
981 lines
30 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015 Rackspace
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// implied.
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package objectserver
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
var StatsReportInterval = 300 * time.Second
var TmpEmptyTime = 24 * time.Hour
var ReplicateDeviceTimeout = 4 * time.Hour
type PriorityRepJob struct {
Partition uint64 `json:"partition"`
FromDevice *hummingbird.Device `json:"from_device"`
ToDevices []*hummingbird.Device `json:"to_devices"`
Policy int `json:"policy"`
// minimal ring interface for replication
type replicationRing interface {
GetJobNodes(partition uint64, localDevice int) (response []*hummingbird.Device, handoff bool)
GetMoreNodes(partition uint64) hummingbird.MoreNodes
LocalDevices(localPort int) (devs []*hummingbird.Device, err error)
type quarantineFileError struct {
msg string
func (q quarantineFileError) Error() string {
return q.msg
func deviceKey(dev *hummingbird.Device, policy int) string {
if policy == 0 {
return dev.Device
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", dev.Device, policy)
func getFile(filePath string) (fp *os.File, xattrs []byte, size int64, err error) {
fp, err = os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("unable to open file (%v): %s", err, filePath)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
finfo, err := fp.Stat()
if err != nil || !finfo.Mode().IsRegular() {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"not a regular file"}
rawxattr, err := RawReadMetadata(fp.Fd())
if err != nil || len(rawxattr) == 0 {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"error reading xattrs"}
// Perform a mini-audit, since it's cheap and we can potentially avoid spreading bad data around.
v, err := hummingbird.PickleLoads(rawxattr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"error unpickling xattrs"}
metadata, ok := v.(map[interface{}]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"invalid metadata type"}
for key, value := range metadata {
if _, ok := key.(string); !ok {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"invalid key in metadata"}
if _, ok := value.(string); !ok {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"invalid value in metadata"}
switch filepath.Ext(filePath) {
case ".data":
for _, reqEntry := range []string{"Content-Length", "Content-Type", "name", "ETag", "X-Timestamp"} {
if _, ok := metadata[reqEntry]; !ok {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{".data missing required metadata"}
if contentLength, err := strconv.ParseInt(metadata["Content-Length"].(string), 10, 64); err != nil || contentLength != finfo.Size() {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{"invalid content-length"}
case ".ts":
for _, reqEntry := range []string{"name", "X-Timestamp"} {
if _, ok := metadata[reqEntry]; !ok {
return nil, nil, 0, quarantineFileError{".ts missing required metadata"}
return fp, rawxattr, finfo.Size(), nil
type ReplicationDeviceStats struct {
Stats map[string]int64
LastCheckin time.Time
RunStarted time.Time
DeviceStarted time.Time
LastPassDuration time.Duration
TotalPasses int64
type ReplicationDevice interface {
Key() string
PriorityReplicate(pri PriorityRepJob, timeout time.Duration) bool
Stats() *ReplicationDeviceStats
type replicationDevice struct {
// If you have a better way to make struct methods that are overridable for tests, please call my house.
i interface {
beginReplication(dev *hummingbird.Device, partition string, hashes bool, rChan chan beginReplicationResponse)
listObjFiles(objChan chan string, cancel chan struct{}, partdir string, needSuffix func(string) bool)
syncFile(objFile string, dst []*syncFileArg) (syncs int, insync int, err error)
replicateLocal(partition string, nodes []*hummingbird.Device, moreNodes hummingbird.MoreNodes)
replicateHandoff(partition string, nodes []*hummingbird.Device)
listPartitions() ([]string, error)
replicatePartition(partition string)
r *Replicator
dev *hummingbird.Device
policy int
cancel chan struct{}
priRep chan PriorityRepJob
stats ReplicationDeviceStats
func (rd *replicationDevice) Stats() *ReplicationDeviceStats {
return &rd.stats
type statUpdate struct {
deviceKey string
stat string
value int64
func (rd *replicationDevice) updateStat(stat string, amount int64) {
rd.r.updateStat <- statUpdate{rd.Key(), stat, amount}
type beginReplicationResponse struct {
dev *hummingbird.Device
conn RepConn
hashes map[string]string
err error
func (rd *replicationDevice) listObjFiles(objChan chan string, cancel chan struct{}, partdir string, needSuffix func(string) bool) {
defer close(objChan)
suffixDirs, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(partdir, "[a-f0-9][a-f0-9][a-f0-9]"))
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[listObjFiles] %v", err)
if len(suffixDirs) == 0 {
os.Remove(filepath.Join(partdir, ".lock"))
os.Remove(filepath.Join(partdir, "hashes.pkl"))
os.Remove(filepath.Join(partdir, "hashes.invalid"))
for i := len(suffixDirs) - 1; i > 0; i-- { // shuffle suffixDirs list
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
suffixDirs[j], suffixDirs[i] = suffixDirs[i], suffixDirs[j]
for _, suffDir := range suffixDirs {
if !needSuffix(filepath.Base(suffDir)) {
hashDirs, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(suffDir, "????????????????????????????????"))
