
642 lines
24 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import array
import contextlib
import six.moves.cPickle as pickle
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from gzip import GzipFile
from os.path import getmtime
import struct
from time import time
import os
from itertools import chain, count
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import sys
import zlib
import six
from six.moves import range
from swift.common.exceptions import RingLoadError
from swift.common.utils import hash_path, validate_configuration, md5
from swift.common.ring.utils import tiers_for_dev
def calc_replica_count(replica2part2dev_id):
if not replica2part2dev_id:
return 0
base = len(replica2part2dev_id) - 1
extra = 1.0 * len(replica2part2dev_id[-1]) / len(replica2part2dev_id[0])
return base + extra
class RingReader(object):
chunk_size = 2 ** 16
def __init__(self, filename):
self.fp = open(filename, 'rb')
def _reset(self):
self._buffer = b''
self.size = 0
self.raw_size = 0
self._md5 = md5(usedforsecurity=False)
self._decomp = zlib.decompressobj(32 + zlib.MAX_WBITS)
def close(self):
return self.fp.close
def seek(self, pos, ref=0):
if (pos, ref) != (0, 0):
raise NotImplementedError
return self.fp.seek(pos, ref)
def _buffer_chunk(self):
chunk = self.fp.read(self.chunk_size)
if not chunk:
return False
self.size += len(chunk)
chunk = self._decomp.decompress(chunk)
self.raw_size += len(chunk)
self._buffer += chunk
return True
def read(self, amount=-1):
if amount < 0:
raise IOError("don't be greedy")
while amount > len(self._buffer):
if not self._buffer_chunk():
result, self._buffer = self._buffer[:amount], self._buffer[amount:]
return result
def readline(self):
# apparently pickle needs this?
while b'\n' not in self._buffer:
if not self._buffer_chunk():
line, sep, self._buffer = self._buffer.partition(b'\n')
return line + sep
def readinto(self, buffer):
chunk = self.read(len(buffer))
buffer[:len(chunk)] = chunk
return len(chunk)
def md5(self):
return self._md5.hexdigest()
class RingData(object):
"""Partitioned consistent hashing ring data (used for serialization)."""
def __init__(self, replica2part2dev_id, devs, part_shift,
next_part_power=None, version=None):
self.devs = devs
self._replica2part2dev_id = replica2part2dev_id
self._part_shift = part_shift
self.next_part_power = next_part_power
self.version = version
self.md5 = self.size = self.raw_size = None
for dev in self.devs:
if dev is not None:
dev.setdefault("region", 1)
def replica_count(self):
"""Number of replicas (full or partial) used in the ring."""
return calc_replica_count(self._replica2part2dev_id)
def deserialize_v1(cls, gz_file, metadata_only=False):
Deserialize a v1 ring file into a dictionary with `devs`, `part_shift`,
and `replica2part2dev_id` keys.
If the optional kwarg `metadata_only` is True, then the
`replica2part2dev_id` is not loaded and that key in the returned
dictionary just has the value `[]`.
:param file gz_file: An opened file-like object which has already
consumed the 6 bytes of magic and version.
:param bool metadata_only: If True, only load `devs` and `part_shift`
:returns: A dict containing `devs`, `part_shift`, and
json_len, = struct.unpack('!I', gz_file.read(4))
ring_dict = json.loads(gz_file.read(json_len))
ring_dict['replica2part2dev_id'] = []
if metadata_only:
return ring_dict
byteswap = (ring_dict.get('byteorder', sys.byteorder) != sys.byteorder)
partition_count = 1 << (32 - ring_dict['part_shift'])
for x in range(ring_dict['replica_count']):
part2dev = array.array('H', gz_file.read(2 * partition_count))
if byteswap:
return ring_dict
def load(cls, filename, metadata_only=False):
Load ring data from a file.
:param filename: Path to a file serialized by the save() method.
:param bool metadata_only: If True, only load `devs` and `part_shift`.
