
690 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
import optparse
import re
import socket
from swift.common.utils import expand_ipv6
def tiers_for_dev(dev):
Returns a tuple of tiers for a given device in ascending order by
:returns: tuple of tiers
t1 = dev['region']
t2 = dev['zone']
t3 = dev['ip']
t4 = dev['id']
return ((t1,),
(t1, t2),
(t1, t2, t3),
(t1, t2, t3, t4))
def build_tier_tree(devices):
Construct the tier tree from the zone layout.
The tier tree is a dictionary that maps tiers to their child tiers.
A synthetic root node of () is generated so that there's one tree,
not a forest.
region 1 -+---- zone 1 -+---- -+---- device id 0
| | |
| | +---- device id 1
| | |
| | +---- device id 2
| |
| +---- -+---- device id 3
| |
| +---- device id 4
| |
| +---- device id 5
+---- zone 2 -+---- -+---- device id 6
| |
| +---- device id 7
| |
| +---- device id 8
+---- -+---- device id 9
+---- device id 10
region 2 -+---- zone 1 -+---- -+---- device id 12
| |
| +---- device id 13
| |
| +---- device id 14
+---- -+---- device id 15
+---- device id 16
+---- device id 17
The tier tree would look like:
(): [(1,), (2,)],
(1,): [(1, 1), (1, 2)],
(2,): [(2, 1)],
(1, 1): [(1, 1,,
(1, 1,],
(1, 2): [(1, 2,,
(1, 2,],
(2, 1): [(2, 1,,
(2, 1,],
(1, 1, [(1, 1,, 0),
(1, 1,, 1),
(1, 1,, 2)],
(1, 1, [(1, 1,, 3),
(1, 1,, 4),
(1, 1,, 5)],
(1, 2, [(1, 2,, 6),
(1, 2,, 7),
(1, 2,, 8)],
(1, 2, [(1, 2,, 9),
(1, 2,, 10)],
(2, 1, [(2, 1,, 12),
(2, 1,, 13),
(2, 1,, 14)],
(2, 1, [(2, 1,, 15),
(2, 1,, 16),
(2, 1,, 17)],
:devices: device dicts from which to generate the tree
:returns: tier tree
tier2children = defaultdict(set)
for dev in devices:
for tier in tiers_for_dev(dev):
if len(tier) > 1:
return tier2children
def validate_and_normalize_ip(ip):
Return normalized ip if the ip is a valid ip.
Otherwise raise ValueError Exception. The hostname is
normalized to all lower case. IPv6-addresses are converted to
lowercase and fully expanded.
# first convert to lower case
new_ip = ip.lower()
if is_valid_ipv4(new_ip):
return new_ip
elif is_valid_ipv6(new_ip):
return expand_ipv6(new_ip)
raise ValueError('Invalid ip %s' % ip)
def validate_and_normalize_address(address):
Return normalized address if the address is a valid ip or hostname.
Otherwise raise ValueError Exception. The hostname is
normalized to all lower case. IPv6-addresses are converted to
lowercase and fully expanded.
RFC1123 2.1 Host Names and Nubmers
This last requirement is not intended to specify the complete
syntactic form for entering a dotted-decimal host number;
that is considered to be a user-interface issue. For
example, a dotted-decimal number must be enclosed within
"[ ]" brackets for SMTP mail (see Section 5.2.17). This
notation could be made universal within a host system,
simplifying the syntactic checking for a dotted-decimal
If a dotted-decimal number can be entered without such
identifying delimiters, then a full syntactic check must be
made, because a segment of a host domain name is now allowed
to begin with a digit and could legally be entirely numeric
(see Section However, a valid host name can never
have the dotted-decimal form #.#.#.#, since at least the
highest-level component label will be alphabetic.
new_address = address.lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
if address.startswith('[') and address.endswith(']'):
return validate_and_normalize_ip(new_address)
new_address = new_address.lower()
if is_valid_ipv4(new_address):
return new_address
elif is_valid_ipv6(new_address):
return expand_ipv6(new_address)
elif is_valid_hostname(new_address):
return new_address
raise ValueError('Invalid address %s' % address)
def is_valid_ip(ip):
Return True if the provided ip is a valid IP-address
return is_valid_ipv4(ip) or is_valid_ipv6(ip)
def is_valid_ipv4(ip):
Return True if the provided ip is a valid IPv4-address
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip)
except socket.error:
return False
return True
def is_valid_ipv6(ip):
Return True if the provided ip is a valid IPv6-address
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip)
except socket.error: # not a valid address
return False
return True
def is_valid_hostname(hostname):
Return True if the provided hostname is a valid hostname
if len(hostname) < 1 or len(hostname) > 255:
return False
if hostname.endswith('.'):
# strip exactly one dot from the right, if present
hostname = hostname[:-1]
allowed = re.compile("(?!-)[A-Z\d-]{1,63}(?<!-)$", re.IGNORECASE)
return all(allowed.match(x) for x in hostname.split("."))
