# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import abc from collections import defaultdict import os import re import six import uuid from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import encodeutils from pymysql import err as pymysql_err from six.moves import urllib import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy import exc from sqlalchemy import interfaces from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import text from trove.common import cfg from trove.common.configurations import MySQLConfParser from trove.common.db.mysql import models from trove.common import exception from trove.common.exception import PollTimeOut from trove.common.i18n import _ from trove.common import instance as rd_instance from trove.common.stream_codecs import IniCodec from trove.common import utils as utils from trove.guestagent.common.configuration import ConfigurationManager from trove.guestagent.common.configuration import ImportOverrideStrategy from trove.guestagent.common import guestagent_utils from trove.guestagent.common import operating_system from trove.guestagent.common import sql_query from trove.guestagent.datastore import service from trove.guestagent import pkg ADMIN_USER_NAME = "os_admin" CONNECTION_STR_FORMAT = "mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) FLUSH = text(sql_query.FLUSH) ENGINE = None DATADIR = None PREPARING = False UUID = False TMP_MYCNF = "/tmp/my.cnf.tmp" MYSQL_BASE_DIR = "/var/lib/mysql" CONF = cfg.CONF INCLUDE_MARKER_OPERATORS = { True: ">=", False: ">" } OS_NAME = operating_system.get_os() MYSQL_CONFIG = {operating_system.REDHAT: "/etc/my.cnf", operating_system.DEBIAN: "/etc/mysql/my.cnf", operating_system.SUSE: "/etc/my.cnf"}[OS_NAME] MYSQL_BIN_CANDIDATES = ["/usr/sbin/mysqld", "/usr/libexec/mysqld"] MYSQL_OWNER = 'mysql' CNF_EXT = 'cnf' CNF_INCLUDE_DIR = '/etc/mysql/conf.d/' CNF_MASTER = 'master-replication' CNF_SLAVE = 'slave-replication' # Create a package impl packager = pkg.Package() def clear_expired_password(): """ Some mysql installations generate random root password and save it in /root/.mysql_secret, this password is expired and should be changed by client that supports expired passwords. """ LOG.debug("Removing expired password.") secret_file = "/root/.mysql_secret" try: out, err = utils.execute("cat", secret_file, run_as_root=True, root_helper="sudo") except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("/root/.mysql_secret does not exist.")) return m = re.match('# The random password set for the root user at .*: (.*)', out) if m: try: out, err = utils.execute("mysqladmin", "-p%s" % m.group(1), "password", "", run_as_root=True, root_helper="sudo") except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("Cannot change mysql password.")) return operating_system.remove(secret_file, force=True, as_root=True) LOG.debug("Expired password removed.") def load_mysqld_options(): # find mysqld bin for bin in MYSQL_BIN_CANDIDATES: if os.path.isfile(bin): mysqld_bin = bin break else: return {} try: out, err = utils.execute(mysqld_bin, "--print-defaults", run_as_root=True, root_helper="sudo") arglist = re.split("\n", out)[1].split() args = defaultdict(list) for item in arglist: if "=" in item: key, value = item.split("=", 1) args[key.lstrip("--")].append(value) else: args[item.lstrip("--")].append(None) return args except exception.ProcessExecutionError: return {} class BaseMySqlAppStatus(service.BaseDbStatus): @classmethod def get(cls): if not cls._instance: cls._instance = BaseMySqlAppStatus() return cls._instance def _get_actual_db_status(self): try: out, err = utils.execute_with_timeout( "/usr/bin/mysqladmin", "ping", run_as_root=True, root_helper="sudo", log_output_on_error=True) LOG.info(_("MySQL Service Status is RUNNING.")) return rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.RUNNING except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("Failed to get database status.")) try: out, err = utils.execute_with_timeout("/bin/ps", "-C", "mysqld", "h") pid = out.split()[0] # TODO(rnirmal): Need to create new statuses for instances # where the mysql service is up, but unresponsive LOG.info(_('MySQL Service Status %(pid)s is BLOCKED.'), {'pid': pid}) return rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.BLOCKED except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("Process execution failed.")) mysql_args = load_mysqld_options() pid_file = mysql_args.get('pid_file', ['/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid'])[0] if os.path.exists(pid_file): LOG.info(_("MySQL Service Status is CRASHED.")) return rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.CRASHED else: LOG.info(_("MySQL Service Status is SHUTDOWN.")) return rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.SHUTDOWN class BaseLocalSqlClient(object): """A sqlalchemy wrapper to manage transactions.""" def __init__(self, engine, use_flush=True): self.engine = engine self.use_flush = use_flush def __enter__(self): self.conn = self.engine.connect() self.trans = self.conn.begin() return self.conn def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self.trans: if type is not None: # An error occurred self.trans.rollback() else: if self.use_flush: self.conn.execute(FLUSH) self.trans.commit() self.conn.close() def execute(self, t, **kwargs): try: return self.conn.execute(t, kwargs) except Exception: self.trans.rollback() self.trans = None raise @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseMySqlAdmin(object): """Handles administrative tasks on the MySQL database.""" def __init__(self, local_sql_client, mysql_root_access, mysql_app): self._local_sql_client = local_sql_client self._mysql_root_access = mysql_root_access self._mysql_app = mysql_app(local_sql_client) @property def local_sql_client(self): return self._local_sql_client @property def mysql_root_access(self): return self._mysql_root_access @property def mysql_app(self): return self._mysql_app def _associate_dbs(self, user): """Internal. Given a MySQLUser, populate its databases attribute.""" LOG.debug("Associating dbs to user %(name)s at %(host)s.", {'name': user.name, 'host': user.host}) with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: q = sql_query.Query() q.columns = ["grantee", "table_schema"] q.tables = ["information_schema.SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES"] q.group = ["grantee", "table_schema"] q.where = ["privilege_type != 'USAGE'"] t = text(str(q)) db_result = client.execute(t) for db in db_result: LOG.debug("\t db: %s.", db) if db['grantee'] == "'%s'@'%s'" % (user.name, user.host): user.databases = db['table_schema'] def change_passwords(self, users): """Change the passwords of one or more existing users.""" LOG.debug("Changing the password of some users.") with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: for item in users: LOG.debug("Changing password for user %s.", item) user_dict = {'_name': item['name'], '_host': item['host'], '_password': item['password']} user = models.MySQLUser.deserialize(user_dict) LOG.debug("\tDeserialized: %s.", user.__dict__) uu = sql_query.SetPassword(user.name, host=user.host, new_password=user.password) t = text(str(uu)) client.execute(t) def update_attributes(self, username, hostname, user_attrs): """Change the attributes of an existing user.""" LOG.debug("Changing user attributes for user %s.", username) user = self._get_user(username, hostname) new_name = user_attrs.get('name') new_host = user_attrs.get('host') new_password = user_attrs.get('password') if new_name or new_host or new_password: with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: if new_password is not None: uu = sql_query.SetPassword(user.name, host=user.host, new_password=new_password) t = text(str(uu)) client.execute(t) if new_name or new_host: uu = sql_query.RenameUser(user.name, host=user.host, new_user=new_name, new_host=new_host) t = text(str(uu)) client.execute(t) def create_database(self, databases): """Create the list of specified databases.""" with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: for item in databases: mydb = models.MySQLSchema.deserialize(item) mydb.check_create() cd = sql_query.CreateDatabase(mydb.name, mydb.character_set, mydb.collate) t = text(str(cd)) client.execute(t) def create_user(self, users): """Create users and grant them privileges for the specified databases. """ with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: for item in users: user = models.MySQLUser.deserialize(item) user.check_create() # TODO(cp16net):Should users be allowed to create users # 'os_admin' or 'debian-sys-maint' g = sql_query.Grant(user=user.name, host=user.host, clear=user.password) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) for database in user.databases: mydb = models.MySQLSchema.deserialize(database) g = sql_query.Grant(permissions='ALL', database=mydb.name, user=user.name, host=user.host, clear=user.password) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) def delete_database(self, database): """Delete the specified database.""" with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: mydb = models.MySQLSchema.deserialize(database) mydb.check_delete() dd = sql_query.DropDatabase(mydb.name) t = text(str(dd)) client.execute(t) def delete_user(self, user): """Delete the specified user.""" mysql_user = models.MySQLUser.deserialize(user) mysql_user.check_delete() self.delete_user_by_name(mysql_user.name, mysql_user.host) def delete_user_by_name(self, name, host='%'): with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: du = sql_query.DropUser(name, host=host) t = text(str(du)) LOG.debug("delete_user_by_name: %s", t) client.execute(t) def get_user(self, username, hostname): user = self._get_user(username, hostname) if not user: return None return user.serialize() def _get_user(self, username, hostname): """Return a single user matching the criteria.""" user = None try: # Could possibly throw a ValueError here. user = models.MySQLUser(name=username) user.check_reserved() except ValueError as ve: LOG.exception(_("Error Getting user information")) err_msg = encodeutils.exception_to_unicode(ve) raise exception.BadRequest(_("Username %(user)s is not valid" ": %(reason)s") % {'user': username, 'reason': err_msg} ) with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: q = sql_query.Query() q.columns = ['User', 'Host'] q.tables = ['mysql.user'] q.where = ["Host != 'localhost'", "User = '%s'" % username, "Host = '%s'" % hostname] q.order = ['User', 'Host'] t = text(str(q)) result = client.execute(t).fetchall() LOG.debug("Getting user information %s.", result) if len(result) != 1: return None found_user = result[0] user.host = found_user['Host'] self._associate_dbs(user) return user def grant_access(self, username, hostname, databases): """Grant a user permission to use a given database.""" user = self._get_user(username, hostname) mydb = None # cache the model as we just want name validation with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: for database in databases: try: if mydb: mydb.name = database else: mydb = models.MySQLSchema(name=database) mydb.check_reserved() except ValueError: LOG.exception(_("Error granting access")) raise exception.BadRequest(_( "Grant access to %s is not allowed") % database) g = sql_query.Grant(permissions='ALL', database=mydb.name, user=user.name, host=user.host, hashed=user.password) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) def is_root_enabled(self): """Return True if root access is enabled; False otherwise.""" LOG.debug("Class type of mysql_root_access is %s ", self.mysql_root_access) return self.mysql_root_access.is_root_enabled() def enable_root(self, root_password=None): """Enable the root user global access and/or reset the root password. """ return self.mysql_root_access.enable_root(root_password) def disable_root(self): """Disable the root user global access """ return self.mysql_root_access.disable_root() def list_databases(self, limit=None, marker=None, include_marker=False): """List databases the user created on this mysql instance.""" LOG.debug("---Listing Databases---") ignored_database_names = "'%s'" % "', '".join(cfg.get_ignored_dbs()) LOG.debug("The following database names are on ignore list and will " "be omitted from the listing: %s", ignored_database_names) databases = [] with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: # If you have an external volume mounted at /var/lib/mysql # the lost+found directory will show up in mysql as a database # which will create errors if you try to do any database ops # on it. So we remove it here if it exists. q = sql_query.Query() q.columns = [ 'schema_name as name', 'default_character_set_name as charset', 'default_collation_name as collation', ] q.tables = ['information_schema.schemata'] q.where = ["schema_name NOT IN (" + ignored_database_names + ")"] q.order = ['schema_name ASC'] if limit: q.limit = limit + 1 if marker: q.where.append("schema_name %s '%s'" % (INCLUDE_MARKER_OPERATORS[include_marker], marker)) t = text(str(q)) database_names = client.execute(t) next_marker = None LOG.debug("database_names = %r.", database_names) for count, database in enumerate(database_names): if limit is not None and count >= limit: break LOG.debug("database = %s.", str(database)) mysql_db = models.MySQLSchema(name=database[0], character_set=database[1], collate=database[2]) next_marker = mysql_db.name databases.append(mysql_db.serialize()) LOG.debug("databases = %s", str(databases)) if limit is not None and database_names.rowcount <= limit: next_marker = None return databases, next_marker def list_users(self, limit=None, marker=None, include_marker=False): """List users that have access to the database.""" ''' SELECT User, Host, Marker FROM (SELECT User, Host, CONCAT(User, '@', Host) as Marker FROM mysql.user ORDER BY 1, 2) as innerquery WHERE Marker > :marker ORDER BY Marker LIMIT :limit; ''' LOG.debug("---Listing Users---") ignored_user_names = "'%s'" % "', '".join(cfg.get_ignored_users()) LOG.debug("The following user names are on ignore list and will " "be omitted from the listing: %s", ignored_user_names) users = [] with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: iq = sql_query.Query() # Inner query. iq.columns = ['User', 