Remove tempauth docs from deployment guide

Instead, link to the middleware list and auth overview, as well as
referring readers to proxy-server.conf-sample

TempAuth-related content that was previously in the deployment guide has
been moved to TempAuth's own docs, which have been cleaned up a bit.

Change-Id: I00070bb09294362c069f7ee9426ac570bc1b3ddb
This commit is contained in:
Tim Burke 2017-05-22 19:48:45 +00:00
parent 96de9ad126
commit d487bf7fb1
2 changed files with 165 additions and 198 deletions

View File

@ -1920,89 +1920,14 @@ policy with index 3::
* ``read_affinity = r1=100`` (set in the proxy-server section)
* ``write_affinity = r0`` (inherited from the ``[DEFAULT]`` section)
Proxy Middlewares
Many features in Swift are implemented as middleware in the proxy-server
pipeline. See :doc:`middleware` and the ``proxy-server.conf-sample`` file for
more information. In particular, the use of some type of :doc:`authentication
and authorization middleware <overview_auth>` is highly recommended.
===================== =============================== =======================
Option Default Description
--------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------------
use Entry point for
paste.deploy to use for
auth. To use tempauth
set to:
set log_name tempauth Label used when logging
set log_facility LOG_LOCAL0 Syslog log facility
set log_level INFO Log level
set log_headers True If True, log headers in
each request
reseller_prefix AUTH The naming scope for the
auth service. Swift
storage accounts and
auth tokens will begin
with this prefix.
auth_prefix /auth/ The HTTP request path
prefix for the auth
service. Swift itself
reserves anything
beginning with the
letter `v`.
token_life 86400 The number of seconds a
token is valid.
storage_url_scheme default Scheme to return with
storage URLs: http,
https, or default
(chooses based on what
the server is running
as) This can be useful
with an SSL load
balancer in front of a
non-SSL server.
===================== =============================== =======================
Additionally, you need to list all the accounts/users you want here. The format
user_<account>_<user> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
or if you want to be able to include underscores in the ``<account>`` or
``<user>`` portions, you can base64 encode them (with *no* equal signs) in a
line like this::
user64_<account_b64>_<user_b64> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
There are special groups of::
.reseller_admin = can do anything to any account for this auth
.admin = can do anything within the account
If neither of these groups are specified, the user can only access containers
that have been explicitly allowed for them by a .admin or .reseller_admin.
The trailing optional storage_url allows you to specify an alternate URL to
hand back to the user upon authentication. If not specified, this defaults to::
Where $HOST will do its best to resolve to what the requester would need to use
to reach this host, <reseller_prefix> is from this section, and <account> is
from the user_<account>_<user> name. Note that $HOST cannot possibly handle
when you have a load balancer in front of it that does https while TempAuth
itself runs with http; in such a case, you'll have to specify the
storage_url_scheme configuration value as an override.
Here are example entries, required for running the tests::
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
# account "test_y" and user "tester_y" (note the lack of padding = chars)
user64_dGVzdF95_dGVzdGVyX3k = testing4 .admin
Memcached Considerations

