Yasufumi Ogawa 5c20d34fa7 Add neovim support in tacker installer
Introduce neovim [1], an enhanced vim, instead of vim because of easy
installation and better performance.

[1] https://neovim.io/

Signed-off-by: Yasufumi Ogawa <yasufum.o@gmail.com>
Change-Id: Idfd42f1433c9a715ba0190838a557335e19533f4
2023-07-26 17:33:04 +00:00
group_vars Add neovim support in tacker installer 2023-07-26 17:33:04 +00:00
helper Introduce vagrant for devstack 2022-03-10 19:30:49 +09:00
lib Add jammy support for tacker installer 2023-02-16 21:25:55 +00:00
roles Add neovim support in tacker installer 2023-07-26 17:33:04 +00:00
samples Add jammy support for tacker installer 2023-02-16 21:25:55 +00:00
.gitignore Introduce vagrant for devstack 2022-03-10 19:30:49 +09:00
README.md Add neovim support in tacker installer 2023-07-26 17:33:04 +00:00
Vagrantfile Add jammy support for tacker installer 2023-02-16 21:25:55 +00:00
ansible.cfg Introduce vagrant for devstack 2022-03-10 19:30:49 +09:00
hosts Add jammy support for tacker installer 2023-02-16 21:25:55 +00:00
site.yaml Add jammy support for tacker installer 2023-02-16 21:25:55 +00:00


Devstack Installer for Tacker

What is this

Deployment tool for devstack for testing multi-VM OpenStack environment, consists of vagrant and ansible.

It only supports Ubuntu on VirtualBox currently.

How to use


You need to install required software before running this tool. Please follow instructions on official sites for installation.

Please also notice the version of vagrant supporting experimental feature Vagrant Disks for expanding the size of volume if you use Ubuntu box image. For other boxes than Ubuntu, plugin vagrant-disksize is required instead as below. It is because the default size is not enough for deploying OpenStack environment.

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize

Here is a list of current supported boxes in this tool.

  • bento/ubuntu-22.04
  • bento/ubuntu-20.04
  • ubuntu/jammy64
  • ubuntu/focal64
  • bento/centos-stream-8
  • centos/stream8

Configure and Fire Up VMs

Before launching VMs with vagrant, configure machines.yml, which defines parameters of each VM you deploy. It should be placed at project root, or failed to run vagrant up. You can use template files in samples directory.

$ cp samples/machines.yml .

You should take care about private_ips which is used in hosts for ansible-playbook as explained later.

You should confirm you have a SSH key before you run the command. This tool expects the type of your key is not rsa but ed25519 because rsa was deprecated as default in Ubuntu 22.04. Update key path ssh_pub_key in machines.yml without your key is ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub.

Run vagrant up after configurations are done. It launches VMs and create a user stack on them.

$ vagrant up

If vagrant up is completed successfully, you are ready to login to VMs as stack user with your SSH public key.

Setup Devstack

This tool provides ansible playbooks for setting up devstack. You should update entries of IP addresses in hosts as you defined private_ips in machines.yml.

There are some parameters in group_vars/all.yml such as password on devstack or optional configurations. You don't need to update it usually.

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yaml

After finished ansible's tasks, you can login to launched VMs with hostname you defined in machines.yml. So, let's login to controller node and OpenStack. You will find that two examples of local.conf are prepared in $HOME/devstack for your environment.

  • local.conf.example
  • local.conf.kubernetes
$ ssh stack@
$ cd devstack
$ cp local.conf.kubernetes local.conf
$ ./stack.sh

See instruction how to configure local.conf described in DevStack Quick Start.

Editor support

Although you can use any editors on the setup VM, it provides vim and neovim with minimal configurations for LSP. You can choose the editor by configuring parameters related vim in group_vars/all.yml, so turn it false if you don't use the support.