
313 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

set -eu
set -o pipefail
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_HOME=$(dirname $0)
function show_options () {
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [options]"
echo "Deploys a baremetal cloud via virsh."
echo "Options:"
echo " -h -- this help"
echo " -c -- re-use existing source/images if they exist."
echo " --build-only -- build the needed images but don't deploy them."
echo " --all-nodes -- use all the nodes in the testenv rather than"
echo " just the first one."
exit $1
TEMP=$(getopt -o c,h -l all-nodes,build-only,help -n $SCRIPT_NAME -- "$@")
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
--all-nodes) ALL_NODES="true"; shift 1;;
-c) USE_CACHE=1; shift 1;;
--build-only) BUILD_ONLY="--build-only"; shift 1;;
-h | --help) show_options 0;;
--) shift ; break ;;
*) echo "Error: unsupported option $1." ; exit 1 ;;
set -x
### --include
## devtest_seed
## ============
## #. Create and start your seed VM. This script invokes diskimage-builder with
## suitable paths and options to create and start a VM that contains an
## all-in-one OpenStack cloud with the baremetal driver enabled, and
## preconfigures it for a development environment. Note that the seed has
## minimal variation in it's configuration: the goal is to bootstrap with
## a known-solid config.
## ::
cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-image-elements/elements/seed-stack-config
## #. Ironic and Nova-Baremetal require different metadata to operate.
## ::
if [ $USE_IRONIC -eq 0 ]; then
# Sets:
# - bm node arch
# - bm power manager
# - ssh power host
# - ssh power key
# - ssh power user
# - sets the ironic key to "" to disable configuration looking for Ironic
# settings.
jq -s '.[1] as $config |(.[0].nova.baremetal |= (.virtual_power.user=$config["ssh-user"]|.virtual_power.ssh_host=$config["host-ip"]|.virtual_power.ssh_key=$config["ssh-key"]|.arch=$config.arch|.power_manager=$config.power_manager))|.[0].ironic=""| .[0]' config.json $TE_DATAFILE > tmp_local.json
# Sets:
# - ironic.virtual_power_ssh_key(needed until lands).
# - nova.compute_driver to ironic.nova.virt.ironic.driver.IronicDriver
# - sets the nova.baremetal key to "{}" to disable configuration looking for baremetal configuration.
# - sets the nova.compute_manager to avoid race conditions on ironic startup.
jq -s '.[1] as $config |(.[0].ironic |= (.virtual_power_ssh_key=$config["ssh-key"]))|.[0].nova.compute_driver="ironic.nova.virt.ironic.driver.IronicDriver"|.[0].nova.compute_manager="ironic.nova.compute.manager.ClusteredComputeManager"|.[0].nova.baremetal={}| .[0]' config.json $TE_DATAFILE > tmp_local.json
# Add Keystone certs/key into the environment file
generate-keystone-pki --heatenv tmp_local.json -s
# Apply custom BM network settings to the seeds local.json config
BM_NETWORK_CIDR=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.cidr --type raw --key-default '')
# FIXME: Once we support jq 1.3 we can use --arg here instead of writing
# cidr.json as the 3rd input file
echo "{ \"cidr\": \"${BM_NETWORK_CIDR##*/}\" }" > cidr.json
jq -s '
.[1] as $config |
.[2] as $cidr_config |
($config["baremetal-network"].seed.ip // "") as $bm_seed_ip |
(.[0].heat |= (
.watch_server_url="http://" + $bm_seed_ip + ":8003"|
.waitcondition_server_url="http://" + $bm_seed_ip + ":8000/v1/waitcondition"|
.metadata_server_url="http://" + $bm_seed_ip + ":8000"))|
(.[0]["local-ipv4"] = $bm_seed_ip)|
(.[0].bootstack.public_interface_ip = $bm_seed_ip + "/" + $cidr_config.cidr)|
(.[0].bootstack.masquerade_networks = ($config["baremetal-network"].cidr // ""))|
.[0]' tmp_local.json $TE_DATAFILE cidr.json > local.json
rm tmp_local.json
rm cidr.json
### --end
# If running in a CI environment then the user and ip address should be read
# from the json describing the environment
REMOTE_OPERATIONS=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key remote-operations --type raw --key-default '')
if [ -n "$REMOTE_OPERATIONS" ] ; then
HOST_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key host-ip --type netaddress --key-default '')
SSH_USER=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key ssh-user --type raw --key-default 'root')
sed -i "s/\"\"/\"$HOST_IP\"/" local.json
sed -i "s/\"user\": \".*\?\",/\"user\": \"$SSH_USER\",/" local.json
### --include
NODE_ARCH=$(os-apply-config -m $TE_DATAFILE --key arch --type raw)