View File

@ -13,6 +13,165 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Test authentication and authorization system.
Add to your pipeline in proxy-server.conf, such as::
pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth proxy-server
Set account auto creation to true in proxy-server.conf::
account_autocreate = true
And add a tempauth filter section, such as::
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
# To allow accounts/users with underscores you can base64 encode them.
# Here is the account "under_score" and username "a_b" (note the lack
# of padding equal signs):
user64_dW5kZXJfc2NvcmU_YV9i = testing4
See the proxy-server.conf-sample for more information.
Account/User List
All accounts/users are listed in the filter section. The format is::
user_<account>_<user> = <key> [group] [group] [...] [storage_url]
If you want to be able to include underscores in the ``<account>`` or
``<user>`` portions, you can base64 encode them (with *no* equal signs)
in a line like this::
user64_<account_b64>_<user_b64> = <key> [group] [...] [storage_url]
There are two special groups:
* ``.reseller_admin`` -- can do anything to any account for this auth
* ``.admin`` -- can do anything within the account
If neither of these groups are specified, the user can only access
containers that have been explicitly allowed for them by a ``.admin`` or
The trailing optional ``storage_url`` allows you to specify an alternate
URL to hand back to the user upon authentication. If not specified, this
defaults to::
Where ``$HOST`` will do its best to resolve to what the requester would
need to use to reach this host, ``<reseller_prefix>`` is from this section,
and ``<account>`` is from the ``user_<account>_<user>`` name. Note that
``$HOST`` cannot possibly handle when you have a load balancer in front of
it that does https while TempAuth itself runs with http; in such a case,
you'll have to specify the ``storage_url_scheme`` configuration value as
an override.
Multiple Reseller Prefix Items
The reseller prefix specifies which parts of the account namespace this
middleware is responsible for managing authentication and authorization.
By default, the prefix is 'AUTH' so accounts and tokens are prefixed
by 'AUTH\_'. When a request's token and/or path start with 'AUTH\_', this
middleware knows it is responsible.
We allow the reseller prefix to be a list. In tempauth, the first item
in the list is used as the prefix for tokens and user groups. The
other prefixes provide alternate accounts that user's can access. For
example if the reseller prefix list is 'AUTH, OTHER', a user with
admin access to 'AUTH_account' also has admin access to
Required Group
The group ``.admin`` is normally needed to access an account (ACLs provide
an additional way to access an account). You can specify the
``require_group`` parameter. This means that you also need the named group
to access an account. If you have several reseller prefix items, prefix
the ``require_group`` parameter with the appropriate prefix.
If an ``X-Service-Token`` is presented in the request headers, the groups
derived from the token are appended to the roles derived from
``X-Auth-Token``. If ``X-Auth-Token`` is missing or invalid,
``X-Service-Token`` is not processed.
The ``X-Service-Token`` is useful when combined with multiple reseller
prefix items. In the following configuration, accounts prefixed
``SERVICE\_`` are only accessible if ``X-Auth-Token`` is from the end-user
and ``X-Service-Token`` is from the ``glance`` user::
use = egg:swift#tempauth
reseller_prefix = AUTH, SERVICE
SERVICE_require_group = .service
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_joeacct_joe = joepw .admin
user_maryacct_mary = marypw .admin
user_glance_glance = glancepw .service
The name ``.service`` is an example. Unlike ``.admin`` and
``.reseller_admin`` it is not a reserved name.
Please note that ACLs can be set on service accounts and are matched
against the identity validated by ``X-Auth-Token``. As such ACLs can grant
access to a service account's container without needing to provide a
service token, just like any other cross-reseller request using ACLs.
Account ACLs
If a swift_owner issues a POST or PUT to the account with the
``X-Account-Access-Control`` header set in the request, then this may
allow certain types of access for additional users.
* Read-Only: Users with read-only access can list containers in the
account, list objects in any container, retrieve objects, and view
unprivileged account/container/object metadata.
* Read-Write: Users with read-write access can (in addition to the
read-only privileges) create objects, overwrite existing objects,
create new containers, and set unprivileged container/object
* Admin: Users with admin access are swift_owners and can perform
any action, including viewing/setting privileged metadata (e.g.
changing account ACLs).
To generate headers for setting an account ACL::
from swift.common.middleware.acl import format_acl