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[listObjFiles] %v", err)
if len(hashDirs) == 0 {
for _, hashDir := range hashDirs {
fileList, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(hashDir, "*.[tdm]*"))
if len(fileList) == 0 {
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[listObjFiles] %v", err)
for _, objFile := range fileList {
select {
case objChan <- objFile:
case <-cancel:
type syncFileArg struct {
conn RepConn
dev *hummingbird.Device
func (rd *replicationDevice) syncFile(objFile string, dst []*syncFileArg) (syncs int, insync int, err error) {
var wrs []*syncFileArg
lst := strings.Split(objFile, string(os.PathSeparator))
relPath := filepath.Join(lst[len(lst)-5:]...)
fp, xattrs, fileSize, err := getFile(objFile)
if _, ok := err.(quarantineFileError); ok {
hashDir := filepath.Dir(objFile)
rd.r.LogError("[syncFile] %s failed audit and is being quarantined: %s", hashDir, err.Error())
return 0, 0, nil
} else if err != nil {
return 0, 0, nil
defer fp.Close()
// ask each server if we need to sync the file
for _, sfa := range dst {
var sfr SyncFileResponse
thisPath := filepath.Join(sfa.dev.Device, relPath)
sfa.conn.SendMessage(SyncFileRequest{Path: thisPath, Xattrs: hex.EncodeToString(xattrs), Size: fileSize})
if err := sfa.conn.RecvMessage(&sfr); err != nil {
} else if sfr.GoAhead {
wrs = append(wrs, sfa)
} else if sfr.NewerExists {
if os.Remove(objFile) == nil {
} else if sfr.Exists {
if len(wrs) == 0 { // nobody needed the file
// send the file to servers
scratch := make([]byte, 32768)
var length int
var totalRead int64
for length, err = fp.Read(scratch); err == nil; length, err = fp.Read(scratch) {
totalRead += int64(length)
for index, sfa := range wrs {
if sfa == nil {
if _, err := sfa.conn.Write(scratch[0:length]); err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("Failed to write to remoteDevice: %d, %v", sfa.dev.Id, err)
wrs[index] = nil
if totalRead != fileSize {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("Failed to read the full file: %s, %v", objFile, err)
// get file upload results
for _, sfa := range wrs {
if sfa == nil {
var fur FileUploadResponse
if sfa.conn.RecvMessage(&fur) == nil {
if fur.Success {
rd.updateStat("FilesSent", 1)
rd.updateStat("BytesSent", fileSize)
return syncs, insync, nil
func (rd *replicationDevice) beginReplication(dev *hummingbird.Device, partition string, hashes bool, rChan chan beginReplicationResponse) {
var brr BeginReplicationResponse
if rc, err := NewRepConn(dev, partition, rd.policy); err != nil {
rChan <- beginReplicationResponse{dev: dev, err: err}
} else if err := rc.SendMessage(BeginReplicationRequest{Device: dev.Device, Partition: partition, NeedHashes: hashes}); err != nil {
rChan <- beginReplicationResponse{dev: dev, err: err}
} else if err := rc.RecvMessage(&brr); err != nil {
rChan <- beginReplicationResponse{dev: dev, err: err}
} else {
rChan <- beginReplicationResponse{dev: dev, conn: rc, hashes: brr.Hashes}
func (rd *replicationDevice) replicateLocal(partition string, nodes []*hummingbird.Device, moreNodes hummingbird.MoreNodes) {
path := filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, PolicyDir(rd.policy), partition)
syncCount := 0
startGetHashesRemote := time.Now()
remoteHashes := make(map[int]map[string]string)
remoteConnections := make(map[int]RepConn)
