
31 lines
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# We have identified this specific ipxe-roms-qemu-20130517 as having issues w/ timeouts. It is possible
# that a virthost has a later valid version of ipxe-roms-qemu that will work. At this time, let's only
# remove the known bad version of ipxe-roms if it's found
- name: Check for older iPXE rpm
shell: >
if rpm -q ipxe-roms-qemu-20130517; then
rpm -e --nodeps ipxe-roms-qemu-20130517 && echo "rpm removed";
become: true
register: old_ipxe
changed_when: '"rpm removed" in old_ipxe.stdout'
# Install the packages required for our desired libvirt environment.
# We store the list of packages in `libvirt_packages` so that in
# theory we can support multiple distributions simply by passing in a
# different list of packages.
- name: Install packages for libvirt
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
with_items: "{{ libvirt_packages }}"
become: true
- name: Start libvirtd
name: "{{ libvirtd_service }}"
state: running
enabled: true
become: true
when: not chrooted|bool