def is_local_device(my_ips, my_port, dev_ip, dev_port):
Return True if the provided dev_ip and dev_port are among the IP
addresses specified in my_ips and my_port respectively.
To support accurate locality determination in the server-per-port
deployment, when my_port is None, only IP addresses are used for
determining locality (dev_port is ignored).
If dev_ip is a hostname then it is first translated to an IP
address before checking it against my_ips.
candidate_ips = []
if not is_valid_ip(dev_ip) and is_valid_hostname(dev_ip):
# get the ip for this host; use getaddrinfo so that
# it works for both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses
addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(dev_ip, dev_port)
for addr in addrinfo:
family = addr[0]
dev_ip = addr[4][0] # get the ip-address
if family == socket.AF_INET6:
dev_ip = expand_ipv6(dev_ip)
except socket.gaierror:
return False
if is_valid_ipv6(dev_ip):
dev_ip = expand_ipv6(dev_ip)
candidate_ips = [dev_ip]
for dev_ip in candidate_ips:
if dev_ip in my_ips and (my_port is None or dev_port == my_port):
return True
return False
def parse_search_value(search_value):
"""The <search-value> can be of the form::
Where <r_ip> and <r_port> are replication ip and port.
Any part is optional, but you must include at least one part.
d74 Matches the device id 74
r4 Matches devices in region 4
z1 Matches devices in zone 1
z1- Matches devices in zone 1 with the ip Matches devices in any zone with the ip
z1:5678 Matches devices in zone 1 using port 5678
:5678 Matches devices that use port 5678
R5.6.7.8 Matches devices that use replication ip
R:5678 Matches devices that use replication port 5678 Matches devices that use ip and replication ip
/sdb1 Matches devices with the device name sdb1
_shiny Matches devices with shiny in the meta data
_"snet:" Matches devices with snet: in the meta data
[::1] Matches devices in any zone with the ip ::1
z1-[::1]:5678 Matches devices in zone 1 with ip ::1 and port 5678
Most specific example::
Nerd explanation:
All items require their single character prefix except the ip, in which
case the - is optional unless the device id or zone is also included.
orig_search_value = search_value
match = {}
if search_value.startswith('d'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
match['id'] = int(search_value[1:i])
search_value = search_value[i:]
if search_value.startswith('r'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
match['region'] = int(search_value[1:i])
search_value = search_value[i:]
if search_value.startswith('z'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
match['zone'] = int(search_value[1:i])
search_value = search_value[i:]
if search_value.startswith('-'):
search_value = search_value[1:]
if search_value and search_value[0].isdigit():
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i] in '0123456789.':
i += 1
match['ip'] = search_value[:i]
search_value = search_value[i:]
elif search_value and search_value.startswith('['):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i] != ']':
i += 1
i += 1
match['ip'] = search_value[:i].lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
search_value = search_value[i:]
if 'ip' in match:
# ipv6 addresses are converted to all lowercase
# and use the fully expanded representation
match['ip'] = validate_and_normalize_ip(match['ip'])
if search_value.startswith(':'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
match['port'] = int(search_value[1:i])
search_value = search_value[i:]
# replication parameters
if search_value.startswith('R'):
search_value = search_value[1:]
if search_value and search_value[0].isdigit():
i = 1
while (i < len(search_value) and
search_value[i] in '0123456789.'):
i += 1
match['replication_ip'] = search_value[:i]
search_value = search_value[i:]
elif search_value and search_value.startswith('['):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i] != ']':
i += 1
i += 1
match['replication_ip'] = search_value[:i].lstrip('[').rstrip(']')
search_value = search_value[i:]
if 'replication_ip' in match:
# ipv6 addresses are converted to all lowercase
# and use the fully expanded representation
match['replication_ip'] = \
if search_value.startswith(':'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
match['replication_port'] = int(search_value[1:i])
search_value = search_value[i:]
if search_value.startswith('/'):
i = 1
while i < len(search_value) and search_value[i] != '_':
i += 1
match['device'] = search_value[1:i]
search_value = search_value[i:]
if search_value.startswith('_'):
match['meta'] = search_value[1:]
search_value = ''
if search_value:
raise ValueError('Invalid <search-value>: %s' %
return match
def parse_search_values_from_opts(opts):
Convert optparse style options into a dictionary for searching.
