Add missing 'update_tasks' to the OVN dbs pacemaker service

Presently the OVN dbs pacemaker service file doesn't include the update_tasks
section and it neither tags the docker image to be used with pcmklatest.
Because of which when a minor update is run, the latest docker image for
ovn-dbs-bundle is never pulled.

This patch addresses these issue. It does 3 things

1. It adds update_tasks section similar to other pacemaker bundle services.
It adds additional few steps in step 5 (which is not the case with other
pacemaker bundle services) to update the ovn bundle service to use the
image tagged with pcmklatest if it not yet using. These additional steps
are required for OVN deployments deployed before this patch and wants to
do a minor stack update.

2. It adds the required tasks in "upgrade_tasks" section similar to
other pacemaker bundle services.

3. Adds docker_config step to tag the image with pcmklatest tag.

Change-Id: Idbda3bedff57376b74269ab3470d2324b804ffd4
Closes-bug: #1775686
(cherry picked from commit c90e0a7197)
This commit is contained in:
Numan Siddique 2018-06-08 00:27:16 +05:30
parent 1f97136a5e
commit c160530cae
2 changed files with 175 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,13 @@ outputs:
- get_attr: [OVNDbsBase, role_data, config_settings]
- tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ovn_dbs_bundle::ovn_dbs_docker_image: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
- tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ovn_dbs_bundle::ovn_dbs_docker_image: &ovn_dbs_image_pcmklatest
- ':'
- - yaql:
data: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
expression: $.data.rightSplit(separator => ":", maxSplits => 1)[0]
- 'pcmklatest'
- tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ovn_dbs_bundle::nb_db_port: {get_param: OVNNorthboundServerPort}
- tripleo::profile::pacemaker::ovn_dbs_bundle::sb_db_port: {get_param: OVNSouthboundServerPort}
logging_source: {get_attr: [OVNDbsBase, role_data, logging_source]}
@ -109,6 +115,29 @@ outputs:
optional: true
docker_config_scripts: {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, docker_config_scripts]}
start_order: 0
detach: false
net: host
user: root
- '/bin/bash'
- '-c'
- str_replace:
"/usr/bin/docker tag 'OVN_DBS_IMAGE' 'OVN_DBS_IMAGE_PCMKLATEST'"
OVN_DBS_IMAGE: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
OVN_DBS_IMAGE_PCMKLATEST: *ovn_dbs_image_pcmklatest
image: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
- /etc/hosts:/etc/hosts:ro
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /dev/shm:/dev/shm:rw
- /etc/sysconfig/docker:/etc/sysconfig/docker:ro
- /usr/bin:/usr/bin:ro
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw
start_order: 0
@ -169,7 +198,145 @@ outputs:
Log files from openvswitch containers can be found under
ignore_errors: true
- name: Get docker ovn-dbs image
ovn_dbs_docker_image: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest: *ovn_dbs_image_pcmklatest
- name: Check for ovn-dbs log file
path: /var/log/containers/openvswitch/ovsdb-server-nb.log
register: ovn_dbs_log_file
- name: Check if ovn-dbs is already containerized
ovn_dbs_containerized: "{{ovn_dbs_log_file.stat.exists | default(false)}}"
- name: get bootstrap nodeid
command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid
register: bootstrap_node
- name: set is_bootstrap_node fact
set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}}
- name: ovn-dbs fetch and retag container image for pacemaker
- step|int == 3
- ovn_dbs_containerized|bool
block: &ovn_dbs_fetch_retag_container_tasks
- name: Get previous ovn-dbs image id
shell: "docker images | awk '/ovn.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq"
register: ovn_dbs_image_id
- block:
- name: Get a list of container using ovn-dbs image
shell: "docker ps -a -q -f 'ancestor={{ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout}}'"
register: ovn_dbs_containers_to_destroy
# It will be recreated with the deploy step.
- name: Remove any container using the same ovn-dbs image
shell: "docker rm -fv {{item}}"
with_items: "{{ ovn_dbs_containers_to_destroy.stdout_lines }}"
- name: Remove previous ovn-dbs images
shell: "docker rmi -f {{ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout}}"
- ovn_dbs_image_id.stdout != ''
- name: Pull latest ovn-dbs images
command: "docker pull {{ovn_dbs_docker_image}}"
- name: Retag pcmklatest to latest ovn-dbs image