## #. If you are only building disk images, there is no reason to boot the
## seed VM. Instead, pass ``--build-only`` to tell boot-seed-vm not to boot
## the vm it builds.
## If you want to use a previously built image rather than building a new
## one, passing ``-c`` will boot the existing image rather than creating
## a new one.
## ::
## boot-seed-vm -a $NODE_ARCH $NODE_DIST neutron-dhcp-agent
### --end
if [ "$USE_CACHE" == "0" ] ; then
boot-seed-vm $CACHE_OPT $BUILD_ONLY -a $NODE_ARCH $NODE_DIST neutron-dhcp-agent 2>&1 | \
tee $TRIPLEO_ROOT/dib-seed.log
if [ -n "${BUILD_ONLY}" ]; then
exit 0
### --include
## #. If you're just building images, you're done with this script. Move on
## to :doc:`devtest_undercloud`
## ``boot-seed-vm`` will start a VM containing your SSH key for the root user.
## The IP address of the VM's eth0 is printed out at the end of boot-seed-vm, or
## you can query the testenv json which is updated by boot-seed-vm::
SEED_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key seed-ip --type netaddress)
## #. Add a route to the baremetal bridge via the seed node (we do this so that
## your host is isolated from the networking of the test environment.
## We only add this route if the baremetal seed IP is used as the
## gateway (the route is typically not required if you are using
## a pre-existing baremetal network)
## ::
# These are not persistent, if you reboot, re-run them.
BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.seed.ip --type raw --key-default '')
BM_NETWORK_GATEWAY=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.gateway-ip --type raw --key-default '')
ROUTE_DEV=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key seed-route-dev --type netdevice --key-default virbr0)
sudo ip route replace $BM_NETWORK_CIDR dev $ROUTE_DEV via $SEED_IP
## #. Mask the seed API endpoint out of your proxy settings
## ::
set +u #nodocs
export no_proxy=$no_proxy,$BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP
set -u #nodocs
## #. If you downloaded a pre-built seed image you will need to log into it
## and customise the configuration within it. See footnote [#f1]_.)
## #. Setup a prompt clue so you can tell what cloud you have configured.
## (Do this once).
## ::
## source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/cloudprompt
## #. Source the client configuration for the seed cloud.
## ::
source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/seedrc
## #. If Ironic is in use, we need to setup a user for it.
## ::
if [ $USE_IRONIC -eq 0 ]; then
IRONIC_OPT="--ironic-password unset"
## #. Perform setup of your seed cloud.
## ::
echo "Waiting for seed node to configure br-ctlplane..." #nodocs
wait_for 30 10 ping -c 1 $BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP
ssh-keyscan -t rsa $BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP >>~/.ssh/known_hosts
init-keystone -o $BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP -t unset -e -p unset -u root
setup-endpoints $BM_NETWORK_SEED_IP --glance-password unset --heat-password unset --neutron-password unset --nova-password unset $IRONIC_OPT
keystone role-create --name heat_stack_user
# Creating these roles to be used by tenants using swift
keystone role-create --name=swiftoperator
keystone role-create --name=ResellerAdmin
echo "Waiting for nova to initialise..."