:returns: A RingData instance containing the loaded data.
with contextlib.closing(RingReader(filename)) as gz_file:
# See if the file is in the new format
magic = gz_file.read(4)
if magic == b'R1NG':
format_version, = struct.unpack('!H', gz_file.read(2))
if format_version == 1:
ring_data = cls.deserialize_v1(
gz_file, metadata_only=metadata_only)
raise Exception('Unknown ring format version %d' %
# Assume old-style pickled ring
ring_data = pickle.load(gz_file)
if not hasattr(ring_data, 'devs'):
ring_data = RingData(ring_data['replica2part2dev_id'],
ring_data['devs'], ring_data['part_shift'],
for attr in ('md5', 'size', 'raw_size'):
setattr(ring_data, attr, getattr(gz_file, attr))
return ring_data
def serialize_v1(self, file_obj):
# Write out new-style serialization magic and version:
file_obj.write(struct.pack('!4sH', b'R1NG', 1))
ring = self.to_dict()
# Only include next_part_power if it is set in the
# builder, otherwise just ignore it
_text = {'devs': ring['devs'], 'part_shift': ring['part_shift'],
'replica_count': len(ring['replica2part2dev_id']),
'byteorder': sys.byteorder}
if ring['version'] is not None:
_text['version'] = ring['version']
next_part_power = ring.get('next_part_power')
if next_part_power is not None:
_text['next_part_power'] = next_part_power
json_text = json.dumps(_text, sort_keys=True,
json_len = len(json_text)
file_obj.write(struct.pack('!I', json_len))
for part2dev_id in ring['replica2part2dev_id']:
if six.PY2:
# Can't just use tofile() because a GzipFile apparently
# doesn't count as an 'open file'
def save(self, filename, mtime=1300507380.0):
Serialize this RingData instance to disk.
:param filename: File into which this instance should be serialized.
:param mtime: time used to override mtime for gzip, default or None
if the caller wants to include time
# Override the timestamp so that the same ring data creates
# the same bytes on disk. This makes a checksum comparison a
# good way to see if two rings are identical.
tempf = NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".", prefix=filename, delete=False)
gz_file = GzipFile(filename, mode='wb', fileobj=tempf, mtime=mtime)
os.chmod(tempf.name, 0o644)
os.rename(tempf.name, filename)
def to_dict(self):
return {'devs': self.devs,
'replica2part2dev_id': self._replica2part2dev_id,
'part_shift': self._part_shift,
'next_part_power': self.next_part_power,
'version': self.version}
class Ring(object):
Partitioned consistent hashing ring.
:param serialized_path: path to serialized RingData instance
:param reload_time: time interval in seconds to check for a ring change
:param ring_name: ring name string (basically specified from policy)
:param validation_hook: hook point to validate ring configuration ontime
:raises RingLoadError: if the loaded ring data violates its constraint
def __init__(self, serialized_path, reload_time=None, ring_name=None,
validation_hook=lambda ring_data: None):
# can't use the ring unless HASH_PATH_SUFFIX is set
if ring_name:
self.serialized_path = os.path.join(serialized_path,
ring_name + '.ring.gz')
self.serialized_path = os.path.join(serialized_path)
self.reload_time = (DEFAULT_RELOAD_TIME if reload_time is None
else reload_time)
self._validation_hook = validation_hook
def _reload(self, force=False):
self._rtime = time() + self.reload_time
if force or self.has_changed():
ring_data = RingData.load(self.serialized_path)
except RingLoadError:
if force:
# In runtime reload at working server, it's ok to use old
# ring data if the new ring data is invalid.
self._mtime = getmtime(self.serialized_path)
self._devs = ring_data.devs
# NOTE(akscram): Replication parameters like replication_ip
# and replication_port are required for
# replication process. An old replication
# ring doesn't contain this parameters into
# device. Old-style pickled rings won't have
# region information.
for dev in self._devs:
if dev:
dev.setdefault('region', 1)
if 'ip' in dev:
dev.setdefault('replication_ip', dev['ip'])
if 'port' in dev:
dev.setdefault('replication_port', dev['port'])
self._replica2part2dev_id = ring_data._replica2part2dev_id
self._part_shift = ring_data._part_shift
self._next_part_power = ring_data.next_part_power
self._version = ring_data.version
self._md5 = ring_data.md5
self._size = ring_data.size
self._raw_size = ring_data.raw_size
def _update_bookkeeping(self):