shell: "docker tag {{ovn_dbs_docker_image}} {{ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest}}"
# Got to check that pacemaker_is_active is working fine with bundle.
# TODO: pacemaker_is_active resource doesn't support bundle.
# When ovn-dbs-bundle support was added, we didn't tag the ovn-dbs image
# with pcmklatest. So, when update is run for the first time we need to
# update the ovn-dbs-bundle resource to use the 'pcmklatest' tagged image.
# See
# Step 3 (see above) takes care of tagging the image.
- name: Update ovn-dbs-bundle resource to use pcmklatest tag image if not used
- step|int == 5
- ovn_dbs_containerized|bool
- is_bootstrap_node
- name: Get the present image used by ovn-dbs-bundle
shell: "pcs resource show ovn-dbs-bundle | grep image | awk '{ split($2, image, \"=\"); print image[2] }'"
register: ovn_dbs_current_image
- block: &ovn_dbs_update_bundle_with_new_image
- name: Disable the ovn-dbs-bundle resource before updating the image
resource: ovn-dbs-bundle
state: disable
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- name: Update the ovn-dbs-bundle to use the new container image name
command: "pcs resource bundle update ovn-dbs-bundle container image={{ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest}}"
- name: Enable the ovn-dbs-bundle resource
resource: ovn-dbs-bundle
state: enable
wait_for_resource: true
register: output
retries: 5
until: output.rc == 0
- ovn_dbs_current_image.stdout != ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest
- name: Stop and disable ovn-northd service
when: step|int == 1
service: name=ovn-northd state=stopped enabled=no
ignore_errors: true
- name: Check for ovn-dbs log file
path: /var/log/containers/openvswitch/ovsdb-server-nb.log
register: ovn_dbs_log_file
- name: Check if ovn-dbs is already containerized
ovn_dbs_containerized: "{{ovn_dbs_log_file.stat.exists | default(false)}}"
- name: Get docker ovn-dbs image
ovn_dbs_docker_image: {get_param: DockerOvnDbsImage}
ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest: *ovn_dbs_image_pcmklatest
- name: get bootstrap nodeid
command: hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml bootstrap_nodeid
register: bootstrap_node
- name: set is_bootstrap_node fact
set_fact: is_bootstrap_node={{bootstrap_node.stdout|lower == ansible_hostname|lower}}
- name: Prepare the switch to new ovn-dbs container image name in pacemaker
- step|int == 0
- ovn_dbs_containerized|bool
- name: Get ovn-dbs image id currently used by pacemaker
shell: "docker images | awk '/ovn.* pcmklatest/{print $3}' | uniq"
register: ovn_dbs_current_pcmklatest_id
- name: Temporarily tag the current ovn-dbs pcmklatest image id with the upgraded image name
shell: "docker tag {{ovn_dbs_current_pcmklatest_id.stdout}} {{ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest}}"
when: ovn_dbs_current_pcmklatest_id.stdout != ''
# If ovn-dbs image is not tagged with pcmklatest, then create a new
# tag. This could happen if the stack is upgraded without updating the stack before.
# In the next step, the block 'ovn_dbs_update_bundle_with_new_image'
# will update the ovn-dbs-bundle resource to use the tagged image.
# And in step 3, we will fetch the latest image.
- block:
- name: Get the present image used by ovn-dbs-bundle
shell: "pcs resource show ovn-dbs-bundle | grep image | awk '{ split($2, image, \"=\"); print image[2] }'"
register: ovn_dbs_current_image
- name: Tag the current image with pcmklatest tag
shell: "docker tag {{ovn_dbs_current_image.stdout}} {{ovn_dbs_docker_image_latest}}"
- ovn_dbs_current_pcmklatest_id.stdout == ''
- name: Check ovn-dbs-bundle cluster resource status
resource: ovn-dbs-bundle
state: show
check_mode: false
ignore_errors: true
register: ovndbs_pcs_res
- name: Update ovn-bundle pcs resource bundle for new container image
- step|int == 1
- ovn_dbs_containerized|bool
- is_bootstrap_node
- ovndbs_pcs_res|succeeded
block: *ovn_dbs_update_bundle_with_new_image
- name: Retag the pacemaker image if containerized
- step|int == 3
- ovn_dbs_containerized|bool
block: *ovn_dbs_fetch_retag_container_tasks

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- |
Fixes minor updates issue for ovn dbs pacemaker bundle resource by tagging
the docker image used for ovn dbs pacemaker resource with pcmklatest and
adding required missing tasks in "update_tasks" and "upgrade_tasks"
section of the service file.