
354 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

# Idempotent one-time setup for devtest.
# This can be run for CI purposes, by passing --trash-my-machine to it.
# Without that parameter, the script will error.
set -eux
set -o pipefail
SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0)
SCRIPT_HOME=$(dirname $0)
function show_options {
echo "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [options]"
echo "Setup the TripleO devtest environment."
echo "Options:"
echo " --trash-my-machine -- make nontrivial destructive changes to the machine."
echo " For details read the source."
echo " -c -- re-use existing source/images if they exist."
exit $1
TEMP=`getopt -o h,c -l trash-my-machine -n $SCRIPT_NAME -- "$@"`
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo "Terminating..." >&2;
exit 1;
# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
eval set -- "$TEMP"
while true ; do
case "$1" in
--trash-my-machine) CONTINUE=1; shift 1;;
-c) USE_CACHE=1; shift 1;;
-h) show_options 0;;
--) shift ; break ;;
*) echo "Error: unsupported option $1." ; exit 1 ;;
if [ "0" = "$CONTINUE" ]; then
echo "Not running - this script is destructive and requires --trash-my-machine to run." >&2
exit 1
### --include
## devtest_setup
## =============
## Configuration
## -------------
## The seed instance expects to run with its eth0 connected to the outside world,
## via whatever IP range you choose to setup. You can run NAT, or not, as you
## choose. This is how we connect to it to run scripts etc - though you can
## equally log in on its console if you like.
## We use flat networking with all machines on one broadcast domain for dev-test.
## The eth1 of your seed instance should be connected to your bare metal cloud
## LAN. The seed VM uses this network to bringing up nodes, and does its own
## DHCP etc, so do not connect it to a network
## shared with other DHCP servers or the like. The instructions in this document
## create a bridge device ('brbm') on your machine to emulate this with virtual
## machine 'bare metal' nodes.
## NOTE: We recommend using an apt/HTTP proxy and setting the http_proxy
## environment variable accordingly in order to speed up the image build
## times. See footnote [#f3]_ to set up Squid proxy.
## NOTE: Likewise, setup a pypi mirror and use the pypi element, or use the
## pip-cache element. (See diskimage-builder documentation for both of
## these). Add the relevant element name to the DIB_COMMON_ELEMENTS
## variable.
## .. _devtest-environment-configuration:
## Devtest test environment configuration
## --------------------------------------
## Devtest uses a JSON file to describe the test environment that OpenStack will
## run within. The JSON file path is given by $TE_DATAFILE. The JSON file contains
## the following keys:
## #. arch: The CPU arch which Nova-BM nodes will be registered with.
## This must be consistent when VM's are created (in
## and when disk images are created (in devtest_seed / undercloud /
## overcloud. The images are controlled by this testenv key, and VMs
## are created by the same code that sets this key in the test environment
## description, so you should only need to change/set it once, when creating
## the test environment. We use 32-bit by default for the reduced memory
## footprint. If you are running on real hardware, or want to test with
## 64-bit arch, replace i386 => amd64 in all the commands below. You will of
## course need amd64 capable hardware to do this.
## #. host-ip: The IP address of the host which will run the seed VM using virsh.
## #. seed-ip: The IP address of the seed VM (if known). If not known, it is
## looked up locally in the ARP table.
## #. ssh-key: The private part of an SSH key to be used when performing virsh
## commands on $host-ip.
## #. ssh-user: The SSH username to use when performing virsh commands on
## $host-ip.
## #. nodes: A list of node metadata. Each node has "memory" in MiB, "cpu" in
## threads, "arch" (one of i386/amd64/etc), "disk" in GiB, a list of MAC
## addresses for the node, and "pm_type", "pm_user", "pm_addr", and
## "pm_password" fields. Future iterations may add more Ironic power and
## deploy driver selections here.
## See the `os-cloud-config documentation
## <>`_
## for a sample
## #. baremetal-network: A mapping of metadata describing the bare metal cloud
## network. This is a flat network which is used to bring up nodes via
## DHCP and transfer images. By default the rfc5735 TEST-NET-1 range -
## is used. The following fields are available (along
## with the default values for each field):
## ::
## {
## "cidr": "",
## "gateway-ip": "",
## "seed": {
## "ip": "",
## "range-start": "",
## "range-end": "",
## "physical_bridge_route": (null),
## "public_vlan": (null)
## },
## "undercloud": {
## "range-start": "",
## "range-end": "",
## "public_vlan": (null)
## }
## }
## The physical_bridge_route and public_vlan keys default to absent, which
## is suitable for a flat networking environment. When exterior access will
## be on a vlan they should be filled out. For instance, if TEST-NET-2 were
## our exterior subnet on VLAN 10, we might have the following as our
## baremetal network, to use a baremetal router on .1, the seed on .2, and a
## handful of addresses for both the seed and the undercloud dhcp pools. We
## would also expect a route to the IPMI network to allow control of machines.
## The gateway IP and physical_bridge_route if specified are also put into the
## initial network definitions created by the _seed script, and so are
## accessible via DHCP to the undercloud instances (and likewise overcloud).
## ::
## {
## "cidr": "",
## "gateway-ip": "",
## "seed": {
## "ip": "",
## "range-start": "",
## "range-end": "",
## "physical_bridge_route": {
## "prefix": "",
## "via": ""
## },
## "public_vlan": {
## "tag": 10,
## "ip": "",
## "start": "",
## "finish": ""
## }
## },
## "undercloud": {
## "range-start": "",
## "range-end": "",
## "public_vlan": {
## "start": "",
## "finish": ""
## }
## }
## }
## #. power_manager: The class path for a Nova Baremetal power manager.
