
3574 lines
154 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# NOTE: swift_conn
# You'll see swift_conn passed around a few places in this file. This is the
# source bufferedhttp connection of whatever it is attached to.
# It is used when early termination of reading from the connection should
# happen, such as when a range request is satisfied but there's still more the
# source connection would like to send. To prevent having to read all the data
# that could be left, the source connection can be .close() and then reads
# commence to empty out any buffers.
# These shenanigans are to ensure all related objects can be garbage
# collected. We've seen objects hang around forever otherwise.
import six
from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from six.moves import zip
import collections
import itertools
import json
import mimetypes
import time
import math
import random
import sys
from greenlet import GreenletExit
from eventlet import GreenPile, sleep
from eventlet.queue import Queue, Empty
from eventlet.timeout import Timeout
from swift.common.utils import (
clean_content_type, config_true_value, ContextPool, csv_append,
GreenAsyncPile, GreenthreadSafeIterator, Timestamp, WatchdogTimeout,
normalize_delete_at_timestamp, public, get_expirer_container,
document_iters_to_http_response_body, parse_content_range,
quorum_size, reiterate, close_if_possible, safe_json_loads, md5,
ShardRange, find_shard_range, cache_from_env)
from swift.common.bufferedhttp import http_connect
from swift.common.constraints import check_metadata, check_object_creation
from swift.common import constraints
from swift.common.exceptions import ChunkReadTimeout, \
ChunkWriteTimeout, ConnectionTimeout, ResponseTimeout, \
InsufficientStorage, FooterNotSupported, MultiphasePUTNotSupported, \
PutterConnectError, ChunkReadError, RangeAlreadyComplete, ShortReadError
from swift.common.header_key_dict import HeaderKeyDict
from swift.common.http import (
is_informational, is_success, is_client_error, is_server_error,
from swift.common.memcached import MemcacheConnectionError
from swift.common.storage_policy import (POLICIES, REPL_POLICY, EC_POLICY,
ECDriverError, PolicyError)
from swift.proxy.controllers.base import Controller, delay_denial, \
cors_validation, update_headers, bytes_to_skip, close_swift_conn, \
ByteCountEnforcer, record_cache_op_metrics, get_cache_key
from swift.common.swob import HTTPAccepted, HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotFound, \
HTTPPreconditionFailed, HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge, HTTPRequestTimeout, \
HTTPServerError, HTTPServiceUnavailable, HTTPClientDisconnect, \
HTTPUnprocessableEntity, Response, HTTPException, \
HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, Range, HTTPInternalServerError, \
from swift.common.request_helpers import update_etag_is_at_header, \
resolve_etag_is_at_header, validate_internal_obj, get_ip_port, \
def check_content_type(req):
if not req.environ.get('swift.content_type_overridden') and \
';' in req.headers.get('content-type', ''):
for param in req.headers['content-type'].split(';')[1:]:
if param.lstrip().startswith('swift_'):
return HTTPBadRequest("Invalid Content-Type, "
"swift_* is not a valid parameter name.")
return None
def num_container_updates(container_replicas, container_quorum,
object_replicas, object_quorum):
We need to send container updates via enough object servers such
that, if the object PUT succeeds, then the container update is
durable (either it's synchronously updated or written to async
Qc = the quorum size for the container ring
Qo = the quorum size for the object ring
Rc = the replica count for the container ring
Ro = the replica count (or EC N+K) for the object ring
A durable container update is one that's made it to at least Qc
nodes. To always be durable, we have to send enough container
updates so that, if only Qo object PUTs succeed, and all the
failed object PUTs had container updates, at least Qc updates
remain. Since (Ro - Qo) object PUTs may fail, we must have at
least Qc + Ro - Qo container updates to ensure that Qc of them
Also, each container replica is named in at least one object PUT
request so that, when all requests succeed, no work is generated
for the container replicator. Thus, at least Rc updates are
:param container_replicas: replica count for the container ring (Rc)
:param container_quorum: quorum size for the container ring (Qc)
:param object_replicas: replica count for the object ring (Ro)
:param object_quorum: quorum size for the object ring (Qo)
return max(
# Qc + Ro - Qo
container_quorum + object_replicas - object_quorum,
# Rc
class ObjectControllerRouter(object):
policy_type_to_controller_map = {}
def register(cls, policy_type):
Decorator for Storage Policy implementations to register
their ObjectController implementations.
This also fills in a policy_type attribute on the class.
def register_wrapper(controller_cls):
if policy_type in cls.policy_type_to_controller_map:
raise PolicyError(
'%r is already registered for the policy_type %r' % (
cls.policy_type_to_controller_map[policy_type] = controller_cls
controller_cls.policy_type = policy_type
return controller_cls
return register_wrapper
def __init__(self):
self.policy_to_controller_cls = {}
for policy in POLICIES:
self.policy_to_controller_cls[int(policy)] = \
def __getitem__(self, policy):
return self.policy_to_controller_cls[int(policy)]
class BaseObjectController(Controller):
"""Base WSGI controller for object requests."""
server_type = 'Object'
def __init__(self, app, account_name, container_name, object_name,
super(BaseObjectController, self).__init__(app)
self.account_name = unquote(account_name)
self.container_name = unquote(container_name)
self.object_name = unquote(object_name)
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
def iter_nodes_local_first(self, ring, partition, request, policy=None,
Yields nodes for a ring partition.
If the 'write_affinity' setting is non-empty, then this will yield N
local nodes (as defined by the write_affinity setting) first, then the
rest of the nodes as normal. It is a re-ordering of the nodes such
that the local ones come first; no node is omitted. The effect is
that the request will be serviced by local object servers first, but
nonlocal ones will be employed if not enough local ones are available.
:param ring: ring to get nodes from
:param partition: ring partition to yield nodes for
:param request: nodes will be annotated with `use_replication` based on
the `request` headers
:param policy: optional, an instance of
:param local_handoffs_first: optional, if True prefer primaries and
local handoff nodes first before looking elsewhere.
policy_options = self.app.get_policy_options(policy)
is_local = policy_options.write_affinity_is_local_fn
if is_local is None:
return self.app.iter_nodes(ring, partition, self.logger, request,
primary_nodes = ring.get_part_nodes(partition)
handoff_nodes = ring.get_more_nodes(partition)
all_nodes = itertools.chain(primary_nodes, handoff_nodes)
if local_handoffs_first:
num_locals = policy_options.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count
if num_locals is None:
local_primaries = [node for node in primary_nodes
if is_local(node)]
num_locals = len(primary_nodes) - len(local_primaries)
first_local_handoffs = list(itertools.islice(
(node for node in handoff_nodes if is_local(node)), num_locals)
preferred_nodes = primary_nodes + first_local_handoffs
num_locals = policy_options.write_affinity_node_count_fn(
preferred_nodes = list(itertools.islice(
(node for node in all_nodes if is_local(node)), num_locals)
# refresh it; it moved when we computed preferred_nodes
handoff_nodes = ring.get_more_nodes(partition)
all_nodes = itertools.chain(primary_nodes, handoff_nodes)
node_iter = itertools.chain(
(node for node in all_nodes if node not in preferred_nodes)
return self.app.iter_nodes(ring, partition, self.logger, request,
node_iter=node_iter, policy=policy)
def GETorHEAD(self, req):
"""Handle HTTP GET or HEAD requests."""
container_info = self.container_info(
self.account_name, self.container_name, req)
req.acl = container_info['read_acl']
# pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)
req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
return aresp
partition = obj_ring.get_part(
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
node_iter = self.app.iter_nodes(obj_ring, partition, self.logger, req,
resp = self._get_or_head_response(req, node_iter, partition, policy)
if ';' in resp.headers.get('content-type', ''):
resp.content_type = clean_content_type(
return resp
def GET(self, req):
"""Handler for HTTP GET requests."""
return self.GETorHEAD(req)
def HEAD(self, req):
"""Handler for HTTP HEAD requests."""
return self.GETorHEAD(req)
def _get_cached_updating_shard_ranges(
self, infocache, memcache, cache_key):
Fetch cached shard ranges from infocache and memcache.
:param infocache: the infocache instance.
:param memcache: an instance of a memcache client,
:param cache_key: the cache key for both infocache and memcache.
:return: a tuple of (list of shard ranges in dict format, cache state)
cached_ranges = infocache.get(cache_key)
if cached_ranges:
cache_state = 'infocache_hit'
if memcache:
skip_chance = \
if skip_chance and random.random() < skip_chance:
cache_state = 'skip'
cached_ranges = memcache.get(
cache_key, raise_on_error=True)
cache_state = 'hit' if cached_ranges else 'miss'
except MemcacheConnectionError:
cache_state = 'error'
cache_state = 'disabled'
cached_ranges = cached_ranges or []
return cached_ranges, cache_state
def _get_update_shard(self, req, account, container, obj):
Find the appropriate shard range for an object update.
Note that this fetches and caches (in both the per-request infocache
and memcache, if available) all shard ranges for the given root
container so we won't have to contact the container DB for every write.
:param req: original Request instance.
:param account: account from which shard ranges should be fetched.
:param container: container from which shard ranges should be fetched.
:param obj: object getting updated.
:return: an instance of :class:`swift.common.utils.ShardRange`,
or None if the update should go back to the root
if not self.app.recheck_updating_shard_ranges:
# caching is disabled
cache_state = 'disabled'
# legacy behavior requests container server for includes=obj
shard_ranges, response = self._get_shard_ranges(
req, account, container, states='updating', includes=obj)
# try to get from cache
response = None
cache_key = get_cache_key(account, container, shard='updating')
infocache = req.environ.setdefault('swift.infocache', {})
memcache = cache_from_env(req.environ, True)
(cached_ranges, cache_state
) = self._get_cached_updating_shard_ranges(
infocache, memcache, cache_key)
if cached_ranges:
# found cached shard ranges in either infocache or memcache
infocache[cache_key] = tuple(cached_ranges)
shard_ranges = [ShardRange.from_dict(shard_range)
for shard_range in cached_ranges]
# pull full set of updating shards from backend
shard_ranges, response = self._get_shard_ranges(
req, account, container, states='updating')
if shard_ranges:
cached_ranges = [dict(sr) for sr in shard_ranges]
infocache[cache_key] = tuple(cached_ranges)
if memcache:
cache_key, cached_ranges,
self.logger, 'shard_updating', cache_state, response)
return find_shard_range(obj, shard_ranges or [])
def _get_update_target(self, req, container_info):
# find the sharded container to which we'll send the update
db_state = container_info.get('sharding_state', 'unsharded')
if db_state in ('sharded', 'sharding'):
shard_range = self._get_update_shard(
req, self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
if shard_range:
partition, nodes = self.app.container_ring.get_nodes(
shard_range.account, shard_range.container)
return partition, nodes, shard_range.name
return container_info['partition'], container_info['nodes'], None
def POST(self, req):
"""HTTP POST request handler."""
