# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order # of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration # process, which may cause wedges in the gate later. eventlet>=0.25.0 # MIT greenlet>=0.3.2 netifaces>=0.8,!=0.10.0,!=0.10.1 PasteDeploy>=1.3.3 lxml>=3.4.1 requests>=2.14.2 # Apache-2.0 six>=1.10.0 xattr>=0.4;sys_platform!='win32' # MIT PyECLib>=1.3.1 # BSD cryptography>=2.0.2 # BSD/Apache-2.0 fusepy>=2.0.4 protobuf>=3.9.1 # For python 2.7, the following requirements are needed; they are not # included since the requirments-check check will fail otherwise since # global requirements do not support these anymore. # Fortunately, these packages come in as dependencies from others and # thus the py27 jobs still work. # # dnspython>=1.15.0;python_version=='2.7' # http://www.dnspython.org/LICENSE # ipaddress>=1.0.16;python_version<'3.3' # PSF