# Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import contextlib import hashlib import inspect import logging import operator import os from cinderclient.v1 import client as cinder_client from decorator import decorator from dogpile import cache import glanceclient import glanceclient.exc from ironicclient import client as ironic_client from ironicclient import exceptions as ironic_exceptions import jsonpatch from keystoneclient import auth as ksc_auth from keystoneclient.auth import token_endpoint from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as k2_client from keystoneclient.v3 import client as k3_client from keystoneclient import exceptions as keystone_exceptions from keystoneclient import session as ksc_session from novaclient import client as nova_client from novaclient import exceptions as nova_exceptions from neutronclient.common import exceptions as neutron_exceptions from neutronclient.v2_0 import client as neutron_client import os_client_config import os_client_config.defaults import pbr.version import swiftclient.client as swift_client import swiftclient.service as swift_service import swiftclient.exceptions as swift_exceptions import troveclient.client as trove_client # Disable the Rackspace warnings about deprecated certificates. We are aware import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'Certificate has no `subjectAltName`') from shade.exc import * # noqa from shade import meta from shade import task_manager from shade import _tasks from shade import _utils __version__ = pbr.version.VersionInfo('shade').version_string() OBJECT_MD5_KEY = 'x-object-meta-x-shade-md5' OBJECT_SHA256_KEY = 'x-object-meta-x-shade-sha256' IMAGE_MD5_KEY = 'owner_specified.shade.md5' IMAGE_SHA256_KEY = 'owner_specified.shade.sha256' # Rackspace returns this for intermittent import errors IMAGE_ERROR_396 = "Image cannot be imported. Error code: '396'" DEFAULT_OBJECT_SEGMENT_SIZE = 1073741824 # 1GB OBJECT_CONTAINER_ACLS = { 'public': ".r:*,.rlistings", 'private': '', } def valid_kwargs(*valid_args): # This decorator checks if argument passed as **kwargs to a function are # present in valid_args. # # Typically, valid_kwargs is used when we want to distinguish between # None and omitted arguments and we still want to validate the argument # list. # # Example usage: # # @valid_kwargs('opt_arg1', 'opt_arg2') # def my_func(self, mandatory_arg1, mandatory_arg2, **kwargs): # ... # @decorator def func_wrapper(func, *args, **kwargs): argspec = inspect.getargspec(func) for k in kwargs: if k not in argspec.args[1:] and k not in valid_args: raise TypeError( "{f}() got an unexpected keyword argument " "'{arg}'".format(f=inspect.stack()[1][3], arg=k)) return func(*args, **kwargs) return func_wrapper def simple_logging(debug=False): if debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO log = logging.getLogger('shade') log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) log.setLevel(log_level) def openstack_clouds(config=None, debug=False): if not config: config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig() return [ OpenStackCloud( cloud=f.name, debug=debug, cache_interval=config.get_cache_max_age(), cache_class=config.get_cache_class(), cache_arguments=config.get_cache_arguments(), cloud_config=f, **f.config) for f in config.get_all_clouds() ] def openstack_cloud(debug=False, **kwargs): config = kwargs.get('config') if config is None: config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig() cloud_config = config.get_one_cloud(**kwargs) return OpenStackCloud( cloud=cloud_config.name, cache_interval=config.get_cache_max_age(), cache_class=config.get_cache_class(), cache_arguments=config.get_cache_arguments(), cloud_config=cloud_config, debug=debug, **cloud_config.config) def operator_cloud(debug=False, **kwargs): config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig() cloud_config = config.get_one_cloud(**kwargs) return OperatorCloud( cloud_config.name, debug=debug, cache_interval=config.get_cache_max_age(), cache_class=config.get_cache_class(), cache_arguments=config.get_cache_arguments(), cloud_config=cloud_config, **cloud_config.config) def _ssl_args(verify, cacert, cert, key): if cacert: verify = cacert if cert: if key: cert = (cert, key) return (verify, cert) def _get_service_values(kwargs, service_key): # get defauts returns a copy of the defaults dict values = os_client_config.defaults.get_defaults() values.update(kwargs) return {k[:-(len(service_key) + 1)]: str(values[k]) for k in values.keys() if k.endswith(service_key)} def _cache_on_arguments(*cache_on_args, **cache_on_kwargs): def _inner_cache_on_arguments(func): def _cache_decorator(obj, *args, **kwargs): the_method = obj._cache.cache_on_arguments( *cache_on_args, **cache_on_kwargs)( func.__get__(obj, type(obj))) return the_method(*args, **kwargs) def invalidate(obj, *args, **kwargs): return obj._cache.cache_on_arguments()(func).invalidate( *args, **kwargs) _cache_decorator.invalidate = invalidate return _cache_decorator return _inner_cache_on_arguments def _no_pending_volumes(volumes): '''If there are any volumes not in a steady state, don't cache''' for volume in volumes: if volume['status'] not in ('available', 'error'): return False return True def _no_pending_images(images): '''If there are any images not in a steady state, don't cache''' for image in images: if image.status not in ('active', 'deleted', 'killed'): return False return True class OpenStackCloud(object): """Represent a connection to an OpenStack Cloud. OpenStackCloud is the entry point for all cloud operations, regardless of which OpenStack service those operations may ultimately come from. The operations on an OpenStackCloud are resource oriented rather than REST API operation oriented. For instance, one will request a Floating IP and that Floating IP will be actualized either via neutron or via nova depending on how this particular cloud has decided to arrange itself. :param string name: The name of the cloud :param dict auth: Dictionary containing authentication information. Depending on the value of auth_type, the contents of this dict can vary wildly. :param string region_name: The region of the cloud that all operations should be performed against. (optional, default '') :param string auth_type: The name of the keystone auth_type to be used :param string endpoint_type: The type of endpoint to get for services from the service catalog. Valid types are `public` ,`internal` or `admin`. (optional, defaults to `public`) :param bool private: Whether to return or use private IPs by default for servers. (optional, defaults to False) :param float api_timeout: A timeout to pass to REST client constructors indicating network-level timeouts. (optional) :param bool verify: The verification arguments to pass to requests. True tells requests to verify SSL requests, False to not verify. (optional, defaults to True) :param string cacert: A path to a CA Cert bundle that can be used as part of verifying SSL requests. If this is set, verify is set to True. (optional) :param string cert: A path to a client certificate to pass to requests. (optional) :param string key: A path to a client key to pass to requests. (optional) :param bool debug: Deprecated and unused parameter. :param int cache_interval: How long to cache items fetched from the cloud. Value will be passed to dogpile.cache. None means do not cache at all. (optional, defaults to None) :param string cache_class: What dogpile.cache cache class to use. (optional, defaults to "dogpile.cache.null") :param dict cache_arguments: Additional arguments to pass to the cache constructor (optional, defaults to None) :param TaskManager manager: Optional task manager to use for running OpenStack API tasks. Unless you're doing rate limiting client side, you almost certainly don't need this. (optional) :param bool image_api_use_tasks: Whether or not this cloud needs to use the glance task-create interface for image upload activities instead of direct calls. (optional, defaults to False) :param CloudConfig cloud_config: Cloud config object from os-client-config In the future, this will be the only way to pass in cloud configuration, but is being phased in currently. """ def __init__(self, cloud, auth, region_name='', auth_type='password', endpoint_type='public', private=False, verify=True, cacert=None, cert=None, key=None, api_timeout=None, debug=False, cache_interval=None, cache_class='dogpile.cache.null', cache_arguments=None, manager=None, image_api_use_tasks=False, cloud_config=None, **kwargs): self.log = logging.getLogger('shade') if cloud_config is None: config = os_client_config.OpenStackConfig() if cloud in config.get_cloud_names(): cloud_config = config.get_one_cloud(cloud) else: cloud_config = config.get_one_cloud() self.name = cloud self.auth = auth self.region_name = region_name self.auth_type = auth_type self.endpoint_type = endpoint_type self.private = private self.api_timeout = api_timeout if manager is not None: self.manager = manager else: self.manager = task_manager.TaskManager( name=self.name, client=self) self.service_types = _get_service_values(kwargs, 'service_type') self.service_names = _get_service_values(kwargs, 'service_name') self.endpoints = _get_service_values(kwargs, 'endpoint') self.api_versions = _get_service_values(kwargs, 'api_version') self.image_api_use_tasks = image_api_use_tasks self.secgroup_source = kwargs.get('secgroup_source', None) (self.verify, self.cert) = _ssl_args(verify, cacert, cert, key) self._cache = cache.make_region( function_key_generator=self._make_cache_key ).configure( cache_class, expiration_time=cache_interval, arguments=cache_arguments) self._container_cache = dict() self._file_hash_cache = dict() self._keystone_session = None self._cinder_client = None self._glance_client = None self._glance_endpoint = None self._ironic_client = None self._keystone_client = None self._neutron_client = None self._nova_client = None self._swift_client = None self._swift_service = None self._trove_client = None @contextlib.contextmanager def _neutron_exceptions(self, error_message): try: yield except neutron_exceptions.NotFound as e: raise OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e))) except neutron_exceptions.NeutronClientException as e: self.log.debug( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e)), exc_info=True) if e.status_code == 404: raise OpenStackCloudURINotFound( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e))) else: raise OpenStackCloudException( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e))) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "{msg}: {exc}".format(msg=error_message, exc=str(e))) def _make_cache_key(self, namespace, fn): fname = fn.__name__ if namespace is None: name_key = self.name else: name_key = '%s:%s' % (self.name, namespace) def generate_key(*args, **kwargs): arg_key = ','.join(args) kw_keys = sorted(kwargs.keys()) kwargs_key = ','.join( ['%s:%s' % (k, kwargs[k]) for k in kw_keys if k != 'cache']) ans = "_".join( [str(name_key), fname, arg_key, kwargs_key]) return ans return generate_key def get_service_type(self, service): return self.service_types.get(service, service) def get_service_name(self, service): return self.service_names.get(service, None) @property def nova_client(self): if self._nova_client is None: # Make the connection try: # trigger exception on lack of compute. (what?) self.get_session_endpoint('compute') self._nova_client = nova_client.Client( self.api_versions['compute'], session=self.keystone_session, service_name=self.get_service_name('compute'), region_name=self.region_name, timeout=self.api_timeout) except Exception: self.log.debug("Couldn't construct nova object", exc_info=True) raise if self._nova_client is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Failed to instantiate nova client." " This could mean that your credentials are wrong.") return self._nova_client def _get_auth_plugin_class(self): try: if self.auth_type == 'token_endpoint': return token_endpoint.Token else: return ksc_auth.get_plugin_class(self.auth_type) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone auth plugin failure", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Could not find auth plugin: {plugin} {error}".format( plugin=self.auth_type, error=str(e))) def _get_identity_client_class(self): if self.api_versions['identity'] == '3': return k3_client.Client elif self.api_versions['identity'] in ('2', '2.0'): return k2_client.Client raise OpenStackCloudException( "Unknown identity API version: {version}".format( version=self.api_versions['identity'])) @property def keystone_session(self): if self._keystone_session is None: auth_plugin = self._get_auth_plugin_class() try: keystone_auth = auth_plugin(**self.auth) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "keystone couldn't construct plugin", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error constructing auth plugin: {plugin} {error}".format( plugin=self.auth_type, error=str(e))) try: self._keystone_session = ksc_session.Session( auth=keystone_auth, verify=self.verify, cert=self.cert) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone unknown issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error authenticating to the keystone: %s " % str(e)) return self._keystone_session @property def keystone_client(self): if self._keystone_client is None: try: self._keystone_client = self._get_identity_client_class()( session=self.keystone_session, timeout=self.api_timeout) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Couldn't construct keystone object", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error constructing keystone client: %s" % str(e)) return self._keystone_client @property def service_catalog(self): return self.keystone_session.auth.get_access( self.keystone_session).service_catalog.get_data() @property def auth_token(self): # Keystone's session will reuse a token if it is still valid. # We don't need to track validity here, just get_token() each time. return self.keystone_session.get_token() @property def project_cache(self): return self.get_project_cache() @_cache_on_arguments() def get_project_cache(self): return {project.id: project for project in self._project_manager.list()} @property def _project_manager(self): # Keystone v2 calls this attribute tenants # Keystone v3 calls it projects # Yay for usable APIs! return getattr( self.keystone_client, 'projects', self.keystone_client.tenants) def _get_project_param_dict(self, name_or_id): project_dict = dict() if name_or_id: project_id = self._get_project(name_or_id).id if self.api_versions['identity'] == '3': project_dict['default_project'] = project_id else: project_dict['tenant_id'] = project_id return project_dict def _get_domain_param_dict(self, domain_id): """Get a useable domain.""" # Keystone v3 requires domains for user and project creation. v2 does # not. However, keystone v2 does not allow user creation by non-admin # users, so we can throw an error to the user that does not need to # mention api versions if self.api_versions['identity'] == '3': if not domain_id: raise OpenStackCloudException( "User creation requires an explicit domain_id argument.") else: return {'domain': domain_id} else: return {} def _get_identity_params(self, domain_id=None, project=None): """Get the domain and project/tenant parameters if needed. keystone v2 and v3 are divergent enough that we need to pass or not pass project or tenant_id or domain or nothing in a sane manner. """ ret = {} ret.update(self._get_domain_param_dict(domain_id)) ret.update(self._get_project_param_dict(project)) return ret def _get_project(self, name_or_id): """Retrieve a project by name or id.""" # TODO(mordred): This, and other keystone operations, need to have # domain information passed in. When there is no # available domain information, we