--- # TODO(aschultz): fix tags in here to be undercloud-minion-setup - name: Collect output from undercloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Copy output files include_role: name: undercloud-deploy tasks_from: gather-outputs tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Write output from undercloud hosts: overcloud gather_facts: false tasks: - name: Reading and setting undercloud facts from gather-outputs set_fact: undercloud_outputs: "{{ hostvars['undercloud']['undercloud_outputs'] }}" undercloud_passwords: "{{ hostvars['undercloud']['undercloud_passwords'] }}" - name: write output files to old consistent location include_role: name: undercloud-setup tasks_from: write-outputs - name: create new consistent location file: state: directory path: "{{ working_dir ~ '/tripleo-deploy/minion' }}" - name: write output files to new consistent location include_role: name: undercloud-setup tasks_from: write-outputs vars: undercloud_outputs_dir: "{{ working_dir ~ '/tripleo-deploy/minion/' }}" tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Setup the undercloud minion hosts: overcloud vars: # these are the defaults but we should be explicit minion_enable_heat_engine: true minion_enable_ironic_conductor: true tasks: - name: Include atop setup include_role: name: undercloud-setup tasks_from: atop - name: Set container update fact from undercloud set_fact: update_containers_append_tag: "{{ hostvars['undercloud']['update_containers_append_tag'] | default('') }}" - name: Include repo-setup include_role: name: repo-setup - name: Include package installs include_role: name: undercloud-setup tasks_from: package_installs when: package_installs|default(true)|bool - name: Update built packages shell: | {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} --enablerepo='gating-repo' update -y # noqa 305 become: true when: hostvars['undercloud']['compressed_gating_repo'] is defined tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Deploy the undercloud minion hosts: overcloud roles: - undercloud-minion-deploy tags: - undercloud-setup - name: Validate minion hosts: undercloud vars: validate_minion_heat_engine: true validate_minion_ironic_conductor: true roles: - validate-minion tags: - overcloud-validate