container_info = self.container_info(
self.account_name, self.container_name, req)
container_partition, container_nodes, container_path = \
self._get_update_target(req, container_info)
req.acl = container_info['write_acl']
if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
return aresp
if not container_nodes:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
error_response = check_metadata(req, 'object')
if error_response:
return error_response
req, delete_at_container, delete_at_part, \
delete_at_nodes = self._config_obj_expiration(req)
# pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)
req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
next_part_power = getattr(obj_ring, 'next_part_power', None)
if next_part_power:
req.headers['X-Backend-Next-Part-Power'] = next_part_power
partition, nodes = obj_ring.get_nodes(
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
headers = self._backend_requests(
req, len(nodes), container_partition, container_nodes,
delete_at_container, delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes,
return self._post_object(req, obj_ring, partition, headers)
def _backend_requests(self, req, n_outgoing,
container_partition, containers,
delete_at_container=None, delete_at_partition=None,
delete_at_nodes=None, container_path=None):
policy_index = req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index']
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
headers = [self.generate_request_headers(req, additional=req.headers)
for _junk in range(n_outgoing)]
def set_container_update(index, container):
headers[index]['X-Container-Partition'] = container_partition
headers[index]['X-Container-Host'] = csv_append(
'%(ip)s:%(port)s' % container)
headers[index]['X-Container-Device'] = csv_append(
if container_path:
headers[index]['X-Backend-Quoted-Container-Path'] = quote(
# NB: we used to send
# 'X-Backend-Container-Path': container_path
# but that isn't safe for container names with nulls or
# newlines (or possibly some other characters). We consciously
# *don't* make any attempt to set the old meta; during an
# upgrade, old object-servers will talk to the root which
# will eat the update and move it as a misplaced object.
def set_delete_at_headers(index, delete_at_node):
headers[index]['X-Delete-At-Container'] = delete_at_container
headers[index]['X-Delete-At-Partition'] = delete_at_partition
headers[index]['X-Delete-At-Host'] = csv_append(
'%(ip)s:%(port)s' % delete_at_node)
headers[index]['X-Delete-At-Device'] = csv_append(
n_updates_needed = num_container_updates(
len(containers), quorum_size(len(containers)),
n_outgoing, policy.quorum)
container_iter = itertools.cycle(containers)
dan_iter = itertools.cycle(delete_at_nodes or [])
existing_updates = 0
while existing_updates < n_updates_needed:
index = existing_updates % n_outgoing
set_container_update(index, next(container_iter))
if delete_at_nodes:
# We reverse the index in order to distribute the updates
# across all nodes.
set_delete_at_headers(n_outgoing - 1 - index, next(dan_iter))
existing_updates += 1
# Keep the number of expirer-queue deletes to a reasonable number.
# In the best case, at least one object server writes out an
# async_pending for an expirer-queue update. In the worst case, no
# object server does so, and an expirer-queue row remains that
# refers to an already-deleted object. In this case, upon attempting
# to delete the object, the object expirer will notice that the
# object does not exist and then remove the row from the expirer
# queue.
# In other words: expirer-queue updates on object DELETE are nice to
# have, but not strictly necessary for correct operation.
# Also, each queue update results in an async_pending record, which
# causes the object updater to talk to all container servers. If we
# have N async_pendings and Rc container replicas, we cause N * Rc
# requests from object updaters to container servers (possibly more,
# depending on retries). Thus, it is helpful to keep this number
# small.
n_desired_queue_updates = 2
for i in range(len(headers)):
't' if i < n_desired_queue_updates else 'f')
return headers
def _get_conn_response(self, putter, path, logger_thread_locals,
final_phase, **kwargs):
self.logger.thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
resp = putter.await_response(
self.app.node_timeout, not final_phase)
except (Exception, Timeout):
resp = None
if final_phase:
status_type = 'final'
status_type = 'commit'
putter.node, 'Object',
'Trying to get %(status_type)s status of PUT to %(path)s' %
{'status_type': status_type, 'path': path})
return (putter, resp)
def _have_adequate_put_responses(self, statuses, num_nodes, min_responses):
Test for sufficient PUT responses from backend nodes to proceed with
PUT handling.
:param statuses: a list of response statuses.
:param num_nodes: number of backend nodes to which PUT requests may be
:param min_responses: (optional) minimum number of nodes required to
have responded with satisfactory status code.
:return: True if sufficient backend responses have returned a
satisfactory status code.
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_put_responses(self, req, putters, num_nodes, final_phase=True,
Collect object responses to a PUT request and determine if a
satisfactory number of nodes have returned success. Returns
lists of accumulated status codes, reasons, bodies and etags.
:param req: the request
:param putters: list of putters for the request
:param num_nodes: number of nodes involved
:param final_phase: boolean indicating if this is the last phase
:param min_responses: minimum needed when not requiring quorum
:return: a tuple of lists of status codes, reasons, bodies and etags.
The list of bodies and etags is only populated for the final
phase of a PUT transaction.
statuses = []
reasons = []
bodies = []
etags = set()
pile = GreenAsyncPile(len(putters))
for putter in putters:
if putter.failed:
pile.spawn(self._get_conn_response, putter, req.path,
self.logger.thread_locals, final_phase=final_phase)
def _handle_response(putter, response):
if final_phase:
body = response.read()
body = b''
if not self.app.check_response(putter.node, 'Object', response,
req.method, req.path, body):
putter.failed = True
elif is_success(response.status):
for (putter, response) in pile:
if response:
_handle_response(putter, response)
if self._have_adequate_put_responses(
statuses, num_nodes, min_responses):
putter.failed = True
# give any pending requests *some* chance to finish
finished_quickly = pile.waitall(self.app.post_quorum_timeout)
for (putter, response) in finished_quickly:
if response:
_handle_response(putter, response)
if final_phase:
while len(statuses) < num_nodes:
return statuses, reasons, bodies, etags
def _config_obj_expiration(self, req):
delete_at_container = None
delete_at_part = None
delete_at_nodes = None
req = constraints.check_delete_headers(req)
if 'x-delete-at' in req.headers:
req.headers['x-delete-at'] = normalize_delete_at_timestamp(
x_delete_at = int(req.headers['x-delete-at'])
req.environ.setdefault('swift.log_info', []).append(
'x-delete-at:%s' % x_delete_at)
delete_at_container = get_expirer_container(
x_delete_at, self.app.expiring_objects_container_divisor,
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes = \
self.app.expiring_objects_account, delete_at_container)
return req, delete_at_container, delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes
def _update_content_type(self, req):
# Sometimes the 'content-type' header exists, but is set to None.
detect_content_type = \
if detect_content_type or not req.headers.get('content-type'):
guessed_type, _junk = mimetypes.guess_type(req.path_info)
req.headers['Content-Type'] = guessed_type or \
if detect_content_type:
def _check_failure_put_connections(self, putters, req, min_conns):
Identify any failed connections and check minimum connection count.
:param putters: a list of Putter instances
:param req: request
:param min_conns: minimum number of putter connections required
if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' in req.if_none_match:
statuses = [
putter.resp.status for putter in putters if putter.resp]
# If we find any copy of the file, it shouldn't be uploaded
'Object PUT returning 412, %(statuses)r',
{'statuses': statuses})
raise HTTPPreconditionFailed(request=req)
if any(putter for putter in putters if putter.resp and
putter.resp.status == HTTP_CONFLICT):
status_times = ['%(status)s (%(timestamp)s)' % {
'status': putter.resp.status,
'timestamp': HeaderKeyDict(
'X-Backend-Timestamp', 'unknown')
} for putter in putters if putter.resp]
'Object PUT returning 202 for 409: '
'%(req_timestamp)s <= %(timestamps)r',
{'req_timestamp': req.timestamp.internal,
'timestamps': ', '.join(status_times)})
raise HTTPAccepted(request=req)
self._check_min_conn(req, putters, min_conns)
def _make_putter(self, node, part, req, headers):
Returns a putter object for handling streaming of object to object
Subclasses must implement this method.
:param node: a storage node
:param part: ring partition number
:param req: a swob Request
:param headers: request headers
:return: an instance of a Putter
raise NotImplementedError
def _connect_put_node(self, nodes, part, req, headers,
Make connection to storage nodes
Connects to the first working node that it finds in nodes iter and
sends over the request headers. Returns a Putter to handle the rest of
the streaming, or None if no working nodes were found.
:param nodes: an iterator of the target storage nodes
:param part: ring partition number
:param req: a swob Request
:param headers: request headers
:param logger_thread_locals: The thread local values to be set on the
self.logger to retain transaction
logging information.
:return: an instance of a Putter
self.logger.thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
for node in nodes:
putter = self._make_putter(node, part, req, headers)
self.app.set_node_timing(node, putter.connect_duration)
return putter
except InsufficientStorage:
self.app.error_limit(node, 'ERROR Insufficient Storage')
except PutterConnectError as e:
msg = 'ERROR %d Expect: 100-continue From Object Server'
self.app.error_occurred(node, msg % e.status)
except (Exception, Timeout):
node, 'Object',
'Expect: 100-continue on %s' %
def _get_put_connections(self, req, nodes, partition, outgoing_headers,
Establish connections to storage nodes for PUT request
obj_ring = policy.object_ring
node_iter = GreenthreadSafeIterator(
self.iter_nodes_local_first(obj_ring, partition, req,
pile = GreenPile(len(nodes))
for nheaders in outgoing_headers:
# RFC2616:8.2.3 disallows 100-continue without a body,
# so switch to chunked request
if nheaders.get('Content-Length') == '0':
nheaders['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
del nheaders['Content-Length']
nheaders['Expect'] = '100-continue'
pile.spawn(self._connect_put_node, node_iter, partition,
req, nheaders, self.logger.thread_locals)
putters = [putter for putter in pile if putter]
return putters
def _check_min_conn(self, req, putters, min_conns, msg=None):
msg = msg or ('Object PUT returning 503, %(conns)s/%(nodes)s '
'required connections')
if len(putters) < min_conns:
self.logger.error(msg, {'conns': len(putters), 'nodes': min_conns})
raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
def _get_footers(self, req):
footers = HeaderKeyDict()
footer_callback = req.environ.get(
'swift.callback.update_footers', lambda _footer: None)
return footers
def _store_object(self, req, data_source, nodes, partition,
This method is responsible for establishing connection
with storage nodes and sending the data to each one of those
nodes. The process of transferring data is specific to each
Storage Policy, thus it is required for each policy specific
ObjectController to provide their own implementation of this method.
:param req: the PUT Request
:param data_source: an iterator of the source of the data
:param nodes: an iterator of the target storage nodes
:param partition: ring partition number
:param outgoing_headers: system headers to storage nodes
:return: Response object
raise NotImplementedError()
def _delete_object(self, req, obj_ring, partition, headers,
node_count=None, node_iterator=None):
"""Delete object considering write-affinity.
When deleting object in write affinity deployment, also take configured
handoff nodes number into consideration, instead of just sending
requests to primary nodes. Otherwise (write-affinity is disabled),
go with the same way as before.
:param req: the DELETE Request
:param obj_ring: the object ring
:param partition: ring partition number
:param headers: system headers to storage nodes
:return: Response object
status_overrides = {404: 204}
resp = self.make_requests(req, obj_ring,
partition, 'DELETE', req.swift_entity_path,
headers, overrides=status_overrides,
return resp
def _post_object(self, req, obj_ring, partition, headers):
send object POST request to storage nodes.
:param req: the POST Request
:param obj_ring: the object ring
:param partition: ring partition number
:param headers: system headers to storage nodes
:return: Response object
resp = self.make_requests(req, obj_ring, partition,
'POST', req.swift_entity_path, headers)
return resp
def PUT(self, req):
"""HTTP PUT request handler."""
if req.if_none_match is not None and '*' not in req.if_none_match:
# Sending an etag with if-none-match isn't currently supported
return HTTPBadRequest(request=req, content_type='text/plain',
body='If-None-Match only supports *')
container_info = self.container_info(
self.account_name, self.container_name, req)
policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)
container_partition, container_nodes, container_path = \
self._get_update_target(req, container_info)
partition, nodes = obj_ring.get_nodes(
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
# pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
next_part_power = getattr(obj_ring, 'next_part_power', None)
if next_part_power:
req.headers['X-Backend-Next-Part-Power'] = next_part_power
req.acl = container_info['write_acl']
req.environ['swift_sync_key'] = container_info['sync_key']
# is request authorized
if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
return aresp
if not container_nodes:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
# update content type in case it is missing
# check constraints on object name and request headers
error_response = check_object_creation(req, self.object_name) or \
if error_response:
return error_response
def reader():
return req.environ['wsgi.input'].read(
except (ValueError, IOError) as e:
raise ChunkReadError(str(e))
data_source = iter(reader, b'')
# check if object is set to be automatically deleted (i.e. expired)
req, delete_at_container, delete_at_part, \
delete_at_nodes = self._config_obj_expiration(req)
# add special headers to be handled by storage nodes
outgoing_headers = self._backend_requests(
req, len(nodes), container_partition, container_nodes,
delete_at_container, delete_at_part, delete_at_nodes,
# send object to storage nodes
resp = self._store_object(
req, data_source, nodes, partition, outgoing_headers)
return resp
def DELETE(self, req):
"""HTTP DELETE request handler."""
container_info = self.container_info(
self.account_name, self.container_name, req)
# pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index',
obj_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(policy_index)
# pass the policy index to storage nodes via req header
req.headers['X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'] = policy_index
next_part_power = getattr(obj_ring, 'next_part_power', None)
if next_part_power:
req.headers['X-Backend-Next-Part-Power'] = next_part_power
container_partition, container_nodes, container_path = \
self._get_update_target(req, container_info)
req.acl = container_info['write_acl']
req.environ['swift_sync_key'] = container_info['sync_key']
if 'swift.authorize' in req.environ:
aresp = req.environ['swift.authorize'](req)
if aresp:
return aresp
if not container_nodes:
return HTTPNotFound(request=req)
partition, nodes = obj_ring.get_nodes(
self.account_name, self.container_name, self.object_name)
# Include local handoff nodes if write-affinity is enabled.
node_count = len(nodes)
node_iterator = None
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
policy_options = self.app.get_policy_options(policy)
is_local = policy_options.write_affinity_is_local_fn
if is_local is not None:
local_handoffs = policy_options.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count
if local_handoffs is None:
local_primaries = [node for node in nodes if is_local(node)]
local_handoffs = len(nodes) - len(local_primaries)
node_count += local_handoffs
node_iterator = self.iter_nodes_local_first(
obj_ring, partition, req, policy=policy,
headers = self._backend_requests(
req, node_count, container_partition, container_nodes,
return self._delete_object(req, obj_ring, partition, headers,
class ReplicatedObjectController(BaseObjectController):
def _get_or_head_response(self, req, node_iter, partition, policy):
concurrency = self.app.get_object_ring(policy.idx).replica_count \
if self.app.get_policy_options(policy).concurrent_gets else 1
resp = self.GETorHEAD_base(
req, 'Object', node_iter, partition,
req.swift_entity_path, concurrency, policy)
return resp
def _make_putter(self, node, part, req, headers):
if req.environ.get('swift.callback.update_footers'):
putter = MIMEPutter.connect(
node, part, req.swift_entity_path, headers, self.app.watchdog,
te = ',' + headers.get('Transfer-Encoding', '')
putter = Putter.connect(
node, part, req.swift_entity_path, headers, self.app.watchdog,
return putter
def _transfer_data(self, req, data_source, putters, nodes):
Transfer data for a replicated object.
