#!/bin/bash set -eu set -o pipefail # NTP server to sync with. NTP_SERVER="$(os-apply-config --key 'ntp.servers.0.server' --type raw --key-default '')" SERVICE_NAME="$(svc-map ntpd)" if [ -n "${NTP_SERVER}" ]; then ntpdate -q "${NTP_SERVER}" || { echo "ERROR: ntpdate cannot connect to: ${NTP_SERVER}"; exit 1; } # Check ntpd is running, if it is stop the service. service "${SERVICE_NAME}" status && service "${SERVICE_NAME}" stop # Set the system clock to the value of the NTP clock. # Note: This will not sanity check the ntp server like ntpd. ntpdate -b "${NTP_SERVER}" hwclock --systohc # Re-align the H/W clock. (incase of power loss) service "${SERVICE_NAME}" start fi