rChan := make(chan beginReplicationResponse)
for _, dev := range nodes {
go rd.i.beginReplication(dev, partition, true, rChan)
for i := 0; i < len(nodes); i++ {
rData := <-rChan
if rData.err == nil {
defer rData.conn.Close()
remoteHashes[rData.dev.Id] = rData.hashes
remoteConnections[rData.dev.Id] = rData.conn
} else if rData.err == RepUnmountedError {
if nextNode := moreNodes.Next(); nextNode != nil {
go rd.i.beginReplication(nextNode, partition, true, rChan)
nodes = append(nodes, nextNode)
} else {
if len(remoteHashes) == 0 {
timeGetHashesRemote := float64(time.Now().Sub(startGetHashesRemote)) / float64(time.Second)
startGetHashesLocal := time.Now()
recalc := []string{}
hashes, err := GetHashes(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, partition, recalc, rd.r.reclaimAge, rd.policy, rd.r)
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[replicateLocal] error getting local hashes: %v", err)
for suffix, localHash := range hashes {
for _, remoteHash := range remoteHashes {
if remoteHash[suffix] != "" && localHash != remoteHash[suffix] {
recalc = append(recalc, suffix)
hashes, err = GetHashes(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, partition, recalc, rd.r.reclaimAge, rd.policy, rd.r)
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[replicateLocal] error recalculating local hashes: %v", err)
timeGetHashesLocal := float64(time.Now().Sub(startGetHashesLocal)) / float64(time.Second)
objChan := make(chan string, 100)
cancel := make(chan struct{})
defer close(cancel)
go rd.i.listObjFiles(objChan, cancel, path, func(suffix string) bool {
for _, remoteHash := range remoteHashes {
if hashes[suffix] != remoteHash[suffix] {
return true
return false
startSyncing := time.Now()
for objFile := range objChan {
toSync := make([]*syncFileArg, 0)
suffix := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(filepath.Dir(objFile)))
for _, dev := range nodes {
if rhashes, ok := remoteHashes[dev.Id]; ok && hashes[suffix] != rhashes[suffix] {
if remoteConnections[dev.Id].Disconnected() {
toSync = append(toSync, &syncFileArg{conn: remoteConnections[dev.Id], dev: dev})
if syncs, _, err := rd.i.syncFile(objFile, toSync); err == nil {
syncCount += syncs
} else {
rd.r.LogError("[syncFile] %v", err)
for _, conn := range remoteConnections {
if !conn.Disconnected() {
conn.SendMessage(SyncFileRequest{Done: true})
timeSyncing := float64(time.Now().Sub(startSyncing)) / float64(time.Second)
if syncCount > 0 {
rd.r.LogInfo("[replicateLocal] Partition %s synced %d files (%.2fs / %.2fs / %.2fs)", path, syncCount, timeGetHashesRemote, timeGetHashesLocal, timeSyncing)
func (rd *replicationDevice) replicateHandoff(partition string, nodes []*hummingbird.Device) {
path := filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, PolicyDir(rd.policy), partition)
syncCount := 0
remoteConnections := make(map[int]RepConn)
rChan := make(chan beginReplicationResponse)
for _, dev := range nodes {
go rd.i.beginReplication(dev, partition, false, rChan)
for i := 0; i < len(nodes); i++ {
rData := <-rChan
if rData.err == nil {
defer rData.conn.Close()
remoteConnections[rData.dev.Id] = rData.conn
if len(remoteConnections) == 0 {
objChan := make(chan string, 100)
cancel := make(chan struct{})
defer close(cancel)
go rd.i.listObjFiles(objChan, cancel, path, func(string) bool { return true })