This method was added in the PUT method extraction change
bytes_transferred = 0
def send_chunk(chunk):
timeout_at = time.time() + self.app.node_timeout
for putter in list(putters):
if not putter.failed:
putter.send_chunk(chunk, timeout_at=timeout_at)
req, putters, min_conns,
msg='Object PUT exceptions during send, '
'%(conns)s/%(nodes)s required connections')
min_conns = quorum_size(len(nodes))
while True:
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog,
chunk = next(data_source)
except StopIteration:
bytes_transferred += len(chunk)
if bytes_transferred > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
ml = req.message_length()
if ml and bytes_transferred < ml:
'Client disconnected without sending enough data')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
trail_md = self._get_footers(req)
for putter in putters:
# send any footers set by middleware
req, [p for p in putters if not p.failed], min_conns,
msg='Object PUT exceptions after last send, '
'%(conns)s/%(nodes)s required connections')
except ChunkReadTimeout as err:
'ERROR Client read timeout (%ss)', err.seconds)
raise HTTPRequestTimeout(request=req)
except HTTPException:
except ChunkReadError:
'Client disconnected without sending last chunk')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
except Timeout:
'ERROR Exception causing client disconnect')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
except Exception:
'ERROR Exception transferring data to object servers %s',
{'path': req.path})
raise HTTPInternalServerError(request=req)
def _have_adequate_put_responses(self, statuses, num_nodes, min_responses):
return self.have_quorum(statuses, num_nodes)
def _store_object(self, req, data_source, nodes, partition,
Store a replicated object.
This method is responsible for establishing connection
with storage nodes and sending object to each one of those
nodes. After sending the data, the "best" response will be
returned based on statuses from all connections
policy_index = req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index')
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
if not nodes:
return HTTPNotFound()
putters = self._get_put_connections(
req, nodes, partition, outgoing_headers, policy)
min_conns = quorum_size(len(nodes))
# check that a minimum number of connections were established and
# meet all the correct conditions set in the request
self._check_failure_put_connections(putters, req, min_conns)
# transfer data
self._transfer_data(req, data_source, putters, nodes)
# get responses
statuses, reasons, bodies, etags = \
self._get_put_responses(req, putters, len(nodes))
except HTTPException as resp:
return resp
for putter in putters:
if len(etags) > 1:
'Object servers returned %s mismatched etags', len(etags))
return HTTPServerError(request=req)
etag = etags.pop() if len(etags) else None
resp = self.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies,
'Object PUT', etag=etag)
resp.last_modified = Timestamp(req.headers['X-Timestamp']).ceil()
return resp
class ECAppIter(object):
WSGI iterable that decodes EC fragment archives (or portions thereof)
into the original object (or portions thereof).
:param path: object's path, sans v1 (e.g. /a/c/o)
:param policy: storage policy for this object
:param internal_parts_iters: list of the response-document-parts
iterators for the backend GET responses. For an M+K erasure code,
the caller must supply M such iterables.
:param range_specs: list of dictionaries describing the ranges requested
by the client. Each dictionary contains the start and end of the
client's requested byte range as well as the start and end of the EC
segments containing that byte range.
:param fa_length: length of the fragment archive, in bytes, if the
response is a 200. If it's a 206, then this is ignored.
:param obj_length: length of the object, in bytes. Learned from the
headers in the GET response from the object server.
:param logger: a logger
def __init__(self, path, policy, internal_parts_iters, range_specs,
fa_length, obj_length, logger):
self.path = path
self.policy = policy
self.internal_parts_iters = internal_parts_iters
self.range_specs = range_specs
self.fa_length = fa_length
self.obj_length = obj_length if obj_length is not None else 0
self.boundary = b''
self.logger = logger
self.mime_boundary = None
self.learned_content_type = None
self.stashed_iter = None
def close(self):
# close down the stashed iter first so the ContextPool can
# cleanup the frag queue feeding coros that may be currently
# executing the internal_parts_iters.
if self.stashed_iter:
sleep() # Give the per-frag threads a chance to clean up
for it in self.internal_parts_iters:
def kickoff(self, req, resp):
Start pulling data from the backends so that we can learn things like
the real Content-Type that might only be in the multipart/byteranges
response body. Update our response accordingly.
Also, this is the first point at which we can learn the MIME
boundary that our response has in the headers. We grab that so we
can also use it in the body.
:returns: None
:raises HTTPException: on error
self.mime_boundary = resp.boundary
self.stashed_iter = reiterate(self._real_iter(req, resp.headers))
except Exception:
if self.learned_content_type is not None:
resp.content_type = self.learned_content_type
resp.content_length = self.obj_length
def _next_ranges(self):
# Each FA part should have approximately the same headers. We really
# only care about Content-Range and Content-Type, and that'll be the
# same for all the different FAs.
for part_infos in zip(*self.internal_parts_iters):
frag_iters = [pi['part_iter'] for pi in part_infos]
headers = HeaderKeyDict(part_infos[0]['headers'])
yield headers, frag_iters
def _actual_range(self, req_start, req_end, entity_length):
# Takes 3 args: (requested-first-byte, requested-last-byte,
# actual-length).
# Returns a 3-tuple (first-byte, last-byte, satisfiable).
# It is possible to get (None, None, True). This means that the last
# N>0 bytes of a 0-byte object were requested, and we are able to
# satisfy that request by returning nothing.
rng = Range("bytes=%s-%s" % (
req_start if req_start is not None else '',
req_end if req_end is not None else ''))
except ValueError:
return (None, None, False)
rfl = rng.ranges_for_length(entity_length)
if rfl and entity_length == 0:
return (None, None, True)
elif not rfl:
return (None, None, False)
# ranges_for_length() adds 1 to the last byte's position
# because webob once made a mistake
return (rfl[0][0], rfl[0][1] - 1, True)
def _fill_out_range_specs_from_obj_length(self, range_specs):
# Add a few fields to each range spec:
# * resp_client_start, resp_client_end: the actual bytes that will
# be delivered to the client for the requested range. This may
# differ from the requested bytes if, say, the requested range
# overlaps the end of the object.
# * resp_segment_start, resp_segment_end: the actual offsets of the
# segments that will be decoded for the requested range. These
# differ from resp_client_start/end in that these are aligned
# to segment boundaries, while resp_client_start/end are not
# necessarily so.
# * satisfiable: a boolean indicating whether the range is
# satisfiable or not (i.e. the requested range overlaps the
# object in at least one byte).
# This is kept separate from _fill_out_range_specs_from_fa_length()
# because this computation can be done with just the response
# headers from the object servers (in particular
# X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length), while the computation in
# _fill_out_range_specs_from_fa_length() requires the beginnings of
# the response bodies.
for spec in range_specs:
cstart, cend, csat = self._actual_range(
spec['resp_client_start'] = cstart
spec['resp_client_end'] = cend
spec['satisfiable'] = csat
sstart, send, _junk = self._actual_range(
seg_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size
if (spec['req_segment_start'] is None and
sstart is not None and
sstart % seg_size != 0):
# Segment start may, in the case of a suffix request, need
# to be rounded up (not down!) to the nearest segment boundary.
# This reflects the trimming of leading garbage (partial
# fragments) from the retrieved fragments.
sstart += seg_size - (sstart % seg_size)
spec['resp_segment_start'] = sstart
spec['resp_segment_end'] = send
def _fill_out_range_specs_from_fa_length(self, fa_length, range_specs):
# Add two fields to each range spec:
# * resp_fragment_start, resp_fragment_end: the start and end of
# the fragments that compose this byterange. These values are
# aligned to fragment boundaries.
# This way, ECAppIter has the knowledge it needs to correlate
# response byteranges with requested ones for when some byteranges
# are omitted from the response entirely and also to put the right
# Content-Range headers in a multipart/byteranges response.
for spec in range_specs:
fstart, fend, _junk = self._actual_range(
spec['resp_fragment_start'] = fstart
spec['resp_fragment_end'] = fend
def __iter__(self):
if self.stashed_iter is not None:
return self
raise ValueError("Failed to call kickoff() before __iter__()")
def __next__(self):
return next(self.stashed_iter)
next = __next__ # py2
def _real_iter(self, req, resp_headers):
if not self.range_specs:
client_asked_for_range = False
range_specs = [{
'req_client_start': 0,
'req_client_end': (None if self.obj_length is None
else self.obj_length - 1),
'resp_client_start': 0,
'resp_client_end': (None if self.obj_length is None
else self.obj_length - 1),
'req_segment_start': 0,
'req_segment_end': (None if self.obj_length is None
else self.obj_length - 1),
'resp_segment_start': 0,
'resp_segment_end': (None if self.obj_length is None
else self.obj_length - 1),
'req_fragment_start': 0,
'req_fragment_end': self.fa_length - 1,
'resp_fragment_start': 0,
'resp_fragment_end': self.fa_length - 1,
'satisfiable': self.obj_length > 0,
client_asked_for_range = True
range_specs = self.range_specs
multipart = (len([rs for rs in range_specs if rs['satisfiable']]) > 1)
# Multipart responses are not required to be in the same order as
# the Range header; the parts may be in any order the server wants.
# Further, if multiple ranges are requested and only some are
# satisfiable, then only the satisfiable ones appear in the response
# at all. Thus, we cannot simply iterate over range_specs in order;
# we must use the Content-Range header from each part to figure out
# what we've been given.
# We do, however, make the assumption that all the object-server
# responses have their ranges in the same order. Otherwise, a
# streaming decode would be impossible.
def convert_ranges_iter():
seen_first_headers = False
ranges_for_resp = {}
for headers, frag_iters in self._next_ranges():
content_type = headers['Content-Type']
content_range = headers.get('Content-Range')
if content_range is not None:
fa_start, fa_end, fa_length = parse_content_range(
elif self.fa_length <= 0:
fa_start = None
fa_end = None
fa_length = 0
fa_start = 0
fa_end = self.fa_length - 1
fa_length = self.fa_length
if not seen_first_headers:
# This is the earliest we can possibly do this. On a
# 200 or 206-single-byterange response, we can learn
# the FA's length from the HTTP response headers.
# However, on a 206-multiple-byteranges response, we
# don't learn it until the first part of the
# response body, in the headers of the first MIME
# part.
# Similarly, the content type of a
# 206-multiple-byteranges response is
# "multipart/byteranges", not the object's actual
# content type.
fa_length, range_specs)
satisfiable = False
for range_spec in range_specs:
satisfiable |= range_spec['satisfiable']
key = (range_spec['resp_fragment_start'],
ranges_for_resp.setdefault(key, []).append(range_spec)
