virtualised
environment. MVAPICH2-Virt was introduced in 2015 to develop HPC levels
of performance for cloud infrastructure. The techniques adopted by
MVAPICH2-Virt currently support KVM and Docker based cloud environments.
MVAPICH2-Virt introduces Inter-VM Shared Memory (IVSHMEM) support to KVM
hypervisors, increasing performance between co-resident VMs. In order
to run MVAPICH2-Virt based applications on top of OpenStack-based cloud
environments easily, several extensions to set up SR-IOV and IVSHMEM
devices in VMs have been developed for OpenStacks Nova compute manager.
MVAPICH2-Virt has two principal optimisation strategies for KVM-based
cloud environments:
* Dynamic locality awareness for MPI communication among co-resident
VMs. A new communication channel, IVSHMEM, introduces a memory-space
communication mechanism between different VMs co-resident on the same
hypervisor. Inter-node communication continues to use the SR-IOV
virtual function.
* Tuning of MPI performance for both SR-IOV and IVSHMEM channels.
.. figure:: images/hpc_fabrics-ivshmem.png
:width: 400
:alt: IV-SHMEM device for intra-hypervisor communication
Similarly, MVAPICH2-Virt has two principal optimisation strategies for
Docker based cloud environments:
* Dynamic locality awareness for MPI communication among co-resident
containers. All Intra-Node MPI communication can go through either IPC-SHM
enabled channel or CMA channel, no matter they are in the same container
or different ones. Inter-Node-Inter-Container MPI communication will
leverage the InfiniBand HCA channel.
* Tuning of MPI performance for all different channels, including IPC-SHM,
CMA, and InfiniBand HCA.
With these strategies in effect, the performance overhead of KVM and
Docker based virtualisation on standard MPI benchmarks and applications
are less than 10%.
"The novel designs introduced in MVAPICH2-Virt take advantage of the
latest advances in virtualisation technologies and promise to design
next-generation HPC cloud environments with good performance", says
Prof. DK Panda and Dr. Xiaoyi Lu of NOWLAB.
OpenStack as an environment for supporting MPI based HPC workloads has
many benefits such as fast VM or container deployment for setting up
MPI job execution environments, security, enabling resource sharing,
providing privileged access in virtualized environments, supporting
high-performance networking technologies (e.g. SR-IOV), etc
Currently, OpenStack still could not fully support or work seamlessly
with technologies in HPC environments, such as IVSHMEM, SLURM, PBS,
etc. But with several extensions proposed by NOWLAB researchers, running
MPI based HPC workloads on top of OpenStack managed environments seems
a promising approach for building efficient clouds.
The future direction of MVAPICH2-Virt includes
* Further support different kinds of virtualised environments
* Further improve MPI application performance on cloud environments
through novel designs
* Support live migration of MPI applications in SR-IOV and IVSHMEM enabled VMs
Infiniband and other Non-Ethernet Fabrics
Infiniband is the dominant fabric interconnect for HPC clusters. Of the
TOP500 list published in June 2016, 41% of entries use Infiniband.
In part, OpenStacks flexibility comes from avoiding many rigid
assumptions in infrastructure management. However, OpenStack networking
does have some expectations of an Ethernet and IP-centric network
architecture, which can present challenges for the network architectures
often used in HPC. The Neutron driver for Infiniband circumvents this
assumption by applying Neutrons layer-3 network configuration to an
IP-over-IB interface, and mapping Neutrons layer-2 network segmentation
ID to Infiniband pkeys.
However, Neutron is limited to an allocation of 126 pkeys, which imposes
a restrictive upper limit on the number of distinct tenant networks an
OpenStack Infiniband cloud can support.
A technical lead with experience of using OpenStack on Infiniband reports
mixed experiences from an evaluation performed in 2015. The overall
result led him to conclude that HPC fabrics such as Infiniband are
only worthwhile in an OpenStack environment if one is also using RDMA
communication protocols in the client workload:
"MPI jobs were never a targeted application for our system. Rather, the
goal for our OpenStack was to accommodate all the scientific audiences
for whom big HPC clusters, and batch job schedulers, weren't a best fit.
So, no hard, fast requirement for a low-latency medium. What we realized
was that it's complex. It may be hard to keep it running in production.
IPoIB on FDR, in unconnected mode, is slower than 10Gbps Ethernet,
and if you're not making use of RDMA, then you're really just kind of
hurting yourself. Getting data in and out is tricky. All the big data
we have is on a physically separate IB fabric, and no one wanted to span
those fabrics, and doing something involving IP routing would break down
the usefulness of RDMA."
IP-over-IB performance and scalability has improved substantially in
subsequent hardware and software releases. A modern Infiniband host
channel adaptor with a current driver stack operating in connected mode
can sustain 35-40 Gbits/sec in a single TCP stream on FDR Infiniband.
The Canadian HPC4Health consortium have deployed a federation of OpenStack
private clouds using a Mellanox FDR Infiniband network fabric.
Intels Omnipath network architecture is starting to emerge in the
Scientific OpenStack community. At Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center,
the BRIDGES system entered production in early 2016 for HPC and data
analytics workloads. It comprises over 800 compute nodes with an
Omnipath fabric interconnect. In its current product generation,
Omnipath does not support SR-IOV. BRIDGES is a bare metal system,
managed using OpenStack Ironic. The Omnipath network management is
managed independently of OpenStack.
BRIDGES is described in greater detail in the section OpenStack and HPC
Infrastructure Management.
An RDMA-Centric Bioinformatics Cloud at Cambridge University
Cambridge Universitys Research Computing Services group has a long
track record as a user of RDMA technologies such as Infiniband and
Lustre across all its HPC infrastructure platforms. When scoping a new
bioinformatics compute resource in 2015, the desire to combine this
proven HPC technology with a flexible self-service platform led to a
requirements specification for an RDMA-centric OpenStack cloud.
Bioinformatics workloads can be IO-intensive in nature, and can also
feature IO access patterns that are highly sensitive to IO latency.
Whilst this class of workload is typically a weakness of virtualised
infrastructure, the effects are mitigated through use of HPC technologies
such as RDMA and virtualisation technologies such as SR-IOV to maximise
efficiency and minimise overhead.
The added complexity of introducing HPC networking technologies is
considerable, but remains hidden from the bioinformatics users of
the system. Block-based IO via RDMA is delivered to the kernel of the
KVM hypervisor. The compute instances simply see a paravirtualised
block device. File-based IO via RDMA is delivered using the Lustre
filesystem client drivers running in the VM instances. Through use
of SR-IOV virtual functions, this is identical to a bare metal compute
node in a conventional HPC configuration. Similarly, MPI communication
is performed on the virtualised network interfaces with no discernable
difference for the user of the compute instance.
.. figure:: images/hpc_fabrics-node_stack.png
:width: 400
:alt: Node software stack
*Software architecture of the compute node of an RDMA-centric
OpenStack cloud.*
The cloud contains 80 compute nodes, 3 management nodes and a number
of storage nodes of various kinds. The system runs Red Hat OpenStack
Platform (OSP) and is deployed using Red Hats TripleO-based process.
