
65 lines
1.9 KiB

# Tear down the virtual environment that was created by the
# `environment/setup` role.
# NB: We use `virsh` here instead of the `virt_net` module because
# these tasks may be called before the dependencies of the `virt_net`
# module are satisfied.
- name: Check if libvirt is available
command: >
virsh uri
ignore_errors: true
register: libvirt_check
changed_when: false
# If libvirt is not available, we can skip the rest of the tasks.
- when: libvirt_check is success
# Check to see if the networks exist.
- name: Check libvirt networks
command: >
virsh net-uuid "{{ }}"
with_items: "{{ networks }}"
register: network_check
ignore_errors: true
become: true
# If the networks exist, stop them, undefine them, and remove the
# bridges devices from the qemu whitelist.
- name: Stop libvirt networks
command: >
virsh net-destroy "{{ }}"
when: libvirt_check is success and item is success
with_items: "{{ network_check.results }}"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
- name: Undefine libvirt networks
command: >
virsh net-undefine "{{ }}"
when: libvirt_check is success and item is success
with_items: "{{ network_check.results }}"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
- name: Remove bridge whitelisting from qemu bridge helper
dest: "{{ qemu_bridge_conf }}"
line: "allow {{item.bridge}}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ networks }}"
become: true
- name: Delete any existing dstat log file
file: dest=/var/log/extra/dstat-csv.log state=absent
become: true
- name: Delete OVS Bridges
bridge: "{{ item.bridge }}"
state: absent
when: item.virtualport_type is defined and item.virtualport_type == "openvswitch"
with_items: "{{ networks }}"
become: true