# The client may have asked for an unsatisfiable set of
# ranges, but when converted to fragments, the object
# servers see it as satisfiable. For example, imagine a
# request for bytes 800-900 of a 750-byte object with a
# 1024-byte segment size. The object servers will see a
# request for bytes 0-${fragsize-1}, and that's
# satisfiable, so they return 206. It's not until we
# learn the object size that we can check for this
# condition.
# Note that some unsatisfiable ranges *will* be caught
# by the object servers, like bytes 1800-1900 of a
# 100-byte object with 1024-byte segments. That's not
# what we're dealing with here, though.
if client_asked_for_range and not satisfiable:
'swift.non_client_disconnect'] = True
raise HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(
request=req, headers=resp_headers)
self.learned_content_type = content_type
seen_first_headers = True
range_spec = ranges_for_resp[(fa_start, fa_end)].pop(0)
seg_iter = self._decode_segments_from_fragments(frag_iters)
if not range_spec['satisfiable']:
# This'll be small; just a single small segment. Discard
# it.
for x in seg_iter:
byterange_iter = self._iter_one_range(range_spec, seg_iter)
converted = {
"start_byte": range_spec["resp_client_start"],
"end_byte": range_spec["resp_client_end"],
"content_type": content_type,
"part_iter": byterange_iter}
if self.obj_length is not None:
converted["entity_length"] = self.obj_length
yield converted
return document_iters_to_http_response_body(
convert_ranges_iter(), self.mime_boundary, multipart, self.logger)
def _iter_one_range(self, range_spec, segment_iter):
client_start = range_spec['resp_client_start']
client_end = range_spec['resp_client_end']
segment_start = range_spec['resp_segment_start']
segment_end = range_spec['resp_segment_end']
# It's entirely possible that the client asked for a range that
# includes some bytes we have and some we don't; for example, a
# range of bytes 1000-20000000 on a 1500-byte object.
segment_end = (min(segment_end, self.obj_length - 1)
if segment_end is not None
else self.obj_length - 1)
client_end = (min(client_end, self.obj_length - 1)
if client_end is not None
else self.obj_length - 1)
if segment_start is None:
num_segments = 0
start_overrun = 0
end_overrun = 0
num_segments = int(
math.ceil(float(segment_end + 1 - segment_start)
/ self.policy.ec_segment_size))
# We get full segments here, but the client may have requested a
# byte range that begins or ends in the middle of a segment.
# Thus, we have some amount of overrun (extra decoded bytes)
# that we trim off so the client gets exactly what they
# requested.
start_overrun = client_start - segment_start
end_overrun = segment_end - client_end
for i, next_seg in enumerate(segment_iter):
# We may have a start_overrun of more than one segment in
# the case of suffix-byte-range requests. However, we never
# have an end_overrun of more than one segment.
if start_overrun > 0:
seglen = len(next_seg)
if seglen <= start_overrun:
start_overrun -= seglen
next_seg = next_seg[start_overrun:]
start_overrun = 0
if i == (num_segments - 1) and end_overrun:
next_seg = next_seg[:-end_overrun]
yield next_seg
def _decode_segments_from_fragments(self, fragment_iters):
# Decodes the fragments from the object servers and yields one
# segment at a time.
queues = [Queue(1) for _junk in range(len(fragment_iters))]
def put_fragments_in_queue(frag_iter, queue, logger_thread_locals):
self.logger.thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
for fragment in frag_iter:
if fragment.startswith(b' '):
raise Exception('Leading whitespace on fragment.')
except GreenletExit:
# killed by contextpool
except ChunkReadTimeout:
# unable to resume in ECFragGetter
"ChunkReadTimeout fetching fragments for %r",
except ChunkWriteTimeout:
# slow client disconnect
"ChunkWriteTimeout fetching fragments for %r",
except: # noqa
self.logger.exception("Exception fetching fragments for %r",
queue.resize(2) # ensure there's room
segments_decoded = 0
with ContextPool(len(fragment_iters)) as pool:
for frag_iter, queue in zip(fragment_iters, queues):
pool.spawn(put_fragments_in_queue, frag_iter, queue,
while True:
fragments = []
for queue in queues:
fragment = queue.get()
# If any object server connection yields out a None; we're
# done. Either they are all None, and we've finished
# successfully; or some un-recoverable failure has left us
# with an un-reconstructible list of fragments - so we'll
# break out of the iter so WSGI can tear down the broken
# connection.
frags_with_data = sum([1 for f in fragments if f])
if frags_with_data < len(fragments):
if frags_with_data > 0:
'Un-recoverable fragment rebuild. Only received '
'%d/%d fragments for %r', frags_with_data,
len(fragments), quote(self.path))
segment = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.decode(fragments)
except ECDriverError as err:
"Error decoding fragments for %r. "
"Segments decoded: %d, "
"Lengths: [%s]: %s" % (
quote(self.path), segments_decoded,
', '.join(map(str, map(len, fragments))),
segments_decoded += 1
yield segment
def app_iter_range(self, start, end):
return self
def app_iter_ranges(self, ranges, content_type, boundary, content_size):
return self
def client_range_to_segment_range(client_start, client_end, segment_size):
Takes a byterange from the client and converts it into a byterange
spanning the necessary segments.
Handles prefix, suffix, and fully-specified byte ranges.
client_range_to_segment_range(100, 700, 512) = (0, 1023)
client_range_to_segment_range(100, 700, 256) = (0, 767)
client_range_to_segment_range(300, None, 256) = (256, None)
:param client_start: first byte of the range requested by the client
:param client_end: last byte of the range requested by the client
:param segment_size: size of an EC segment, in bytes
:returns: a 2-tuple (seg_start, seg_end) where
* seg_start is the first byte of the first segment, or None if this is
a suffix byte range
* seg_end is the last byte of the last segment, or None if this is a
prefix byte range
# the index of the first byte of the first segment
segment_start = (
int(client_start // segment_size)
* segment_size) if client_start is not None else None
# the index of the last byte of the last segment
segment_end = (
# bytes M-
None if client_end is None else
# bytes M-N
(((int(client_end // segment_size) + 1)
* segment_size) - 1) if client_start is not None else
# bytes -N: we get some extra bytes to make sure we
# have all we need.
# To see why, imagine a 100-byte segment size, a
# 340-byte object, and a request for the last 50
# bytes. Naively requesting the last 100 bytes would
# result in a truncated first segment and hence a
# truncated download. (Of course, the actual
# obj-server requests are for fragments, not
# segments, but that doesn't change the
# calculation.)
# This does mean that we fetch an extra segment if
# the object size is an exact multiple of the
# segment size. It's a little wasteful, but it's
# better to be a little wasteful than to get some
# range requests completely wrong.
float(client_end) / segment_size) + 1)) # nsegs
* segment_size))
return (segment_start, segment_end)
def segment_range_to_fragment_range(segment_start, segment_end, segment_size,
Takes a byterange spanning some segments and converts that into a
byterange spanning the corresponding fragments within their fragment
Handles prefix, suffix, and fully-specified byte ranges.
:param segment_start: first byte of the first segment
:param segment_end: last byte of the last segment
:param segment_size: size of an EC segment, in bytes
:param fragment_size: size of an EC fragment, in bytes
:returns: a 2-tuple (frag_start, frag_end) where
* frag_start is the first byte of the first fragment, or None if this
is a suffix byte range
* frag_end is the last byte of the last fragment, or None if this is a
prefix byte range
# Note: segment_start and (segment_end + 1) are
# multiples of segment_size, so we don't have to worry
# about integer math giving us rounding troubles.
# There's a whole bunch of +1 and -1 in here; that's because HTTP wants
# byteranges to be inclusive of the start and end, so e.g. bytes 200-300
# is a range containing 101 bytes. Python has half-inclusive ranges, of
# course, so we have to convert back and forth. We try to keep things in
# HTTP-style byteranges for consistency.
# the index of the first byte of the first fragment
fragment_start = ((
segment_start // segment_size * fragment_size)
if segment_start is not None else None)
# the index of the last byte of the last fragment
fragment_end = (
# range unbounded on the right
None if segment_end is None else
# range unbounded on the left; no -1 since we're
# asking for the last N bytes, not to have a
# particular byte be the last one
((segment_end + 1) // segment_size
* fragment_size) if segment_start is None else
# range bounded on both sides; the -1 is because the
# rest of the expression computes the length of the
# fragment, and a range of N bytes starts at index M
# and ends at M + N - 1.
((segment_end + 1) // segment_size * fragment_size) - 1)
return (fragment_start, fragment_end)
class Putter(object):
Putter for backend PUT requests.
Encapsulates all the actions required to establish a connection with a
storage node and stream data to that node.
:param conn: an HTTPConnection instance
:param node: dict describing storage node
:param resp: an HTTPResponse instance if connect() received final response
:param path: the object path to send to the storage node
:param connect_duration: time taken to initiate the HTTPConnection
:param watchdog: a spawned Watchdog instance that will enforce timeouts
:param write_timeout: time limit to write a chunk to the connection socket
:param send_exception_handler: callback called when an exception occured
writing to the connection socket
:param logger: a Logger instance
:param chunked: boolean indicating if the request encoding is chunked
def __init__(self, conn, node, resp, path, connect_duration, watchdog,
write_timeout, send_exception_handler, logger,
# Note: you probably want to call Putter.connect() instead of
# instantiating one of these directly.
self.conn = conn
self.node = node
self.resp = self.final_resp = resp
self.path = path
self.connect_duration = connect_duration
self.watchdog = watchdog
self.write_timeout = write_timeout
self.send_exception_handler = send_exception_handler
# for handoff nodes node_index is None
self.node_index = node.get('index')
self.failed = False
self.state = NO_DATA_SENT
self.chunked = chunked
self.logger = logger
def await_response(self, timeout, informational=False):
Get 100-continue response indicating the end of 1st phase of a 2-phase
commit or the final response, i.e. the one with status >= 200.
Might or might not actually wait for anything. If we said Expect:
100-continue but got back a non-100 response, that'll be the thing
returned, and we won't do any network IO to get it. OTOH, if we got
a 100 Continue response and sent up the PUT request's body, then
we'll actually read the 2xx-5xx response off the network here.
:param timeout: time to wait for a response
:param informational: if True then try to get a 100-continue response,
otherwise try to get a final response.
:returns: HTTPResponse
:raises Timeout: if the response took too long
# don't do this update of self.resp if the Expect response during
# connect() was actually a final response
if not self.final_resp:
with Timeout(timeout):
if informational:
self.resp = self.conn.getexpect()
self.resp = self.conn.getresponse()
return self.resp
def _start_object_data(self):
# Called immediately before the first chunk of object data is sent.
# Subclasses may implement custom behaviour
def send_chunk(self, chunk, timeout_at=None):
if not chunk:
# If we're not using chunked transfer-encoding, sending a 0-byte
# chunk is just wasteful. If we *are* using chunked
# transfer-encoding, sending a 0-byte chunk terminates the
# request body. Neither one of these is good.
elif self.state == DATA_SENT:
raise ValueError("called send_chunk after end_of_object_data")
if self.state == NO_DATA_SENT:
self.state = SENDING_DATA
self._send_chunk(chunk, timeout_at=timeout_at)
def end_of_object_data(self, **kwargs):
Call when there is no more data to send.
if self.state == DATA_SENT:
raise ValueError("called end_of_object_data twice")
self.state = DATA_SENT
def _send_chunk(self, chunk, timeout_at=None):
if not self.failed:
if self.chunked:
to_send = b"%x\r\n%s\r\n" % (len(chunk), chunk)
to_send = chunk
with WatchdogTimeout(self.watchdog, self.write_timeout,
ChunkWriteTimeout, timeout_at=timeout_at):
except (Exception, ChunkWriteTimeout):
self.failed = True
self.send_exception_handler(self.node, 'Object',
'Trying to write to %s'
% quote(self.path))
def close(self):
# release reference to response to ensure connection really does close,
# see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/1594739
self.resp = self.final_resp = None
def _make_connection(cls, node, part, path, headers, conn_timeout,
ip, port = get_ip_port(node, headers)
start_time = time.time()
with ConnectionTimeout(conn_timeout):
conn = http_connect(ip, port, node['device'],
part, 'PUT', path, headers)
connect_duration = time.time() - start_time
with ResponseTimeout(node_timeout):
resp = conn.getexpect()
raise InsufficientStorage
if is_server_error(resp.status):
raise PutterConnectError(resp.status)
final_resp = None
if (is_success(resp.status) or
(headers.get('If-None-Match', None) is not None and
final_resp = resp
return conn, resp, final_resp, connect_duration
def connect(cls, node, part, path, headers, watchdog, conn_timeout,
node_timeout, write_timeout, send_exception_handler,
logger=None, chunked=False, **kwargs):
Connect to a backend node and send the headers.