All the HPC-centric features of the system have been implemented
using custom configuration and extensions to TripleO. Post-deployment
configuration management is performed using Ansible-OpenStack playbooks,
resulting in a devops approach for managing an HPC system.
To deploy a system with RDMA networking enabled in the compute node
hypervisor, overcloud management QCOW2 images are created with OpenFabrics
installed. Cinder is configured to use iSER (iSCSI Extensions for RDMA)
as a transport protocol.
The cloud uses a combination of Mellanox 50G Ethernet NICs and 100G
Ethernet switches for its HPC network fabric. RDMA support using RoCEv1
requires layer-2 network connectivity. Consequently OpenStacks
networking is configured to use VLANs for control plane traffic and HPC
tenant networking. VXLAN is used for other classes of tenant networking.
A multi-path layer-2 network fabric is created using multi-chassis LAGs.
Traffic is distributed across multiple physical links whilst presenting a
single logical link for the Ethernet network topology. Port memberships
of the tenant network VLANs are managed dynamically using the NEO
network management platform from Mellanox, which integrates with
OpenStack Neutron.
.. figure:: images/hpc_fabrics-cambridge.png
:width: 600
:alt: Cambridge system overview
The Forces Driving HPC and Cloud Diverge in Network Management
At the pinnacle of HPC, ultimate performance is achieved through
exploiting full knowledge of all hardware details: the microarchitecture
of a processor, the I/O subsystem of a server - or the physical location
within a network. HPC network management delivers performance by enabling
workload placement with awareness of the network topology.
The cloud model succeeds because of its abstraction. Cloud infrastructure
commits to delivering a virtualised flat network to its instances.
All details of the underlying physical topology are obscured. Where an
HPC network management system can struggle to handle changes in physical
network topology, cloud infrastructure adapts.
OpenStack provides a limited solution to locality-aware placement, through
use of availability zones (AZ). By defining an AZ per top-of-rack
switch, a user can request instances be scheduled to be co-resident
on the same edge switch. However, this can be a clumsy interface for
launching instances on a large private cloud, and AZs cannot be nested
to provide multiple levels of locality for co-locating larger workloads.
OpenStack depends on other network management platforms for physical
network knowledge, and delegates to them all aspects of physical
network management. Network management and monitoring packages such
as Observium and Mellanox NEO are complementary to the functionality
provided by OpenStack.
Another key theme in HPC network management is in gathering
network-centric performance telemetry.
While HPC does not deliver on all of its promise in this area, there is
greater focus within HPC network management on the ability to collect
telemetry data on the performance of a network for optimising the
Cloud and HPC take very different approaches in this sector.
In general, HPC performance monitoring is done at the application level.
HPC application performance analysis typically follows a model in which
runtime trace data is gathered during execution for later aggregation
and visualisation. This approach avoids overhead when monitoring is
not required and minimises the overhead when monitoring is active.
When application monitoring is active, leading packages such as OVIS
minimise overhead by using RDMA for aggregation of runtime telemetry data.
Application performance visualisation is performed using tools such
as VAMPIR. All these HPC-derived application performance monitoring
tools will also work for applications running within an OpenStack/HPC
At a system level, HPC network performance analysis is more limited in
scope, but developments such as PAVE at Lawrence Livermore and more
recently INAM^2 from Ohio State University are able to demonstrate
a more holistic capability to identify adverse interactions between
applications sharing a network, in addition to performance bottlenecks
within an application itself.
The pace of development of cloud infrastructure monitoring is
faster, and in many cases is derived from open-source equivalents of
hyperscaler-developed capabilities. Twitters Zipkin is a distributed
application performance monitoring framework derived from conceptual
details from Googles Dapper. LinkedIn developed and published
Kafka, a distributed near-real-time message log. However, the layers of
abstraction that give cloud its flexibility can prevent cloud monitoring
from providing performance insights from the physical domain that inform
performance in the virtual domain.
At OpenStack Paris in November 2014 Intel demonstrated Apex Lake,
a project which aims to provide performance telemetry across these
abstraction boundaries - including across virtual/physical network
abstractions. Some of these features may have been incorporated into
the Intels open source Snap telemetry/monitoring framework.
In its present situation, through use of SR-IOV network devices,
cloud network infrastructure has demonstrated that it is capable at
achieving performance levels that are typically within 1-9% of bare metal.
OpenStack can be viewed as the integration and orchestration of existing
technology platforms. The physical network performance telemetry of
cloud network infrastructure is delegated to the technology platforms
upon which it is built. In future, projects such as INAM^2 on the HPC
side and Apex Lake on the cloud side may lead to a telemetry monitoring
framework capable of presenting performance data from virtual and physical
domains in the context of one another.
Further Reading
This Intel white paper provides a useful introduction to SR-IOV:
A step-by-step guide to setting up Mellanox Infiniband
with a Red Hat variant of Linux and OpenStack Mitaka:
A presentation by Professor DK Panda from NOWLAB at Ohio State University
on MVAPICH2-Virt:
Further information on MVAPICH2-Virt can be found here:
Some papers from the team at NOWLAB describing MVAPICH2-Virt in greater depth:
* [HiPC'14] High Performance MPI Library over SR-IOV Enabled InfiniBand Clusters.
Jie Zhang, Xiaoyi Lu, Jithin Jose, Rong Shi, Mingzhe Li, and Dhabaleswar
K. (DK) Panda. Proceedings of the 21st annual IEEE International
Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), 2014.
* [CCGrid'15] MVAPICH2 over OpenStack with SR-IOV: An Efficient Approach
to Build HPC Clouds. Jie Zhang, Xiaoyi Lu, Mark Arnold, and Dhabaleswar
K. (DK) Panda. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium
on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid), 2015.
The OVIS HPC application performance monitoring framework:
PAVE - Performance Analysis and Visualisation
at Exascale at Lawrence Livermore:
The introduction of INAM^2 for real-time
Infiniband network performance monitoring:
Further information on INAM^2 can be found here:
Open Zipkin is a distributed application performance monitoring framework
developed at Twitter, based on Googles paper their Dapper monitoring
Intel Snap is a new monitoring framework for virtualised infrastructure:
Observium is a network mapping and monitoring platform built upon SNMP:
A useful discussion on the value of high-resolution network telemetry
for researching issues with maximum latency in a cloud environment:
This document was originally written by Stig Telfer of `StackHPC Ltd <>`_ with the support
of Cambridge University, with contributions, guidance and feedback from
subject matter experts:
* **Professor DK Panda** and **Dr. Xiaoyi Lu** from NOWLAB, Ohio State University.
* **Jonathan Mills** from NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center.
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

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@ -1,648 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and HPC Workload Management
Workload Management in HPC and Cloud
The approach taken for managing workloads is a major difference between
conventional use cases of HPC and cloud.