for objFile := range objChan {
toSync := make([]*syncFileArg, 0)
for _, dev := range nodes {
if remoteConnections[dev.Id] != nil && !remoteConnections[dev.Id].Disconnected() {
toSync = append(toSync, &syncFileArg{conn: remoteConnections[dev.Id], dev: dev})
if syncs, insync, err := rd.i.syncFile(objFile, toSync); err == nil {
syncCount += syncs
success := insync == len(nodes)
if rd.r.quorumDelete {
success = insync >= len(nodes)/2+1
if success {
} else {
rd.r.LogError("[syncFile] %v", err)
for _, conn := range remoteConnections {
if !conn.Disconnected() {
conn.SendMessage(SyncFileRequest{Done: true})
if syncCount > 0 {
rd.r.LogInfo("[replicateHandoff] Partition %s synced %d files", path, syncCount)
func (rd *replicationDevice) Key() string {
return deviceKey(rd.dev, rd.policy)
func (rd *replicationDevice) cleanTemp() {
tempDir := TempDirPath(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device)
if tmpContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(tempDir); err == nil {
for _, tmpEntry := range tmpContents {
if time.Since(tmpEntry.ModTime()) > TmpEmptyTime {
os.RemoveAll(filepath.Join(tempDir, tmpEntry.Name()))
func (rd *replicationDevice) replicatePartition(partition string) {
rd.r.concurrencySem <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
partitioni, err := strconv.ParseUint(partition, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
nodes, handoff := rd.r.Rings[rd.policy].GetJobNodes(partitioni, rd.dev.Id)
if handoff {
rd.i.replicateHandoff(partition, nodes)
} else {
rd.i.replicateLocal(partition, nodes, rd.r.Rings[rd.policy].GetMoreNodes(partitioni))
rd.updateStat("PartitionsDone", 1)
func (rd *replicationDevice) listPartitions() ([]string, error) {
objPath := filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, PolicyDir(rd.policy))
partitions, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(objPath, "[0-9]*"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
partitionList := make([]string, 0, len(partitions))
for _, partition := range partitions {
partition = filepath.Base(partition)
if len(rd.r.partitions) > 0 && !rd.r.partitions[partition] {
if _, err := strconv.ParseUint(partition, 10, 64); err == nil {
partitionList = append(partitionList, partition)
for i := len(partitionList) - 1; i > 0; i-- { // shuffle partition list
j := rand.Intn(i + 1)
partitionList[j], partitionList[i] = partitionList[i], partitionList[j]
return partitionList, nil
func (rd *replicationDevice) Replicate() {
defer rd.r.LogPanics(fmt.Sprintf("PANIC REPLICATING DEVICE: %s", rd.dev.Device))
rd.updateStat("startRun", 1)
if mounted, err := hummingbird.IsMount(filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device)); rd.r.checkMounts && (err != nil || mounted != true) {
rd.r.LogError("[replicateDevice] Drive not mounted: %s", rd.dev.Device)
if hummingbird.Exists(filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, "lock_device")) {
partitionList, err := rd.i.listPartitions()
if err != nil {
rd.r.LogError("[replicateDevice] Error getting partition list: %s (%v)", rd.dev.Device, err)
} else if len(partitionList) == 0 {
rd.r.LogError("[replicateDevice] No partitions found: %s", filepath.Join(rd.r.deviceRoot, rd.dev.Device, PolicyDir(rd.policy)))
rd.updateStat("PartitionsTotal", int64(len(partitionList)))
for _, partition := range partitionList {
rd.updateStat("checkin", 1)