:returns: Putter instance
:raises ConnectionTimeout: if initial connection timed out
:raises ResponseTimeout: if header retrieval timed out
:raises InsufficientStorage: on 507 response from node
:raises PutterConnectError: on non-507 server error response from node
conn, expect_resp, final_resp, connect_duration = cls._make_connection(
node, part, path, headers, conn_timeout, node_timeout)
return cls(conn, node, final_resp, path, connect_duration, watchdog,
write_timeout, send_exception_handler, logger,
class MIMEPutter(Putter):
Putter for backend PUT requests that use MIME.
This is here mostly to wrap up the fact that all multipart PUTs are
chunked because of the mime boundary footer trick and the first
half of the two-phase PUT conversation handling.
An HTTP PUT request that supports streaming.
def __init__(self, conn, node, resp, req, connect_duration, watchdog,
write_timeout, send_exception_handler, logger, mime_boundary,
super(MIMEPutter, self).__init__(conn, node, resp, req,
connect_duration, watchdog,
write_timeout, send_exception_handler,
# Note: you probably want to call MimePutter.connect() instead of
# instantiating one of these directly.
self.chunked = True # MIME requests always send chunked body
self.mime_boundary = mime_boundary
self.multiphase = multiphase
def _start_object_data(self):
# We're sending the object plus other stuff in the same request
# body, all wrapped up in multipart MIME, so we'd better start
# off the MIME document before sending any object data.
self._send_chunk(b"--%s\r\nX-Document: object body\r\n\r\n" %
def end_of_object_data(self, footer_metadata=None):
Call when there is no more data to send.
Overrides superclass implementation to send any footer metadata
after object data.
:param footer_metadata: dictionary of metadata items
to be sent as footers.
if self.state == DATA_SENT:
raise ValueError("called end_of_object_data twice")
elif self.state == NO_DATA_SENT and self.mime_boundary:
footer_body = json.dumps(footer_metadata).encode('ascii')
footer_md5 = md5(
footer_body, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest().encode('ascii')
tail_boundary = (b"--%s" % (self.mime_boundary,))
if not self.multiphase:
# this will be the last part sent
tail_boundary = tail_boundary + b"--"
message_parts = [
(b"\r\n--%s\r\n" % self.mime_boundary),
b"X-Document: object metadata\r\n",
b"Content-MD5: %s\r\n" % footer_md5,
footer_body, b"\r\n",
tail_boundary, b"\r\n",
self.state = DATA_SENT
def send_commit_confirmation(self):
Call when there are > quorum 2XX responses received. Send commit
confirmations to all object nodes to finalize the PUT.
if not self.multiphase:
raise ValueError(
"called send_commit_confirmation but multiphase is False")
if self.state == COMMIT_SENT:
raise ValueError("called send_commit_confirmation twice")
self.state = DATA_ACKED
if self.mime_boundary:
body = b"put_commit_confirmation"
tail_boundary = (b"--%s--" % (self.mime_boundary,))
message_parts = [
b"X-Document: put commit\r\n",
body, b"\r\n",
self.state = COMMIT_SENT
def connect(cls, node, part, req, headers, watchdog, conn_timeout,
node_timeout, write_timeout, send_exception_handler,
logger=None, need_multiphase=True, **kwargs):
Connect to a backend node and send the headers.
Override superclass method to notify object of need for support for
multipart body with footers and optionally multiphase commit, and
verify object server's capabilities.
:param need_multiphase: if True then multiphase support is required of
the object server
:raises FooterNotSupported: if need_metadata_footer is set but
backend node can't process footers
:raises MultiphasePUTNotSupported: if need_multiphase is set but
backend node can't handle multiphase PUT
mime_boundary = b"%.64x" % random.randint(0, 16 ** 64)
headers = HeaderKeyDict(headers)
# when using a multipart mime request to backend the actual
# content-length is not equal to the object content size, so move the
# object content size to X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length if that has not
# already been set by the EC PUT path.
headers.pop('Content-Length', None))
# We're going to be adding some unknown amount of data to the
# request, so we can't use an explicit content length, and thus
# we must use chunked encoding.
headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
headers['Expect'] = '100-continue'
headers['X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary'] = mime_boundary
headers['X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer'] = 'yes'
if need_multiphase:
headers['X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit'] = 'yes'
conn, expect_resp, final_resp, connect_duration = cls._make_connection(
node, part, req, headers, conn_timeout, node_timeout)
if is_informational(expect_resp.status):
continue_headers = HeaderKeyDict(expect_resp.getheaders())
can_send_metadata_footer = config_true_value(
continue_headers.get('X-Obj-Metadata-Footer', 'no'))
can_handle_multiphase_put = config_true_value(
continue_headers.get('X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit', 'no'))
if not can_send_metadata_footer:
raise FooterNotSupported()
if need_multiphase and not can_handle_multiphase_put:
raise MultiphasePUTNotSupported()
return cls(conn, node, final_resp, req, connect_duration, watchdog,
write_timeout, send_exception_handler, logger,
mime_boundary, multiphase=need_multiphase)
def chunk_transformer(policy):
A generator to transform a source chunk to erasure coded chunks for each
`send` call. The number of erasure coded chunks is as
segment_size = policy.ec_segment_size
buf = collections.deque()
total_buf_len = 0
chunk = yield
while chunk:
total_buf_len += len(chunk)
if total_buf_len >= segment_size:
chunks_to_encode = []
# extract as many chunks as we can from the input buffer
while total_buf_len >= segment_size:
to_take = segment_size
pieces = []
while to_take > 0:
piece = buf.popleft()
if len(piece) > to_take:
piece = piece[:to_take]
to_take -= len(piece)
total_buf_len -= len(piece)
frags_by_byte_order = []
for chunk_to_encode in chunks_to_encode:
# Sequential calls to encode() have given us a list that
# looks like this:
# [[frag_A1, frag_B1, frag_C1, ...],
# [frag_A2, frag_B2, frag_C2, ...], ...]
# What we need is a list like this:
# [(frag_A1 + frag_A2 + ...), # destined for node A
# (frag_B1 + frag_B2 + ...), # destined for node B
# (frag_C1 + frag_C2 + ...), # destined for node C
# ...]
obj_data = [b''.join(frags)
for frags in zip(*frags_by_byte_order)]
chunk = yield obj_data
# didn't have enough data to encode
chunk = yield None
# Now we've gotten an empty chunk, which indicates end-of-input.
# Take any leftover bytes and encode them.
last_bytes = b''.join(buf)
if last_bytes:
last_frags = policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(last_bytes)
yield last_frags
yield [b''] * policy.ec_n_unique_fragments
def trailing_metadata(policy, client_obj_hasher,
return HeaderKeyDict({
# etag and size values are being added twice here.
# The container override header is used to update the container db
# with these values as they represent the correct etag and size for
# the whole object and not just the FA.
# The object sysmeta headers will be saved on each FA of the object.
'X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-Etag': client_obj_hasher.hexdigest(),
# older style x-backend-container-update-override-* headers are used
# here (rather than x-object-sysmeta-container-update-override-*
# headers) for backwards compatibility: the request may be to an object
# server that has not yet been upgraded to accept the newer style
# x-object-sysmeta-container-update-override- headers.
'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': str(fragment_archive_index),
# These fields are for debuggability,
# AKA "what is this thing?"
'X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-Scheme': policy.ec_scheme_description,
'X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-Segment-Size': str(policy.ec_segment_size),
class ECGetResponseBucket(object):
A helper class to encapsulate the properties of buckets in which fragment
getters and alternate nodes are collected.
def __init__(self, policy, timestamp):
:param policy: an instance of ECStoragePolicy
:param timestamp: a Timestamp, or None for a bucket of error responses
self.policy = policy
self.timestamp = timestamp
# if no timestamp when init'd then the bucket will update its timestamp
# as responses are added
self.update_timestamp = timestamp is None
self.gets = collections.defaultdict(list)
self.alt_nodes = collections.defaultdict(list)
self._durable = False
self.status = self.headers = None
def set_durable(self):
self._durable = True
def durable(self):
return self._durable
def add_response(self, getter, parts_iter):
Add another response to this bucket. Response buckets can be for
fragments with the same timestamp, or for errors with the same status.
headers = getter.last_headers
timestamp_str = headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp',
if timestamp_str and self.update_timestamp:
# 404s will keep the most recent timestamp
self.timestamp = max(Timestamp(timestamp_str), self.timestamp)
if not self.gets:
# stash first set of backend headers, which will be used to
# populate a client response
self.status = getter.last_status
# TODO: each bucket is for a single *data* timestamp, but sources
# in the same bucket may have different *metadata* timestamps if
# some backends have more recent .meta files than others. Currently
# we just use the last received metadata headers - this behavior is
# ok and is consistent with a replication policy GET which
# similarly does not attempt to find the backend with the most
# recent metadata. We could alternatively choose to the *newest*
# metadata headers for self.headers by selecting the source with
# the latest X-Timestamp.
self.headers = headers
elif headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag') != \
# Fragments at the same timestamp with different etags are never
# expected and error buckets shouldn't have this header. If somehow
# this happens then ignore those responses to avoid mixing
# fragments that will not reconstruct otherwise an exception from
# pyeclib is almost certain.
raise ValueError("ETag mismatch")
frag_index = headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index')
frag_index = int(frag_index) if frag_index is not None else None
self.gets[frag_index].append((getter, parts_iter))
def get_responses(self):
Return a list of all useful sources. Where there are multiple sources
associated with the same frag_index then only one is included.
:return: a list of sources, each source being a tuple of form
(ECFragGetter, iter)
all_sources = []
for frag_index, sources in self.gets.items():
if frag_index is None:
# bad responses don't have a frag_index (and fake good
# responses from some unit tests)
return all_sources
def add_alternate_nodes(self, node, frag_indexes):
for frag_index in frag_indexes:
def shortfall(self):
The number of additional responses needed to complete this bucket;
typically (ndata - resp_count).
If the bucket has no durable responses, shortfall is extended out to
replica count to ensure the proxy makes additional primary requests.
resp_count = len(self.get_responses())
if self.durable or self.status == HTTP_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE:
return max(self.policy.ec_ndata - resp_count, 0)
alt_count = min(self.policy.object_ring.replica_count - resp_count,
return max([1, self.policy.ec_ndata - resp_count, alt_count])
def shortfall_with_alts(self):
# The shortfall that we expect to have if we were to send requests
# for frags on the alt nodes.
alts = set(self.alt_nodes.keys()).difference(set(self.gets.keys()))
result = self.policy.ec_ndata - (len(self.get_responses()) + len(alts))
return max(result, 0)
def close_conns(self):
Close bucket's responses; they won't be used for a client response.
for getter, frag_iter in self.get_responses():
if getattr(getter.source, 'swift_conn', None):
def __str__(self):
# return a string summarising bucket state, useful for debugging.
return '<%s, %s, %s, %s(%s), %s>' \
% (self.timestamp.internal, self.status, self._durable,
self.shortfall, self.shortfall_with_alts, len(self.gets))
class ECGetResponseCollection(object):
Manages all successful EC GET responses gathered by ECFragGetters.
A response comprises a tuple of (<getter instance>, <parts iterator>). All
responses having the same data timestamp are placed in an
ECGetResponseBucket for that timestamp. The buckets are stored in the
'buckets' dict which maps timestamp-> bucket.
This class encapsulates logic for selecting the best bucket from the
collection, and for choosing alternate nodes.
def __init__(self, policy):
:param policy: an instance of ECStoragePolicy
self.policy = policy
self.buckets = {}
self.default_bad_bucket = ECGetResponseBucket(self.policy, None)
self.bad_buckets = {}
self.node_iter_count = 0
def _get_bucket(self, timestamp):
:param timestamp: a Timestamp
:return: ECGetResponseBucket for given timestamp
return self.buckets.setdefault(
timestamp, ECGetResponseBucket(self.policy, timestamp))
def _get_bad_bucket(self, status):
:param status: a representation of status
:return: ECGetResponseBucket for given status
return self.bad_buckets.setdefault(
status, ECGetResponseBucket(self.policy, None))
def add_response(self, get, parts_iter):
Add a response to the collection.