A conventional approach to HPC workload management is likely to involve
one or more head nodes of an HPC cluster for login, development,
compilation and job submission services. Parallel workloads would
be submitted from a head node to job batch queues of the workload
manager, which control access to parallel partitions of compute nodes.
Such partitions may equate to mappings of types of compute nodes and the
specific resources (CPU, memory, storage and networking) that applications
require. Each compute node runs a workload manager agent which configures
resources, launches application processes and monitors utilisation.
Pain Points in Conventional HPC Workload Management
On a large multi-user HPC system the login node is a continual source
of noisy neighbour problems. Inconsiderate users may, for example,
consume system resources by performing giant compilations with wide
task parallelism, open giant logfiles from their task executions,
or run recursive finds across the filesystem to look for forgotten files.
An HPC system must often support a diverse mix of workloads. Different
workloads may have a wide range of dependencies. With increasing
diversity comes an increasing test matrix, which increases the toil
involved in making any changes. How can an administrator be sure of the
effects of any change to the software packages installed? What must
be done to support a new version of an ISV application? What are the
side-effects of updating the version of a dependency? What if a security
update leads to a dependency conflict? As the flexibility of an HPC
software environment grows, so too does the complexity maintaining it.
In an environment where data is sensitive, local scratch space and
parallel filesystems for HPC workloads can often have default access
permissions with an undesirable level of openness. Data security can be
problematic in a shared HPC resource in which the tenants are not trusted.
The Case for Workload Management on OpenStack Infrastructure
The flexibility of OpenStack can ease a number of pain points of HPC
cluster administration:
* With software-defined OpenStack infrastructure, a new compute node or
head node is created through software processes - not a trip to the
data centre. Through intelligent orchestrated automated provisioning,
the administrative burden of managing changes to resource configuration
can be eliminated. And from a users perspective, a self-service
process for resizing their resource allocation is much more responsive
and devolves control to the user.
* Through OpenStack it becomes a simple process to automatically provision
and manage any number of login nodes and compute nodes. The multi-tenancy
access control of cloud infrastructure ensures that compute resources
allocated to a project are only seen and accessible to members of that
project. OpenStack does not pretend to change the behaviour of noisy
neighbours, but it helps to remove the strangers from a neighbourhood.
* OpenStacks design ethos is the embracing (not replacing) of data
centre diversity. Supporting a diverse mix of HPC workloads is not
materially different from supporting the breadth of cloud-native
application platforms. One of the most significant advances of cloud
computing has been in the effective management of software images. Once a
user project has dedicated workload management resources allocated to it,
the software environment of those compute resources can be tailored to
the specific needs of that project without infringing on any conflicting
requirements of other users.
* The cloud multi-tenancy implemented by OpenStack enforces segregation
so that tenants are only visible to one another through the interfaces
that they choose to expose. The isolation of tenants applies to all
forms of resources - compute, networking and storage. The fine-grained
control over what is shared (and what is not shared) results in greater
data security than a conventional multi-user HPC system.
All of this can be done using conventional HPC infrastructure and
conventional management techniques, but to do so would demand using
industry best practices as a baseline, and require the continual
attention of a number of competent system administrators to keep it
running smoothly, securely and to the satisfaction of the users.
Organisations working on the convergence of HPC and cloud often refer
to this subject as cluster-as-a-service. How can a cloud resource
be equipped with the interfaces familiar to users of batch-queued
conventional HPC resources?
Delivering an HPC Platform upon OpenStack Infrastructure
HPC usually entails a platform, not an infrastructure. How is OpenStack
orchestrated to provision an HPC cluster and workload manager?
Addressing this market are proprietary products and open source projects.
The tools available in the OpenStack ecosystem also ensure that a
home-grown cluster orchestration solution is readily attainable.
An example of each approach is included here.
Broadly the cluster deployment workflow would follow these steps:
#. The creation of the HPC cluster can be instigated through the command
line. In some projects a custom panel for managing clusters is added
to Horizon the OpenStack web dashboard.
#. Resources for the cluster must be allocated from the OpenStack
infrastructure. Compute node instances, networks, ports, routers,
images and volumes must all be assigned to the new cluster.
#. One or more head nodes must be deployed to manage the cluster node
instances, provide access for end users and workload management.
The head node may boot a customised image (or volume snapshot) with
the HPC cluster management software installed. Alternatively, it may
boot a stock cloud image and install the required software packages as
a secondary phase of deployment.
#. Once the head nodes are deployed with base OS and HPC cluster
management packages, an amount of site-specific and deployment-specific
configuration must be applied. This can be applied through instance
metadata or a configuration management language such as Ansible or Puppet.
A Heat-orchestrated deployment can use a combination of instance metadata
and a configuration management language (usually Puppet but more recently
Ansible provides such capability).
#. A number of cluster node instances must be deployed. The process of
node deployment can follow different paths. Typically the cluster nodes
would be deployed in the same manner as the head nodes by booting from
OpenStack images or volumes, and applying post-deployment configuration.
#. The head nodes and cluster nodes will share one or more networks, and
the cluster nodes will register with the HPC workload management service
deployed on the head nodes.
Open Platforms for Cluster-as-a-Service
The simplest implementation is arguably ElastiCluster, developed and
released as GPL open source by a research computing services group at
the University of Zurich. ElastiCluster supports OpenStack, Google
Compute Engine and Amazon EC2 as back-end cloud infrastructure, and
can deploy (among others) clusters offering SLURM, Grid Engine, Hadoop,
Spark and Ceph.
ElastiCluster is somewhat simplistic and its capabilities are
comparatively limited. For example, it doesn't currently support Keystone
v3 authentication - a requirement for deployments where a private
cloud is divided into a number of administrative domains. A cluster
is defined using an INI-format configuration template. When creating
a SLURM cluster, virtual cluster compute nodes and a single head node
are provisioned as VMs from the OpenStack infrastructure. The compute
nodes are interconnected using a named OpenStack virtual network.
All post-deployment configuration is carried out using Ansible playbooks.
The head node is a SLURM controller, login node and NFS file server for
/home mounting onto the compute nodes.
Trinity from ClusterVision uses OpenStack to manage bare metal
infrastructure, and creates a dynamic HPC-as-a-Service platform comprising
SLURM workload management and Docker containers (running on bare metal)
for the virtual cluster compute nodes. Management of virtual clusters is
more user-friendly in Trinity than in ElastiCluster. A custom panel has
been added to the OpenStack Horizon dashboard to enable users to create,
manage and monitor their virtual clusters.
Trinity is developed as open source, but has a very small group of
developers. The bus factor of this project has been exposed by
the recent departure from ClusterVision of Trinitys core contributor.
Bright Computing Cluster-on-Demand
Bright Computing has developed its proprietary products for HPC
cluster management and adapted them for installation, configuration and
administration of OpenStack private clouds. The product is capable of
partitioning a system into a mix of bare metal HPC compute and OpenStack
private cloud.
