
47 lines
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- name: Load image in Glance to be used by Heat
shell: |
source {{ working_dir }}/overcloudrc
openstack image create \
--disk-format {{ validate_ha_heat_instance_image_format }} \
--file {{ working_dir }}/{{ heat_image_name }} \
--format value \
--column "id" \
- name: Execute environment validation via Heat
shell: |
source {{ working_dir }}/overcloudrc
openstack stack create \
--environment validate-ha-heat-environment.yaml \
--template validate-ha-heat-template.yaml \
--wait \
{{ stack_name }}
- name: Get instance IP
shell: |
source {{ working_dir }}/overcloudrc
openstack stack show -c outputs -f json {{ stack_name }} | \
jq --raw-output '.outputs[] | select( .output_key == "server_public_ip") | .output_value'
register: instance_ip
- name: Wait up to five minutes for the instance to be reachable
host: "{{ instance_ip.stdout }}"
port: 22
timeout: 300
- name: Clean the created stack
shell: |
source {{ working_dir }}/overcloudrc
openstack stack delete \
--yes \
--wait \
{{ stack_name }}
- name: Clean image in Glance
shell: |
source {{ working_dir }}/overcloudrc
openstack image delete validate_ha_image