select {
case <-rd.cancel:
rd.r.LogError("replicateDevice canceled for device: %s", rd.dev.Device)
rd.updateStat("FullReplicateCount", 1)
func (rd *replicationDevice) Cancel() {
func (rd *replicationDevice) ReplicateLoop() {
for {
select {
case <-rd.cancel:
type NoMoreNodes struct{}
func (n *NoMoreNodes) Next() *hummingbird.Device {
return nil
func (rd *replicationDevice) PriorityReplicate(pri PriorityRepJob, timeout time.Duration) bool {
timer := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case rd.priRep <- pri:
return true
case <-timer.C:
return false
// processPriorityJobs runs any pending priority jobs given the device's id
func (rd *replicationDevice) processPriorityJobs() {
for {
select {
case pri := <-rd.priRep:
func() {
rd.r.concurrencySem <- struct{}{}
defer func() {
partition := strconv.FormatUint(pri.Partition, 10)
_, handoff := rd.r.Rings[rd.policy].GetJobNodes(pri.Partition, pri.FromDevice.Id)
toDevicesArr := make([]string, len(pri.ToDevices))
for i, s := range pri.ToDevices {
toDevicesArr[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/%s", s.Ip, s.Port, s.Device)
jobType := "local"
if handoff {
jobType = "handoff"
rd.r.LogInfo("PriorityReplicationJob. Partition: %d as %s from %s to %s", pri.Partition, jobType, pri.FromDevice.Device, strings.Join(toDevicesArr, ","))
if handoff {
rd.i.replicateHandoff(partition, pri.ToDevices)
} else {
rd.i.replicateLocal(partition, pri.ToDevices, &NoMoreNodes{})
rd.updateStat("PriorityRepsDone", 1)
var newReplicationDevice = func(dev *hummingbird.Device, policy int, r *Replicator) *replicationDevice {
rd := &replicationDevice{
r: r,
dev: dev,
policy: policy,
cancel: make(chan struct{}),
priRep: make(chan PriorityRepJob),
stats: ReplicationDeviceStats{
LastCheckin: time.Now(),
DeviceStarted: time.Now(),
Stats: map[string]int64{
"PartitionsDone": 0,
"PartitionsTotal": 0,
"FilesSent": 0,
"BytesSent": 0,
"PriorityRepsDone": 0,
rd.i = rd
return rd
// Object replicator daemon object
type Replicator struct {
checkMounts bool
deviceRoot string
reconCachePath string
logger hummingbird.LowLevelLogger
logLevel string
port int
bindIp string
Rings map[int]replicationRing
runningDevices map[string]ReplicationDevice
cancelCounts map[string]int64
runningDevicesLock sync.Mutex
devices map[string]bool
partitions map[string]bool
concurrency int
concurrencySem chan struct{}
updateStat chan statUpdate
reclaimAge int64
quorumDelete bool
reserve int64
replicationMan *ReplicationManager
replicateTimeout time.Duration
onceDone chan struct{}
onceWaiting int64
loopSleepTime time.Duration
partSleepTime time.Duration
func (r *Replicator) cancelStalledDevices() {
defer r.runningDevicesLock.Unlock()
for key, rd := range r.runningDevices {
stats := rd.Stats()
if time.Since(stats.LastCheckin) > ReplicateDeviceTimeout {
r.cancelCounts[key] += 1
delete(r.runningDevices, key)
func (r *Replicator) verifyRunningDevices() {
defer r.runningDevicesLock.Unlock()
expectedDevices := make(map[string]bool)
for policy, ring := range r.Rings {
ringDevices, err := ring.LocalDevices(r.port)
if err != nil {
r.LogError("Error getting local devices from ring: %v", err)
// look for devices that aren't running but should be
for _, dev := range ringDevices {
expectedDevices[deviceKey(dev, policy)] = true
if len(r.devices) > 0 && !r.devices[dev.Device] {