.. figure:: images/hpc_workload-bright_caas.png
:width: 600
:alt: Bright Computing Cluster-on-Demand
Bright Computing also provides an OpenStack distribution with
Bright-themed OpenStack web interface and an additional panel for
management of Cluster-on-Demand deployments.
Cluster-on-Demand uses OpenStack Heat for orchestrating the allocation and
provisioning of virtualised cluster resources. When a virtual cluster is
created, the Nova flavors (virtualised hardware templates) for head node
and cluster compute node are specified. OpenStack networking details
are also provided. Bright OpenStack is capable of deploying OpenStack
with SR-IOV support, and Cluster-on-Demand is capable of booting cluster
compute nodes with SR-IOV networking.
Cluster-on-Demand deployment begins with pre-built generic head
node images. Those can then be quickly instantiated (via optional
copy-on-write semantics) and automatically customized to users
requirements. Brights deployment solution differs slightly from other
approaches by using Bright Cluster Manager on the virtualised head node
to deploy the virtual cluster nodes as though they were bare metal.
This approach neatly nests the usage model of Bright Cluster Manager
within a virtualised environment, preserving the familiar workflow of
bare metal deployment. However, as a result it does not exploit the
efficiencies of cloud infrastructure for compute node deployment at scale.
A virtualised cluster of “typical” size can be deployed on-demand from
scratch in several minutes, at which point it is ready to accept HPC jobs.
Bright provide configurations for a wide range of workload managers, big
data services (Spark, Hadoop), deep learning tools, or even virtualised
OpenStack clouds (OpenStack on OpenStack). Bright Cluster-on-Demand
can also dynamically burst to public clouds (AWS) when more resources
are needed (e.g. GPU nodes) or during heavy load spikes.
Cluster-on-Demand focuses on delivering the flexibility advantages of
self-service cluster provisioning, but can also deliver performance with
minimised virtualisation overhead through use of SR-IOV.
A distinctive feature of Bright OpenStack is the ability to easily deploy
virtualised HPC compute nodes next to physical ones, and run HPC workloads
in an environment spanning mixture of physical and virtual compute nodes.
Doing so provides the admin with a whole new level of flexibility.
For example, it allows the assignment of high priority HPC job queues
to physical compute nodes, and low priority job queues, or long running
jobs, to virtual compute nodes. This in turn allows the VMs to be
live migrated across the datacentre (e.g. due to hardware maintenance)
without impacting the long-running HPC jobs hosted on them.
Extending SLURM and OpenStack to Orchestrate MVAPICH2-Virt Configuration
The NOWLAB group at Ohio State University has developed a virtualised
variant of their MPI library, MVAPICH2-Virt. MVAPICH2-Virt is described
in greater detail in the section OpenStack and HPC Network Fabrics.
NOWLAB has also developed plugins for SLURM, called SLURM-V, to extend
SLURM with virtualization-oriented capabilities such as submitting jobs to
dynamically created VMs with isolated SR-IOV and inter-VM shared memory
(IVSHMEM) resources. Through MVAPICH2-Virt runtime, the workload is
able to take advantage of the configured SR-IOV and IVSHMEM resources
efficiently. The NOWLAB model is slightly different from the approach
taken in Cluster-as-a-Service, in that a MVAPICH2-Virt based workload
launches into a group of VMs provisioned specifically for that workload.
"The model we chose to create VMs for the lifetime of each job seems
a clear way of managing virtualized resources for HPC workloads. This
approach can avoid having long-lived VMs on compute nodes, which makes
the HPC resources always in the virtualised state. Through the SLURM-V
model, both bare-metal and VM based jobs can be launched on the same set
of compute nodes since the VMs are provisioned and configured dynamically
only when the jobs need virtualised environments", says Prof. DK Panda
and Dr. Xiaoyi Lu of NOWLAB.
The IVSHMEM component runs as a software device driver in the host kernel.
Every parallel workload has a separate instance of the IVSHMEM device
for communication between co-resident VMs. The IVSHMEM device is mapped
into the workload VMs as a paravirtualised device. The NOWLAB team has
developed extensions to Nova to add the connection of the IVSHMEM device
on VM creation, and recover the resources again on VM deletion.
Users can also hotplug/unplug the IVSHMEM device to/from specified
running virtual machines. The NOWLAB team provides a tool with
MVAPICH2-Virt (details can be found in the `MVAPICH2-Virt userguide
to hotplug an IVSHMEM device to a virtual machine and unplug an IVSHMEM
device from a virtual machine.
The SLURM-V extensions have been developed to work with KVM directly.
However, the NOWLAB group have extended their project to enable SLURM-V
to make OpenStack API calls to orchestrate the creation of workload VMs.
In this model of usage, SLURM-V uses OpenStack to allocate VM instances,
isolate networks and attach SR-IOV and IVSHMEM devices to workload VMs.
OpenStack has already provided scalable and efficient mechanisms for
creation, deployment, and reclamation of VMs on a large number of
physical nodes.
SLURM-V is likely to be one of many sources competing for
OpenStack-managed resources. If other cloud users consume all resources,
leaving SLURM-V unable to launch sufficient workload VMs, then the new
submitted jobs will be queued in SLURM to wait for available resources.
As soon as one job completes and the corresponding resources are
reclaimed, SLURM will find another job in the queue to execute based on
the configured scheduling policy and resource requirements of jobs.
Combining the Strengths of Cloud with HPC Workload Management
At Los Alamos National Lab, there is a desire to increase the flexibility
of the user environment of their HPC clusters.
To simplify their workload, administrators want every software image
to be the same, everywhere. LANL systems standardise on a custom
Linux distribution, based on Red Hat 6 and tailored for their demanding
requirements. Sustaining the evolution of that system to keep it current
with upstream development whilst maintaining local code branches is an
ongoing challenge.
The users demand ever increasing flexibility, but have requirements
that are sometimes contradictory. Some users have applications with
complex package dependencies that are out of date or not installed in
the LANL distribution. Some modern build systems assume internet access
at build time, which is not available on LANL HPC clusters. Conversely,
some production applications are built from a code base that is decades
old, and has dependencies on very old versions of libraries. Not all
software updates are backwards compatible.
Tim Randles, a senior Linux administrator and OpenStack architect at the
Lab, uses OpenStack and containers to provide solutions. Woodchuck is
LANLs third-generation system aimed at accommodating these conflicting
needs. The 192-node system has a physical configuration optimised for
data-intensive analytics: a large amount of RAM per CPU core, local disk
for scratch space for platforms such as HDFS and 10G Ethernet with VXLAN
and SDN capabilities for virtualised networking.
Reid Priedhorsky at LANL has developed an unprivileged containerised
runtime environment, dubbed “Charliecloud”, upon which users can
run applications packaged using Docker tools. This enables users to
develop and build their packages on their (comparatively open) laptops
or workstations, pulling in the software dependencies they require.
