
310 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
if [ ! -e "$TE_DATAFILE" ] ; then
echo "Couldn't find data file"
exit 1
export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
export TRIPLEO_ROOT=/opt/stack/new
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE/logs
# Add temporary reverts and cherrypick's here e.g.
# temprevert <projectname> <commit-hash-to-revert> <bugnumber>
# pin <projectname> <commit-hash-to-pin-to> <bugnumber>
# cherrypick <projectname> <gerrit-refspec>
# Bug #1493442
# Make puppet-glance work again on RedHat distros
cherrypick puppet-glance refs/changes/11/221411/1
# Disable horizon on the overcloud. Bug: #1492416
cherrypick tripleo-heat-templates refs/changes/97/219697/2
# ===== Start : Yum repository setup ====
[ -d $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean ] || git clone $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean
# Now that we have setup all of our git repositories we need to build packages from them
# If this is a job to test master of everything we get a list of all git repo's
if [ -z "${ZUUL_CHANGES:-}" ] ; then
echo "No change ids specified, building all projects in $TRIPLEO_ROOT"
ZUUL_CHANGES=$(find $TRIPLEO_ROOT -maxdepth 2 -type d -name .git -printf "%h ")
# prep delorean
sudo yum install -y docker-io createrepo yum-plugin-priorities yum-utils
sudo systemctl start docker
cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean
sudo rm -rf data *.sqlite
mkdir -p data
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t svirt_sandbox_file_t "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean/data(/.)?"
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t svirt_sandbox_file_t "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean/scripts(/.)?"
sudo restorecon -R "$TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean"
MY_IP=$(ip addr show dev eth1 | awk '/inet / {gsub("/.*", "") ; print $2}')
sudo chown :$(id -g) /var/run/docker.sock
# Download a prebuilt build image instead of building on
# Image built as usual then exported using "docker save delorean/centos > centos-$date-$x.tar"
curl http://${PYPIMIRROR}/buildimages/centos-20150910-1.tar | docker load
# We have a custom delorean that uses "docker exec" to reuse the same build
# container for each package, so we need to start the build container now
docker rm -f builder-centos || true
sed -i -e "s%target=.*%target=centos%" projects.ini
sed -i -e "s%reponame=.*%reponame=delorean-ci%" projects.ini
# Remove the rpm install test to speed up delorean (our ci test will to this)
# TODO: and an option for this in delorean
sed -i -e 's%.*installed.*%touch $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/installed%' scripts/
virtualenv venv
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./venv/bin/python install
# post ci chores to run at the end of ci
SSH_OPTIONS='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=Verbose -o PasswordAuthentication=no'
TARCMD="sudo XZ_OPT=-3 tar -cJf - --exclude=udev/hwdb.bin --exclude=etc/services --exclude=selinux/targeted --exclude=etc/services --exclude=etc/pki /var/log /etc"
function postci(){
set +e
if [ -e $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean/data/repos/ ] ; then
# I'd like to tar up repos/current but tar'ed its about 8M it may be a
# bit much for the log server, maybe when we are building less
find $TRIPLEO_ROOT/delorean/data/repos -name rpmbuild.log | XZ_OPT=-3 xargs tar -cJf $WORKSPACE/logs/delorean_repos.tar.xz
if [ "${HOST_IP}" != "" ] ; then
# Generate extra state information from the running undercloud
ssh root@${SEED_IP} /tmp/
# Get logs from the undercloud
ssh root@${SEED_IP} $TARCMD > $WORKSPACE/logs/undercloud.tar.xz
# when we ran on the undercloud it left the output of nova list in /tmp for us
for INSTANCE in $(ssh root@${SEED_IP} cat /tmp/nova-list.txt | grep ACTIVE | awk '{printf"%s=%s\n", $4, $12}') ; do
ssh root@${SEED_IP} su stack -c \"scp $SSH_OPTIONS /tmp/ heat-admin@$IP:/tmp\"
ssh root@${SEED_IP} su stack -c \"ssh $SSH_OPTIONS heat-admin@$IP sudo /tmp/\"
ssh root@${SEED_IP} su stack -c \"ssh $SSH_OPTIONS heat-admin@$IP $TARCMD\" > $WORKSPACE/logs/${NAME}.tar.xz