:param get: An instance of
:param parts_iter: An iterator over response body parts
:raises ValueError: if the response etag or status code values do not
match any values previously received for the same timestamp
if is_success(get.last_status):
self.add_good_response(get, parts_iter)
self.add_bad_resp(get, parts_iter)
def add_bad_resp(self, get, parts_iter):
bad_bucket = self._get_bad_bucket(get.last_status)
bad_bucket.add_response(get, parts_iter)
def add_good_response(self, get, parts_iter):
headers = get.last_headers
# Add the response to the appropriate bucket keyed by data file
# timestamp. Fall back to using X-Backend-Timestamp as key for object
# servers that have not been upgraded.
t_data_file = headers.get('X-Backend-Data-Timestamp')
t_obj = headers.get('X-Backend-Timestamp', headers.get('X-Timestamp'))
if t_data_file:
timestamp = Timestamp(t_data_file)
elif t_obj:
timestamp = Timestamp(t_obj)
# Don't think this should ever come up in practice,
# but tests cover it
timestamp = None
self._get_bucket(timestamp).add_response(get, parts_iter)
# The node may also have alternate fragments indexes (possibly at
# different timestamps). For each list of alternate fragments indexes,
# find the bucket for their data file timestamp and add the node and
# list to that bucket's alternate nodes.
frag_sets = safe_json_loads(headers.get('X-Backend-Fragments')) or {}
for t_frag, frag_set in frag_sets.items():
t_frag = Timestamp(t_frag)
self._get_bucket(t_frag).add_alternate_nodes(get.node, frag_set)
# If the response includes a durable timestamp then mark that bucket as
# durable. Note that this may be a different bucket than the one this
# response got added to, and that we may never go and get a durable
# frag from this node; it is sufficient that we have been told that a
# durable frag exists, somewhere, at t_durable.
t_durable = headers.get('X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp')
if not t_durable and not t_data_file:
# obj server not upgraded so assume this response's frag is durable
t_durable = t_obj
if t_durable:
def _sort_buckets(self):
def key_fn(bucket):
# Returns a tuple to use for sort ordering:
# durable buckets with no shortfall sort higher,
# then durable buckets with no shortfall_with_alts,
# then non-durable buckets with no shortfall,
# otherwise buckets with lowest shortfall_with_alts sort higher,
# finally buckets with newer timestamps sort higher.
return (bucket.durable,
bucket.shortfall <= 0,
-1 * bucket.shortfall_with_alts,
return sorted(self.buckets.values(), key=key_fn, reverse=True)
def best_bucket(self):
Return the "best" bucket in the collection.
The "best" bucket is the newest timestamp with sufficient getters, or
the closest to having sufficient getters, unless it is bettered by a
bucket with potential alternate nodes.
If there are no good buckets we return the "least_bad" bucket.
:return: An instance of :class:`~ECGetResponseBucket` or None if there
are no buckets in the collection.
sorted_buckets = self._sort_buckets()
for bucket in sorted_buckets:
# tombstones will set bad_bucket.timestamp
not_found_bucket = self.bad_buckets.get(404)
if not_found_bucket and not_found_bucket.timestamp and \
bucket.timestamp < not_found_bucket.timestamp:
# "good bucket" is trumped by newer tombstone
return bucket
return self.least_bad_bucket
def choose_best_bucket(self):
best_bucket = self.best_bucket
# it's now or never -- close down any other requests
for bucket in self.buckets.values():
if bucket is best_bucket:
return best_bucket
def least_bad_bucket(self):
Return the bad_bucket with the smallest shortfall
if all(status == 404 for status in self.bad_buckets):
# NB: also covers an empty self.bad_buckets
return self.default_bad_bucket
# we want "enough" 416s to prevent "extra" requests - but we keep
# digging on 404s
short, status = min((bucket.shortfall, status)
for status, bucket in self.bad_buckets.items()
if status != 404)
return self.bad_buckets[status]
def shortfall(self):
best_bucket = self.best_bucket
shortfall = best_bucket.shortfall
return min(shortfall, self.least_bad_bucket.shortfall)
def durable(self):
return self.best_bucket.durable
def _get_frag_prefs(self):
# Construct the current frag_prefs list, with best_bucket prefs first.
frag_prefs = []
for bucket in self._sort_buckets():
if bucket.timestamp:
exclusions = [fi for fi in bucket.gets if fi is not None]
prefs = {'timestamp': bucket.timestamp.internal,
'exclude': exclusions}
return frag_prefs
def get_extra_headers(self):
frag_prefs = self._get_frag_prefs()
return {'X-Backend-Fragment-Preferences': json.dumps(frag_prefs)}
def _get_alternate_nodes(self):
if self.node_iter_count <= self.policy.ec_ndata:
# It makes sense to wait before starting to use alternate nodes,
# because if we find sufficient frags on *distinct* nodes then we
# spread work across mode nodes. There's no formal proof that
# waiting for ec_ndata GETs is the right answer, but it seems
# reasonable to try *at least* that many primary nodes before
# resorting to alternate nodes.
return None
bucket = self.best_bucket
if (bucket is None) or (bucket.shortfall <= 0) or not bucket.durable:
return None
alt_frags = set(bucket.alt_nodes.keys())
got_frags = set(bucket.gets.keys())
wanted_frags = list(alt_frags.difference(got_frags))
# We may have the same frag_index on more than one node so shuffle to
# avoid using the same frag_index consecutively, since we may not get a
# response from the last node provided before being asked to provide
# another node.
for frag_index in wanted_frags:
nodes = bucket.alt_nodes.get(frag_index)
if nodes:
return nodes
return None
def has_alternate_node(self):
return True if self._get_alternate_nodes() else False
def provide_alternate_node(self):
Callback function that is installed in a NodeIter. Called on every call
to NodeIter.next(), which means we can track the number of nodes to
which GET requests have been made and selectively inject an alternate
node, if we have one.
:return: A dict describing a node to which the next GET request
should be made.
self.node_iter_count += 1
nodes = self._get_alternate_nodes()
if nodes:
return nodes.pop(0).copy()
def is_good_source(status):
Indicates whether or not the request made to the backend found
what it was looking for.
:param status: the response from the backend
:returns: True if found, False if not
return True
return is_success(status) or is_redirection(status)
class ECFragGetter(object):
def __init__(self, app, req, node_iter, partition, policy, path,
backend_headers, header_provider, logger_thread_locals,
self.app = app
self.req = req
self.node_iter = node_iter
self.partition = partition
self.path = path
self.backend_headers = backend_headers
self.header_provider = header_provider
self.req_query_string = req.query_string
self.client_chunk_size = policy.fragment_size
self.skip_bytes = 0
self.bytes_used_from_backend = 0
self.source = None
self.logger_thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
self.logger = logger
def fast_forward(self, num_bytes):
Will skip num_bytes into the current ranges.
:params num_bytes: the number of bytes that have already been read on
this request. This will change the Range header
so that the next req will start where it left off.
:raises HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: if begin + num_bytes
> end of range + 1
:raises RangeAlreadyComplete: if begin + num_bytes == end of range + 1
req_range = Range(self.backend_headers.get('Range'))
except ValueError:
req_range = None
if req_range:
begin, end = req_range.ranges[0]
if begin is None:
# this is a -50 range req (last 50 bytes of file)
end -= num_bytes
if end == 0:
# we sent out exactly the first range's worth of bytes, so
# we're done with it
raise RangeAlreadyComplete()
if end < 0:
raise HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable()
begin += num_bytes
if end is not None and begin == end + 1:
# we sent out exactly the first range's worth of bytes, so
# we're done with it
raise RangeAlreadyComplete()
if end is not None and begin > end:
raise HTTPRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable()
req_range.ranges = [(begin, end)] + req_range.ranges[1:]
self.backend_headers['Range'] = str(req_range)
self.backend_headers['Range'] = 'bytes=%d-' % num_bytes
# Reset so if we need to do this more than once, we don't double-up
self.bytes_used_from_backend = 0
def pop_range(self):
Remove the first byterange from our Range header.
This is used after a byterange has been completely sent to the
client; this way, should we need to resume the download from another
object server, we do not re-fetch byteranges that the client already
If we have no Range header, this is a no-op.
if 'Range' in self.backend_headers:
req_range = Range(self.backend_headers['Range'])
except ValueError:
# there's a Range header, but it's garbage, so get rid of it
begin, end = req_range.ranges.pop(0)
if len(req_range.ranges) > 0:
self.backend_headers['Range'] = str(req_range)
def learn_size_from_content_range(self, start, end, length):
If client_chunk_size is set, makes sure we yield things starting on
chunk boundaries based on the Content-Range header in the response.
Sets our Range header's first byterange to the value learned from
the Content-Range header in the response; if we were given a
fully-specified range (e.g. "bytes=123-456"), this is a no-op.
If we were given a half-specified range (e.g. "bytes=123-" or
"bytes=-456"), then this changes the Range header to a
semantically-equivalent one *and* it lets us resume on a proper
boundary instead of just in the middle of a piece somewhere.
if length == 0:
if self.client_chunk_size:
self.skip_bytes = bytes_to_skip(self.client_chunk_size, start)
if 'Range' in self.backend_headers:
req_range = Range(self.backend_headers['Range'])
new_ranges = [(start, end)] + req_range.ranges[1:]
except ValueError:
new_ranges = [(start, end)]
new_ranges = [(start, end)]
self.backend_headers['Range'] = (
"bytes=" + (",".join("%s-%s" % (s if s is not None else '',
e if e is not None else '')
for s, e in new_ranges)))
def response_parts_iter(self, req):
self.source, self.node = next(self.source_and_node_iter)
except StopIteration:
it = None
if self.source:
it = self._get_response_parts_iter(req)
return it
def _get_response_parts_iter(self, req):
client_chunk_size = self.client_chunk_size
node_timeout = self.app.recoverable_node_timeout
# This is safe; it sets up a generator but does not call next()
# on it, so no IO is performed.
parts_iter = [
self.source, read_chunk_size=self.app.object_chunk_size)]
def get_next_doc_part():
while True:
# the loop here is to resume if trying to parse
# multipart/byteranges response raises a ChunkReadTimeout
# and resets the parts_iter
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog, node_timeout,
# If we don't have a multipart/byteranges response,
# but just a 200 or a single-range 206, then this
# performs no IO, and just returns source (or
# raises StopIteration).
# Otherwise, this call to next() performs IO when
# we have a multipart/byteranges response; as it
# will read the MIME boundary and part headers.
start_byte, end_byte, length, headers, part = next(
return (start_byte, end_byte, length, headers, part)
except ChunkReadTimeout:
new_source, new_node = self._dig_for_source_and_node()
if not new_source:
self.node, 'Trying to read next part of '
'EC multi-part GET (retrying)')
# Close-out the connection as best as possible.
if getattr(self.source, 'swift_conn', None):
self.source = new_source
self.node = new_node
# This is safe; it sets up a generator but does
# not call next() on it, so no IO is performed.
parts_iter[0] = http_response_to_document_iters(
def iter_bytes_from_response_part(part_file, nbytes):
nchunks = 0
buf = b''
part_file = ByteCountEnforcer(part_file, nbytes)
while True:
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog, node_timeout,
chunk = part_file.read(self.app.object_chunk_size)
nchunks += 1
# NB: this append must be *inside* the context
# manager for test.unit.SlowBody to do its thing
buf += chunk
if nbytes is not None:
nbytes -= len(chunk)
except (ChunkReadTimeout, ShortReadError):
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
except (HTTPException, ValueError):
self.logger.exception('Unable to fast forward')
six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
except RangeAlreadyComplete:
buf = b''
old_node = self.node
new_source, new_node = self._dig_for_source_and_node()
if new_source:
old_node, 'Trying to read EC fragment '
'during GET (retrying)')
# Close-out the connection as best as possible.
if getattr(self.source, 'swift_conn', None):
self.source = new_source
self.node = new_node
# This is safe; it just sets up a generator but
# does not call next() on it, so no IO is
# performed.
parts_iter[0] = http_response_to_document_iters(
_junk, _junk, _junk, _junk, part_file = \
except StopIteration:
# it's not clear to me how to make
# get_next_doc_part raise StopIteration for the
# first doc part of a new request
six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
part_file = ByteCountEnforcer(part_file, nbytes)
six.reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
if buf and self.skip_bytes:
if self.skip_bytes < len(buf):
buf = buf[self.skip_bytes:]
self.bytes_used_from_backend += self.skip_bytes
self.skip_bytes = 0
self.skip_bytes -= len(buf)
self.bytes_used_from_backend += len(buf)
buf = b''
if not chunk:
if buf:
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog,
self.bytes_used_from_backend += len(buf)
yield buf
buf = b''
if client_chunk_size is not None:
while len(buf) >= client_chunk_size:
client_chunk = buf[:client_chunk_size]
buf = buf[client_chunk_size:]
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog,
self.bytes_used_from_backend += \
yield client_chunk
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog,
self.bytes_used_from_backend += len(buf)
yield buf
buf = b''