acl_data = { 'admin': ['alice'], 'read-write': ['bob', 'carol'] }
header_value = format_acl(version=2, acl_dict=acl_data)
To generate a curl command line from the above::
python -c '
from swift.common.middleware.acl import format_acl
acl_data = { 'admin': ['alice'], 'read-write': ['bob', 'carol'] }
headers = {'X-Account-Access-Control':
format_acl(version=2, acl_dict=acl_data)}
header_str = ' '.join(["-H '%s: %s'" % (k, v)
for k, v in headers.items()])
print('curl -D- -X POST -H "x-auth-token: $token" %s '
'$storage_url' % header_str)
from __future__ import print_function
from time import time
@ -42,123 +201,6 @@ DEFAULT_TOKEN_LIFE = 86400
class TempAuth(object):
Test authentication and authorization system.
Add to your pipeline in proxy-server.conf, such as::
pipeline = catch_errors cache tempauth proxy-server
Set account auto creation to true in proxy-server.conf::
account_autocreate = true
And add a tempauth filter section, such as::
use = egg:swift#tempauth
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_test_tester = testing .admin
user_test2_tester2 = testing2 .admin
user_test_tester3 = testing3
# To allow accounts/users with underscores you can base64 encode them.
# Here is the account "under_score" and username "a_b" (note the lack
# of padding equal signs):
user64_dW5kZXJfc2NvcmU_YV9i = testing4
See the proxy-server.conf-sample for more information.
Multiple Reseller Prefix Items:
The reseller prefix specifies which parts of the account namespace this
middleware is responsible for managing authentication and authorization.
By default, the prefix is 'AUTH' so accounts and tokens are prefixed
by 'AUTH\_'. When a request's token and/or path start with 'AUTH\_', this
middleware knows it is responsible.
We allow the reseller prefix to be a list. In tempauth, the first item
in the list is used as the prefix for tokens and user groups. The
other prefixes provide alternate accounts that user's can access. For
example if the reseller prefix list is 'AUTH, OTHER', a user with
admin access to 'AUTH_account' also has admin access to
Required Group:
The group .admin is normally needed to access an account (ACLs provide
an additional way to access an account). You can specify the
``require_group`` parameter. This means that you also need the named group
to access an account. If you have several reseller prefix items, prefix
the ``require_group`` parameter with the appropriate prefix.
If an X-Service-Token is presented in the request headers, the groups
derived from the token are appended to the roles derived from
X-Auth-Token. If X-Auth-Token is missing or invalid, X-Service-Token
is not processed.
The X-Service-Token is useful when combined with multiple reseller prefix
items. In the following configuration, accounts prefixed 'SERVICE\_'
are only accessible if X-Auth-Token is from the end-user and
X-Service-Token is from the ``glance`` user::
use = egg:swift#tempauth
reseller_prefix = AUTH, SERVICE
SERVICE_require_group = .service
user_admin_admin = admin .admin .reseller_admin
user_joeacct_joe = joepw .admin
user_maryacct_mary = marypw .admin
user_glance_glance = glancepw .service
The name .service is an example. Unlike .admin and .reseller_admin
it is not a reserved name.
Please note that ACLs can be set on service accounts and are matched
against the identity validated by X-Auth-Token. As such ACLs can grant
access to a service account's container without needing to provide a
service token, just like any other cross-reseller request using ACLs.
Account ACLs:
If a swift_owner issues a POST or PUT to the account, with the
X-Account-Access-Control header set in the request, then this may
allow certain types of access for additional users.
* Read-Only: Users with read-only access can list containers in the
account, list objects in any container, retrieve objects, and view
unprivileged account/container/object metadata.
* Read-Write: Users with read-write access can (in addition to the
read-only privileges) create objects, overwrite existing objects,
create new containers, and set unprivileged container/object
* Admin: Users with admin access are swift_owners and can perform
any action, including viewing/setting privileged metadata (e.g.
changing account ACLs).
To generate headers for setting an account ACL::
from swift.common.middleware.acl import format_acl
acl_data = { 'admin': ['alice'], 'read-write': ['bob', 'carol'] }
header_value = format_acl(version=2, acl_dict=acl_data)
To generate a curl command line from the above::
python -c '
from swift.common.middleware.acl import format_acl
acl_data = { 'admin': ['alice'], 'read-write': ['bob', 'carol'] }
headers = {'X-Account-Access-Control':
format_acl(version=2, acl_dict=acl_data)}
header_str = ' '.join(["-H '%s: %s'" % (k, v)
for k, v in headers.items()])
print('curl -D- -X POST -H "x-auth-token: $token" %s '
'$storage_url' % header_str)
:param app: The next WSGI app in the pipeline
:param conf: The dict of configuration values from the Paste config file