One issue arising from this development cycle is that in a
security-conscious network such as LANL, the process of transferring
application container images to the HPC cluster involves copying large
amounts of data through several hops. This process was soon found to
have drawbacks:
* It quickly became time-consuming and frustrating.
* It could not be incorporated into continuous integration frameworks.
* The application container images were being stored for long periods of
time on Lustre-backed scratch space, which has a short data retention
policy, was occasionally unreliable and not backed up.
Tims solution was to use OpenStack Glance as a portal between the
users development environment on their workstation and the HPC cluster.
Compared with the previous approach, the Glance API was accessible from
both the users workstations and the HPC cluster management environment.
The images stored in Glance were backed up, and OpenStacks user model
provided greater flexibility than traditional Unix users and groups,
enabling fine-grained control over the sharing of application images.
.. figure:: images/hpc_workload-slurm_glance.png
:width: 600
:alt: Integration of Glance and SLURM
Tim developed SLURM plugins to interact with Glance for validating the
image and the users right to access it. When the job was scheduled for
execution, user and image were both revalidated and the application image
downloaded and deployed ready for launch in the Charliecloud environment.
Future plans for this work include using Neutron to create and manage
virtual tenant networks for each workload, and releasing the plugins
developed as open source contributions to SLURMs codebase.
HPC and Cloud Converge at the University of Melbourne
Research compute clusters are typically designed according to the demands
of a small group of influential researchers representing an ideal use
case. Once built, however, the distribution of use cases can change as
a broader group of researchers come onboard. These new uses cases may
not match the expected ideal, and in some cases conflict. If job queues
and computation times stretch out, it can drive the proliferation of
isolated department-level clusters which are more expensive to maintain,
lack scale, and are all too often orphaned when the responsible researcher
moves on.
.. figure:: images/hpc_workload-spartan_logo.png
:width: 400
:alt: Spartan logo
Introducing Spartan
In 2016 the University of Melbourne launched a new cluster called Spartan.
It takes an empirical approach, driven by the job profiles observed in
its predecessor, Edward, in the prior year. In particular, single-core
and low memory jobs dominate; 76% of were single core, and 97% used <4
GB of memory. High-core count, task-parallel jobs were often delayed
due to competition with these single core jobs, leading to research
funds being directed towards department level resources. National peak
facilities were often rejected as an option due to their long queue
times and restrictive usage requirements.
Spartan takes advantage of the availability of an existing and very large
research cloud (NeCTAR) to allow additional computation capacity, and
the provisioning of common login and management infrastructure. This is
combined with a small but more powerful partition of tightly coupled
bare-metal compute nodes, and specialist high-memory and GPU partitions.
This hybrid arrangement offers the following advantages:
* Users with data parallel jobs have access to the much larger research
cloud and can soak up the spare cycles available with cloud bursting,
reducing their job wait time.
* Users with task parallel jobs have access to optimised bare-metal HPC,
supported by high-speed networking and storage.
* The larger task parallel jobs remain segregated from less
resource-intensive data parallel jobs, reducing contention.
* Job demands can be continually monitored, and the cloud and bare metal
partitions selectively expanded as and when the need arises.
* Departments and research groups can co-invest in Spartan. If they need
more processing time or a certain type of hardware, they can attach it
directly to Spartan and have priority access. This avoids the added
overheads of administering their own system, including the software
environment, login and management nodes.
* Management nodes can be readily migrated to new hardware, allowing us
to upgrade or replace hardware without bringing the entire cluster down.
* Spartan can continue beyond the life of its original hardware, as
different partitions are resized or replaced, a common management and
usage platform remains.
Spartan does not have extraordinary hardware or software, and its
peak performance does not exceed that of other HPC systems. Instead,
it seeks to segregate compute loads into partitions with different
performance characteristics according to their demands. This will
result in shorter queues, better utilisation, cost-effectiveness, and,
above all, faster time to results for our research community.
Job and Resource Management
Previous HPC systems at the University utilised Moab Workload Manager
for job scheduling and Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue Manager
(TORQUE) as a resource manager. The Spartan team adopted the SLURM
Workload Manager for the following reasons:
* Existing community of users at nearby Victorian Life Sciences Compute
Initiative (VLSCI) facility.
* Similar syntax to the PBS scripts used on Edward, simplifying user
* Highly configurable through add-on modules.
* Importantly, support for cloud bursting, for example, to the Amazon
Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2) or, in Spartan's case, the NeCTAR research
Account Management
Integration with a central staff and student Active Directory was
initially considered, but ultimately rejected due to the verbose usernames
required (i.e. email addresses). The Spartan team reverted to using
an LDAP-based system as had been the case with previous clusters, and
a custom user management application.
Application Environment
EasyBuild was used as a build and installation framework, with the LMod
environmental modules system selected to manage application loading by
users. These tools tightly integrate, binding the specific toolchains
and compilation environment to the applications loaded by users.
EasyBuild's abstraction in its scripts sometimes required additional
administrative overhead, and not all software had a pre-canned script
ready for modification, necessitating them to be built from scratch.
Training been a particular focus for the implementation of Spartan.
Previous HPC training for researchers was limited, with only 38
researcher/days of training conducted in the 2012-2014 period.
The Spartan team now engage in weekly training, rotating across the
following sessions:
* Introductory, targeting researchers with little or no HPC or Linux
* Transition, targeting existing Edward users who need to port their jobs
to Spartan.
* Shell scripting.
* Parallel programming.
The team collaborate closely with researchers to drive this curriculum,
serving a range of experience levels, research disciplines, and software
The Future
Bernard Meade, Spartan project sponsor, adds:
“The future configuration of Spartan will be driven by how it is
actually used. We continue to monitor what applications are run,
how long they take, and what resources they require. While Spartan
has considerable elasticity on the cloud side, were also able to
incrementally invest in added bare-metal and specialist nodes (high
memory, GPU) as the need arises. Given the diversity in HPC job
characteristics will only grow, we believe this agile approach is the
best means to serve the research community.”
Cloud Infrastructure Does Not (yet) Provide All the Answers
OpenStack Control Plane Responsiveness and Job Startup
Implementations of HPC workload management that create new VMs for worker
nodes for every job in the batch queue can have consequential impact
on the overall utilisation of the system if the jobs in the queue are
comparatively short-lived:
* Job startup time can be substantially increased. A fast boot for a VM
could is of the order of 20 seconds. Similarly, job cleanup time can
add more overhead while the VM is destroyed and its resources harvested.
* A high churn of VM creation and deletion can add considerable load to
the OpenStack control plane.
The Cluster-as-a-Service pattern of virtualised workload managers does
not typically create VMs for every workload. However, the OpenStack
control plane can still have an impact on job startup time, for example
if the application image must be retrieved and distributed, or a virtual
tenant network must be created. Empirical tests have measured the time
to create a virtual tenant network to grow linearly with the number of
ports in the network, which could have an impact on the startup time
for large parallel workloads.
Workload Managers Optimise Placement Decisions
A sophisticated workload manager can use awareness of physical network
topology to optimise application performance through placing the workload
on physical nodes with close network proximity.