if _, ok := r.runningDevices[deviceKey(dev, policy)]; !ok {
r.runningDevices[deviceKey(dev, policy)] = newReplicationDevice(dev, policy, r)
go r.runningDevices[deviceKey(dev, policy)].ReplicateLoop()
// look for devices that are running but shouldn't be
for key, rd := range r.runningDevices {
if _, found := expectedDevices[key]; !found {
delete(r.runningDevices, key)
func (r *Replicator) reportStats() {
defer r.runningDevicesLock.Unlock()
var totalDuration time.Duration
var maxLastPass time.Time
var doneParts, totalParts int64
var processingTime float64
allHaveCompleted := true
for _, rd := range r.runningDevices {
stats := rd.Stats()
if stats.TotalPasses <= 1 {
allHaveCompleted = false
if maxLastPass.Before(stats.RunStarted) {
maxLastPass = stats.RunStarted
totalDuration += stats.LastPassDuration
totalParts += stats.Stats["PartitionsTotal"]
doneParts += stats.Stats["PartitionsDone"]
processingTime += time.Since(stats.RunStarted).Seconds()
if processingTime > 0 {
partsPerSecond := float64(doneParts) / processingTime
remaining := time.Duration((1.0 / partsPerSecond) * float64(time.Second) *
float64(totalParts-doneParts) / float64(len(r.runningDevices)))
var remainingStr string
if remaining >= time.Hour {
remainingStr = fmt.Sprintf("%.0fh", remaining.Hours())
} else if remaining >= time.Minute {
remainingStr = fmt.Sprintf("%.0fm", remaining.Minutes())
} else {
remainingStr = fmt.Sprintf("%.0fs", remaining.Seconds())
r.LogInfo("%d/%d (%.2f%%) partitions replicated in %.2f worker seconds (%.2f/sec, %v remaining)",
doneParts, totalParts, float64(100*doneParts)/float64(totalParts),
processingTime, partsPerSecond, remainingStr)
if allHaveCompleted {
hummingbird.DumpReconCache(r.reconCachePath, "object",
"object_replication_time": float64(totalDuration) / float64(len(r.runningDevices)) / float64(time.Second),
"object_replication_last": float64(maxLastPass.UnixNano()) / float64(time.Second),
func (r *Replicator) priorityReplicate(pri PriorityRepJob, timeout time.Duration) bool {
rd, ok := r.runningDevices[deviceKey(pri.FromDevice, pri.Policy)]
if ok {
return rd.PriorityReplicate(pri, timeout)
return false
func (r *Replicator) getDeviceProgress() map[string]map[string]interface{} {
defer r.runningDevicesLock.Unlock()
deviceProgress := make(map[string]map[string]interface{})
for key, device := range r.runningDevices {
stats := device.Stats()
deviceProgress[key] = map[string]interface{}{
"StartDate": stats.DeviceStarted,
"LastUpdate": stats.LastCheckin,
"LastPassDuration": stats.LastPassDuration,
"LastPassUpdate": stats.RunStarted,
"TotalPasses": stats.TotalPasses,
"CancelCount": r.cancelCounts[key],
for k, v := range stats.Stats {
deviceProgress[key][k] = v
return deviceProgress
func (r *Replicator) runLoopCheck(reportTimer <-chan time.Time) {
select {
case update := <-r.updateStat:
defer r.runningDevicesLock.Unlock()
if rd, ok := r.runningDevices[update.deviceKey]; ok {
stats := rd.Stats()
if update.stat == "checkin" {
stats.LastCheckin = time.Now()
} else if update.stat == "startRun" {
stats.LastPassDuration = time.Since(stats.RunStarted)
stats.RunStarted = time.Now()
stats.LastCheckin = time.Now()
for k := range stats.Stats {
stats.Stats[k] = 0
} else {
stats.Stats[update.stat] += update.value
case <-reportTimer:
case <-r.onceDone:
// Run replication passes in a loop until forever.
