# Copyright 2021 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # import sys import unittest from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import mock_open, MagicMock, patch import yaml import tripleo_repos.get_hash.exceptions as exc import tripleo_repos.get_hash.__main__ as tgh from . import fakes as test_fakes @mock.patch( 'builtins.open', new_callable=mock_open, read_data=test_fakes.CONFIG_FILE ) class TestGetHash(unittest.TestCase): """In this class we test the CLI invocations for this module. The builtin 'open' function is mocked at a class level so we can mock the config.yaml with the contents of the fakes.CONFIG_FILE """ def test_centos_8_current_tripleo_stable(self, mock_config): mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--os-version', 'centos8', '--release', 'victoria'] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual(main_res.full_hash, test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5) self.assertEqual( 'https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-victoria/current-tripleo/delorean.repo.md5', # noqa main_res.dlrn_url, ) self.assertEqual('centos8', main_res.os_version) self.assertEqual('victoria', main_res.release) def test_verbose_logging_on(self, mock_config): args = ['--verbose'] debug_msgs = [] mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): with self.assertLogs() as captured: sys.argv[1:] = args tgh.main() debug_msgs = [ record.message for record in captured.records if record.levelname == 'DEBUG' ] self.assertIn('Logging level set to DEBUG', debug_msgs) def test_verbose_logging_off(self, mock_config): debug_msgs = [] mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--tag', 'current-tripleo', '--os-version', 'centos8'] with self.assertLogs() as captured: sys.argv[1:] = args tgh.main() debug_msgs = [ record.message for record in captured.records if record.levelname == 'DEBUG' ] self.assertEqual(debug_msgs, []) def test_invalid_unknown_components(self, mock_config): args = ['--component', 'nosuchcomponent'] sys.argv[1:] = args self.assertRaises(SystemExit, lambda: tgh.main()) def test_valid_tripleo_ci_components(self, mock_config): config_file = open("fake_config_file") # open is mocked at class level config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file.read()) config_file.close() # interate for each of config components for component in config_yaml['tripleo_ci_components']: mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_COMMIT_YAML_COMPONENT, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--component', "{}".format(component)] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual( "https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/component" "/{}/current-tripleo/commit.yaml".format( component ), main_res.dlrn_url, ) self.assertEqual("{}".format(component), main_res.component) def test_invalid_component_centos7(self, mock_config): args = ['--os-version', 'centos7', '--component', 'tripleo'] sys.argv[1:] = args self.assertRaises(exc.TripleOHashInvalidParameter, lambda: tgh.main()) def test_valid_os_version(self, mock_config): config_file = open("fake_config_file") # open is mocked at class level config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file.read()) config_file.close() # interate for each supported os_version for os_v in config_yaml['os_versions']: if '7' in os_v: mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_COMMIT_YAML_CENTOS_7, 200)) expected_url = ( "https://trunk.rdoproject.org/{}-master/" "current-tripleo/commit.yaml".format(os_v) ) else: mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) expected_url = ( "https://trunk.rdoproject.org/{}-master/" "current-tripleo/delorean.repo.md5".format(os_v) ) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--os-version', "{}".format(os_v)] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual(main_res.dlrn_url, expected_url) self.assertEqual("{}".format(os_v), main_res.os_version) def test_invalid_os_version(self, mock_config): args = ['--os-version', 'rhelos99', '--component', 'tripleo'] sys.argv[1:] = args self.assertRaises(SystemExit, lambda: tgh.main()) def test_invalid_unknown_tag(self, mock_config): args = ['--tag', 'nosuchtag'] sys.argv[1:] = args self.assertRaises(SystemExit, lambda: tgh.main()) def test_valid_rdo_named_tags(self, mock_config): config_file = open("fake_config_file") # open is mocked at class level config_yaml = yaml.safe_load(config_file.read()) config_file.close() # iterate for each of config named tags for tag in config_yaml['rdo_named_tags']: mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--tag', "{}".format(tag)] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual( "https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master" "/{}/delorean.repo.md5".format( tag ), main_res.dlrn_url, ) self.assertEqual(tag, main_res.tag) def test_override_dlrn_url(self, mock_config): mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = ['--dlrn-url', 'https://awoo.com/awoo'] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual( "https://awoo.com/awoo/centos8-master/current-tripleo" "/delorean.repo.md5", main_res.dlrn_url, ) def test_override_os_version_release_rhel8(self, mock_config): mocked = MagicMock( return_value=(test_fakes.TEST_REPO_MD5, 200)) with patch( 'tripleo_repos.get_hash.tripleo_hash_info.http_get', mocked): args = [ '--dlrn-url', 'https://awoo.com/awoo', '--os-version', 'rhel8', '--release', 'osp16-2', ] sys.argv[1:] = args main_res = tgh.main() self.assertEqual('rhel8', main_res.os_version) self.assertEqual('osp16-2', main_res.release) self.assertEqual( "https://awoo.com/awoo/rhel8-osp16-2/current-tripleo" "/delorean.repo.md5", main_res.dlrn_url, ) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()