# This is for fairness; if the network is outpacing
# the CPU, we'll always be able to read and write
# data without encountering an EWOULDBLOCK, and so
# eventlet will not switch greenthreads on its own.
# We do it manually so that clients don't starve.
# The number 5 here was chosen by making stuff up.
# It's not every single chunk, but it's not too big
# either, so it seemed like it would probably be an
# okay choice.
# Note that we may trampoline to other greenthreads
# more often than once every 5 chunks, depending on
# how blocking our network IO is; the explicit sleep
# here simply provides a lower bound on the rate of
# trampolining.
if nchunks % 5 == 0:
part_iter = None
while True:
start_byte, end_byte, length, headers, part = \
except StopIteration:
# it seems this is the only way out of the loop; not
# sure why the req.environ update is always needed
req.environ['swift.non_client_disconnect'] = True
# note: learn_size_from_content_range() sets
# self.skip_bytes
start_byte, end_byte, length)
self.bytes_used_from_backend = 0
# not length; that refers to the whole object, so is the
# wrong value to use for GET-range responses
byte_count = ((end_byte - start_byte + 1) - self.skip_bytes
if (end_byte is not None
and start_byte is not None)
else None)
part_iter = iter_bytes_from_response_part(part, byte_count)
yield {'start_byte': start_byte, 'end_byte': end_byte,
'entity_length': length, 'headers': headers,
'part_iter': part_iter}
if part_iter:
except ChunkReadTimeout:
self.app.exception_occurred(self.node, 'Object',
'Trying to read during GET')
except ChunkWriteTimeout:
'Client did not read from proxy within %ss' %
except GeneratorExit:
warn = True
req_range = self.backend_headers['Range']
if req_range:
req_range = Range(req_range)
if len(req_range.ranges) == 1:
begin, end = req_range.ranges[0]
if end is not None and begin is not None:
if end - begin + 1 == self.bytes_used_from_backend:
warn = False
if not req.environ.get('swift.non_client_disconnect') and warn:
'Client disconnected on read of EC frag %r', self.path)
except Exception:
self.logger.exception('Trying to send to client')
# Close-out the connection as best as possible.
if getattr(self.source, 'swift_conn', None):
def last_status(self):
return self.status or HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
def last_headers(self):
if self.source_headers:
return HeaderKeyDict(self.source_headers)
return HeaderKeyDict()
def _make_node_request(self, node, node_timeout):
self.logger.thread_locals = self.logger_thread_locals
req_headers = dict(self.backend_headers)
ip, port = get_ip_port(node, req_headers)
start_node_timing = time.time()
with ConnectionTimeout(self.app.conn_timeout):
conn = http_connect(
ip, port, node['device'],
self.partition, 'GET', self.path,
self.app.set_node_timing(node, time.time() - start_node_timing)
with Timeout(node_timeout):
possible_source = conn.getresponse()
# See NOTE: swift_conn at top of file about this.
possible_source.swift_conn = conn
except (Exception, Timeout):
node, 'Object',
'Trying to %(method)s %(path)s' %
{'method': self.req.method, 'path': self.req.path})
return None
src_headers = dict(
(k.lower(), v) for k, v in
if 'handoff_index' in node and \
(is_server_error(possible_source.status) or
possible_source.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND) and \
not Timestamp(src_headers.get('x-backend-timestamp', 0)):
# throw out 5XX and 404s from handoff nodes unless the data is
# really on disk and had been DELETEd
self.logger.debug('Ignoring %s from handoff' %
return None
self.status = possible_source.status
self.reason = possible_source.reason
self.source_headers = possible_source.getheaders()
if is_good_source(possible_source.status):
self.body = None
return possible_source
self.body = possible_source.read()
if self.app.check_response(node, 'Object', possible_source, 'GET',
'Ignoring %s from primary' % possible_source.status)
return None
def source_and_node_iter(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_source_and_node_iter'):
self._source_and_node_iter = self._source_and_node_gen()
return self._source_and_node_iter
def _source_and_node_gen(self):
self.status = self.reason = self.body = self.source_headers = None
for node in self.node_iter:
source = self._make_node_request(
node, self.app.recoverable_node_timeout)
if source:
self.node = node
yield source, node
yield None, None
self.status = self.reason = self.body = self.source_headers = None
def _dig_for_source_and_node(self):
# capture last used etag before continuation
used_etag = self.last_headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-ETag')
for source, node in self.source_and_node_iter:
if not source:
# _make_node_request only returns good sources
if source.getheader('X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-ETag') != used_etag:
'Skipping source (etag mismatch: got %s, expected %s)',
source.getheader('X-Object-Sysmeta-EC-ETag'), used_etag)
return source, node
return None, None
class ECObjectController(BaseObjectController):
def _fragment_GET_request(
self, req, node_iter, partition, policy,
header_provider, logger_thread_locals):
Makes a GET request for a fragment.
self.logger.thread_locals = logger_thread_locals
backend_headers = self.generate_request_headers(
req, additional=req.headers)
getter = ECFragGetter(self.app, req, node_iter, partition,
policy, req.swift_entity_path, backend_headers,
header_provider, logger_thread_locals,
return (getter, getter.response_parts_iter(req))
def _convert_range(self, req, policy):
Take the requested range(s) from the client and convert it to range(s)
to be sent to the object servers.
This includes widening requested ranges to full segments, then
converting those ranges to fragments so that we retrieve the minimum
number of fragments from the object server.
Mutates the request passed in.
Returns a list of range specs (dictionaries with the different byte
indices in them).
# Since segments and fragments have different sizes, we need
# to modify the Range header sent to the object servers to
# make sure we get the right fragments out of the fragment
# archives.
segment_size = policy.ec_segment_size
fragment_size = policy.fragment_size
range_specs = []
new_ranges = []
for client_start, client_end in req.range.ranges:
# TODO: coalesce ranges that overlap segments. For
# example, "bytes=0-10,20-30,40-50" with a 64 KiB
# segment size will result in a Range header in the
# object request of "bytes=0-65535,0-65535,0-65535",
# which is wasteful. We should be smarter and only
# request that first segment once.
segment_start, segment_end = client_range_to_segment_range(
client_start, client_end, segment_size)
fragment_start, fragment_end = \
segment_start, segment_end,
segment_size, fragment_size)
new_ranges.append((fragment_start, fragment_end))
range_specs.append({'req_client_start': client_start,
'req_client_end': client_end,
'req_segment_start': segment_start,
'req_segment_end': segment_end,
'req_fragment_start': fragment_start,
'req_fragment_end': fragment_end})
req.range = "bytes=" + ",".join(
"%s-%s" % (s if s is not None else "",
e if e is not None else "")
for s, e in new_ranges)
return range_specs
def feed_remaining_primaries(self, safe_iter, pile, req, partition, policy,
buckets, feeder_q, logger_thread_locals):
timeout = self.app.get_policy_options(policy).concurrency_timeout
while True:
except Empty:
if safe_iter.unsafe_iter.primaries_left:
# this will run async, if it ends up taking the last
# primary we won't find out until the next pass
req, safe_iter, partition,
policy, buckets.get_extra_headers,
# ran out of primaries
# got a stop
def _get_or_head_response(self, req, node_iter, partition, policy):
update_etag_is_at_header(req, "X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag")
if req.method == 'HEAD':
# no fancy EC decoding here, just one plain old HEAD request to
# one object server because all fragments hold all metadata
# information about the object.
concurrency = policy.ec_ndata \
if self.app.get_policy_options(policy).concurrent_gets else 1
resp = self.GETorHEAD_base(
req, 'Object', node_iter, partition,
req.swift_entity_path, concurrency, policy)
self._fix_response(req, resp)
return resp
# GET request
orig_range = None
range_specs = []
if req.range:
orig_range = req.range
range_specs = self._convert_range(req, policy)
safe_iter = GreenthreadSafeIterator(node_iter)
policy_options = self.app.get_policy_options(policy)
ec_request_count = policy.ec_ndata
if policy_options.concurrent_gets:
ec_request_count += policy_options.concurrent_ec_extra_requests
with ContextPool(policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) as pool:
pile = GreenAsyncPile(pool)
buckets = ECGetResponseCollection(policy)
for node_count in range(ec_request_count):
req, safe_iter, partition,
policy, buckets.get_extra_headers,
feeder_q = None
if policy_options.concurrent_gets:
feeder_q = Queue()
pool.spawn(self.feed_remaining_primaries, safe_iter, pile, req,
partition, policy, buckets, feeder_q,
extra_requests = 0
# max_extra_requests is an arbitrary hard limit for spawning extra
# getters in case some unforeseen scenario, or a misbehaving object
# server, causes us to otherwise make endless requests e.g. if an
# object server were to ignore frag_prefs and always respond with
# a frag that is already in a bucket. Now we're assuming it should
# be limit at most 2 * replicas.
max_extra_requests = (
(policy.object_ring.replica_count * 2) - policy.ec_ndata)
for get, parts_iter in pile:
buckets.add_response(get, parts_iter)
except ValueError as err:
"Problem with fragment response: %s", err)
best_bucket = buckets.best_bucket
if best_bucket.durable and best_bucket.shortfall <= 0:
# good enough!
requests_available = extra_requests < max_extra_requests and (
node_iter.nodes_left > 0 or buckets.has_alternate_node())
bad_resp = not is_good_source(get.last_status)
if requests_available and (
buckets.shortfall > pile._pending or bad_resp):
extra_requests += 1
pile.spawn(self._fragment_GET_request, req, safe_iter,
partition, policy, buckets.get_extra_headers,
if feeder_q:
# Put this back, since we *may* need it for kickoff()/_fix_response()
# (but note that _fix_ranges() may also pop it back off before then)
req.range = orig_range
best_bucket = buckets.choose_best_bucket()
if best_bucket.shortfall <= 0 and best_bucket.durable:
# headers can come from any of the getters
resp_headers = best_bucket.headers
resp_headers.pop('Content-Range', None)
eccl = resp_headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length')
obj_length = int(eccl) if eccl is not None else None
# This is only true if we didn't get a 206 response, but
# that's the only time this is used anyway.
fa_length = int(resp_headers['Content-Length'])
app_iter = ECAppIter(
[p_iter for _getter, p_iter in best_bucket.get_responses()],
range_specs, fa_length, obj_length,
resp = Response(
update_headers(resp, resp_headers)
self._fix_ranges(req, resp)
app_iter.kickoff(req, resp)
except HTTPException as err_resp:
# catch any HTTPException response here so that we can
# process response headers uniformly in _fix_response
resp = err_resp
# TODO: we can get here if all buckets are successful but none
# have ec_ndata getters, so bad_bucket may have no gets and we will
# return a 503 when a 404 may be more appropriate. We can also get
# here with less than ec_ndata 416's and may then return a 416
# which is also questionable because a non-range get for same
# object would return 404 or 503.
statuses = []
reasons = []
bodies = []
headers = []
rebalance_missing_suppression_count = min(
node_iter.num_primary_nodes - 1)
for status, bad_bucket in buckets.bad_buckets.items():
for getter, _parts_iter in bad_bucket.get_responses():
if best_bucket.durable:
bad_resp_headers = getter.last_headers
t_data_file = bad_resp_headers.get(
t_obj = bad_resp_headers.get(
bad_ts = Timestamp(t_data_file or t_obj or '0')
if bad_ts <= best_bucket.timestamp:
# We have reason to believe there's still good data
# out there, it's just currently unavailable
if getter.status:
timestamp = Timestamp(getter.last_headers.get(
getter.last_headers.get('X-Timestamp', 0)))
if (rebalance_missing_suppression_count > 0 and
getter.status == HTTP_NOT_FOUND and
not timestamp):
rebalance_missing_suppression_count -= 1
if not statuses and is_success(best_bucket.status) and \
not best_bucket.durable:
# pretend that non-durable bucket was 404s
reasons.append('404 Not Found')
resp = self.best_response(
req, statuses, reasons, bodies, 'Object',
self._fix_response(req, resp)
# For sure put this back before actually returning the response
# to the rest of the pipeline, so we don't modify the client headers
req.range = orig_range
return resp
def _fix_response(self, req, resp):