func (r *Replicator) RunForever() {
go r.startWebServer()
reportTimer := time.NewTimer(StatsReportInterval)
for {
// Run a single replication pass. (NOTE: we will prob get rid of this because of priorityRepl)
func (r *Replicator) Run() {
for policy, ring := range r.Rings {
devices, err := ring.LocalDevices(r.port)
if err != nil {
r.LogError("Error getting local devices from ring: %v", err)
for _, dev := range devices {
rd := newReplicationDevice(dev, policy, r)
key := rd.Key()
r.runningDevices[key] = rd
go func(dev *hummingbird.Device, key string) {
r.onceDone <- struct{}{}
}(dev, key)
for r.onceWaiting > 0 {
r.runLoopCheck(make(chan time.Time))
func (r *Replicator) LogError(format string, args ...interface{}) {
r.logger.Err(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (r *Replicator) LogInfo(format string, args ...interface{}) {
r.logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (r *Replicator) LogDebug(format string, args ...interface{}) {
r.logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (r *Replicator) LogPanics(m string) {
if e := recover(); e != nil {
r.LogError("%s: %s: %s", m, e, debug.Stack())
func NewReplicator(serverconf hummingbird.Config, flags *flag.FlagSet) (hummingbird.Daemon, error) {
if !serverconf.HasSection("object-replicator") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to find object-replicator config section")
concurrency := int(serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "concurrency", 1))
replicator := &Replicator{
runningDevices: make(map[string]ReplicationDevice),
cancelCounts: make(map[string]int64),
reserve: serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "fallocate_reserve", 0),
replicationMan: NewReplicationManager(serverconf.GetLimit("object-replicator", "replication_limit", 3, 100)),
replicateTimeout: time.Minute, // TODO(redbo): does this need to be configurable?
reconCachePath: serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "recon_cache_path", "/var/cache/swift"),
checkMounts: serverconf.GetBool("object-replicator", "mount_check", true),
deviceRoot: serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "devices", "/srv/node"),
port: int(serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "bind_port", 6500)),
bindIp: serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "bind_ip", ""),
quorumDelete: serverconf.GetBool("object-replicator", "quorum_delete", false),
reclaimAge: int64(serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "reclaim_age", int64(hummingbird.ONE_WEEK))),
logLevel: serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "log_level", "INFO"),
Rings: make(map[int]replicationRing),
concurrency: concurrency,
concurrencySem: make(chan struct{}, concurrency),
updateStat: make(chan statUpdate),
devices: make(map[string]bool),
partitions: make(map[string]bool),
onceDone: make(chan struct{}),
loopSleepTime: time.Second * 30,
partSleepTime: time.Duration(serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "ms_per_part", 100)) * time.Millisecond,
hashPathPrefix, hashPathSuffix, err := hummingbird.GetHashPrefixAndSuffix()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get hash prefix and suffix")
for _, policy := range hummingbird.LoadPolicies() {
if policy.Type != "replication" {
if replicator.Rings[policy.Index], err = hummingbird.GetRing("object", hashPathPrefix, hashPathSuffix, policy.Index); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to load ring for Policy %d.", policy.Index)
if replicator.logger, err = hummingbird.SetupLogger(serverconf, flags, "app:object-replicator", "object-replicator"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error setting up logger: %v", err)
devices_flag := flags.Lookup("devices")
if devices_flag != nil {
if devices := devices_flag.Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(string); len(devices) > 0 {
for _, devName := range strings.Split(devices, ",") {
replicator.devices[strings.TrimSpace(devName)] = true
partitions_flag := flags.Lookup("partitions")
if partitions_flag != nil {
if partitions := partitions_flag.Value.(flag.Getter).Get().(string); len(partitions) > 0 {
for _, part := range strings.Split(partitions, ",") {
replicator.partitions[strings.TrimSpace(part)] = true
if !replicator.quorumDelete {
quorumFlag := flags.Lookup("q")
if quorumFlag != nil && quorumFlag.Value.(flag.Getter).Get() == true {
replicator.quorumDelete = true
if serverconf.GetBool("object-replicator", "vm_test_mode", false) { // slow down the replicator in saio mode
replicator.partSleepTime = time.Duration(serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "ms_per_part", 500)) * time.Millisecond
statsdHost := serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "log_statsd_host", "")
if statsdHost != "" {
statsdPort := serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "log_statsd_port", 8125)
// Go metrics collection pause interval in seconds
statsdPause := serverconf.GetInt("object-replicator", "statsd_collection_pause", 10)
basePrefix := serverconf.GetDefault("object-replicator", "log_statsd_metric_prefix", "")
prefix := basePrefix + ".go.objectreplicator"
go hummingbird.CollectRuntimeMetrics(statsdHost, statsdPort, statsdPause, prefix)
return replicator, nil