On a private cloud system such as OpenStack, the management of
the physical network is delegated to a network management platform.
OpenStack avoids physical network knowledge and focuses on defining the
intended state, leaving physical network management platforms to apply
architecture-specific configuration.
In a Cluster-as-a-Service use case, there are two scheduling operations
where topology-aware placement could be usefully applied:
* When the virtual cluster compute node instances are created, their
placement is determined by the OpenStack Nova scheduler.
* When a queued job in the workload manager is being allocated to virtual
cluster compute nodes.
Through use of Availability Zones, OpenStack Nova can be configured to
perform a simple form of topology-aware workload placement, but without
any hierarchical grouping of nodes. Novas scheduler filter API
provides a mechanism which could be used for implementing topology-aware
placement in a more intelligent fashion.
OpenStacks Flexibility is Stretched by the Economics of Utilisation
With its decoupled execution model, batch queue job submission is an
ideal use case for off-peak compute resources. The AWS spot market
auctions time on idle cores for opportunistic usage at up to a 90%
discount from the on-demand price.
There is no direct equivalent to the AWS spot market in OpenStack.
More generally, management of pricing and billing is considered outside of
OpenStacks scope. OpenStack does not currently have the capabilities
required for supporting opportunistic spot usage.
However, work is underway to implement the software capabilities
necessary for supporting preemptible spot instances, and it is hoped
that OpenStack will support this use case in due course. At that point,
Cluster-as-a-Service deployments could grow or shrink in response to
the availability of under-utilised compute resources on an OpenStack
private cloud.
The Difficulty of Future Resource Commitments
HPC facilities possess a greater degree of oversight and coordination,
enabling users to request exclusive advance reservations of large sections
of an HPC system to perform occasional large-scale workloads.
In private cloud, there is no direct mainstream equivalent to this.
However, the Blazar project aims to extend OpenStack compute with support
for resource reservations. Blazar works by changing the management
of resource allocation for a segregated block of nodes. Within the
partition of nodes allocated to Blazar, resources can only be managed
through advance reservations.
A significant drawback of Blazar is that it does not support the
intermingling of reservations with on-demand usage. Without the ability
to gracefully preempt running instances, Blazar can only support advance
reservations by segregating a number of nodes exclusively for that mode
of usage.
OpenStack delivers new capabilities to flexibly manage compute clusters
as on-demand resources. The ability to define a compute cluster
and workload manager through code, data and configuration plays to
OpenStacks strengths.
With the exception of some niche high-end requirements, OpenStack can
be configured to deliver Cluster-as-a-Service with minimal performance
overhead compared with a conventional bare metal HPC resource.
Further Reading
The ElastiCluster project from University of Zurich is
open source. Online documentation is available here:
The Trinity project from ClusterVision is developed as open source:
Bright Computing presented their proprietary
Bright OpenStack and Cluster-as-a-Service products
at the OpenStack Austin summit in April 2016:
The NOWLABs publication on Slurm-V: Extending Slurm
for Building Efficient HPC Cloud with SR-IOV and IVShmem:
Tim Randles from Los Alamos presented his work on
integrating SLURM with Glance on the HPC/Research speaker
track at the OpenStack Austin summit in April 2016:
The Spartan OpenStack/HPC system at the University of Melbourne:
Topology-aware placement in SLURM is described here:
Some research describing a method of adding
topology-aware placement to the OpenStack Nova scheduler:
HPC resource management at CERN and some current
OpenStack pain points are described in detail here:
OpenStack Pre-emptible Instances Extension (OPIE) from Indigo Datacloud
is available here:
This document was originally written by Stig Telfer of `StackHPC Ltd <>`_ with the support
of Cambridge University, with contributions, guidance and feedback from
subject matter experts:
* **Piotr Wachowicz**, Cloud Integration Lead at Bright Computing
* **Professor DK Panda** and **Dr. Xiaoyi Lu** from NOWLAB, Ohio State University.
* **Tim Randles** from Los Alamos National Laboratory.
* **Lev Lafayette**, **Bernard Meade**, **David Perry**, **Greg Sauter**
and **Daniel Tosello** from the University of Melbourne.
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

View File

@ -1,410 +0,0 @@
OpenStack and Virtualised HPC
Likely doubts over the adoption of OpenStack centre around the impact
of infrastructure virtualisation. From the skeptical perspective of an
HPC architect, why OpenStack?
* *I have heard the hype*
* *I am skeptical to some degree*
* *I need evidence of benefit*
In this section, we will describe the different forms of overhead that
can be introduced by virtualisation, and provide technical details
of solutions that mitigate, eliminate or bypass the overheads of
software-defined infrastructure.
The Overhead of Virtualisation
Analysis typically shows that the overhead of virtualisation for
applications that are CPU or memory intensive is minimal.
Similarly, applications that depend on high-bandwidth I/O or network
communication for bulk data transfers can achieve levels of performance
that are close to equivalent bare metal configurations.
Where a significant performance impact is observed, it can often be
ascribed to overcommitment of hardware resources or “noisy neighbours”
- issues that could equally apply in non-virtualised configurations.
However, there remains a substantial class of applications whose
performance is significantly impacted by virtualisation. Some of the
causes of that performance overhead are described here.
Increased Software Overhead on I/O Operations
Factors such as storage IOPs and network message latency are often
critical for HPC application performance.
HPC applications that are sensitive to these factors are poor performers
in a conventional virtualised environment. Fully-virtualised environments
incur additional overhead per I/O operation that can impact performance
for applications that depend on such patterns of I/O.
The additional overhead is mitigated through paravirtualisation, in
which the guest OS includes support for running within a virtualised
environment. The guest OS cooperates with the host OS to improve
the overhead of hardware device management. Direct hardware device
manipulation is performed in the host OS, keeping the micro-management
of hardware closer to the physical device. The hypervisor then presents
a more efficient software interface to a simpler driver in the guest OS.
Performance improves through streamlining interactions between guest OS
and the virtual hardware devices presented to it.
Hardware Offload in a Virtualised Network
All modern Ethernet NICs provide hardware offload of IP, TCP and
other protocols. To varying degrees, these free up CPU cycles from the
transformations necessary between data in user buffers and packets on
the wire (and vice versa).
In a virtualised environment, the network traffic of a guest VM passes
from a virtualised network device into the software-defined network
infrastructure running in the hypervisor. Packet processing is usually
considerably more complex than a typical HPC configuration. Hardware
offload capabilities are often unable to operate or are ineffective
in this mode. As a result, networking performance in a virtualised
environment can be less performant and more CPU-intensive than an
equivalent bare metal environment.
Increased Jitter in Virtualised Network Latency
To varying degrees, virtualised environments generate increased system
noise effects. These effects result in a longer tail on latency
distribution for interrupts and I/O operations.
A bulk synchronous parallel workload, iterating in lock-step, moves at
the speed of the slowest worker. If the slowest worker is determined
by jitter effects in I/O latency, overall application progress becomes
affected by the increased system noise of a virtualised environment.