# EC fragment archives each have different bytes, hence different
# etags. However, they all have the original object's etag stored in
# sysmeta, so we copy that here (if it exists) so the client gets it.
resp.headers['Etag'] = resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag')
# We're about to invoke conditional response checking so set the
# correct conditional etag from wherever X-Backend-Etag-Is-At points,
# if it exists at all.
resp._conditional_etag = resolve_etag_is_at_header(req, resp.headers)
if (is_success(resp.status_int) or is_redirection(resp.status_int) or
resp.accept_ranges = 'bytes'
if is_success(resp.status_int):
resp.headers['Content-Length'] = resp.headers.get(
resp.headers['Content-Range'] = 'bytes */%s' % resp.headers[
ec_headers = [header for header in resp.headers
if header.lower().startswith('x-object-sysmeta-ec-')]
for header in ec_headers:
# clients (including middlewares) shouldn't need to care about
# this implementation detail
del resp.headers[header]
def _fix_ranges(self, req, resp):
# Has to be called *before* kickoff()!
if is_success(resp.status_int):
ignore_range_headers = set(
for h in req.headers.get(
if ignore_range_headers.intersection(
h.lower() for h in resp.headers):
# If we leave the Range header around, swob (or somebody) will
# try to "fix" things for us when we kickoff() the app_iter.
req.headers.pop('Range', None)
resp.app_iter.range_specs = []
def _make_putter(self, node, part, req, headers):
return MIMEPutter.connect(
node, part, req.swift_entity_path, headers, self.app.watchdog,
def _determine_chunk_destinations(self, putters, policy):
Given a list of putters, return a dict where the key is the putter
and the value is the frag index to use.
This is done so that we line up handoffs using the same frag index
(in the primary part list) as the primary that the handoff is standing
in for. This lets erasure-code fragment archives wind up on the
preferred local primary nodes when possible.
:param putters: a list of swift.proxy.controllers.obj.MIMEPutter
:param policy: A policy instance which should be one of ECStoragePolicy
# Give each putter a "frag index": the index of the
# transformed chunk that we'll send to it.
# For primary nodes, that's just its index (primary 0 gets
# chunk 0, primary 1 gets chunk 1, and so on). For handoffs,
# we assign the chunk index of a missing primary.
handoff_conns = []
putter_to_frag_index = {}
for p in putters:
if p.node_index is not None:
putter_to_frag_index[p] = policy.get_backend_index(
# Note: we may have more holes than handoffs. This is okay; it
# just means that we failed to connect to one or more storage
# nodes. Holes occur when a storage node is down, in which
# case the connection is not replaced, and when a storage node
# returns 507, in which case a handoff is used to replace it.
# lack_list is a dict of list to keep hole indexes
# e.g. if we have 2 holes for frag index 0 with ec_duplication_factor=2
# lack_list is like {0: [0], 1: [0]}, and then, if 1 hole found
# for frag index 1, lack_list will be {0: [0, 1], 1: [0]}.
# After that, holes will be filled from bigger key
# (i.e. 1:[0] at first)
# Grouping all missing fragment indexes for each frag_index
available_indexes = list(putter_to_frag_index.values())
lack_list = collections.defaultdict(list)
for frag_index in range(policy.ec_n_unique_fragments):
# Set the missing index to lack_list
available_count = available_indexes.count(frag_index)
# N.B. it should be duplication_factor >= lack >= 0
lack = policy.ec_duplication_factor - available_count
# now we are missing one or more nodes to store the frag index
for lack_tier in range(lack):
# Extract the lack_list to a flat list
holes = []
for lack_tier, indexes in sorted(lack_list.items(), reverse=True):
# Fill putter_to_frag_index list with the hole list
for hole, p in zip(holes, handoff_conns):
putter_to_frag_index[p] = hole
return putter_to_frag_index
def _transfer_data(self, req, policy, data_source, putters, nodes,
min_conns, etag_hasher):
Transfer data for an erasure coded object.
This method was added in the PUT method extraction change
bytes_transferred = 0
chunk_transform = chunk_transformer(policy)
frag_hashers = collections.defaultdict(
lambda: md5(usedforsecurity=False))
def send_chunk(chunk):
# Note: there's two different hashers in here. etag_hasher is
# hashing the original object so that we can validate the ETag
# that the client sent (and etag_hasher is None if the client
# didn't send one). The hasher in frag_hashers is hashing the
# fragment archive being sent to the client; this lets us guard
# against data corruption on the network between proxy and
# object server.
if etag_hasher:
backend_chunks = chunk_transform.send(chunk)
if backend_chunks is None:
# If there's not enough bytes buffered for erasure-encoding
# or whatever we're doing, the transform will give us None.
updated_frag_indexes = set()
timeout_at = time.time() + self.app.node_timeout
for putter in list(putters):
frag_index = putter_to_frag_index[putter]
backend_chunk = backend_chunks[frag_index]
if not putter.failed:
# N.B. same frag_index will appear when using
# ec_duplication_factor >= 2. So skip to feed the chunk
# to hasher if the frag was updated already.
if frag_index not in updated_frag_indexes:
putter.send_chunk(backend_chunk, timeout_at=timeout_at)
req, putters, min_conns,
msg='Object PUT exceptions during send, '
'%(conns)s/%(nodes)s required connections')
# build our putter_to_frag_index dict to place handoffs in the
# same part nodes index as the primaries they are covering
putter_to_frag_index = self._determine_chunk_destinations(
putters, policy)
while True:
with WatchdogTimeout(self.app.watchdog,
chunk = next(data_source)
except StopIteration:
bytes_transferred += len(chunk)
if bytes_transferred > constraints.MAX_FILE_SIZE:
raise HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(request=req)
ml = req.message_length()
if ml and bytes_transferred < ml:
'Client disconnected without sending enough data')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
send_chunk(b'') # flush out any buffered data
computed_etag = (etag_hasher.hexdigest()
if etag_hasher else None)
footers = self._get_footers(req)
received_etag = normalize_etag(footers.get(
'etag', req.headers.get('etag', '')))
if (computed_etag and received_etag and
computed_etag != received_etag):
raise HTTPUnprocessableEntity(request=req)
# Remove any EC reserved metadata names from footers
footers = {(k, v) for k, v in footers.items()
if not k.lower().startswith('x-object-sysmeta-ec-')}
for putter in putters:
frag_index = putter_to_frag_index[putter]
# Update any footers set by middleware with EC footers
trail_md = trailing_metadata(
policy, etag_hasher,
bytes_transferred, frag_index)
# Etag footer must always be hash of what we sent
trail_md['Etag'] = frag_hashers[frag_index].hexdigest()
# for storage policies requiring 2-phase commit (e.g.
# erasure coding), enforce >= 'quorum' number of
# 100-continue responses - this indicates successful
# object data and metadata commit and is a necessary
# condition to be met before starting 2nd PUT phase
final_phase = False
statuses, reasons, bodies, _junk = \
req, putters, len(nodes), final_phase=final_phase,
if not self.have_quorum(
statuses, len(nodes), quorum=min_conns):
'Not enough object servers ack\'ed (got %d)',
raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
elif not self._have_adequate_informational(
statuses, min_conns):
resp = self.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies,
'Object PUT',
if is_client_error(resp.status_int):
# if 4xx occurred in this state it is absolutely
# a bad conversation between proxy-server and
# object-server (even if it's
# HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY) so we should regard this
# as HTTPServiceUnavailable.
raise HTTPServiceUnavailable(request=req)
# Other errors should use raw best_response
raise resp
# quorum achieved, start 2nd phase - send commit
# confirmation to participating object servers
# so they write a .durable state file indicating
# a successful PUT
for putter in putters:
except ChunkReadTimeout as err:
'ERROR Client read timeout (%ss)', err.seconds)
raise HTTPRequestTimeout(request=req)
except ChunkReadError:
'Client disconnected without sending last chunk')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
except HTTPException:
except Timeout:
'ERROR Exception causing client disconnect')
raise HTTPClientDisconnect(request=req)
except Exception:
'ERROR Exception transferring data to object servers %s',
{'path': req.path})
raise HTTPInternalServerError(request=req)
def _have_adequate_responses(
self, statuses, min_responses, conditional_func):
Given a list of statuses from several requests, determine if a
satisfactory number of nodes have responded with 1xx or 2xx statuses to
deem the transaction for a successful response to the client.
:param statuses: list of statuses returned so far
:param min_responses: minimal pass criterion for number of successes
:param conditional_func: a callable function to check http status code
:returns: True or False, depending on current number of successes
if sum(1 for s in statuses if (conditional_func(s))) >= min_responses:
return True
return False
def _have_adequate_successes(self, statuses, min_responses):
Partial method of _have_adequate_responses for 2xx
return self._have_adequate_responses(
statuses, min_responses, is_success)
def _have_adequate_informational(self, statuses, min_responses):
Partial method of _have_adequate_responses for 1xx
return self._have_adequate_responses(
statuses, min_responses, is_informational)
def _have_adequate_put_responses(self, statuses, num_nodes, min_responses):
# For an EC PUT we require a quorum of responses with success statuses
# in order to move on to next phase of PUT request handling without
# having to wait for *all* responses.
# TODO: this implies that in the first phase of the backend PUTs when
# we are actually expecting 1xx responses that we will end up waiting
# for *all* responses. That seems inefficient since we only need a
# quorum of 1xx responses to proceed.
return self._have_adequate_successes(statuses, min_responses)
def _store_object(self, req, data_source, nodes, partition,
Store an erasure coded object.
policy_index = int(req.headers.get('X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index'))
policy = POLICIES.get_by_index(policy_index)
expected_frag_size = None
ml = req.message_length()
if ml:
# TODO: PyECLib <= 1.2.0 looks to return the segment info
# different from the input for aligned data efficiency but
# Swift never does. So calculate the fragment length Swift
# will actually send to object server by making two different
# get_segment_info calls (until PyECLib fixed).
# policy.fragment_size makes the call using segment size,
# and the next call is to get info for the last segment
# get number of fragments except the tail - use truncation //
num_fragments = ml // policy.ec_segment_size
expected_frag_size = policy.fragment_size * num_fragments
# calculate the tail fragment_size by hand and add it to
# expected_frag_size
last_segment_size = ml % policy.ec_segment_size
if last_segment_size:
last_info = policy.pyeclib_driver.get_segment_info(
last_segment_size, policy.ec_segment_size)
expected_frag_size += last_info['fragment_size']
for headers in outgoing_headers:
headers['X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length'] = expected_frag_size
# the object server will get different bytes, so these
# values do not apply.
headers.pop('Content-Length', None)
headers.pop('Etag', None)
# Since the request body sent from client -> proxy is not
# the same as the request body sent proxy -> object, we
# can't rely on the object-server to do the etag checking -
# so we have to do it here.
etag_hasher = md5(usedforsecurity=False)
min_conns = policy.quorum
putters = self._get_put_connections(
req, nodes, partition, outgoing_headers, policy)
# check that a minimum number of connections were established and
# meet all the correct conditions set in the request
self._check_failure_put_connections(putters, req, min_conns)
self._transfer_data(req, policy, data_source, putters,
nodes, min_conns, etag_hasher)
# The durable state will propagate in a replicated fashion; if
# one fragment is durable then the reconstructor will spread the
# durable status around.
# In order to avoid successfully writing an object, but refusing
# to serve it on a subsequent GET because don't have enough
# durable data fragments - we require the same number of durable
# writes as quorum fragment writes. If object servers are in the
# future able to serve their non-durable fragment archives we may
# be able to reduce this quorum count if needed.
# ignore response etags
statuses, reasons, bodies, _etags = \
self._get_put_responses(req, putters, len(nodes),
except HTTPException as resp:
return resp
for putter in putters:
etag = etag_hasher.hexdigest()
resp = self.best_response(req, statuses, reasons, bodies,
'Object PUT', etag=etag,
resp.last_modified = Timestamp(req.headers['X-Timestamp']).ceil()
return resp