'Host', "CONCAT(User, '@', Host) as Marker"] iq.tables = ['mysql.user'] iq.order = ['User', 'Host'] innerquery = str(iq).rstrip(';') oq = sql_query.Query() # Outer query. oq.columns = ['User', 'Host', 'Marker'] oq.tables = ['(%s) as innerquery' % innerquery] oq.where = [ "Host != 'localhost'", "User NOT IN (" + ignored_user_names + ")"] oq.order = ['Marker'] if marker: oq.where.append("Marker %s '%s'" % (INCLUDE_MARKER_OPERATORS[include_marker], marker)) if limit: oq.limit = limit + 1 t = text(str(oq)) result = client.execute(t) next_marker = None LOG.debug("result = %s", str(result)) for count, row in enumerate(result): if limit is not None and count >= limit: break LOG.debug("user = %s", str(row)) mysql_user = models.MySQLUser(name=row['User'], host=row['Host']) mysql_user.check_reserved() self._associate_dbs(mysql_user) next_marker = row['Marker'] users.append(mysql_user.serialize()) if limit is not None and result.rowcount <= limit: next_marker = None LOG.debug("users = %s", str(users)) return users, next_marker def revoke_access(self, username, hostname, database): """Revoke a user's permission to use a given database.""" user = self._get_user(username, hostname) with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: r = sql_query.Revoke(database=database, user=user.name, host=user.host) t = text(str(r)) client.execute(t) def list_access(self, username, hostname): """Show all the databases to which the user has more than USAGE granted. """ user = self._get_user(username, hostname) return user.databases class BaseKeepAliveConnection(interfaces.PoolListener): """ A connection pool listener that ensures live connections are returned from the connection pool at checkout. This alleviates the problem of MySQL connections timing out. """ def checkout(self, dbapi_con, con_record, con_proxy): """Event triggered when a connection is checked out from the pool.""" try: try: dbapi_con.ping(False) except TypeError: dbapi_con.ping() except dbapi_con.OperationalError as ex: if ex.args[0] in (2006, 2013, 2014, 2045, 2055): raise exc.DisconnectionError() else: raise # MariaDB seems to timeout the client in a different # way than MySQL and PXC, which manifests itself as # an invalid packet sequence. Handle it as well. except pymysql_err.InternalError as ex: if "Packet sequence number wrong" in ex.message: raise exc.DisconnectionError() else: raise @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BaseMySqlApp(object): """Prepares DBaaS on a Guest container.""" TIME_OUT = 1000 CFG_CODEC = IniCodec() @property def local_sql_client(self): return self._local_sql_client @property def keep_alive_connection_cls(self): return self._keep_alive_connection_cls @property def service_candidates(self): return ["mysql", "mysqld", "mysql-server"] @property def mysql_service(self): service_candidates = self.service_candidates return operating_system.service_discovery(service_candidates) configuration_manager = ConfigurationManager( MYSQL_CONFIG, MYSQL_OWNER, MYSQL_OWNER, CFG_CODEC, requires_root=True, override_strategy=ImportOverrideStrategy(CNF_INCLUDE_DIR, CNF_EXT)) def get_engine(self): """Create the default engine with the updated admin user.""" # TODO(rnirmal):Based on permission issues being resolved we may revert # url = URL(drivername='mysql', host='localhost', # query={'read_default_file': '/etc/mysql/my.cnf'}) global ENGINE if ENGINE: return ENGINE pwd = self.get_auth_password() ENGINE = sqlalchemy.create_engine( CONNECTION_STR_FORMAT % (ADMIN_USER_NAME, urllib.parse.quote(pwd.strip())), pool_recycle=120, echo=CONF.sql_query_logging, listeners=[self.keep_alive_connection_cls()]) return ENGINE @classmethod def get_auth_password(cls): auth_config = operating_system.read_file( cls.get_client_auth_file(), codec=cls.CFG_CODEC) return auth_config['client']['password'] @classmethod def get_data_dir(cls): return cls.configuration_manager.get_value( MySQLConfParser.SERVER_CONF_SECTION).get('datadir') @classmethod def set_data_dir(cls, value): cls.configuration_manager.apply_system_override( {MySQLConfParser.SERVER_CONF_SECTION: {'datadir': value}}) @classmethod def get_client_auth_file(self): return guestagent_utils.build_file_path("~", ".my.cnf") def __init__(self, status, local_sql_client, keep_alive_connection_cls): """By default login with root no password for initial setup.""" self.state_change_wait_time = CONF.state_change_wait_time self.status = status self._local_sql_client = local_sql_client self._keep_alive_connection_cls = keep_alive_connection_cls def _create_admin_user(self, client, password): """ Create a os_admin user with a random password with all privileges similar to the root user. """ LOG.debug("Creating Trove admin user '%s'.", ADMIN_USER_NAME) localhost = "localhost" g = sql_query.Grant(permissions='ALL', user=ADMIN_USER_NAME, host=localhost, grant_option=True, clear=password) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) LOG.debug("Trove admin user '%s' created.", ADMIN_USER_NAME) @staticmethod def _generate_root_password(client): """Generate and set a random root password and forget about it.""" localhost = "localhost" uu = sql_query.SetPassword( models.MySQLUser.root_username, host=localhost, new_password=utils.generate_random_password()) t = text(str(uu)) client.execute(t) def install_if_needed(self, packages): """Prepare the guest machine with a secure mysql server installation. """ LOG.info(_("Preparing Guest as MySQL Server.")) if not packager.pkg_is_installed(packages): LOG.debug("Installing MySQL server.") self._clear_mysql_config() # set blank password on pkg configuration stage pkg_opts = {'root_password': '', 'root_password_again': ''} packager.pkg_install(packages, pkg_opts, self.TIME_OUT) self._create_mysql_confd_dir() LOG.info(_("Finished installing MySQL server.")) self.start_mysql() def secure(self, config_contents): LOG.debug("Securing MySQL now.") clear_expired_password() LOG.debug("Generating admin password.") admin_password = utils.generate_random_password() engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( CONNECTION_STR_FORMAT % ('root', ''), echo=True) with self.local_sql_client(engine, use_flush=False) as client: self._create_admin_user(client, admin_password) LOG.debug("Switching to the '%s' user now.", ADMIN_USER_NAME) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine( CONNECTION_STR_FORMAT % (ADMIN_USER_NAME, urllib.parse.quote(admin_password)), echo=True) with self.local_sql_client(engine) as client: self._remove_anonymous_user(client) self.stop_db() self._reset_configuration(config_contents, admin_password) self.start_mysql() LOG.debug("MySQL secure complete.") def _reset_configuration(self, configuration, admin_password=None): if not admin_password: # Take the current admin password from the base configuration file # if not given. admin_password = self.get_auth_password() self.configuration_manager.save_configuration(configuration) self._save_authentication_properties(admin_password) self.wipe_ib_logfiles() def _save_authentication_properties(self, admin_password): client_sect = {'client': {'user': ADMIN_USER_NAME, 'password': admin_password, 'host': ''}} operating_system.write_file(self.get_client_auth_file(), client_sect, codec=self.CFG_CODEC) def secure_root(self, secure_remote_root=True): with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: LOG.info(_("Preserving root access from restore.")) self._generate_root_password(client) if secure_remote_root: self._remove_remote_root_access(client) def _clear_mysql_config(self): """Clear old configs, which can be incompatible with new version.""" LOG.debug("Clearing old MySQL config.") random_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) configs = ["/etc/my.cnf", "/etc/mysql/conf.d", "/etc/mysql/my.cnf"] for config in configs: try: old_conf_backup = "%s_%s" % (config, random_uuid) operating_system.move(config, old_conf_backup, as_root=True) LOG.debug("%(cfg)s saved to %(saved_cfg)s_%(uuid)s.", {'cfg': config, 'saved_cfg': config, 'uuid': random_uuid}) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: pass def _create_mysql_confd_dir(self): conf_dir = "/etc/mysql/conf.d" LOG.debug("Creating %s.", conf_dir) operating_system.create_directory(conf_dir, as_root=True) def _enable_mysql_on_boot(self): LOG.debug("Enabling MySQL on boot.") try: utils.execute_with_timeout(self.mysql_service['cmd_enable'], shell=True) except KeyError: LOG.exception(_("Error enabling MySQL start on boot.")) raise RuntimeError(_("Service is not discovered.")) def _disable_mysql_on_boot(self): try: utils.execute_with_timeout(self.mysql_service['cmd_disable'], shell=True) except KeyError: LOG.exception(_("Error disabling MySQL start on boot.")) raise RuntimeError(_("Service is not discovered.")) def stop_db(self, update_db=False, do_not_start_on_reboot=False): LOG.info(_("Stopping MySQL.")) if do_not_start_on_reboot: self._disable_mysql_on_boot() try: utils.execute_with_timeout(self.mysql_service['cmd_stop'], shell=True) except KeyError: LOG.exception(_("Error stopping MySQL.")) raise RuntimeError(_("Service is not discovered.")) if not self.status.wait_for_real_status_to_change_to( rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.SHUTDOWN, self.state_change_wait_time, update_db): LOG.error(_("Could not stop MySQL.")) self.status.end_restart() raise RuntimeError(_("Could not stop MySQL!")) def _remove_anonymous_user(self, client): LOG.debug("Removing anonymous user.") t = text(sql_query.REMOVE_ANON) client.execute(t) LOG.debug("Anonymous user removed.") def _remove_remote_root_access(self, client): LOG.debug("Removing root access.") t = text(sql_query.REMOVE_ROOT) client.execute(t) LOG.debug("Root access removed.") def restart(self): try: self.status.begin_restart() self.stop_db() self.start_mysql() finally: self.status.end_restart() def update_overrides(self, overrides): self._apply_user_overrides(overrides) def _apply_user_overrides(self, overrides): # All user-defined values go to the server section of the configuration # file. if overrides: self.configuration_manager.apply_user_override( {MySQLConfParser.SERVER_CONF_SECTION: overrides}) def apply_overrides(self, overrides): LOG.debug("Applying overrides to MySQL.") with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: LOG.debug("Updating override values in running MySQL.") for k, v in overrides.items(): byte_value = guestagent_utils.to_bytes(v) q = sql_query.SetServerVariable(key=k, value=byte_value) t = text(str(q)) try: client.execute(t) except exc.OperationalError: output = {'key': k, 'value': byte_value} LOG.exception(_("Unable to set %(key)s with value " "%(value)s."), output) def make_read_only(self, read_only): with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: q = "set global read_only = %s" % read_only client.execute(text(str(q))) def wipe_ib_logfiles(self): """Destroys the iblogfiles. If for some reason the selected log size in the conf changes from the current size of the files MySQL will fail to start, so we delete the files to be safe. """ LOG.info(_("Wiping ib_logfiles.")) for index in range(2): try: # On restarts, sometimes these are wiped. So it can be a race # to have MySQL start up before it's restarted and these have # to be deleted. That's why its ok if they aren't found and # that is why we use the "force" option to "remove". operating_system.remove("%s/ib_logfile%d" % (self.get_data_dir(), index), force=True, as_root=True) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("Could not delete logfile.")) raise def remove_overrides(self): self.configuration_manager.remove_user_override() def _remove_replication_overrides(self, cnf_file): LOG.info(_("Removing replication configuration file.")) if os.path.exists(cnf_file): operating_system.remove(cnf_file, as_root=True) def exists_replication_source_overrides(self): return self.configuration_manager.has_system_override(CNF_MASTER) def write_replication_source_overrides(self, overrideValues): self.configuration_manager.apply_system_override(overrideValues, CNF_MASTER) def write_replication_replica_overrides(self, overrideValues): self.configuration_manager.apply_system_override(overrideValues, CNF_SLAVE) def remove_replication_source_overrides(self): self.configuration_manager.remove_system_override(CNF_MASTER) def remove_replication_replica_overrides(self): self.configuration_manager.remove_system_override(CNF_SLAVE) def grant_replication_privilege(self, replication_user): LOG.info(_("Granting Replication Slave privilege.")) LOG.debug("grant_replication_privilege: %s", replication_user) with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: g = sql_query.Grant(permissions=['REPLICATION SLAVE'], user=replication_user['name'], clear=replication_user['password']) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) def get_port(self): with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: result = client.execute('SELECT @@port').first() return result[0] def get_binlog_position(self): with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: result = client.execute('SHOW MASTER STATUS').first() binlog_position = { 'log_file': result['File'], 'position': result['Position'] } return binlog_position def execute_on_client(self, sql_statement): LOG.debug("Executing SQL: %s", sql_statement) with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: return client.execute(sql_statement) def start_slave(self): LOG.info(_("Starting slave replication.")) with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: client.execute('START SLAVE') self._wait_for_slave_status("ON", client, 60) def stop_slave(self, for_failover): replication_user = None LOG.info(_("Stopping slave replication.")) with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: result = client.execute('SHOW SLAVE STATUS') replication_user = result.first()['Master_User'] client.execute('STOP SLAVE') client.execute('RESET SLAVE ALL') self._wait_for_slave_status("OFF", client, 30) if not for_failover: client.execute('DROP USER ' + replication_user) return { 'replication_user': replication_user } def stop_master(self): LOG.info(_("Stopping replication master.")) with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: client.execute('RESET MASTER') def _wait_for_slave_status(self, status, client, max_time): def verify_slave_status(): actual_status = client.execute( "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS like 'slave_running'").first()[1] return actual_status.upper() == status.upper() LOG.debug("Waiting for SLAVE_RUNNING to change to %s.", status) try: utils.poll_until(verify_slave_status, sleep_time=3, time_out=max_time) LOG.info(_("Replication is now %s."), status.lower()) except PollTimeOut: raise RuntimeError( _("Replication is not %(status)s after %(max)d seconds.") % { 'status': status.lower(), 'max': max_time}) def start_mysql(self, update_db=False, disable_on_boot=False, timeout=120): LOG.info(_("Starting MySQL.")) # This is the site of all the trouble in the restart tests. # Essentially what happens is that mysql start fails, but does not # die. It is then impossible to kill the original, so if disable_on_boot: self._disable_mysql_on_boot() else: self._enable_mysql_on_boot() try: utils.execute_with_timeout(self.mysql_service['cmd_start'], shell=True, timeout=timeout) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError(_("Service is not discovered.")) except exception.ProcessExecutionError: # it seems mysql (percona, at least) might come back with [Fail] # but actually come up ok. we're looking into the timing issue on # parallel, but for now, we'd like to give it one more chance to # come up. so regardless of the execute_with_timeout() response, # we'll assume mysql comes up and check its status for a while. pass if not self.status.wait_for_real_status_to_change_to( rd_instance.ServiceStatuses.RUNNING, self.state_change_wait_time, update_db): LOG.error(_("Start up of MySQL failed.")) # If it won't start, but won't die either, kill it by hand so we # don't let a rouge process wander around. try: utils.execute_with_timeout("sudo", "pkill", "-9", "mysql") except exception.ProcessExecutionError: LOG.exception(_("Error killing stalled MySQL start command.")) # There's nothing more we can do... self.status.end_restart() raise RuntimeError(_("Could not start MySQL!")) def start_db_with_conf_changes(self, config_contents): LOG.info(_("Starting MySQL with conf changes.")) LOG.debug("Inside the guest - Status is_running = (%s).", self.status.is_running) if self.status.is_running: LOG.error(_("Cannot execute start_db_with_conf_changes because " "MySQL state == %s."), self.status) raise RuntimeError(_("MySQL not stopped.")) LOG.info(_("Resetting configuration.")) self._reset_configuration(config_contents) self.start_mysql(True) def reset_configuration(self, configuration): config_contents = configuration['config_contents'] LOG.info(_("Resetting configuration.")) self._reset_configuration(config_contents) def reset_admin_password(self, admin_password): """Replace the password in the my.cnf file.""" # grant the new admin password with self.local_sql_client(self.get_engine()) as client: self._create_admin_user(client, admin_password) # reset the ENGINE because the password could have changed global ENGINE ENGINE = None self._save_authentication_properties(admin_password) class BaseMySqlRootAccess(object): def __init__(self, local_sql_client, mysql_app): self._local_sql_client = local_sql_client self._mysql_app = mysql_app @property def mysql_app(self): return self._mysql_app @property def local_sql_client(self): return self._local_sql_client def is_root_enabled(self): """Return True if root access is enabled; False otherwise.""" with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: t = text(sql_query.ROOT_ENABLED) result = client.execute(t) LOG.debug("Found %s with remote root access.", result.rowcount) return result.rowcount != 0 def enable_root(self, root_password=None): """Enable the root user global access and/or reset the root password. """ user = models.MySQLUser.root(password=root_password) with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: try: cu = sql_query.CreateUser(user.name, host=user.host) t = text(str(cu)) client.execute(t, **cu.keyArgs) except (exc.OperationalError, exc.InternalError) as err: # Ignore, user is already created, just reset the password # TODO(rnirmal): More fine grained error checking later on LOG.debug(err) with self.local_sql_client(self.mysql_app.get_engine()) as client: uu = sql_query.SetPassword(user.name, host=user.host, new_password=user.password) t = text(str(uu)) client.execute(t) LOG.debug("CONF.root_grant: %(grant)s CONF.root_grant_option: " "%(grant_option)s.", {'grant': CONF.root_grant, 'grant_option': CONF.root_grant_option}) g = sql_query.Grant(permissions=CONF.root_grant, user=user.name, host=user.host, grant_option=CONF.root_grant_option, clear=user.password) t = text(str(g)) client.execute(t) return user.serialize() def disable_root(self): """Reset the root password to an unknown value. """ self.enable_root(root_password=None)