Using OpenStack to Deliver Virtualised HPC
There is considerable development activity in the area of virtualisation.
New levels of performance and capability are continually being introduced
at all levels: processor architecture, hypervisor, operating system and
cloud orchestration.
Best Practice for Virtualised System Performance
The twice-yearly cadence of OpenStack software releases leads to rapid
development of new capabilities, which improve its performance and
Across the OpenStack operators community, there is a continual
collaborative process of testing and improvement of hypervisor
efficiency. Empirical studies of different configurations of tuning
parameters are frequently published and reviewed. Clear improvements
are collected into a curated guide on hypervisor performance tuning
best practice.
OpenStacks Nova compute service supports exposing many hypervisor
features for raising virtualised performance. For example:
* Enabling processor architecture extensions for virtualisation.
* Controlling hypervisor techniques for efficiently managing many
guests, such as Kernel Same-page Merging (KSM). This can add CPU
overhead in return for varying degrees of improvement in memory usage
by de-duplicating identical pages. For supporting memory-intensive
workloads, KSM can be configured to prevent merging between NUMA
nodes. For performance-critical HPC, it can be disabled altogether.
* Pinning virtual cores to physical cores.
* Passing through the NUMA topology of the physical host to the guest
enables the guest to perform NUMA-aware memory allocation and task
scheduling optimisations.
* Passing through the specific processor model of the physical CPUs
can enable use of model-specific architectural extensions and runtime
microarchitectural optimisations in high-performance scientific libraries.
* Backing guest memory with huge pages reduces the impact of host
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) misses.
By using optimisation techniques such as these, the overhead of
virtualisation for CPU-bound and memory-bound workloads is reduced to
typically onetwo percent of bare metal performance. More information
can be found in Further Reading for this section, below.
Conversely, by constraining the virtual architecture more narrowly,
these tuning parameters make VM migration more difficult in a cloud
infrastructure consisting of heterogeneous hypervisor hardware, in
particular, this may preclude live-migration.
Hardware Support for I/O Virtualisation
Hardware devices that support Single-Rooted I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV)
enable the hardware resources of the physical function of a device to be
presented as many virtual functions. Each of these can be individually
configured and passed through into a different VM. In this way, the
hardware resources of a network card can provide performance with close
to no additional overhead, simultaneously serving the diverse needs of
many VMs.
Through direct access to physical hardware, SR-IOV networking places
some limitations on software-defined infrastructure. It is not typically
possible to apply security group policies to a network interface mapped
to an SR-IOV virtual function. This may raise security concerns for
externally accessible networks, but should not prevent SR-IOV networking
being used internally for high-performance communication between the
processes of an OpenStack hosted parallel workload.
Recent empirical studies have found that using SR-IOV for high-performance
networking can reduce the overhead of virtualisation typically to 1-9%
of bare metal performance for network-bound HPC workloads. Links to
some examples can be found in the Further Reading section below.
Using Physical Devices in a Virtualised Environment
Some classes of HPC applications make intensive use of hardware
acceleration in the form of GPUs, Xeon Phi, etc.
Specialised compute hardware in the form of PCI devices can be included
in software-defined infrastructure by pass-through. The device is
mapped directly into the device tree of a guest VM, providing that VM
with exclusive access to the device.
A virtual machine that makes specific requirements for hardware
accelerators can be scheduled to a hypervisor with the resources
available, and the VM is composed by passing through the hardware
it needs from the environment of the host.
The resource management model of GPU devices does not adapt to SR-IOV.
A GPU device is passed-through to a guest VM in its entirety. A host
system with multiple GPUs can pass-through different devices to different
systems. Similarly, multiple GPU devices can be passed-through into
a single instance and GPUdirect peer-to-peer data transfers can be
performed between GPU devices and also with RDMA-capable NICs.
Device pass-through, however, can have a performance impact on virtualised
memory management. The IOMMU configuration required for pass-through
restricts the use of transparent huge pages. Memory must, therefore,
be pinned in a guest VM using pass-through devices. This can limit the
flexibility of software-defined infrastructure to over-commit virtualised
resources (although over-committed resources are generally unlikely to
be worthwhile in an HPC use case). Static huge pages can still be used
to provide a boost to virtual memory performance.
The performance overhead of virtualised GPU-intensive scientific
workloads has been found to be as little as 1% of bare metal performance.
More information can be found in the Further Reading section below.
.. figure:: images/hpc_virtualisation-3_forms.png
:width: 600
:alt: Three forms of virtualised hardware
*Different strategies for efficient handling of hardware devices. Here a
network card is used as example. In paravirtualisation a virtual
network device is created in software that is designed for the most
efficient software interface. In PCI-passthrough a physical device is
transferred exclusively from the hypervisor to a guest VM. In SR-IOV,
a physical device creates a number of virtual functions, sharing the
physical resources. Virtual functions can be passed-through to a guest
VM leaving the physical device behind in the hypervisor.*
OS-level Virtualisation: Containers
The overheads of virtualisation are almost eliminated by moving to a
different model of compute abstraction. Containers, popularised by
Docker, package an application plus its dependencies as a lightweight
self-contained execution environment instead of an entire virtual machine.
The simplified execution model brings benefits in memory usage and
I/O overhead.
Currently, HPC networking using RDMA can be performed within containers,
but with limitations. The OFED software stack lacks awareness of network
namespaces and cgroups, which prevents per-container control and isolation
of RDMA resources. However, containers configured with host networking
can use RDMA.
Bare Metal Virtualisation: OpenStacks Project Ironic
OpenStacks software-defined infrastructure does not need to be virtual.
Ironic is a virtualisation driver. Through some artful abstraction it
presents bare metal compute nodes as though they were virtualised compute
resources. Ironics design philosophy results in zero overhead to the
performance of the compute node, whilst providing many of the benefits
of software-defined infrastructure management.
Through Ironic, a user gains bare metal performance from their compute
hardware, but retains the flexibility to run any software image they
The Ironic project is developing rapidly, with new capabilities being
introduced with every release. OpenStacks latest release delivers
some compelling new functionality:
* Serial consoles
* Volume attachment
* Multi-tenant networking
Complex image deployments (over multiple disks for example) is an
evolving capability.
Using Ironic has some limitations:
* Ironic bare metal instances cannot be dynamically intermingled with
virtualised instances. However, they can be organised as separate cells
or regions within the same OpenStack private cloud.
* Some standard virtualisation features could never be supported, such as
overcommitment and migration.
See the section `OpenStack and HPC Infrastructure Management <openstack-and-hpc-infrastructure.html>`_
for further details about Ironic.
Virtualised HPC on OpenStack at Monash University
From its inception in 2012, Australian scientific research has benefited
from the NeCTAR Research Cloud federation. Now comprising eight
institutions from across the country, NeCTAR was an early adopter of
OpenStack, and has been at the forefront of development of the project
from that moment.