:param opts: optparse style options
:returns: a dictionary with search values to filter devices,
supported parameters are id, region, zone, ip, port,
replication_ip, replication_port, device, weight, meta
search_values = {}
for key in ('id', 'region', 'zone', 'ip', 'port', 'replication_ip',
'replication_port', 'device', 'weight', 'meta'):
value = getattr(opts, key, None)
if value:
if key == 'ip' or key == 'replication_ip':
value = validate_and_normalize_address(value)
search_values[key] = value
return search_values
def parse_change_values_from_opts(opts):
Convert optparse style options into a dictionary for changing.
:param opts: optparse style options
:returns: a dictonary with change values to filter devices,
supported parameters are ip, port, replication_ip,
change_values = {}
for key in ('change_ip', 'change_port', 'change_replication_ip',
'change_replication_port', 'change_device', 'change_meta'):
value = getattr(opts, key, None)
if value:
if key == 'change_ip' or key == 'change_replication_ip':
value = validate_and_normalize_address(value)
change_values[key.replace('change_', '')] = value
return change_values
def parse_add_value(add_value):
Convert an add value, like 'r1z2-', to a dictionary.
If the string does not start with 'r<N>', then the value of 'region' in
the returned dictionary will be None. Callers should check for this and
set a reasonable default. This is done so callers can emit errors or
warnings if desired.
Similarly, 'replication_ip' and 'replication_port' will be None if not
:returns: dictionary with keys 'region', 'zone', 'ip', 'port', 'device',
'replication_ip', 'replication_port', 'meta'
:raises: ValueError if add_value is malformed
region = None
rest = add_value
if add_value.startswith('r'):
i = 1
while i < len(add_value) and add_value[i].isdigit():
i += 1
region = int(add_value[1:i])
rest = add_value[i:]
if not rest.startswith('z'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i].isdigit():
i += 1
zone = int(rest[1:i])
rest = rest[i:]
if not rest.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError('Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
ip, port, rest = parse_address(rest[1:])
replication_ip = replication_port = None
if rest.startswith('R'):
replication_ip, replication_port, rest = \
if not rest.startswith('/'):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid add value: %s' % add_value)
i = 1
while i < len(rest) and rest[i] != '_':
i += 1
device_name = rest[1:i]
if not validate_device_name(device_name):
raise ValueError('Invalid device name')
rest = rest[i:]
meta = ''
if rest.startswith('_'):
meta = rest[1:]
return {'region': region, 'zone': zone, 'ip': ip, 'port': port,
'device': device_name, 'replication_ip': replication_ip,
'replication_port': replication_port, 'meta': meta}
def parse_address(rest):
if rest.startswith('['):
# remove first [] for ip
rest = rest.replace('[', '', 1).replace(']', '', 1)
pos = 0
while (pos < len(rest) and
not (rest[pos] == 'R' or rest[pos] == '/')):
pos += 1
address = rest[:pos]
rest = rest[pos:]
port_start = address.rfind(':')
if port_start == -1:
raise ValueError('Invalid port in add value')
ip = address[:port_start]
port = int(address[(port_start + 1):])
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValueError(
'Invalid port %s in add value' % address[port_start:])
# if this is an ipv6 address then we want to convert it
# to all lowercase and use its fully expanded representation
# to make searches easier
ip = validate_and_normalize_ip(ip)
return (ip, port, rest)
def validate_args(argvish):
Build OptionParse and validate it whether the format is new command-line
format or not.