# Do this now, when we know the data has changed, rather than
# doing it on every call to get_more_nodes().
# Since this is to speed up the finding of handoffs, we only
# consider devices with at least one partition assigned. This
# way, a region, zone, or server with no partitions assigned
# does not count toward our totals, thereby keeping the early
# bailouts in get_more_nodes() working.
dev_ids_with_parts = set()
for part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id:
for dev_id in part2dev_id:
regions = set()
zones = set()
ips = set()
self._num_devs = 0
self._num_assigned_devs = 0
self._num_weighted_devs = 0
for dev in self._devs:
if dev is None:
self._num_devs += 1
if dev.get('weight', 0) > 0:
self._num_weighted_devs += 1
if dev['id'] in dev_ids_with_parts:
zones.add((dev['region'], dev['zone']))
ips.add((dev['region'], dev['zone'], dev['ip']))
self._num_assigned_devs += 1
self._num_regions = len(regions)
self._num_zones = len(zones)
self._num_ips = len(ips)
def next_part_power(self):
if time() > self._rtime:
return self._next_part_power
def part_power(self):
return 32 - self._part_shift
def version(self):
return self._version
def md5(self):
return self._md5
def size(self):
return self._size
def raw_size(self):
return self._raw_size
def _rebuild_tier_data(self):
self.tier2devs = defaultdict(list)
for dev in self._devs:
if not dev:
for tier in tiers_for_dev(dev):
tiers_by_length = defaultdict(list)
for tier in self.tier2devs:
self.tiers_by_length = sorted(tiers_by_length.values(),
key=lambda x: len(x[0]))
for tiers in self.tiers_by_length:
def replica_count(self):
"""Number of replicas (full or partial) used in the ring."""
return calc_replica_count(self._replica2part2dev_id)
def partition_count(self):
"""Number of partitions in the ring."""
return len(self._replica2part2dev_id[0])
def device_count(self):
"""Number of devices in the ring."""
return self._num_devs
def weighted_device_count(self):
"""Number of devices with weight in the ring."""
return self._num_weighted_devs
def assigned_device_count(self):
"""Number of devices with assignments in the ring."""
return self._num_assigned_devs
def devs(self):
"""devices in the ring"""
if time() > self._rtime:
return self._devs
def has_changed(self):
Check to see if the ring on disk is different than the current one in
:returns: True if the ring on disk has changed, False otherwise
return getmtime(self.serialized_path) != self._mtime
def _get_part_nodes(self, part):
part_nodes = []
seen_ids = set()
for r2p2d in self._replica2part2dev_id:
if part < len(r2p2d):
dev_id = r2p2d[part]
if dev_id not in seen_ids:
return [dict(node, index=i) for i, node in enumerate(part_nodes)]
def get_part(self, account, container=None, obj=None):
Get the partition for an account/container/object.
:param account: account name
:param container: container name
:param obj: object name
:returns: the partition number
key = hash_path(account, container, obj, raw_digest=True)
if time() > self._rtime:
part = struct.unpack_from('>I', key)[0] >> self._part_shift
return part
def get_part_nodes(self, part):
Get the nodes that are responsible for the partition. If one
node is responsible for more than one replica of the same
partition, it will only appear in the output once.
:param part: partition to get nodes for
:returns: list of node dicts
See :func:`get_nodes` for a description of the node dicts.
if time() > self._rtime:
return self._get_part_nodes(part)
def get_nodes(self, account, container=None, obj=None):
Get the partition and nodes for an account/container/object.
If a node is responsible for more than one replica, it will
only appear in the output once.