wait_for 50 10 nova list
echo "Waiting for Nova Compute to be available"
wait_for 30 10 nova service-list --binary nova-compute 2\>/dev/null \| grep 'enabled.*\ up\ '
echo "Waiting for neutron API and L2 agent to be available"
wait_for 30 10 neutron agent-list -f csv -c alive -c agent_type -c host \| grep "\":-).*Open vSwitch agent.*\"" #nodocs
BM_NETWORK_SEED_RANGE_START=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.seed.range-start --type raw --key-default '')
BM_NETWORK_SEED_RANGE_END=$(OS_CONFIG_FILES=$TE_DATAFILE os-apply-config --key baremetal-network.seed.range-end --type raw --key-default '')
## #. Nova quota runs up with the defaults quota so overide the default to
## allow unlimited cores, instances and ram.
## ::
nova quota-update --cores -1 --instances -1 --ram -1 $(keystone tenant-get admin | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}')
## #. Register "bare metal" nodes with nova and setup Nova baremetal flavors.
## When using VMs Nova will PXE boot them as though they use physical
## hardware.
## If you want to create the VM yourself see footnote [#f2]_ for details
## on its requirements.
## If you want to use real baremetal see footnote [#f3]_ for details.
## If you are building an undercloud, register only the first node.
## ::
if [ -z "${ALL_NODES:-}" ]; then #nodocs
setup-baremetal --service-host seed --nodes <(jq '[.nodes[0]]' $TE_DATAFILE)
else #nodocs
## Otherwise, if you are skipping the undercloud, you should register all
## the nodes.::
setup-baremetal --service-host seed --nodes <(jq '.nodes' $TE_DATAFILE)
fi #nodocs
## If you need to collect the MAC address separately, see ``scripts/get-vm-mac``.
## .. rubric:: Footnotes
## .. [#f1] Customize a downloaded seed image.
## If you downloaded your seed VM image, you may need to configure it.
## Setup a network proxy, if you have one (e.g. port 8080)
## ::
## # Run within the image!
## echo << EOF >> ~/.profile
## export no_proxy=
## export http_proxy=
## EOF
## Add an ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The image rejects password authentication
## for security, so you will need to ssh out from the VM console. Even if you
## don't copy your authorized_keys in, you will still need to ensure that
## /home/stack/.ssh/authorized_keys on your seed node has some kind of
## public SSH key in it, or the openstack configuration scripts will error.
## You can log into the console using the username 'stack' password 'stack'.
## .. [#f2] Requirements for the "baremetal node" VMs
## If you don't use create-nodes, but want to create your own VMs, here are some
## suggestions for what they should look like.
## * each VM should have 1 NIC
## * eth0 should be on brbm
## * record the MAC addresses for the NIC of each VM.
## * give each VM no less than 2GB of disk, and ideally give them
## more than NODE_DISK, which defaults to 20GB
## * 1GB RAM is probably enough (512MB is not enough to run an all-in-one
## OpenStack), and 768M isn't enough to do repeated deploys with.
## * if using KVM, specify that you will install the virtual machine via PXE.
## This will avoid KVM prompting for a disk image or installation media.
## .. [#f3] Notes when using real bare metal
## If you want to use real bare metal see the following.
## * When calling setup-baremetal you can set the MAC, IP address, user,
## and password parameters which should all be space delemited lists
## that correspond to the MAC addresses and power management commands
## your real baremetal machines require. See scripts/setup-baremetal
## for details.
## * If you see over-mtu packets getting dropped when iscsi data is copied
## over the control plane you may need to increase the MTU on your brbm
## interfaces. Symptoms that this might be the cause include:
## ::
## iscsid: log shows repeated connection failed errors (and reconnects)
## dmesg shows:
## openvswitch: vnet1: dropped over-mtu packet: 1502 > 1500
### --end