#!/usr/bin/env bash #IMPORTANT: THIS FIX IS APPLICABLE ONLY FOR DEVSTACK KILO RELEASE #For devstack master branch, the fix is already provided upstream # `local.sh.mysql_fixup`` for user-configurable tasks to run automatically # at the successful conclusion of ``stack.sh``. # NOTE: Copy this file to the root DevStack directory for it to work properly. # Keep track of the DevStack directory TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd) # Import common functions source $TOP_DIR/functions # Use openrc + stackrc + localrc for settings source $TOP_DIR/stackrc # Destination path for installation ``DEST`` DEST=${DEST:-/opt/stack} echo_summary "Configuring additional parameters for mysql database" if is_service_enabled mysql; then if is_ubuntu; then my_conf=/etc/mysql/my.cnf mysql=mysql elif is_suse || is_oraclelinux; then my_conf=/etc/my.cnf mysql=mysql elif is_fedora; then mysql=mariadb my_conf=/etc/my.cnf else exit_distro_not_supported "mysql configuration" fi sudo bash -c "source $TOP_DIR/functions && \ iniset $my_conf mysqld max_connections 1024 && \ iniset $my_conf mysqld query_cache_type OFF && \ iniset $my_conf mysqld query_cache_size 0" restart_service $mysql fi