NeCTARs federated cloud compute infrastructure supports a wide range of
scientific research with diverse requirements. Monash Advanced Research
Computing Hybrid (MonARCH) was commissioned in 2015/2016 to provide a
flexible and dynamic HPC resource.
.. figure:: images/hpc_virtualisation-NeCTAR_Australia.png
:width: 400
:alt: NeCTAR federation across Australia
MonARCH has 35 dual-socket Haswell-based compute nodes and 820 CPU
cores. MonARCH exploits cloud-bursting techniques to grow elastically by
using resources from across the NeCTAR federation. The infrastructure
uses a fabric of 56G Mellanox Ethernet for a converged, high-speed
network. The cloud control plane is running Ubuntu Trusty and the KVM
hypervisor. OpenStack Liberty (as of Q32016) was deployed using Ubuntu
distribution packages (including selected patches as maintained by NeCTAR
Core Services), orchestrated and configured using Puppet.
.. figure:: images/hpc_virtualisation-racmon.png
:width: 400
:alt: RACmon group at Monash University
MonARCH makes extensive use of SR-IOV for accessing its HPC network
fabric. The high-speed network is configured to use VLANs for virtual
tenant networking, enabling layer-2 RoCEv1 (RDMA over Converged
Ethernet). RDMA is used in guest instances in support of tightly coupled
parallel MPI workloads, and for high-speed access to 300TB of Lustre
Following MonARCH, Monash University recently built a mixed CPU &
GPU cluster called M3, the latest system for the MASSIVE (Multi-modal
Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment) project. Within
M3, there are 1700 Haswell CPU cores along with 16 quad-GPU compute nodes
and an octo-GPU compute node, based upon the NVIDIA K80 dual-GPU. Staff
at Monash Universitys R@CMon cloud research group have integrated
SR-IOV networking and GPU pass-through into their compute instances.
.. figure:: images/hpc_virtualisation-gpu_passthrough.png
:width: 400
:alt: GPU passthrough in a virtualised environment
Specific high-performance OpenStack flavors are defined to require
pass-through of one or more dedicated GPUs. This enables one to four
GPU instances to run concurrently on a dual-K80 compute node, e.g.,
to support CUDA accelerated HPC workloads and/or multiple interactive
visualisation virtual-workstations.
Blair Bethwaite, senior HPC consultant at Monash University, said:
“Using OpenStack brings us a high degree of flexibility in the HPC
environment. Applying cloud provisioning and management techniques
also helps to make the HPC-stack more generic, manageable and quick to
deploy. Plus, we benefit from the constant innovation from the OpenStack
community, with the ability to pick and choose new services and projects
from the ecosystem. OpenStacks flexibility in the SDN space also
offers compelling new avenues to integrate researchers personal or
lab servers with the HPC service.
“However, before racing out to procure your next HPC platform driven
by OpenStack, Id recommend evaluating your potential workloads
and carefully planning and testing the appropriate mix of hardware
capabilities, particularly acceleration features. KVM, OpenStacks most
popular hypervisor, can certainly perform adequately for HPC—in recent
testing we are getting 98 percent on average and up to 99.9 percent
of bare metal in Linpack tests—but a modern HPC system is likely to
require some subset of bare metal infrastructure. If I was planning a
new deployment today Id seriously consider including Ironic so that a
mix of bare metal and virtual cloud nodes can be provisioned and managed
consistently. As Ironic is maturing and becoming more feature-complete,
I expect to see many more highly integrated deployments and reference
architectures emerging in the years to come.”
Optimising for “Time to Paper” using HPC on OpenStack
When evaluating OpenStack as a candidate for HPC infrastructure for
research computing, the “time to paper” metric of the scientists
using the resource should be included in consideration.
Skeptics of using cloud compute for HPC infrastructure inevitably cite
the various overheads of virtualisation in the case against OpenStack.
With a rapidly-developing technology, these arguments can often be
outdated. Furthermore, cloud infrastructure presents a diminishing
number of trade-offs in return for an increasing number of compelling
new capabilities.
Unlike conventional HPC system management, OpenStack provides, for
* **Standardisation** as users can interact with the system through a
user-friendly web interface, a command line interface or a software API.
* **Flexibility** and agility as users allocate compute resources as required
and have exclusive use of the virtual resources. There is fine-grained
control of the extent to which physical resources are shared.
* Users can **self-serve** and boot a software image of their choosing without
requiring operator assistance. It is even possible for users to create
their own software images to run - a powerful advantage that eliminates
toil for the administrators and delay for the users.
* Additional **security** as users have a higher degree of separation from
each other. They cannot observe other users and are isolated from one
another on the network.
Through careful consideration, an HPC-aware configuration of OpenStack is
capable of realising all the benefits of software-defined infrastructure
whilst incurring minimal overhead. In its various forms, virtualisation
strikes a balance between new capabilities and consequential overhead.
Further Reading
* The OpenStack Hypervisor Tuning Guide is a living document detailing best practice for virtualised performance:
* CERNs OpenStack in Production blog is a good example of the continual community process of hypervisor tuning:
* As an example of the continuous evolution of hypervisor development, the MIKELANGELO project is currently working on optimisations for reducing the latency of virtualised IO using their sKVM project:
* The OpenStack Foundation has published a detailed white paper on using containers within OpenStack:
* An informative paper describing recent developments enabling GPUdirect peer-to-peer transfers between GPUs and RDMA-enabled NICs:
* Whilst the focus of this paper is on comparing virtualisation strategies on the ARM architecture, the background information is accessible and the comparisons made with the x86 architecture are insightful:
* For more information about MonARCH at Monash University, see the R@CMon blog:
This document was originally written by Stig Telfer of `StackHPC Ltd <>`_ with the support
of Cambridge University, with contributions, guidance and feedback from
subject matter experts:
* **Professor DK Panda** and **Dr. Xiaoyi Lu** from NOWLAB, Ohio State University.
* **Blair Bethwaite**, Senior HPC Consultant at Monash University.
.. figure:: images/cc-by-sa.png
:width: 100
:alt: Creative commons licensing
This document is provided as open source with a Creative Commons license
with Attribution + Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA)

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sphinxcontrib-httpdomain # BSD

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name = scientific_wg
summary = OpenStack Scientific WG documents
description-file =
author = OpenStack
classifier =
Environment :: OpenStack
Intended Audience :: Developers
Intended Audience :: Information Technology
License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License
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build-dir = doc/build
source-dir = doc/source

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import setuptools
# In python < 2.7.4, a lazy loading of package `pbr` will break
# setuptools if some other modules registered functions in `atexit`.
# solution from:
import multiprocessing # noqa
except ImportError:

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
hacking>=0.11.0,<0.12 # Apache-2.0
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testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
os-testr>=0.8.0 # Apache-2.0

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import testtools
class TestFake(testtools.TestCase):
def test_fake(self):

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commands = ostestr {posargs}
commands = {posargs}
commands =
python build_sphinx