opts, args = parse_args(argvish)
# id can be 0 (swift starts generating id from 0),
# also zone, region and weight can be set to zero.
new_cmd_format = opts.id is not None or opts.region is not None or \
opts.zone is not None or opts.ip or opts.port or \
opts.replication_ip or opts.replication_port or \
opts.device or opts.weight is not None or opts.meta
return (new_cmd_format, opts, args)
def parse_args(argvish):
Build OptionParser and evaluate command line arguments.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-u', '--id', type="int",
help="Device ID")
parser.add_option('-r', '--region', type="int",
parser.add_option('-z', '--zone', type="int",
parser.add_option('-i', '--ip', type="string",
help="IP address")
parser.add_option('-p', '--port', type="int",
help="Port number")
parser.add_option('-j', '--replication-ip', type="string",
help="Replication IP address")
parser.add_option('-q', '--replication-port', type="int",
help="Replication port number")
parser.add_option('-d', '--device', type="string",
help="Device name (e.g. md0, sdb1)")
parser.add_option('-w', '--weight', type="float",
help="Device weight")
parser.add_option('-m', '--meta', type="string", default="",
help="Extra device info (just a string)")
parser.add_option('-I', '--change-ip', type="string",
help="IP address for change")
parser.add_option('-P', '--change-port', type="int",
help="Port number for change")
parser.add_option('-J', '--change-replication-ip', type="string",
help="Replication IP address for change")
parser.add_option('-Q', '--change-replication-port', type="int",
help="Replication port number for change")
parser.add_option('-D', '--change-device', type="string",
help="Device name (e.g. md0, sdb1) for change")
parser.add_option('-M', '--change-meta', type="string", default="",
help="Extra device info (just a string) for change")
return parser.parse_args(argvish)
def parse_builder_ring_filename_args(argvish):
first_arg = argvish[1]
if first_arg.endswith('.ring.gz'):
ring_file = first_arg
builder_file = first_arg[:-len('.ring.gz')] + '.builder'
builder_file = first_arg
if not builder_file.endswith('.builder'):
ring_file = first_arg
ring_file = builder_file[:-len('.builder')]
ring_file += '.ring.gz'
return builder_file, ring_file
def build_dev_from_opts(opts):
Convert optparse stype options into a device dictionary.
for attribute, shortopt, longopt in (['region', '-r', '--region'],
['zone', '-z', '--zone'],
['ip', '-i', '--ip'],
['port', '-p', '--port'],
['device', '-d', '--device'],
['weight', '-w', '--weight']):
if not getattr(opts, attribute, None):
raise ValueError('Required argument %s/%s not specified.' %
(shortopt, longopt))
ip = validate_and_normalize_address(opts.ip)
replication_ip = validate_and_normalize_address(
(opts.replication_ip or opts.ip))
replication_port = opts.replication_port or opts.port
if not validate_device_name(opts.device):
raise ValueError('Invalid device name')
return {'region': opts.region, 'zone': opts.zone, 'ip': ip,
'port': opts.port, 'device': opts.device, 'meta': opts.meta,
'replication_ip': replication_ip,
'replication_port': replication_port, 'weight': opts.weight}
def dispersion_report(builder, search_filter=None, verbose=False):
if not builder._dispersion_graph:
max_allowed_replicas = builder._build_max_replicas_by_tier()
worst_tier = None
max_dispersion = 0.0
sorted_graph = []
for tier, replica_counts in sorted(builder._dispersion_graph.items()):
tier_name = get_tier_name(tier, builder)
if search_filter and not re.match(search_filter, tier_name):
max_replicas = int(max_allowed_replicas[tier])
at_risk_parts = sum(replica_counts[max_replicas + 1:])
placed_parts = sum(replica_counts[1:])
tier_dispersion = 100.0 * at_risk_parts / placed_parts
if tier_dispersion > max_dispersion:
max_dispersion = tier_dispersion
worst_tier = tier_name
max_dispersion = max(max_dispersion, tier_dispersion)
if not verbose:
tier_report = {
'max_replicas': max_replicas,
'placed_parts': placed_parts,
'dispersion': tier_dispersion,
'replicas': replica_counts,
sorted_graph.append((tier_name, tier_report))
return {
'max_dispersion': max_dispersion,
'worst_tier': worst_tier,
'graph': sorted_graph,
def get_tier_name(tier, builder):
if len(tier) == 1:
return "r%s" % (tier[0], )
if len(tier) == 2:
return "r%sz%s" % (tier[0], tier[1])
if len(tier) == 3:
return "r%sz%s-%s" % (tier[0], tier[1], tier[2])
if len(tier) == 4:
device = builder.devs[tier[3]] or {}
return "r%sz%s-%s/%s" % (tier[0], tier[1], tier[2],
device.get('device', 'IDd%s' % tier[3]))
def validate_device_name(device_name):
return not (
device_name.startswith(' ') or
device_name.endswith(' ') or
len(device_name) == 0)