## Note that this is specific to operating with Nova Baremetal and is ignored
## for use with Ironic. However, since this describes the test environment,
## not the code under test, it should always be present while we support
## using Nova Baremetal.
## #. seed-route-dev: What device to route traffic for the initial undercloud
## network. As our test network is unrouteable we require an explicit device
## to avoid accidentally routing it onto live networks. Defaults to virbr0.
## #. remote-operations: Whether to operate on the local machine only, or
## perform remote operations when starting VMs and copying disk images.
## A non-empty string means true, the default is '', which means false.
## #. remote-host: If the test environment is on a remote host, this may be
## set to the host name of the remote host. It is intended to help
## provide valuable debug information about where devtest is hosted.
## #. env-num: An opaque key used by the test environment hosts for identifying
## which environment seed images are being copied into.
## #. undercloud: an object with metadata for connecting to the undercloud in
## the environment.
## #. undercloud.password: The password for the currently deployed undercloud.
## #. undercloud.endpoint: The Keystone endpoint URL for the undercloud.
## #. undercloud.endpointhost: The host of the endpoint - used for noproxy settings.
## #. overcloud: an object with metadata for connecting to the overcloud in
## the environment.
## #. overcloud.password: The admin password for the currently deployed overcloud.
## #. overcloud.endpoint: The Keystone endpoint URL for the overcloud.
## #. overcloud.endpointhost: The host of the endpoint - used for noproxy settings.
## XXX: We're currently migrating to that structure - some code still uses
## environment variables instead.
## Detailed instructions
## ---------------------
## **(Note: all of the following commands should be run on your host machine, not inside the seed VM)**
## #. Before you start, check to see that your machine supports hardware
## virtualization, otherwise performance of the test environment will be poor.
## We are currently bringing up an LXC based alternative testing story, which
## will mitigate this, though the deployed instances will still be full virtual
## machines and so performance will be significantly less there without
## hardware virtualization.
## #. As you step through the instructions several environment
## variables are set in your shell. These variables will be lost if
## you exit out of your shell. After setting variables, use
## scripts/write-tripleorc to write out the variables to a file that
## can be sourced later to restore the environment.
## #. Also check ssh server is running on the host machine and port 22 is open for
## connections from virbr0 - VirtPowerManager will boot VMs by sshing into the
## host machine and issuing libvirt/virsh commands. The user these instructions
## use is your own, but you can also setup a dedicated user if you choose.
### --end
if [ "$USE_CACHE" == "0" ] ; then
if [ -z "${ZUUL_REF:-''}" ]; then
cd $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator ; git pull
if [ "$NODE_DIST" == 'unsupported' ]; then
echo 'Unsupported OS distro.'
exit 1
### --include
## #. Install required system packages
## ::
if [ "$USE_CACHE" = "0" ] ; then #nodocs
fi #nodocs
## #. Clone/update the other needed tools which are not available as packages.
## The DIB_REPOLOCATION_* and DIB_REPOREF_* environment variables will be used,
## if set, to select the diskimage_builder, tripleo_image_elements and
## tripleo_heat_templates to check out. Setting TRIPLEO_ADDITIONAL_PULL_TOOLS
## to full git URLs will also allow you to add extra repositories to be cloned
## or updated by the pull-tools script.
## ::
if [ "$USE_CACHE" = "0" ] ; then #nodocs
fi #nodocs
## #. Install client tools
## ::
if [ "$USE_CACHE" = "0" ] ; then #nodocs
fi #nodocs
## #. Ensure current user can manage libvirt resources
## ::
## .. rubric:: Footnotes
## .. [#f3] Setting Up Squid Proxy
## * Install squid proxy
## ::
## apt-get install squid
## * Set `/etc/squid3/squid.conf` to the following
## ::
## acl localhost src ::1
## acl to_localhost dst ::1
## acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
## acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
## acl localnet src # RFC1918 possible internal network
## acl SSL_ports port 443
## acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
## acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
## acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
## acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
## acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
## acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
## acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
## acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
## acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
## acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
## acl CONNECT method CONNECT
## http_access allow manager localhost
## http_access deny manager
## http_access deny !Safe_ports
## http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
## http_access allow localnet
## http_access allow localhost
## http_access deny all
## http_port 3128
## maximum_object_size 1024 MB
## cache_dir aufs /var/spool/squid3 5000 24 256
## coredump_dir /var/spool/squid3
## refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
## refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
## refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
## refresh_pattern (Release|Packages(.gz)*)$ 0 20% 2880
## refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
## refresh_all_ims on
## * Restart squid
## ::
## sudo service squid3 restart
## * Set http_proxy environment variable
## ::
## http_proxy=http://your_ip_or_localhost:3128/
### --end