should default to # the currently scoped domain which we can request from # the session. for id, project in self.project_cache.items(): if name_or_id in (id, project.name): return project return None def get_project(self, name_or_id): """Retrieve a project by name or id.""" project = self._get_project(name_or_id) if project: return meta.obj_to_dict(project) return None def update_project(self, name_or_id, description=None, enabled=True): try: project = self._get_project(name_or_id) return meta.obj_to_dict( project.update(description=description, enabled=enabled)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone update project issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in updating project {project}: {message}".format( project=name_or_id, message=str(e))) def create_project( self, name, description=None, domain_id=None, enabled=True): """Create a project.""" try: domain_params = self._get_domain_param_dict(domain_id) self._project_manager.create( project_name=name, description=description, enabled=enabled, **domain_params) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone create project issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating project {project}: {message}".format( project=name, message=str(e))) def delete_project(self, name_or_id): try: project = self.update_project(name_or_id, enabled=False) self._project_manager.delete(project.id) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone delete project issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting project {project}: {message}".format( project=name_or_id, message=str(e))) @property def user_cache(self): return self.get_user_cache() @_cache_on_arguments() def get_user_cache(self): user_list = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.UserList()) return {user.id: user for user in user_list} def _get_user(self, name_or_id): """Retrieve a user by name or id.""" for id, user in self.user_cache.items(): if name_or_id in (id, user.name): return user return None def get_user(self, name_or_id): """Retrieve a user by name or id.""" user = self._get_user(name_or_id) if user: return meta.obj_to_dict(user) return None def update_user(self, name_or_id, email=None, enabled=None): self.get_user_cache.invalidate(self) user = self._get_user(name_or_id) user_args = {} if email is not None: user_args['email'] = email if enabled is not None: user_args['enabled'] = enabled if not user_args: self.log.debug("No user data to update") return None user_args['user'] = user try: user = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.UserUpdate(**user_args)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone update user issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in updating user {user}: {message}".format( user=name_or_id, message=str(e))) self.get_user_cache.invalidate(self) return meta.obj_to_dict(user) def create_user( self, name, password=None, email=None, default_project=None, enabled=True, domain_id=None): """Create a user.""" try: identity_params = self._get_identity_params( domain_id, default_project) user = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.UserCreate( user_name=name, password=password, email=email, enabled=enabled, **identity_params)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone create user issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating user {user}: {message}".format( user=name, message=str(e))) self.get_user_cache.invalidate(self) return meta.obj_to_dict(user) def delete_user(self, name_or_id): self.get_user_cache.invalidate(self) try: user = self._get_user(name_or_id) self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.UserDelete(user=user)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone delete user issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting user {user}: {message}".format( user=name_or_id, message=str(e))) self.get_user_cache.invalidate(self) @property def glance_client(self): # Note that glanceclient doesn't use keystoneclient sessions # which means that it won't make a new token if the old one has # expired. Work around that by always making a new glanceclient here # which may create a new token if the current one is close to # expiration. token = self.auth_token endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint('image') kwargs = dict() if self.api_timeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = self.api_timeout try: self._glance_client = glanceclient.Client( self.api_versions['image'], endpoint, token=token, session=self.keystone_session, insecure=not self.verify, cacert=self.cert, **kwargs) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("glance unknown issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in connecting to glance: %s" % str(e)) if not self._glance_client: raise OpenStackCloudException("Error connecting to glance") return self._glance_client @property def swift_client(self): if self._swift_client is None: try: token = self.auth_token endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint( service_key='object-store') self._swift_client = swift_client.Connection( preauthurl=endpoint, preauthtoken=token, auth_version=self.api_versions['identity'], os_options=dict( auth_token=token, object_storage_url=endpoint, region_name=self.region_name), ) except OpenStackCloudException: raise except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "error constructing swift client", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error constructing swift client: %s", str(e)) return self._swift_client @property def swift_service(self): if self._swift_service is None: try: endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint( service_key='object-store') options = dict(os_auth_token=self.auth_token, os_storage_url=endpoint, os_region_name=self.region_name) self._swift_service = swift_service.SwiftService( options=options) except OpenStackCloudException: raise except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "error constructing swift client", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error constructing swift client: %s", str(e)) return self._swift_service @property def cinder_client(self): if self._cinder_client is None: # trigger exception on lack of cinder self.get_session_endpoint('volume') # Make the connection self._cinder_client = cinder_client.Client( session=self.keystone_session, region_name=self.region_name, timeout=self.api_timeout) if self._cinder_client is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Failed to instantiate cinder client." " This could mean that your credentials are wrong.") return self._cinder_client @property def trove_client(self): if self._trove_client is None: self.get_session_endpoint(service_key='database') # Make the connection - can't use keystone session until there # is one self._trove_client = trove_client.Client( self.api_versions['database'], session=self.keystone_session, region_name=self.region_name, service_type=self.get_service_type('database'), timeout=self.api_timeout, ) if self._trove_client is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Failed to instantiate Trove client." " This could mean that your credentials are wrong.") return self._trove_client @property def neutron_client(self): if self._neutron_client is None: # trigger exception on lack of neutron self.get_session_endpoint('network') self._neutron_client = neutron_client.Client( token=self.auth_token, session=self.keystone_session, region_name=self.region_name, timeout=self.api_timeout) return self._neutron_client def get_name(self): return self.name def get_region(self): return self.region_name def get_flavor_name(self, flavor_id): flavor = self.get_flavor(flavor_id) if flavor: return flavor['name'] return None def get_flavor_by_ram(self, ram, include=None): """Get a flavor based on amount of RAM available. Finds the flavor with the least amount of RAM that is at least as much as the specified amount. If `include` is given, further filter based on matching flavor name. :param int ram: Minimum amount of RAM. :param string include: If given, will return a flavor whose name contains this string as a substring. """ flavors = self.list_flavors() for flavor in sorted(flavors, key=operator.itemgetter('ram')): if (flavor['ram'] >= ram and (not include or include in flavor['name'])): return flavor raise OpenStackCloudException( "Could not find a flavor with {ram} and '{include}'".format( ram=ram, include=include)) def get_session_endpoint(self, service_key): if service_key in self.endpoints: return self.endpoints[service_key] try: # keystone is a special case in keystone, because what? if service_key == 'identity': endpoint = self.keystone_session.get_endpoint( interface=ksc_auth.AUTH_INTERFACE) else: endpoint = self.keystone_session.get_endpoint( service_type=self.get_service_type(service_key), service_name=self.get_service_name(service_key), interface=self.endpoint_type, region_name=self.region_name) except keystone_exceptions.EndpointNotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Endpoint not found in %s cloud: %s", self.name, str(e)) endpoint = None except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone cannot get endpoint", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error getting %s endpoint: %s" % (service_key, str(e))) if endpoint is None: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableService( "Cloud {cloud} does not have a {service} service".format( cloud=self.name, service=service_key)) return endpoint def has_service(self, service_key): try: self.get_session_endpoint(service_key) return True except OpenStackCloudException: return False def list_server_dicts(self): return [self.get_openstack_vars(server) for server in self.list_servers()] @_cache_on_arguments() def _nova_extensions(self): extensions = set() try: resp, body = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaUrlGet(url='/extensions')) for x in body['extensions']: extensions.add(x['alias']) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova could not list extensions: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "error fetching extension list for nova: {msg}".format( msg=str(e))) return extensions def _has_nova_extension(self, extension_name): return extension_name in self._nova_extensions() def search_keypairs(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): keypairs = self.list_keypairs() return _utils._filter_list(keypairs, name_or_id, filters) def search_networks(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): networks = self.list_networks() return _utils._filter_list(networks, name_or_id, filters) def search_routers(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): routers = self.list_routers() return _utils._filter_list(routers, name_or_id, filters) def search_subnets(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): subnets = self.list_subnets() return _utils._filter_list(subnets, name_or_id, filters) def search_ports(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): ports = self.list_ports() return _utils._filter_list(ports, name_or_id, filters) def search_volumes(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): volumes = self.list_volumes() return _utils._filter_list(volumes, name_or_id, filters) def search_flavors(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): flavors = self.list_flavors() return _utils._filter_list(flavors, name_or_id, filters) def search_security_groups(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): groups = self.list_security_groups() return _utils._filter_list(groups, name_or_id, filters) def search_servers(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): servers = self.list_servers() return _utils._filter_list(servers, name_or_id, filters) def search_images(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): images = self.list_images() return _utils._filter_list(images, name_or_id, filters) def search_floating_ip_pools(self, name=None, filters=None): pools = self.list_floating_ip_pools() return _utils._filter_list(pools, name, filters) # Note (dguerri): when using Neutron, this can be optimized using # server-side search. # There are some cases in which such optimization is not possible (e.g. # nested attributes or list of objects) so we need to use the client-side # filtering when we can't do otherwise. # The same goes for all neutron-related search/get methods! def search_floating_ips(self, id=None, filters=None): floating_ips = self.list_floating_ips() return _utils._filter_list(floating_ips, id, filters) def list_keypairs(self): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.KeypairList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keypair list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching keypair list: %s" % e) def list_networks(self): with self._neutron_exceptions("Error fetching network list"): return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NetworkList())['networks'] def list_routers(self): with self._neutron_exceptions("Error fetching router list"): return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.RouterList())['routers'] def list_subnets(self): with self._neutron_exceptions("Error fetching subnet list"): return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.SubnetList())['subnets'] def list_ports(self): with self._neutron_exceptions("Error fetching port list"): return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.PortList())['ports'] @_cache_on_arguments(should_cache_fn=_no_pending_volumes) def list_volumes(self, cache=True): if not cache: warnings.warn('cache argument to list_volumes is deprecated. Use ' 'invalidate instead.') try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.VolumeList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("volume list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching volume list: %s" % e) @_cache_on_arguments() def list_flavors(self): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.FlavorList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("flavor list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching flavor list: %s" % e) def list_security_groups(self): # Handle neutron security groups if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': # Neutron returns dicts, so no need to convert objects here. with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error fetching security group list"): return self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupList())['security_groups'] # Handle nova security groups elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': try: groups = meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NovaSecurityGroupList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova could not list security groups: {message}".format( message=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching security group list" ) return _utils.normalize_nova_secgroups(groups) # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) def list_servers(self): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("server list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching server list: %s" % e) @_cache_on_arguments(should_cache_fn=_no_pending_images) def list_images(self, filter_deleted=True): """Get available glance images. :param filter_deleted: Control whether deleted images are returned. :returns: A list of glance images. """ # First, try to actually get images from glance, it's more efficient images = [] try: # Creates a generator - does not actually talk to the cloud API # hardcoding page size for now. We'll have to get MUCH smarter # if we want to deal with page size per unit of rate limiting image_gen = self.glance_client.images.list(page_size=1000) # Deal with the generator to make a list image_list = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.GlanceImageList(image_gen=image_gen)) if image_list: if getattr(image_list[0], 'validate', None): # glanceclient returns a "warlock" object if you use v2 image_list = meta.warlock_list_to_dict(image_list) else: # glanceclient returns a normal object if you use v1 image_list = meta.obj_list_to_dict(image_list) except glanceclient.exc.HTTPInternalServerError: # We didn't have glance, let's try nova # If this doesn't work - we just let the exception propagate try: image_list = meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NovaImageList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova image list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching image list: %s" % e) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("glance image list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching image list: %s" % e) for image in image_list: # The cloud might return DELETED for invalid images. # While that's cute and all, that's an implementation detail. if not filter_deleted: images.append(image) elif image.status != 'DELETED': images.append(image) return images def list_floating_ip_pools(self): if not self._has_nova_extension('os-floating-ip-pools'): raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableExtension( 'Floating IP pools extension is not available on target cloud') try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.FloatingIPPoolList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova could not list floating IP pools: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "error fetching floating IP pool list: {msg}".format( msg=str(e))) def list_floating_ips(self): if self.has_service('network'): try: return _utils.normalize_neutron_floating_ips( self._neutron_list_floating_ips()) except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova floating_ips = self._nova_list_floating_ips() return _utils.normalize_nova_floating_ips(floating_ips) def _neutron_list_floating_ips(self): with self._neutron_exceptions("error fetching floating IPs list"): return self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronFloatingIPList())['floatingips'] def _nova_list_floating_ips(self): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NovaFloatingIPList())) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova could not list floating IPs: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "error fetching floating IPs list: {msg}".format(msg=str(e))) def get_keypair(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_keypairs, name_or_id, filters) def get_network(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_networks, name_or_id, filters) def get_router(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_routers, name_or_id, filters) def get_subnet(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_subnets, name_or_id, filters) def get_port(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_ports, name_or_id, filters) def get_volume(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_volumes, name_or_id, filters) def get_flavor(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_flavors, name_or_id, filters) def get_security_group(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity( self.search_security_groups, name_or_id, filters) def get_server(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_servers, name_or_id, filters) def get_image(self, name_or_id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_images, name_or_id, filters) def get_floating_ip(self, id, filters=None): return _utils._get_entity(self.search_floating_ips, id, filters) def create_keypair(self, name, public_key): """Create a new keypair. :param name: Name of the keypair being created. :param public_key: Public key for the new keypair. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.KeypairCreate( name=name, public_key=public_key)) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Error creating keypair %s" % name, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Unable to create keypair %s: %s" % (name, e) ) def delete_keypair(self, name): """Delete a keypair. :param name: Name of the keypair to delete. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.KeypairDelete(key=name)) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: self.log.debug("Keypair %s not found for deleting" % name) return False except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Error deleting keypair %s" % name, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Unable to delete keypair %s: %s" % (name, e) ) return True # TODO(Shrews): This will eventually need to support tenant ID and # provider networks, which are admin-level params. def create_network(self, name, shared=False, admin_state_up=True): """Create a network. :param name: Name of the network being created. :param shared: Set the network as shared. :param admin_state_up: Set the network administrative state to up. :returns: The network object. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ network = { 'name': name, 'shared': shared, 'admin_state_up': admin_state_up } with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating network {0}".format(name)): net = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NetworkCreate(body=dict({'network': network}))) # Turns out neutron returns an actual dict, so no need for the # use of meta.obj_to_dict() here (which would not work against # a dict). return net['network'] def delete_network(self, name_or_id): """Delete a network. :param name_or_id: Name or ID of the network being deleted. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ network = self.get_network(name_or_id) if not network: self.log.debug("Network %s not found for deleting" % name_or_id) return False with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting network {0}".format(name_or_id)): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NetworkDelete(network=network['id'])) return True def create_router(self, name=None, admin_state_up=True): """Create a logical router. :param name: The router name. :param admin_state_up: The administrative state of the router. :returns: The router object. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ router = { 'admin_state_up': admin_state_up } if name: router['name'] = name with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating router {0}".format(name)): new_router = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.RouterCreate(body=dict(router=router))) # Turns out neutron returns an actual dict, so no need for the # use of meta.obj_to_dict() here (which would not work against # a dict). return new_router['router'] def update_router(self, name_or_id, name=None, admin_state_up=None, ext_gateway_net_id=None): """Update an existing logical router. :param name_or_id: The name or UUID of the router to update. :param name: The new router name. :param admin_state_up: The administrative state of the router. :param ext_gateway_net_id: The network ID for the external gateway. :returns: The router object. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ router = {} if name: router['name'] = name if admin_state_up: router['admin_state_up'] = admin_state_up if ext_gateway_net_id: router['external_gateway_info'] = { 'network_id': ext_gateway_net_id } if not router: self.log.debug("No router data to update") return curr_router = self.get_router(name_or_id) if not curr_router: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Router %s not found." % name_or_id) with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error updating router {0}".format(name_or_id)): new_router = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.RouterUpdate( router=curr_router['id'], body=dict(router=router))) # Turns out neutron returns an actual dict, so no need for the # use of meta.obj_to_dict() here (which would not work against # a dict). return new_router['router'] def delete_router(self, name_or_id): """Delete a logical router. If a name, instead of a unique UUID, is supplied, it is possible that we could find more than one matching router since names are not required to be unique. An error will be raised in this case. :param name_or_id: Name or ID of the router being deleted. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ router = self.get_router(name_or_id) if not router: self.log.debug("Router %s not found for deleting" % name_or_id) return False with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting router {0}".format(name_or_id)): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.RouterDelete(router=router['id'])) return True def _reset_image_cache(self): self._image_cache = None def get_image_exclude(self, name_or_id, exclude): for image in self.search_images(name_or_id): if exclude: if exclude not in image.name: return image else: return image return None def get_image_name(self, image_id, exclude=None): image = self.get_image_exclude(image_id, exclude) if image: return image.name return None def get_image_id(self, image_name, exclude=None): image = self.get_image_exclude(image_name, exclude) if image: return image.id return None def create_image_snapshot(self, name, **metadata): image = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageSnapshotCreate( name=name, **metadata)) if image: return meta.obj_to_dict(image) return None def delete_image(self, name_or_id, wait=False, timeout=3600): image = self.get_image(name_or_id) try: # Note that in v1, the param name is image, but in v2, # it's image_id glance_api_version = self.api_versions['image'] if glance_api_version == '2': self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ImageDelete(image_id=image.id)) elif glance_api_version == '1': self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ImageDelete(image=image.id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Image deletion failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting image: %s" % str(e)) if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the image to be deleted."): self._cache.invalidate() if self.get_image(image.id) is None: return def create_image( self, name, filename, container='images', md5=None, sha256=None, disk_format=None, container_format=None, wait=False, timeout=3600, **kwargs): if not md5 or not sha256: (md5, sha256) = self._get_file_hashes(filename) current_image = self.get_image(name) if (current_image and current_image.get(IMAGE_MD5_KEY, '') == md5 and current_image.get(IMAGE_SHA256_KEY, '') == sha256): self.log.debug( "image {name} exists and is up to date".format(name=name)) return current_image kwargs[IMAGE_MD5_KEY] = md5 kwargs[IMAGE_SHA256_KEY] = sha256 # This makes me want to die inside if self.image_api_use_tasks: return self._upload_image_task( name, filename, container, current_image=current_image, wait=wait, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) else: image_kwargs = dict(properties=kwargs) if disk_format: image_kwargs['disk_format'] = disk_format if container_format: image_kwargs['container_format'] = container_format return self._upload_image_put(name, filename, **image_kwargs) def _upload_image_put_v2(self, name, image_data, **image_kwargs): if 'properties' in image_kwargs: img_props = image_kwargs.pop('properties') for k, v in iter(img_props.items()): image_kwargs[k] = str(v) image = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageCreate( name=name, **image_kwargs)) curr = image_data.tell() image_data.seek(0, os.SEEK_END) data_size = image_data.tell() image_data.seek(curr) self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageUpload( image_id=image.id, image_data=image_data, image_size=data_size)) return image def _upload_image_put_v1(self, name, image_data, **image_kwargs): image = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageCreate( name=name, **image_kwargs)) self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageUpdate( image=image, data=image_data)) return image def _upload_image_put(self, name, filename, **image_kwargs): image_data = open(filename, 'rb') # Because reasons and crying bunnies if self.api_versions['image'] == '2': image = self._upload_image_put_v2(name, image_data, **image_kwargs) else: image = self._upload_image_put_v1(name, image_data, **image_kwargs) self._cache.invalidate() return self.get_image(image.id) def _upload_image_task( self, name, filename, container, current_image=None, wait=True, timeout=None, **image_properties): self.create_object( container, name, filename, md5=image_properties.get('md5', None), sha256=image_properties.get('sha256', None)) if not current_image: current_image = self.get_image(name) # TODO(mordred): Can we do something similar to what nodepool does # using glance properties to not delete then upload but instead make a # new "good" image and then mark the old one as "bad" # self.glance_client.images.delete(current_image) task_args = dict( type='import', input=dict( import_from='{container}/{name}'.format( container=container, name=name), image_properties=dict(name=name))) glance_task = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ImageTaskCreate(**task_args)) if wait: image_id = None for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the image to import."): try: if image_id is None: status = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ImageTaskGet(task_id=glance_task.id)) except glanceclient.exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable: # Intermittent failure - catch and try again continue if status.status == 'success': image_id = status.result['image_id'] self._reset_image_cache() self.list_images.invalidate(self) try: image = self.get_image(image_id) except glanceclient.exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable: # Intermittent failure - catch and try again continue if image is None: continue self.update_image_properties( image=image, **image_properties) self.list_images.invalidate(self) return self.get_image(status.result['image_id']) if status.status == 'failure': if status.message == IMAGE_ERROR_396: glance_task = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ImageTaskCreate(**task_args)) else: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Image creation failed: {message}".format( message=status.message), extra_data=status) else: return meta.warlock_to_dict(glance_task) def update_image_properties( self, image=None, name_or_id=None, **properties): if image is None: image = self.get_image(name_or_id) img_props = {} for k, v in iter(properties.items()): if v and k in ['ramdisk', 'kernel']: v = self.get_image_id(v) k = '{0}_id'.format(k) img_props[k] = v # This makes me want to die inside if self.api_versions['image'] == '2': return self._update_image_properties_v2(image, img_props) else: return self._update_image_properties_v1(image, img_props) def _update_image_properties_v2(self, image, properties): img_props = {} for k, v in iter(properties.items()): if image.get(k, None) != v: img_props[k] = str(v) if not img_props: return False self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageUpdate( image_id=image.id, **img_props)) return True def _update_image_properties_v1(self, image, properties): img_props = {} for k, v in iter(properties.items()): if image.properties.get(k, None) != v: img_props[k] = v if not img_props: return False self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ImageUpdate( image=image, properties=img_props)) return True def create_volume(self, wait=True, timeout=None, **kwargs): """Create a volume. :param wait: If true, waits for volume to be created. :param timeout: Seconds to wait for volume creation. None is forever. :param volkwargs: Keyword arguments as expected for cinder client. :returns: The created volume object. :raises: OpenStackCloudTimeout if wait time exceeded. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ try: volume = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.VolumeCreate(**kwargs)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Volume creation failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating volume: %s" % str(e)) self.list_volumes.invalidate(self) volume = meta.obj_to_dict(volume) if volume['status'] == 'error': raise OpenStackCloudException("Error in creating volume") if wait: vol_id = volume['id'] for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the volume to be available."): volume = self.get_volume(vol_id) if not volume: continue if volume['status'] == 'available': return volume if volume['status'] == 'error': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating volume, please check logs") def delete_volume(self, name_or_id=None, wait=True, timeout=None): """Delete a volume. :param name_or_id: Name or unique ID of the volume. :param wait: If true, waits for volume to be deleted. :param timeout: Seconds to wait for volume deletion. None is forever. :raises: OpenStackCloudTimeout if wait time exceeded. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ self.list_volumes.invalidate(self) volume = self.get_volume(name_or_id) try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.VolumeDelete(volume=volume['id'])) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Volume deletion failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting volume: %s" % str(e)) self.list_volumes.invalidate(self) if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the volume to be deleted."): if not self.volume_exists(volume['id']): return def get_volumes(self, server, cache=True): volumes = [] for volume in self.list_volumes(cache=cache): for attach in volume['attachments']: if attach['server_id'] == server.id: volumes.append(volume) return volumes def get_volume_id(self, name_or_id): volume = self.get_volume(name_or_id) if volume: return volume['id'] return None def volume_exists(self, name_or_id): return self.get_volume(name_or_id) is not None def get_volume_attach_device(self, volume, server_id): """Return the device name a volume is attached to for a server. This can also be used to verify if a volume is attached to a particular server. :param volume: Volume object :param server_id: ID of server to check :returns: Device name if attached, None if volume is not attached. """ for attach in volume['attachments']: if server_id == attach['server_id']: return attach['device'] return None def detach_volume(self, server, volume, wait=True, timeout=None): """Detach a volume from a server. :param server: The server object to detach from. :param volume: The volume object to detach. :param wait: If true, waits for volume to be detached. :param timeout: Seconds to wait for volume detachment. None is forever. :raises: OpenStackCloudTimeout if wait time exceeded. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ dev = self.get_volume_attach_device(volume, server.id) if not dev: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Volume %s is not attached to server %s" % (volume['id'], server.id) ) try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.VolumeDetach(attachment_id=volume['id'], server_id=server.id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova volume detach failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error detaching volume %s from server %s: %s" % (volume['id'], server.id, e) ) if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for volume %s to detach." % volume['id']): try: vol = self.get_volume(volume['id']) except Exception: self.log.debug( "Error getting volume info %s" % volume['id'], exc_info=True) continue if vol['status'] == 'available': return if vol['status'] == 'error': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in detaching volume %s" % volume['id'] ) def attach_volume(self, server, volume, device=None, wait=True, timeout=None): """Attach a volume to a server. This will attach a volume, described by the passed in volume object (as returned by get_volume()), to the server described by the passed in server object (as returned by get_server()) on the named device on the server. If the volume is already attached to the server, or generally not available, then an exception is raised. To re-attach to a server, but under a different device, the user must detach it first. :param server: The server object to attach to. :param volume: The volume object to attach. :param device: The device name where the volume will attach. :param wait: If true, waits for volume to be attached. :param timeout: Seconds to wait for volume attachment. None is forever. :raises: OpenStackCloudTimeout if wait time exceeded. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ dev = self.get_volume_attach_device(volume, server.id) if dev: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Volume %s already attached to server %s on device %s" % (volume['id'], server.id, dev) ) if volume['status'] != 'available': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Volume %s is not available. Status is '%s'" % (volume['id'], volume['status']) ) try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.VolumeAttach(volume_id=volume['id'], server_id=server.id, device=device)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova volume attach of %s failed" % volume['id'], exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error attaching volume %s to server %s: %s" % (volume['id'], server.id, e) ) if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for volume %s to attach." % volume['id']): try: vol = self.get_volume(volume['id']) except Exception: self.log.debug( "Error getting volume info %s" % volume['id'], exc_info=True) continue if self.get_volume_attach_device(vol, server.id): return # TODO(Shrews) check to see if a volume can be in error status # and also attached. If so, we should move this # above the get_volume_attach_device call if vol['status'] == 'error': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in attaching volume %s" % volume['id'] ) def get_server_id(self, name_or_id): server = self.get_server(name_or_id) if server: return server.id return None def get_server_private_ip(self, server): return meta.get_server_private_ip(server) def get_server_public_ip(self, server): return meta.get_server_external_ipv4(self, server) def get_server_dict(self, name_or_id): server = self.get_server(name_or_id) if not server: return server return self.get_openstack_vars(server) def get_server_meta(self, server): # TODO(mordred) remove once ansible has moved to Inventory interface server_vars = meta.get_hostvars_from_server(self, server) groups = meta.get_groups_from_server(self, server, server_vars) return dict(server_vars=server_vars, groups=groups) def get_openstack_vars(self, server): return meta.get_hostvars_from_server(self, server) def available_floating_ip(self, network=None): """Get a floating IP from a network or a pool. Return the first available floating IP or allocate a new one. :param network: Nova pool name or Neutron network name or id. :returns: a (normalized) structure with a floating IP address description. """ if self.has_service('network'): try: f_ips = _utils.normalize_neutron_floating_ips( self._neutron_available_floating_ips( network=network)) return f_ips[0] except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova f_ips = _utils.normalize_nova_floating_ips( self._nova_available_floating_ips(pool=network) ) return f_ips[0] def _neutron_available_floating_ips(self, network=None, project_id=None): """Get a floating IP from a Neutron network. Return a list of available floating IPs or allocate a new one and return it in a list of 1 element. :param network: Nova pool name or Neutron network name or id. :returns: a list of floating IP addresses. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound``, if an external network that meets the specified criteria cannot be found. """ if project_id is None: # Make sure we are only listing floatingIPs allocated the current # tenant. This is the default behaviour of Nova project_id = self.keystone_session.get_project_id() with self._neutron_exceptions("unable to get available floating IPs"): networks = self.search_networks( name_or_id=network, filters={'router:external': True}) if not networks: raise OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound( "unable to find an external network") filters = { 'port_id': None, 'floating_network_id': networks[0]['id'], 'tenant_id': project_id } floating_ips = self._neutron_list_floating_ips() available_ips = _utils._filter_list( floating_ips, name_or_id=None, filters=filters) if available_ips: return available_ips # No available IP found, allocate a new Floating IP f_ip = self._neutron_create_floating_ip( network_name_or_id=networks[0]['id']) return [f_ip] def _nova_available_floating_ips(self, pool=None): """Get available floating IPs from a floating IP pool. Return a list of available floating IPs or allocate a new one and return it in a list of 1 element. :param pool: Nova floating IP pool name. :returns: a list of floating IP addresses. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound``, if a floating IP pool is not specified and cannot be found. """ try: if pool is None: pools = self.list_floating_ip_pools() if not pools: raise OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound( "unable to find a floating ip pool") pool = pools[0]['name'] filters = { 'instance_id': None, 'pool': pool } floating_ips = self._nova_list_floating_ips() available_ips = _utils._filter_list( floating_ips, name_or_id=None, filters=filters) if available_ips: return available_ips # No available IP found, allocate a new Floating IP f_ip = self._nova_create_floating_ip(pool=pool) return [f_ip] except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP create failed: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "unable to create floating IP in pool {pool}: {msg}".format( pool=pool, msg=str(e))) def create_floating_ip(self, network=None): """Allocate a new floating IP from a network or a pool. :param network: Nova pool name or Neutron network name or id. :returns: a floating IP address :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``, on operation error. """ if self.has_service('network'): try: f_ips = _utils.normalize_neutron_floating_ips( [self._neutron_create_floating_ip( network_name_or_id=network)] ) return f_ips[0] except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova # Else, we are using Nova network f_ips = _utils.normalize_nova_floating_ips( [self._nova_create_floating_ip(pool=network)]) return f_ips[0] def _neutron_create_floating_ip(self, network_name_or_id=None): with self._neutron_exceptions( "unable to create floating IP for net " "{0}".format(network_name_or_id)): networks = self.search_networks( name_or_id=network_name_or_id, filters={'router:external': True}) if not networks: raise OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound( "unable to find an external network with id " "{0}".format(network_name_or_id or "(no id specified)")) kwargs = { 'floating_network_id': networks[0]['id'], } return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NeutronFloatingIPCreate( body={'floatingip': kwargs}))['floatingip'] def _nova_create_floating_ip(self, pool=None): try: if pool is None: pools = self.list_floating_ip_pools() if not pools: raise OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound( "unable to find a floating ip pool") pool = pools[0]['name'] pool_ip = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaFloatingIPCreate(pool=pool)) return meta.obj_to_dict(pool_ip) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP create failed: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "unable to create floating IP in pool {pool}: {msg}".format( pool=pool, msg=str(e))) def delete_floating_ip(self, floating_ip_id): """Deallocate a floating IP from a tenant. :param floating_ip_id: a floating IP address id. :returns: True if the IP address has been deleted, False if the IP address was not found. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``, on operation error. """ if self.has_service('network'): try: return self._neutron_delete_floating_ip(floating_ip_id) except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova # Else, we are using Nova network return self._nova_delete_floating_ip(floating_ip_id) def _neutron_delete_floating_ip(self, floating_ip_id): try: with self._neutron_exceptions("unable to delete floating IP"): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronFloatingIPDelete(floatingip=floating_ip_id)) except OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound: return False return True def _nova_delete_floating_ip(self, floating_ip_id): try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaFloatingIPDelete(floating_ip=floating_ip_id)) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: return False except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP delete failed: {msg}".format( msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "unable to delete floating IP id {fip_id}: {msg}".format( fip_id=floating_ip_id, msg=str(e))) return True def attach_ip_to_server( self, server_id, floating_ip_id, fixed_address=None, wait=False, timeout=60): """Attach a floating IP to a server. :param server_id: id of a server. :param floating_ip_id: id of the floating IP to attach. :param fixed_address: (optional) fixed address to which attach the floating IP to. :param wait: (optional) Wait for the address to appear as assigned to the server in Nova. Defaults to False. :param timeout: (optional) Seconds to wait, defaults to 60. See the ``wait`` parameter. :returns: None :raises: OpenStackCloudException, on operation error. """ if self.has_service('network'): try: self._neutron_attach_ip_to_server( server_id=server_id, floating_ip_id=floating_ip_id, fixed_address=fixed_address) except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova else: # Nova network self._nova_attach_ip_to_server( server_id=server_id, floating_ip_id=floating_ip_id, fixed_address=fixed_address) if wait: # Wait for the address to be assigned to the server f_ip = self.get_floating_ip(id=floating_ip_id) for _ in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the floating IP to be attached."): server = self.get_server(name_or_id=server_id) for k, v in server['addresses'].items(): for interface_spec in v: if interface_spec['addr'] == \ f_ip['floating_ip_address']: return def _neutron_attach_ip_to_server(self, server_id, floating_ip_id, fixed_address=None): with self._neutron_exceptions( "unable to bind a floating ip to server " "{0}".format(server_id)): # Find an available port ports = self.search_ports(filters={'device_id': server_id}) port = None if ports and fixed_address is None: port = ports[0] elif ports: # unfortunately a port can have more than one fixed IP: # we can't use the search_ports filtering for fixed_address as # they are contained in a list. e.g. # # "fixed_ips": [ # { # "subnet_id": "008ba151-0b8c-4a67-98b5-0d2b87666062", # "ip_address": "" # } # ] # # Search fixed_address for p in ports: for fixed_ip in p['fixed_ips']: if fixed_address == fixed_ip['ip_address']: port = p break else: continue break if not port: raise OpenStackCloudException( "unable to find a port for server {0}".format(server_id)) floating_ip = {'port_id': port['id']} if fixed_address is not None: floating_ip['fixed_ip_address'] = fixed_address return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NeutronFloatingIPUpdate( floatingip=floating_ip_id, body={'floatingip': floating_ip} ))['floatingip'] def _nova_attach_ip_to_server(self, server_id, floating_ip_id, fixed_address=None): try: f_ip = self.get_floating_ip(id=floating_ip_id) return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NovaFloatingIPAttach( server=server_id, address=f_ip['floating_ip_address'], fixed_address=fixed_address)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP attach failed: {msg}".format(msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "error attaching IP {ip} to instance {id}: {msg}".format( ip=floating_ip_id, id=server_id, msg=str(e))) def detach_ip_from_server(self, server_id, floating_ip_id): """Detach a floating IP from a server. :param server_id: id of a server. :param floating_ip_id: Id of the floating IP to detach. :returns: True if the IP has been detached, or False if the IP wasn't attached to any server. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``, on operation error. """ if self.has_service('network'): try: return self._neutron_detach_ip_from_server( server_id=server_id, floating_ip_id=floating_ip_id) except OpenStackCloudURINotFound as e: self.log.debug( "Something went wrong talking to neutron API: " "'{msg}'. Trying with Nova.".format(msg=str(e))) # Fall-through, trying with Nova # Nova network self._nova_detach_ip_from_server( server_id=server_id, floating_ip_id=floating_ip_id) def _neutron_detach_ip_from_server(self, server_id, floating_ip_id): with self._neutron_exceptions( "unable to detach a floating ip from server " "{0}".format(server_id)): f_ip = self.get_floating_ip(id=floating_ip_id) if f_ip is None or not f_ip['attached']: return False self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NeutronFloatingIPUpdate( floatingip=floating_ip_id, body={'floatingip': {'port_id': None}})) return True def _nova_detach_ip_from_server(self, server_id, floating_ip_id): try: f_ip = self.get_floating_ip(id=floating_ip_id) if f_ip is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "unable to find floating IP {0}".format(floating_ip_id)) self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.NovaFloatingIPDetach( server=server_id, address=f_ip['floating_ip_address'])) except nova_exceptions.Conflict as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP detach failed: {msg}".format(msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) return False except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova floating IP detach failed: {msg}".format(msg=str(e)), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "error detaching IP {ip} from instance {id}: {msg}".format( ip=floating_ip_id, id=server_id, msg=str(e))) return True def add_ip_from_pool(self, server_id, network, fixed_address=None): """Add a floating IP to a sever from a given pool This method reuses available IPs, when possible, or allocate new IPs to the current tenant. The floating IP is attached to the given fixed address or to the first server port/fixed address :param server_id: Id of a server :param network: Nova pool name or Neutron network name or id. :param fixed_address: a fixed address :returns: the floating IP assigned """ f_ip = self.available_floating_ip(network=network) self.attach_ip_to_server( server_id=server_id, floating_ip_id=f_ip['id'], fixed_address=fixed_address) return f_ip def add_ip_list(self, server, ips): """Attach a list of IPs to a server. :param server: a server object :param ips: list of IP addresses (floating IPs) :returns: None :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``, on operation error. """ # ToDo(dguerri): this makes no sense as we cannot attach multiple # floating IPs to a single fixed_address (this is true for both # neutron and nova). I will leave this here for the moment as we are # refactoring floating IPs methods. for ip in ips: f_ip = self.get_floating_ip( id=None, filters={'floating_ip_address': ip}) self.attach_ip_to_server( server_id=server['id'], floating_ip_id=f_ip['id']) def add_auto_ip(self, server, wait=False, timeout=60): """Add a floating IP to a server. This method is intended for basic usage. For advanced network architecture (e.g. multiple external networks or servers with multiple interfaces), use other floating IP methods. This method reuses available IPs, when possible, or allocate new IPs to the current tenant. :param server: a server dictionary. :param wait: (optional) Wait for the address to appear as assigned to the server in Nova. Defaults to False. :param timeout: (optional) Seconds to wait, defaults to 60. See the ``wait`` parameter. :returns: Floating IP address attached to server. """ f_ip = self.available_floating_ip() self.attach_ip_to_server( server_id=server['id'], floating_ip_id=f_ip['id'], wait=wait, timeout=timeout) return self.get_floating_ip(id=f_ip['id']) def add_ips_to_server(self, server, auto_ip=True, ips=None, ip_pool=None): if ip_pool: self.add_ip_from_pool(server, ip_pool) elif ips: self.add_ip_list(server, ips) elif auto_ip: if self.get_server_public_ip(server): return server self.add_auto_ip(server) else: return server # this may look redundant, but if there is now a # floating IP, then it needs to be obtained from # a recent server object if the above code path exec'd try: server = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerGet(server=server))) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova info failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in getting info from instance: %s " % str(e)) return server def create_server(self, auto_ip=True, ips=None, ip_pool=None, root_volume=None, terminate_volume=False, wait=False, timeout=180, **bootkwargs): """Create a virtual server instance. :returns: A dict representing the created server. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ if root_volume: if terminate_volume: suffix = ':::1' else: suffix = ':::0' volume_id = self.get_volume_id(root_volume) + suffix if 'block_device_mapping' not in bootkwargs: bootkwargs['block_device_mapping'] = dict() bootkwargs['block_device_mapping']['vda'] = volume_id try: server = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerCreate(**bootkwargs)) server = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerGet(server=server)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova instance create failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating instance: {0}".format(e)) if server.status == 'ERROR': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating the server.") if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for the server to come up."): try: server = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ServerGet(server=server)) ) except Exception: continue if server['status'] == 'ACTIVE': return self.add_ips_to_server( server, auto_ip, ips, ip_pool) if server['status'] == 'ERROR': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in creating the server", extra_data=dict(server=server)) return meta.obj_to_dict(server) def rebuild_server(self, server_id, image_id, wait=False, timeout=180): try: server = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerRebuild( server=server_id, image=image_id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova instance rebuild failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in rebuilding instance: {0}".format(e)) if wait: for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timeout waiting for server {0} to " "rebuild.".format(server_id)): try: server = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ServerGet(server=server)) ) except Exception: continue if server['status'] == 'ACTIVE': return server if server['status'] == 'ERROR': raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in rebuilding the server", extra_data=dict(server=server)) return meta.obj_to_dict(server) def delete_server(self, name, wait=False, timeout=180): server = self.get_server(name) if server: try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServerDelete(server=server.id)) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: return except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova delete server failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting server: {0}".format(e)) else: return if not wait: return for count in _utils._iterate_timeout( timeout, "Timed out waiting for server to get deleted."): try: server = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ServerGet(server=server.id)) if not server: return except nova_exceptions.NotFound: return except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova get server failed when waiting for " "delete", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in deleting server: {0}".format(e)) def get_container(self, name, skip_cache=False): if skip_cache or name not in self._container_cache: try: container = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ContainerGet(container=name)) self._container_cache[name] = container except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: if e.http_status == 404: return None self.log.debug("swift container fetch failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Container fetch failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) return self._container_cache[name] def create_container(self, name, public=False): container = self.get_container(name) if container: return container try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ContainerCreate(container=name)) if public: self.set_container_access(name, 'public') return self.get_container(name, skip_cache=True) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: self.log.debug("swift container create failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Container creation failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) def delete_container(self, name): try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ContainerDelete(container=name)) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: if e.http_status == 404: return self.log.debug("swift container delete failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Container deletion failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) def update_container(self, name, headers): try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.ContainerUpdate(container=name, headers=headers)) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: self.log.debug("swift container update failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Container update failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) def set_container_access(self, name, access): if access not in OBJECT_CONTAINER_ACLS: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Invalid container access specified: %s. Must be one of %s" % (access, list(OBJECT_CONTAINER_ACLS.keys()))) header = {'x-container-read': OBJECT_CONTAINER_ACLS[access]} self.update_container(name, header) def get_container_access(self, name): container = self.get_container(name, skip_cache=True) if not container: raise OpenStackCloudException("Container not found: %s" % name) acl = container.get('x-container-read', '') try: return [p for p, a in OBJECT_CONTAINER_ACLS.items() if acl == a].pop() except IndexError: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Could not determine container access for ACL: %s." % acl) def _get_file_hashes(self, filename): if filename not in self._file_hash_cache: md5 = hashlib.md5() sha256 = hashlib.sha256() with open(filename, 'rb') as file_obj: for chunk in iter(lambda: file_obj.read(8192), b''): md5.update(chunk) sha256.update(chunk) self._file_hash_cache[filename] = dict( md5=md5.hexdigest(), sha256=sha256.hexdigest()) return (self._file_hash_cache[filename]['md5'], self._file_hash_cache[filename]['sha256']) @_cache_on_arguments() def get_object_capabilities(self): return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ObjectCapabilities()) def get_object_segment_size(self, segment_size): '''get a segment size that will work given capabilities''' if segment_size is None: segment_size = DEFAULT_OBJECT_SEGMENT_SIZE caps = self.get_object_capabilities() server_max_file_size = caps.get('swift', {}).get('max_file_size', 0) if segment_size > server_max_file_size: return server_max_file_size return segment_size def is_object_stale( self, container, name, filename, file_md5=None, file_sha256=None): metadata = self.get_object_metadata(container, name) if not metadata: self.log.debug( "swift stale check, no object: {container}/{name}".format( container=container, name=name)) return True if file_md5 is None or file_sha256 is None: (file_md5, file_sha256) = self._get_file_hashes(filename) if metadata.get(OBJECT_MD5_KEY, '') != file_md5: self.log.debug( "swift md5 mismatch: {filename}!={container}/{name}".format( filename=filename, container=container, name=name)) return True if metadata.get(OBJECT_SHA256_KEY, '') != file_sha256: self.log.debug( "swift sha256 mismatch: {filename}!={container}/{name}".format( filename=filename, container=container, name=name)) return True self.log.debug( "swift object up to date: {container}/{name}".format( container=container, name=name)) return False def create_object( self, container, name, filename=None, md5=None, sha256=None, segment_size=None, **headers): if not filename: filename = name segment_size = self.get_object_segment_size(segment_size) if not md5 or not sha256: (md5, sha256) = self._get_file_hashes(filename) headers[OBJECT_MD5_KEY] = md5 headers[OBJECT_SHA256_KEY] = sha256 header_list = sorted([':'.join([k, v]) for (k, v) in headers.items()]) # On some clouds this is not necessary. On others it is. I'm confused. self.create_container(container) if self.is_object_stale(container, name, filename, md5, sha256): self.log.debug( "swift uploading {filename} to {container}/{name}".format( filename=filename, container=container, name=name)) upload = swift_service.SwiftUploadObject(source=filename, object_name=name) for r in self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ObjectCreate( container=container, objects=[upload], options=dict(header=header_list, segment_size=segment_size))): if not r['success']: raise OpenStackCloudException( 'Failed at action ({action}) [{error}]:'.format(**r)) def delete_object(self, container, name): if not self.get_object_metadata(container, name): return try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ObjectDelete( container=container, obj=name)) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Object deletion failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) def get_object_metadata(self, container, name): try: return self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ObjectMetadata( container=container, obj=name)) except swift_exceptions.ClientException as e: if e.http_status == 404: return None self.log.debug("swift metadata fetch failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Object metadata fetch failed: %s (%s/%s)" % ( e.http_reason, e.http_host, e.http_path)) def create_subnet(self, network_name_or_id, cidr, ip_version=4, enable_dhcp=False, subnet_name=None, tenant_id=None, allocation_pools=None, gateway_ip=None, dns_nameservers=None, host_routes=None, ipv6_ra_mode=None, ipv6_address_mode=None): """Create a subnet on a specified network. :param string network_name_or_id: The unique name or ID of the attached network. If a non-unique name is supplied, an exception is raised. :param string cidr: The CIDR. :param int ip_version: The IP version, which is 4 or 6. :param bool enable_dhcp: Set to ``True`` if DHCP is enabled and ``False`` if disabled. Default is ``False``. :param string subnet_name: The name of the subnet. :param string tenant_id: The ID of the tenant who owns the network. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own. :param list allocation_pools: A list of dictionaries of the start and end addresses for the allocation pools. For example:: [ { "start": "", "end": "" } ] :param string gateway_ip: The gateway IP address. When you specify both allocation_pools and gateway_ip, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the specified allocation pools. :param list dns_nameservers: A list of DNS name servers for the subnet. For example:: [ "", "" ] :param list host_routes: A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet. For example:: [ { "destination": "", "nexthop": "123.456.78.9" }, { "destination": "", "nexthop": "" } ] :param string ipv6_ra_mode: IPv6 Router Advertisement mode. Valid values are: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', or 'slaac'. :param string ipv6_address_mode: IPv6 address mode. Valid values are: 'dhcpv6-stateful', 'dhcpv6-stateless', or 'slaac'. :returns: The new subnet object. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ network = self.get_network(network_name_or_id) if not network: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Network %s not found." % network_name_or_id) # The body of the neutron message for the subnet we wish to create. # This includes attributes that are required or have defaults. subnet = { 'network_id': network['id'], 'cidr': cidr, 'ip_version': ip_version, 'enable_dhcp': enable_dhcp } # Add optional attributes to the message. if subnet_name: subnet['name'] = subnet_name if tenant_id: subnet['tenant_id'] = tenant_id if allocation_pools: subnet['allocation_pools'] = allocation_pools if gateway_ip: subnet['gateway_ip'] = gateway_ip if dns_nameservers: subnet['dns_nameservers'] = dns_nameservers if host_routes: subnet['host_routes'] = host_routes if ipv6_ra_mode: subnet['ipv6_ra_mode'] = ipv6_ra_mode if ipv6_address_mode: subnet['ipv6_address_mode'] = ipv6_address_mode with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating subnet on network " "{0}".format(network_name_or_id)): new_subnet = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.SubnetCreate(body=dict(subnet=subnet))) return new_subnet['subnet'] def delete_subnet(self, name_or_id): """Delete a subnet. If a name, instead of a unique UUID, is supplied, it is possible that we could find more than one matching subnet since names are not required to be unique. An error will be raised in this case. :param name_or_id: Name or ID of the subnet being deleted. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ subnet = self.get_subnet(name_or_id) if not subnet: self.log.debug("Subnet %s not found for deleting" % name_or_id) return False with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting subnet {0}".format(name_or_id)): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.SubnetDelete(subnet=subnet['id'])) return True def update_subnet(self, name_or_id, subnet_name=None, enable_dhcp=None, gateway_ip=None, allocation_pools=None, dns_nameservers=None, host_routes=None): """Update an existing subnet. :param string name_or_id: Name or ID of the subnet to update. :param string subnet_name: The new name of the subnet. :param bool enable_dhcp: Set to ``True`` if DHCP is enabled and ``False`` if disabled. :param string gateway_ip: The gateway IP address. When you specify both allocation_pools and gateway_ip, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the specified allocation pools. :param list allocation_pools: A list of dictionaries of the start and end addresses for the allocation pools. For example:: [ { "start": "", "end": "" } ] :param list dns_nameservers: A list of DNS name servers for the subnet. For example:: [ "", "" ] :param list host_routes: A list of host route dictionaries for the subnet. For example:: [ { "destination": "", "nexthop": "123.456.78.9" }, { "destination": "", "nexthop": "" } ] :returns: The updated subnet object. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ subnet = {} if subnet_name: subnet['name'] = subnet_name if enable_dhcp is not None: subnet['enable_dhcp'] = enable_dhcp if gateway_ip: subnet['gateway_ip'] = gateway_ip if allocation_pools: subnet['allocation_pools'] = allocation_pools if dns_nameservers: subnet['dns_nameservers'] = dns_nameservers if host_routes: subnet['host_routes'] = host_routes if not subnet: self.log.debug("No subnet data to update") return curr_subnet = self.get_subnet(name_or_id) if not curr_subnet: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Subnet %s not found." % name_or_id) with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error updating subnet {0}".format(name_or_id)): new_subnet = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.SubnetUpdate( subnet=curr_subnet['id'], body=dict(subnet=subnet))) # Turns out neutron returns an actual dict, so no need for the # use of meta.obj_to_dict() here (which would not work against # a dict). return new_subnet['subnet'] @valid_kwargs('name', 'admin_state_up', 'mac_address', 'fixed_ips', 'subnet_id', 'ip_address', 'security_groups', 'allowed_address_pairs', 'extra_dhcp_opts', 'device_owner', 'device_id') def create_port(self, network_id, **kwargs): """Create a port :param network_id: The ID of the network. (Required) :param name: A symbolic name for the port. (Optional) :param admin_state_up: The administrative status of the port, which is up (true, default) or down (false). (Optional) :param mac_address: The MAC address. (Optional) :param fixed_ips: List of ip_addresses and subnet_ids. See subnet_id and ip_address. (Optional) For example:: [ { "ip_address": "", "subnet_id": "a78484c4-c380-4b47-85aa-21c51a2d8cbd" }, ... ] :param subnet_id: If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. (Optional) If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the specified address to the port. :param ip_address: If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the specified address to the port. :param security_groups: List of security group UUIDs. (Optional) :param allowed_address_pairs: Allowed address pairs list (Optional) For example:: [ { "ip_address": "", "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c4:cd:3f" }, ... ] :param extra_dhcp_opts: Extra DHCP options. (Optional). For example:: [ { "opt_name": "opt name1", "opt_value": "value1" }, ... ] :param device_owner: The ID of the entity that uses this port. For example, a DHCP agent. (Optional) :param device_id: The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a virtual server. (Optional) :returns: a dictionary describing the created port. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` on operation error. """ kwargs['network_id'] = network_id with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating port for network {0}".format(network_id)): return self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.PortCreate(body={'port': kwargs}))['port'] @valid_kwargs('name', 'admin_state_up', 'fixed_ips', 'security_groups', 'allowed_address_pairs', 'extra_dhcp_opts', 'device_owner') def update_port(self, name_or_id, **kwargs): """Update a port Note: to unset an attribute use None value. To leave an attribute untouched just omit it. :param name_or_id: name or id of the port to update. (Required) :param name: A symbolic name for the port. (Optional) :param admin_state_up: The administrative status of the port, which is up (true) or down (false). (Optional) :param fixed_ips: List of ip_addresses and subnet_ids. (Optional) If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the specified address to the port. For example:: [ { "ip_address": "", "subnet_id": "a78484c4-c380-4b47-85aa-21c51a2d8cbd" }, ... ] :param security_groups: List of security group UUIDs. (Optional) :param allowed_address_pairs: Allowed address pairs list (Optional) For example:: [ { "ip_address": "", "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c4:cd:3f" }, ... ] :param extra_dhcp_opts: Extra DHCP options. (Optional). For example:: [ { "opt_name": "opt name1", "opt_value": "value1" }, ... ] :param device_owner: The ID of the entity that uses this port. For example, a DHCP agent. (Optional) :returns: a dictionary describing the updated port. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ port = self.get_port(name_or_id=name_or_id) if port is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to find port '{port}'".format(port=name_or_id)) with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error updating port {0}".format(name_or_id)): return self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.PortUpdate( port=port['id'], body={'port': kwargs}))['port'] def delete_port(self, name_or_id): """Delete a port :param name_or_id: id or name of the port to delete. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ port = self.get_port(name_or_id=name_or_id) if port is None: self.log.debug("Port %s not found for deleting" % name_or_id) return False with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting port {0}".format(name_or_id)): self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.PortDelete(port=port['id'])) return True def create_security_group(self, name, description): """Create a new security group :param string name: A name for the security group. :param string description: Describes the security group. :returns: A dict representing the new security group. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :raises: OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature if security groups are not supported on this cloud. """ if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating security group {0}".format(name)): group = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupCreate( body=dict(security_group=dict(name=name, description=description)) ) ) return group['security_group'] elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': try: group = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaSecurityGroupCreate( name=name, description=description ) ) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova failed to create security group '{name}'".format( name=name), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to create security group '{name}': {msg}".format( name=name, msg=str(e))) return _utils.normalize_nova_secgroups([group])[0] # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) def delete_security_group(self, name_or_id): """Delete a security group :param string name_or_id: The name or unique ID of the security group. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :raises: OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature if security groups are not supported on this cloud. """ secgroup = self.get_security_group(name_or_id) if secgroup is None: self.log.debug('Security group %s not found for deleting' % name_or_id) return False if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting security group {0}".format(name_or_id)): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupDelete( security_group=secgroup['id'] ) ) return True elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaSecurityGroupDelete(group=secgroup['id']) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova failed to delete security group '{group}'".format( group=name_or_id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to delete security group '{group}': {msg}".format( group=name_or_id, msg=str(e))) return True # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) @valid_kwargs('name', 'description') def update_security_group(self, name_or_id, **kwargs): """Update a security group :param string name_or_id: Name or ID of the security group to update. :param string name: New name for the security group. :param string description: New description for the security group. :returns: A dictionary describing the updated security group. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ secgroup = self.get_security_group(name_or_id) if secgroup is None: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Security group %s not found." % name_or_id) if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error updating security group {0}".format(name_or_id)): group = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupUpdate( security_group=secgroup['id'], body={'security_group': kwargs}) ) return group['security_group'] elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': try: group = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaSecurityGroupUpdate( group=secgroup['id'], **kwargs) ) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova failed to update security group '{group}'".format( group=name_or_id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to update security group '{group}': {msg}".format( group=name_or_id, msg=str(e))) return _utils.normalize_nova_secgroups([group])[0] # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) def create_security_group_rule(self, secgroup_name_or_id, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None, protocol=None, remote_ip_prefix=None, remote_group_id=None, direction='ingress', ethertype='IPv4'): """Create a new security group rule :param string secgroup_name_or_id: The security group name or ID to associate with this security group rule. If a non-unique group name is given, an exception is raised. :param int port_range_min: The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. :param int port_range_max: The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If nova is used by the cloud provider for security groups, then a value of None will be transformed to -1. :param string protocol: The protocol that is matched by the security group rule. Valid values are None, tcp, udp, and icmp. :param string remote_ip_prefix: The remote IP prefix to be associated with this security group rule. This attribute matches the specified IP prefix as the source IP address of the IP packet. :param string remote_group_id: The remote group ID to be associated with this security group rule. :param string direction: Ingress or egress: The direction in which the security group rule is applied. For a compute instance, an ingress security group rule is applied to incoming (ingress) traffic for that instance. An egress rule is applied to traffic leaving the instance. :param string ethertype: Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules. :returns: A dict representing the new security group rule. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ secgroup = self.get_security_group(secgroup_name_or_id) if not secgroup: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Security group %s not found." % secgroup_name_or_id) if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': # NOTE: Nova accepts -1 port numbers, but Neutron accepts None # as the equivalent value. rule_def = { 'security_group_id': secgroup['id'], 'port_range_min': None if port_range_min == -1 else port_range_min, 'port_range_max': None if port_range_max == -1 else port_range_max, 'protocol': protocol, 'remote_ip_prefix': remote_ip_prefix, 'remote_group_id': remote_group_id, 'direction': direction, 'ethertype': ethertype } with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error creating security group rule"): rule = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupRuleCreate( body={'security_group_rule': rule_def}) ) return rule['security_group_rule'] elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': # NOTE: Neutron accepts None for protocol. Nova does not. if protocol is None: raise OpenStackCloudException('Protocol must be specified') if direction == 'egress': self.log.debug( 'Rule creation failed: Nova does not support egress rules' ) raise OpenStackCloudException('No support for egress rules') # NOTE: Neutron accepts None for ports, but Nova requires -1 # as the equivalent value for ICMP. # # For TCP/UDP, if both are None, Neutron allows this and Nova # represents this as all ports (1-65535). Nova does not accept # None values, so to hide this difference, we will automatically # convert to the full port range. If only a single port value is # specified, it will error as normal. if protocol == 'icmp': if port_range_min is None: port_range_min = -1 if port_range_max is None: port_range_max = -1 elif protocol in ['tcp', 'udp']: if port_range_min is None and port_range_max is None: port_range_min = 1 port_range_max = 65535 try: rule = meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaSecurityGroupRuleCreate( parent_group_id=secgroup['id'], ip_protocol=protocol, from_port=port_range_min, to_port=port_range_max, cidr=remote_ip_prefix, group_id=remote_group_id ) ) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("nova failed to create security group rule", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to create security group rule: {msg}".format( msg=str(e))) return _utils.normalize_nova_secgroup_rules([rule])[0] # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) def delete_security_group_rule(self, rule_id): """Delete a security group rule :param string rule_id: The unique ID of the security group rule. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :raises: OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature if security groups are not supported on this cloud. """ if self.secgroup_source == 'neutron': try: with self._neutron_exceptions( "Error deleting security group rule " "{0}".format(rule_id)): self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NeutronSecurityGroupRuleDelete( security_group_rule=rule_id) ) except OpenStackCloudResourceNotFound: return False return True elif self.secgroup_source == 'nova': try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.NovaSecurityGroupRuleDelete(rule=rule_id) ) except nova_exceptions.NotFound: return False except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "nova failed to delete security group rule {id}".format( id=rule_id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "failed to delete security group rule {id}: {msg}".format( id=rule_id, msg=str(e))) return True # Security groups not supported else: raise OpenStackCloudUnavailableFeature( "Unavailable feature: security groups" ) class OperatorCloud(OpenStackCloud): """Represent a privileged/operator connection to an OpenStack Cloud. `OperatorCloud` is the entry point for all admin operations, regardless of which OpenStack service those operations are for. See the :class:`OpenStackCloud` class for a description of most options. `OperatorCloud` overrides the default value of `endpoint_type` from `public` to `admin`. :param string endpoint_type: The type of endpoint to get for services from the service catalog. Valid types are `public` ,`internal` or `admin`. (optional, defaults to `admin`) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OperatorCloud, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if 'endpoint_type' not in kwargs: self.endpoint_type = 'admin' @property def auth_token(self): if self.auth_type in (None, "None", ''): # Ironic can operate in no keystone mode. Signify this with a # token of None. return None else: # Keystone's session will reuse a token if it is still valid. # We don't need to track validity here, just get_token() each time. return self.keystone_session.get_token() @property def ironic_client(self): if self._ironic_client is None: token = self.auth_token # Set the ironic API microversion to a known-good # supported/tested with the contents of shade. # # Note(TheJulia): Defaulted to version 1.6 as the ironic # state machine changes which will increment the version # and break an automatic transition of an enrolled node # to an available state. Locking the version is intended # to utilize the original transition until shade supports # calling for node inspection to allow the transition to # take place automatically. ironic_api_microversion = '1.6' if self.auth_type in (None, "None", ''): # TODO: This needs to be improved logic wise, perhaps a list, # or enhancement of the data stuctures with-in the library # to allow for things aside password authentication, or no # authentication if so desired by the user. # # Attempt to utilize a pre-stored endpoint in the auth # dict as the endpoint. endpoint = self.auth['endpoint'] else: endpoint = self.get_session_endpoint(service_key='baremetal') try: self._ironic_client = ironic_client.Client( self.api_versions['baremetal'], endpoint, token=token, timeout=self.api_timeout, os_ironic_api_version=ironic_api_microversion) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("ironic auth failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in connecting to ironic: %s" % str(e)) return self._ironic_client def list_nics(self): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.MachinePortList()) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("machine port list failed: %s" % e, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching machine port list: %s" % e) def list_nics_for_machine(self, uuid): try: return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodePortList(node_id=uuid)) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("port list for node %s failed: %s" % (uuid, e), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error fetching port list for node %s: %s" % (uuid, e)) def get_nic_by_mac(self, mac): try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodePortGet(port_id=mac)) ) except ironic_exceptions.ClientException: return None def list_machines(self): return meta.obj_list_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.MachineNodeList()) ) def get_machine(self, name_or_id): """Get Machine by name or uuid Search the baremetal host out by utilizing the supplied id value which can consist of a name or UUID. :param name_or_id: A node name or UUID that will be looked up. :returns: Dictonary representing the node found or None if no nodes are found. """ try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodeGet(node_id=name_or_id)) ) except ironic_exceptions.ClientException: return None def get_machine_by_mac(self, mac): """Get machine by port MAC address :param mac: Port MAC address to query in order to return a node. :returns: Dictonary representing the node found or None if the node is not found. """ try: port = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePortGetByAddress(address=mac)) return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodeGet(node_id=port.node_uuid)) ) except ironic_exceptions.ClientException: return None def register_machine(self, nics, **kwargs): """Register Baremetal with Ironic Allows for the registration of Baremetal nodes with Ironic and population of pertinant node information or configuration to be passed to the Ironic API for the node. This method also creates ports for a list of MAC addresses passed in to be utilized for boot and potentially network configuration. If a failure is detected creating the network ports, any ports created are deleted, and the node is removed from Ironic. :param list nics: An array of MAC addresses that represent the network interfaces for the node to be created. Example:: [ {'mac': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:01'}, {'mac': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:02'} ] :param kwargs: Key value pairs to be passed to the Ironic API, including uuid, name, chassis_uuid, driver_info, parameters. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: Returns a dictonary representing the new baremetal node. """ try: machine = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineCreate(**kwargs)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("ironic machine registration failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error registering machine with Ironic: %s" % str(e)) created_nics = [] try: for row in nics: nic = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePortCreate(address=row['mac'], node_uuid=machine.uuid)) created_nics.append(nic.uuid) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("ironic NIC registration failed", exc_info=True) # TODO(mordred) Handle failures here try: for uuid in created_nics: try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePortDelete( port_id=uuid)) except: pass finally: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineDelete(node_id=machine.uuid)) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error registering NICs with the baremetal service: %s" % str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(machine) def unregister_machine(self, nics, uuid): """Unregister Baremetal from Ironic Removes entries for Network Interfaces and baremetal nodes from an Ironic API :param list nics: An array of strings that consist of MAC addresses to be removed. :param string uuid: The UUID of the node to be deleted. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation failure. """ # TODO(TheJulia): Change to lookup the MAC addresses and/or block any # the action if the node is in an Active state as the API would. for nic in nics: try: port_id = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePortGetByAddress(address=nic['mac'])) self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePortDelete(port_id=port_id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "baremetal NIC unregistration failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error removing NIC '%s' from baremetal API for " "node '%s'. Error: %s" % (nic, uuid, str(e))) try: self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineDelete(node_id=uuid)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "baremetal machine unregistration failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error unregistering machine %s from the baremetal API. " "Error: %s" % (uuid, str(e))) def patch_machine(self, name_or_id, patch): """Patch Machine Information This method allows for an interface to manipulate node entries within Ironic. Specifically, it is a pass-through for the ironicclient.nodes.update interface which allows the Ironic Node properties to be updated. :param node_id: The server object to attach to. :param patch: The JSON Patch document is a list of dictonary objects that comply with RFC 6902 which can be found at https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902. Example patch construction:: patch=[] patch.append({ 'op': 'remove', 'path': '/instance_info' }) patch.append({ 'op': 'replace', 'path': '/name', 'value': 'newname' }) patch.append({ 'op': 'add', 'path': '/driver_info/username', 'value': 'administrator' }) :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: Dictonary representing the newly updated node. """ try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachinePatch(node_id=name_or_id, patch=patch, http_method='PATCH'))) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Machine patch update failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error updating machine via patch operation. node: %s. " "%s" % (name_or_id, str(e))) def update_machine(self, name_or_id, chassis_uuid=None, driver=None, driver_info=None, name=None, instance_info=None, instance_uuid=None, properties=None): """Update a machine with new configuration information A user-friendly method to perform updates of a machine, in whole or part. :param string name_or_id: A machine name or UUID to be updated. :param string chassis_uuid: Assign a chassis UUID to the machine. NOTE: As of the Kilo release, this value cannot be changed once set. If a user attempts to change this value, then the Ironic API, as of Kilo, will reject the request. :param string driver: The driver name for controlling the machine. :param dict driver_info: The dictonary defining the configuration that the driver will utilize to control the machine. Permutations of this are dependent upon the specific driver utilized. :param string name: A human relatable name to represent the machine. :param dict instance_info: A dictonary of configuration information that conveys to the driver how the host is to be configured when deployed. be deployed to the machine. :param string instance_uuid: A UUID value representing the instance that the deployed machine represents. :param dict properties: A dictonary defining the properties of a machine. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: Dictonary containing a machine sub-dictonary consisting of the updated data returned from the API update operation, and a list named changes which contains all of the API paths that received updates. """ machine = self.get_machine(name_or_id) if not machine: raise OpenStackCloudException( "Machine update failed to find Machine: %s. " % name_or_id) machine_config = {} new_config = {} try: if chassis_uuid: machine_config['chassis_uuid'] = machine['chassis_uuid'] new_config['chassis_uuid'] = chassis_uuid if driver: machine_config['driver'] = machine['driver'] new_config['driver'] = driver if driver_info: machine_config['driver_info'] = machine['driver_info'] new_config['driver_info'] = driver_info if name: machine_config['name'] = machine['name'] new_config['name'] = name if instance_info: machine_config['instance_info'] = machine['instance_info'] new_config['instance_info'] = instance_info if instance_uuid: machine_config['instance_uuid'] = machine['instance_uuid'] new_config['instance_uuid'] = instance_uuid if properties: machine_config['properties'] = machine['properties'] new_config['properties'] = properties except KeyError as e: self.log.debug( "Unexpected machine response missing key %s [%s]" % ( e.args[0], name_or_id)) self.log.debug( "Machine update failed - update value preparation failed. " "Potential API failure or change has been encountered", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Machine update failed - machine [%s] missing key %s. " "Potential API issue." % (name_or_id, e.args[0])) try: patch = jsonpatch.JsonPatch.from_diff(machine_config, new_config) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Machine update failed - patch object generation failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Machine update failed - Error generating JSON patch object " "for submission to the API. Machine: %s Error: %s" % (name_or_id, str(e))) try: if not patch: return dict( node=machine, changes=None ) else: machine = self.patch_machine(machine['uuid'], list(patch)) change_list = [] for change in list(patch): change_list.append(change['path']) return dict( node=machine, changes=change_list ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Machine update failed - patch operation failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Machine update failed - patch operation failed Machine: %s " "Error: %s" % (name_or_id, str(e))) def validate_node(self, uuid): try: ifaces = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodeValidate(node_uuid=uuid)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "ironic node validation call failed", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) if not ifaces.deploy or not ifaces.power: raise OpenStackCloudException( "ironic node %s failed to validate. " "(deploy: %s, power: %s)" % (ifaces.deploy, ifaces.power)) def node_set_provision_state(self, name_or_id, state, configdrive=None): """Set Node Provision State Enables a user to provision a Machine and optionally define a config drive to be utilized. :param string name_or_id: The Name or UUID value representing the baremetal node. :param string state: The desired provision state for the baremetal node. :param string configdrive: An optional URL or file or path representing the configdrive. In the case of a directory, the client API will create a properly formatted configuration drive file and post the file contents to the API for deployment. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: Per the API, no value should be returned with a successful operation. """ try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineSetProvision(node_uuid=name_or_id, state=state, configdrive=configdrive)) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Baremetal machine node failed change provision state to %s" % state, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) def set_machine_maintenance_state( self, name_or_id, state=True, reason=None): """Set Baremetal Machine Maintenance State Sets Baremetal maintenance state and maintenance reason. :param string name_or_id: The Name or UUID value representing the baremetal node. :param boolean state: The desired state of the node. True being in maintenance where as False means the machine is not in maintenance mode. This value defaults to True if not explicitly set. :param string reason: An optional freeform string that is supplied to the baremetal API to allow for notation as to why the node is in maintenance state. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: None """ try: if state: result = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineSetMaintenance(node_id=name_or_id, state='true', maint_reason=reason)) else: result = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineSetMaintenance(node_id=name_or_id, state='false')) if result is not None: self.log.debug( "Failed setting machine maintenance state on node %s. " "User requested '%s'.' Received: %s" % ( name_or_id, state, result)) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Failed setting machine maintenance state on node %s. " "Received: %s" % (name_or_id, result)) return None except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "failed setting maintenance state on node %s" % name_or_id, exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error setting machine maintenance on node %s. " "state: %s" % (name_or_id, str(e))) def remove_machine_from_maintenance(self, name_or_id): """Remove Baremetal Machine from Maintenance State Similarly to set_machine_maintenance_state, this method removes a machine from maintenance state. It must be noted that this method simpily calls set_machine_maintenace_state for the name_or_id requested and sets the state to False. :param string name_or_id: The Name or UUID value representing the baremetal node. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: None """ self.set_machine_maintenance_state(name_or_id, False) def _set_machine_power_state(self, name_or_id, state): """Set machine power state to on or off This private method allows a user to turn power on or off to a node via the Baremetal API. :params string name_or_id: A string representing the baremetal node to have power turned to an "on" state. :params string state: A value of "on", "off", or "reboot" that is passed to the baremetal API to be asserted to the machine. In the case of the "reboot" state, Ironic will return the host to the "on" state. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error or. :returns: None """ try: power = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineSetPower(node_id=name_or_id, state=state)) if power is not None: self.log.debug( "Failed setting machine power state on node %s. User " "requested '%s'.' Received: %s" % ( name_or_id, state, power)) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Failed setting machine power state on node %s. " "Received: %s" % (name_or_id, power)) return None except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Error setting machine power state on node %s. User " "requested '%s'.'" % (name_or_id, state), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error setting machine power state on node %s. " "Error: %s" % (name_or_id, str(e))) def set_machine_power_on(self, name_or_id): """Activate baremetal machine power This is a method that sets the node power state to "on". :params string name_or_id: A string representing the baremetal node to have power turned to an "on" state. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: None """ self._set_machine_power_state(name_or_id, 'on') def set_machine_power_off(self, name_or_id): """De-activate baremetal machine power This is a method that sets the node power state to "off". :params string name_or_id: A string representing the baremetal node to have power turned to an "off" state. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: """ self._set_machine_power_state(name_or_id, 'off') def set_machine_power_reboot(self, name_or_id): """De-activate baremetal machine power This is a method that sets the node power state to "reboot", which in essence changes the machine power state to "off", and that back to "on". :params string name_or_id: A string representing the baremetal node to have power turned to an "off" state. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. :returns: None """ self._set_machine_power_state(name_or_id, 'reboot') def activate_node(self, uuid, configdrive=None): self.node_set_provision_state(uuid, 'active', configdrive) def deactivate_node(self, uuid): self.node_set_provision_state(uuid, 'deleted') def set_node_instance_info(self, uuid, patch): try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodeUpdate(node_id=uuid, patch=patch)) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to update instance_info", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) def purge_node_instance_info(self, uuid): patch = [] patch.append({'op': 'remove', 'path': '/instance_info'}) try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.MachineNodeUpdate(node_id=uuid, patch=patch)) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to delete instance_info", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) def create_service(self, name, service_type, description=None): """Create a service. :param name: Service name. :param service_type: Service type. :param description: Service description (optional). :returns: a dict containing the services description, i.e. the following attributes:: - id: - name: - service_type: - description: :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: service = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServiceCreate( name=name, service_type=service_type, description=description)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to create service {name}".format(name=name), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(service) def list_services(self): """List all Keystone services. :returns: a list of dict containing the services description. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: services = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServiceList()) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Failed to list services", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_list_to_dict(services) def search_services(self, name_or_id=None, filters=None): """Search Keystone services. :param name_or_id: Name or id of the desired service. :param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use. e.g. {'service_type': 'network'}. :returns: a list of dict containing the services description. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ services = self.list_services() return _utils._filter_list(services, name_or_id, filters) def get_service(self, name_or_id, filters=None): """Get exactly one Keystone service. :param name_or_id: Name or id of the desired service. :param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use. e.g. {'service_type': 'network'} :returns: a dict containing the services description, i.e. the following attributes:: - id: - name: - service_type: - description: :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call or if multiple matches are found. """ return _utils._get_entity(self.search_services, name_or_id, filters) def delete_service(self, name_or_id): """Delete a Keystone service. :param name_or_id: Service name or id. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call """ service = self.get_service(name_or_id=name_or_id) if service is None: self.log.debug("Service %s not found for deleting" % name_or_id) return False try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.ServiceDelete(id=service['id'])) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to delete service {id}".format(id=service['id']), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return True def create_endpoint(self, service_name_or_id, public_url, internal_url=None, admin_url=None, region=None): """Create a Keystone endpoint. :param service_name_or_id: Service name or id for this endpoint. :param public_url: Endpoint public URL. :param internal_url: Endpoint internal URL. :param admin_url: Endpoint admin URL. :param region: Endpoint region. :returns: a dict containing the endpoint description. :raise OpenStackCloudException: if the service cannot be found or if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ # ToDo: support v3 api (dguerri) service = self.get_service(name_or_id=service_name_or_id) if service is None: raise OpenStackCloudException("service {service} not found".format( service=service_name_or_id)) try: endpoint = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.EndpointCreate( service_id=service['id'], region=region, publicurl=public_url, internalurl=internal_url, adminurl=admin_url )) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to create endpoint for service {service}".format( service=service['name']), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(endpoint) def list_endpoints(self): """List Keystone endpoints. :returns: a list of dict containing the endpoint description. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ # ToDo: support v3 api (dguerri) try: endpoints = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.EndpointList()) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Failed to list endpoints", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_list_to_dict(endpoints) def search_endpoints(self, id=None, filters=None): """List Keystone endpoints. :param id: endpoint id. :param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use. e.g. {'region': 'region-a.geo-1'} :returns: a list of dict containing the endpoint description. Each dict contains the following attributes:: - id: - region: - public_url: - internal_url: (optional) - admin_url: (optional) :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ endpoints = self.list_endpoints() return _utils._filter_list(endpoints, id, filters) def get_endpoint(self, id, filters=None): """Get exactly one Keystone endpoint. :param id: endpoint id. :param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use. e.g. {'region': 'region-a.geo-1'} :returns: a dict containing the endpoint description. i.e. a dict containing the following attributes:: - id: - region: - public_url: - internal_url: (optional) - admin_url: (optional) """ return _utils._get_entity(self.search_endpoints, id, filters) def delete_endpoint(self, id): """Delete a Keystone endpoint. :param id: Id of the endpoint to delete. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ # ToDo: support v3 api (dguerri) endpoint = self.get_endpoint(id=id) if endpoint is None: self.log.debug("Endpoint %s not found for deleting" % id) return False try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.EndpointDelete(id=id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to delete endpoint {id}".format(id=id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return True def create_identity_domain( self, name, description=None, enabled=True): """Create a Keystone domain. :param name: The name of the domain. :param description: A description of the domain. :param enabled: Is the domain enabled or not (default True). :returns: a dict containing the domain description :raise OpenStackCloudException: if the domain cannot be created """ try: domain = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.IdentityDomainCreate( name=name, description=description, enabled=enabled)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to create domain {name}".format( name=name), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(domain) def update_identity_domain( self, domain_id, name=None, description=None, enabled=None): try: return meta.obj_to_dict( self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.IdentityDomainUpdate( domain=domain_id, description=description, enabled=enabled))) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("keystone update domain issue", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Error in updating domain {domain}: {message}".format( domain=domain_id, message=str(e))) def delete_identity_domain(self, domain_id): """Delete a Keystone domain. :param domain_id: ID of the domain to delete. :returns: None :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException`` if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: # Deleting a domain is expensive, so disabling it first increases # the changes of success domain = self.update_identity_domain(domain_id, enabled=False) self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.IdentityDomainDelete( domain=domain['id'])) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to delete domain {id}".format(id=domain_id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) def list_identity_domains(self): """List Keystone domains. :returns: a list of dicts containing the domain description. :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: domains = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.IdentityDomainList()) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Failed to list domains", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_list_to_dict(domains) def search_identity_domains(self, **filters): """Seach Keystone domains. :param filters: a dict containing additional filters to use. keys to search on are id, name, enabled and description. :returns: a list of dicts containing the domain description. Each dict contains the following attributes:: - id: - name: - description: :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: domains = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.IdentityDomainList(**filters)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Failed to list domains", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_list_to_dict(domains) def get_identity_domain(self, domain_id): """Get exactly one Keystone domain. :param domain_id: domain id. :returns: a dict containing the domain description, or None if not found. Each dict contains the following attributes:: - id: - name: - description: :raises: ``OpenStackCloudException``: if something goes wrong during the openstack API call. """ try: domain = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.IdentityDomainGet(domain=domain_id)) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Failed to get domain", exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(domain) def create_flavor(self, name, ram, vcpus, disk, flavorid="auto", ephemeral=0, swap=0, rxtx_factor=1.0, is_public=True): """Create a new flavor. :param name: Descriptive name of the flavor :param ram: Memory in MB for the flavor :param vcpus: Number of VCPUs for the flavor :param disk: Size of local disk in GB :param flavorid: ID for the flavor (optional) :param ephemeral: Ephemeral space size in GB :param swap: Swap space in MB :param rxtx_factor: RX/TX factor :param is_public: Make flavor accessible to the public :returns: A dict describing the new flavor. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ try: flavor = self.manager.submitTask( _tasks.FlavorCreate(name=name, ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk, flavorid=flavorid, ephemeral=ephemeral, swap=swap, rxtx_factor=rxtx_factor, is_public=is_public) ) except Exception as e: self.log.debug( "Failed to create flavor {0}".format(name), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException(str(e)) return meta.obj_to_dict(flavor) def delete_flavor(self, name_or_id): """Delete a flavor :param name_or_id: ID or name of the flavor to delete. :returns: True if delete succeeded, False otherwise. :raises: OpenStackCloudException on operation error. """ flavor = self.get_flavor(name_or_id) if flavor is None: self.log.debug( "Flavor {0} not found for deleting".format(name_or_id)) return False try: self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.FlavorDelete(flavor=flavor['id'])) except Exception as e: self.log.debug("Error deleting flavor {0}".format(name_or_id), exc_info=True) raise OpenStackCloudException( "Unable to delete flavor {0}: {1}".format(name_or_id, e) ) return True