
231 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from toscaparser.common.exception import ExceptionCollector
from toscaparser.common.exception import UnknownFieldError
from toscaparser.elements.capabilitytype import CapabilityTypeDef
import toscaparser.elements.interfaces as ifaces
from toscaparser.elements.interfaces import InterfacesDef
from toscaparser.elements.relationshiptype import RelationshipType
from toscaparser.elements.statefulentitytype import StatefulEntityType
class NodeType(StatefulEntityType):
'''TOSCA built-in node type.'''
('derived_from', 'metadata', 'properties', 'version',
'description', 'attributes', 'requirements', 'capabilities',
'interfaces', 'artifacts')
def __init__(self, ntype, custom_def=None):
super(NodeType, self).__init__(ntype, self.NODE_PREFIX, custom_def)
self.ntype = ntype
self.custom_def = custom_def
def parent_type(self):
'''Return a node this node is derived from.'''
if not hasattr(self, 'defs'):
return None
pnode = self.derived_from(self.defs)
if pnode:
return NodeType(pnode, self.custom_def)
def relationship(self):
'''Return a dictionary of relationships to other node types.
This method returns a dictionary of named relationships that nodes
of the current node type (self) can have to other nodes (of specific
types) in a TOSCA template.
relationship = {}
requires = self.get_all_requirements()
if requires:
# NOTE(sdmonov): Check if requires is a dict.
# If it is a dict convert it to a list of dicts.
# This is needed because currently the code below supports only
# lists as requirements definition. The following check will
# make sure if a map (dict) was provided it will be converted to
# a list before proceeding to the parsing.
if isinstance(requires, dict):
requires = [{key: value} for key, value in requires.items()]
keyword = None
node_type = None
for require in requires:
for key, req in require.items():
if 'relationship' in req:
relation = req.get('relationship')
if 'type' in relation:
relation = relation.get('type')
node_type = req.get('node')
value = req
if node_type:
keyword = 'node'
# If value is a dict and has a type key
# we need to lookup the node type using
# the capability type
value = req
if isinstance(value, dict):
captype = value['capability']
value = (self.
keyword = key
node_type = value
rtype = RelationshipType(relation, keyword,
relatednode = NodeType(node_type, self.custom_def)
relationship[rtype] = relatednode
return relationship
def _get_node_type_by_cap(self, cap):
'''Find the node type that has the provided capability
This method will lookup all node types if they have the
provided capability.
# Filter the node types
node_types = [node_type for node_type in self.TOSCA_DEF.keys()
if node_type.startswith(self.NODE_PREFIX) and
node_type != 'tosca.nodes.Root']
custom_node_types = [node_type for node_type in self.custom_def.keys()
if node_type.startswith(self.NODE_PREFIX) and
node_type != 'tosca.nodes.Root']
for node_type in node_types + custom_node_types:
if node_type in self.TOSCA_DEF:
node_def = self.TOSCA_DEF[node_type]
node_def = self.custom_def[node_type]
if isinstance(node_def, dict) and 'capabilities' in node_def:
node_caps = node_def['capabilities']
for value in node_caps.values():
if isinstance(value, dict) and \
'type' in value and value['type'] == cap:
return node_type
def _get_relation(self, key, ndtype):
relation = None
ntype = NodeType(ndtype, self.custom_def)
caps = ntype.get_capabilities()
if caps and key in caps.keys():
c = caps[key]
for r in self.RELATIONSHIP_TYPE:
rtypedef = ntype.TOSCA_DEF[r]
for properties in rtypedef.values():
if c.type in properties:
relation = r
if relation:
for properties in rtypedef.values():
if c.parent_type in properties:
relation = r
return relation
def get_capabilities_objects(self):
'''Return a list of capability objects.'''
typecapabilities = []
caps = self.get_value(self.CAPABILITIES, None, True)
if caps:
# 'name' is symbolic name of the capability
# 'value' is a dict { 'type': <capability type name> }
for name, value in caps.items():
ctype = value.get('type')
cap = CapabilityTypeDef(name, ctype, self.type,
return typecapabilities
def get_capabilities(self):
'''Return a dictionary of capability name-objects pairs.'''
return { cap
for cap in self.get_capabilities_objects()}
def requirements(self):
return self.get_value(self.REQUIREMENTS, None, True)
def get_all_requirements(self):
return self.requirements
def interfaces(self):
interfaces = self.get_value(self.INTERFACES)
if self.parent_type is not None:
if self.parent_type.interfaces is not None:
import copy
parent_interfaces = copy.deepcopy(self.parent_type.interfaces)
parent_interfaces.pop(ifaces.LIFECYCLE, None)
parent_interfaces.pop(ifaces.CONFIGURE, None)
parent_interfaces.pop(ifaces.LIFECYCLE_SHORTNAME, None)
parent_interfaces.pop(ifaces.CONFIGURE_SHORTNAME, None)
if parent_interfaces:
if interfaces:
interfaces = parent_interfaces
return interfaces
def lifecycle_inputs(self):
'''Return inputs to life cycle operations if found.'''
inputs = []
interfaces = self.interfaces
if interfaces:
for name, value in interfaces.items():
if name == ifaces.LIFECYCLE:
for x, y in value.items():
if x == 'inputs':
for i in y.iterkeys():
return inputs
def lifecycle_operations(self):
'''Return available life cycle operations if found.'''
ops = None
interfaces = self.interfaces
if interfaces:
i = InterfacesDef(self.type, ifaces.LIFECYCLE)
ops = i.lifecycle_ops
return ops
def get_capability(self, name):
caps = self.get_capabilities()
if caps and name in caps.keys():
return caps[name].value
def get_capability_type(self, name):
captype = self.get_capability(name)
if captype and name in captype.keys():
return captype[name].value
def _validate_keys(self):
if self.defs:
for key in self.defs.keys():
if key not in self.SECTIONS:
UnknownFieldError(what='Nodetype"%s"' % self.ntype,