:param account: account name
:param container: container name
:param obj: object name
:returns: a tuple of (partition, list of node dicts)
Each node dict will have at least the following keys:
====== ===============================================================
id unique integer identifier amongst devices
index offset into the primary node list for the partition
weight a float of the relative weight of this device as compared to
others; this indicates how many partitions the builder will try
to assign to this device
zone integer indicating which zone the device is in; a given
partition will not be assigned to multiple devices within the
same zone
ip the ip address of the device
port the tcp port of the device
device the device's name on disk (sdb1, for example)
meta general use 'extra' field; for example: the online date, the
hardware description
====== ===============================================================
part = self.get_part(account, container, obj)
return part, self._get_part_nodes(part)
def get_more_nodes(self, part):
Generator to get extra nodes for a partition for hinted handoff.
The handoff nodes will try to be in zones other than the
primary zones, will take into account the device weights, and
will usually keep the same sequences of handoffs even with
ring changes.
:param part: partition to get handoff nodes for
:returns: generator of node dicts
See :func:`get_nodes` for a description of the node dicts.
if time() > self._rtime:
primary_nodes = self._get_part_nodes(part)
used = set(d['id'] for d in primary_nodes)
index = count()
same_regions = set(d['region'] for d in primary_nodes)
same_zones = set((d['region'], d['zone']) for d in primary_nodes)
same_ips = set(
(d['region'], d['zone'], d['ip']) for d in primary_nodes)
parts = len(self._replica2part2dev_id[0])
part_hash = md5(str(part).encode('ascii'),
start = struct.unpack_from('>I', part_hash)[0] >> self._part_shift
inc = int(parts / 65536) or 1
# Multiple loops for execution speed; the checks and bookkeeping get
# simpler as you go along
hit_all_regions = len(same_regions) == self._num_regions
for handoff_part in chain(range(start, parts, inc),
range(inc - ((parts - start) % inc),
start, inc)):
if hit_all_regions:
# At this point, there are no regions left untouched, so we
# can stop looking.
for part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id:
if handoff_part < len(part2dev_id):
dev_id = part2dev_id[handoff_part]
dev = self._devs[dev_id]
region = dev['region']
if dev_id not in used and region not in same_regions:
yield dict(dev, handoff_index=next(index))
zone = dev['zone']
ip = (region, zone, dev['ip'])
same_zones.add((region, zone))
if len(same_regions) == self._num_regions:
hit_all_regions = True
hit_all_zones = len(same_zones) == self._num_zones
for handoff_part in chain(range(start, parts, inc),
range(inc - ((parts - start) % inc),
start, inc)):
if hit_all_zones:
# Much like we stopped looking for fresh regions before, we
# can now stop looking for fresh zones; there are no more.
for part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id:
if handoff_part < len(part2dev_id):
dev_id = part2dev_id[handoff_part]
dev = self._devs[dev_id]
zone = (dev['region'], dev['zone'])
if dev_id not in used and zone not in same_zones:
yield dict(dev, handoff_index=next(index))
ip = zone + (dev['ip'],)
if len(same_zones) == self._num_zones:
hit_all_zones = True
hit_all_ips = len(same_ips) == self._num_ips
for handoff_part in chain(range(start, parts, inc),
range(inc - ((parts - start) % inc),
start, inc)):
if hit_all_ips:
# We've exhausted the pool of unused backends, so stop
# looking.
for part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id:
if handoff_part < len(part2dev_id):
dev_id = part2dev_id[handoff_part]
dev = self._devs[dev_id]
ip = (dev['region'], dev['zone'], dev['ip'])
if dev_id not in used and ip not in same_ips:
yield dict(dev, handoff_index=next(index))
if len(same_ips) == self._num_ips:
hit_all_ips = True
hit_all_devs = len(used) == self._num_assigned_devs
for handoff_part in chain(range(start, parts, inc),
range(inc - ((parts - start) % inc),
start, inc)):
if hit_all_devs:
# We've used every device we have, so let's stop looking for
# unused devices now.
for part2dev_id in self._replica2part2dev_id:
if handoff_part < len(part2dev_id):
dev_id = part2dev_id[handoff_part]
if dev_id not in used:
dev = self._devs[dev_id]
yield dict(dev, handoff_index=next(index))
if len(used) == self._num_assigned_devs:
hit_all_devs = True