destroy_vms &> $WORKSPACE/logs/destroy_vms.log
return 0
trap "postci" EXIT
# build packages
# loop through each of the projects listed in ZUUL_CHANGES if it is a project we
# are capable of building an rpm for then build it.
# e.g. ZUUL_CHANGES=openstack/cinder:master:refs/changes/61/71461/4^opensta...
for PROJ in $ZUUL_CHANGES ; do
PROJ=$(filterref $PROJ)
# If ci is being run for a change to ci its ok not to have a ci repository
if [ "$PROJ" == "tripleo-ci" ] ; then
MAPPED_PROJ=$(./venv/bin/python scripts/map-project-name $PROJ || true)
[ -e data/$MAPPED_PROJ ] && continue
# Delorean reads master so set it to be the same as ZUUL has given us
pushd data/$MAPPED_PROJ
GITHASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
git checkout -b master || git checkout master
git reset --hard $GITHASH
./venv/bin/delorean --config-file projects.ini --head-only --package-name $MAPPED_PROJ --local --build-env DELOREAN_DEV=1 --build-env http_proxy=$http_proxy --info-repo rdoinfo
# If this was a ci job for a change to ci then we do not have a ci repository (no packages to build)
# Create a dummy repository file so ci can proceed as normal
if [ "${NO_CI_REPO_OK:-}" == 1 ] ; then
mkdir -p data/repos/current
touch data/repos/current/delorean-ci.repo
# kill the http server if its already running
ps -ef | grep -i python | grep SimpleHTTPServer | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 || true
cd data/repos
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8766 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8766 1>$WORKSPACE/logs/yum_mirror.log 2>$WORKSPACE/logs/yum_mirror_error.log &
# On top of the distro repositories we layer two othere
# 1. A recent version of rdo trunk, we should eventually switch to /current
# 2. Trunk packages we built above, this repo has highest priority
sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/*delorean*
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-current.repo
sudo wget http://$MY_IP:8766/current/delorean-ci.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo
# rewrite the baseurl in delorean-ci.repo as its currently pointing a
sudo sed -i -e "s%baseurl=.*%baseurl=http://$MY_IP:8766/current/%" /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo
# The repository we have just generated should get priority
sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=1%' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo
# Followed by delorean current (for a subset of packages)
sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=10%' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-current.repo
sudo sed -i 's/\[delorean\]/\[delorean-current\]/' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-current.repo
sudo /bin/bash -c "cat <<EOF>>/etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-current.repo
# Finally the pinned delorean repo has the lowest priority
sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=20%' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo
# Remove everything installed from a delorean repository (only requred if ci nodes are being reused)
TOBEREMOVED=$(yumdb search from_repo "*delorean*" | grep -v -e from_repo -e "Loaded plugins" || true)
[ "$TOBEREMOVED" != "" ] && sudo yum remove -y $TOBEREMOVED
sudo yum clean all
# ===== End : Yum repository setup ====
sudo yum install -y diskimage-builder instack-undercloud os-apply-config
PRIV_SSH_KEY=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key ssh-key --type raw)
SEED_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key seed-ip --type netaddress --key-default '')
SSH_USER=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key ssh-user --type username)
HOST_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key host-ip --type netaddress)
ENV_NUM=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key env-num --type int)
mkdir -p ~/.ssh
echo "$PRIV_SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Generate the public key from the private one
ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/
# Ensure there is a newline after the last key
echo >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
# Kill any VM's in the test env that we may have started, freeing up RAM
# for other tests running on the TE host.
function destroy_vms(){
ssh $SSH_USER@$HOST_IP virsh destroy seed_${ENV_NUM} || true
for i in $(seq 0 14) ; do
ssh $SSH_USER@$HOST_IP virsh destroy baremetalbrbm${ENV_NUM}_${i} || true
# TODO : Remove the need for this from instack-undercloud
ls /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power || ssh-keygen -f /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa_virt_power -P ""
# TODO : Fix instack-undercloud so TE_DATAFILE can be absolute
cp $TE_DATAFILE instackenv.json
export TE_DATAFILE=instackenv.json
export ANSWERSFILE=/usr/share/instack-undercloud/undercloud.conf.sample
export UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME=instack
export ELEMENTS_PATH=/usr/share/instack-undercloud
# create DIB environment for puppet variables
echo "export DIB_INSTALLTYPE_puppet_modules=source" > $TRIPLEO_ROOT/puppet.env
for X in $(env | grep DIB.*puppet); do
echo "export $X" >> $TRIPLEO_ROOT/puppet.env
# Build and deploy our undercloud instance
SSHOPTS="-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no"
disk-image-create --image-size 30 -a amd64 centos7 instack-vm -o $UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME
dd if=$UNDERCLOUD_VM_NAME.qcow2 | ssh $SSHOPTS root@${HOST_IP} copyseed $ENV_NUM
ssh $SSHOPTS root@${HOST_IP} virsh start seed_$ENV_NUM
tripleo wait_for -d 5 -l 20 scp /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean* root@${SEED_IP}:/etc/yum.repos.d
# copy in required ci files
scp puppet.env tripleo-ci/scripts/ root@$SEED_IP:/tmp/
ssh $SSHOPTS root@${SEED_IP} <<-EOF
set -eux
ip route add dev eth0 via $MY_IP
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
export http_proxy=$http_proxy
export no_proxy=,$MY_IP
# Setting up nosync first to abolish time taken during disk io sync's
yum install -y nosync
echo /usr/lib64/nosync/ > /etc/
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps.repo
# Need to give delorean-deps a lower priority than everything else
sudo sed -i -e 's%priority=.*%priority=30%' /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps.repo
yum install -y yum-plugin-priorities
yum install -y python-tripleoclient
# From here down everything runs as the stack user
dd of=/tmp/runasstack <<-EOS
set -eux
export http_proxy=$http_proxy
export no_proxy=,$MY_IP,$SEED_IP
# This sets all the DIB_.*puppet variables for undercloud and overcloud installation
source /tmp/puppet.env
# Disable installation of tuskar on the undercloud
cp /usr/share/instack-undercloud/undercloud.conf.sample ~/undercloud.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's/.*enable_tuskar.*/enable_tuskar = false/' ~/undercloud.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's/.*enable_tempest.*/enable_tempest = false/' ~/undercloud.conf
openstack undercloud install
source stackrc
# I'm removing most of the nodes in the env to speed up discovery
# This could be in jq but I don't know how
python -c 'import simplejson ; d = simplejson.loads(open("instackenv.json").read()) ; del d["nodes"][$NODECOUNT:] ; print simplejson.dumps(d)' > instackenv_reduced.json
export DIB_YUM_REPO_CONF="/etc/yum.repos.d/delorean.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-current.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-ci.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/delorean-deps.repo"
# Ensure our ci repository is given priority over the others when building the image
echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nyum install -y yum-plugin-priorities' | sudo tee /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/yum/pre-install.d/99-tmphacks
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/diskimage-builder/elements/yum/pre-install.d/99-tmphacks
# Directing the output of this command to a file as its extreemly verbose
echo "INFO: Check /var/log/image_build.txt for image build output"
openstack overcloud image build --all 2>&1 | sudo dd of=/var/log/image_build.txt
# TODO: remove this when Image create in openstackclient supports the v2 API
openstack overcloud image upload
openstack baremetal import --json instackenv_reduced.json
openstack baremetal configure boot
# introspection is failing right now, so we will not run it
# TODO(trown) add a non-voting job with introspection on to continue troubleshooting it
# openstack baremetal introspection bulk start
# it takes a bit for nova to update the hypervisor stats, so sleep for a bit to be safe
sleep 60
openstack flavor create --id auto --ram 4096 --disk 40 --vcpus 1 baremetal
openstack flavor set --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" baremetal
openstack overcloud deploy --templates $DEPLOYFLAGS
source ~/overcloudrc
nova list
su -l -c "bash /tmp/runasstack" stack
exit 0
echo 'Run completed.'